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First name Dorothy, middle name Alice. 25. She/her. Butch dyke. Marxist. Folk music, history, politics, writing. Twitter: reddorothy. Ask for my Venmo
Years ago, I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind then that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it; while there is a criminal element, I am of it; while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.
Eugene Debs


I hate the whole “don’t speak ill of the dead” shit because people act like dying is a rare tribulation that only some people go through. Everyone dies! Death is an inevitability! Does that mean that every evil human being in history, no matter how vile, is redeemed through death? Is it “mean” to say I’m glad a fascist responsible for the death of millions ended up as a stain on the wall of his bunker? Is it “nasty” to say I hope a certain individual dies gasping for air the same way several thousand other people did due to his actions?

? xenosagaepisodeone:
?I love this vtuber because hes just a guy. there are no gimmicks or anime charm points to this persona, hes just your coworker that leaves work on time and streams on his off days. im convinced were...



I love this vtuber because he’s just a guy. there are no gimmicks or anime charm points to this persona, he’s just your coworker that leaves work on time and streams on his off days. i’m convinced were soulmates.

They’re literally just making up guys

?🌺👁👁🌻 beach babe


🌺👁👁🌻 beach babe

?Vegeta from the Dragon Ball series is a Maoist!


Vegeta from the Dragon Ball series is a Maoist!

?G.G. ?Goofy? Goof is a Jucheist and supports the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea!


G.G. “Goofy” Goof is a Jucheist and supports the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea!


Tomorrow’s headline: talks resume!


Worker’s rights save lives

On a state level (plus DC), there’s strong evidence for a meaningful correlation between a lower total number of COVID-19 cases per capita and stronger worker’s rights, as measured by two two different metrics: 2019 BLS data for % of workers who are union members, and Oxfam America’s 2018 Best States to Work Index. There’s a number of different potential causal mechanisms here that seem pretty obvious as well, I’m sure someone will do a proper analysis once COVID-19 dies out and the data stops changing every day.


Every time I’m high I turn into all of these ladies simultaneously



My art for butch appreciation day! A few things I appreciate about being butch 🧡 @dykedotjpeg


minecraft be like:



love how this is phrased

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