Raymond Nat Turner, BAR poet-in-residence
11 Nov 2020
Son, it look lak Unca Jim say, “Las’ time I chek I’se de whip— an’ got no time fo’ young Negroz wit all dey Blak Life lip…”
 Bree Newsome Bass
11 Nov 2020
The idea that we can resolve racism by integrating a fundamentally anti-Black institution is the most absurd notion of all.
Alex Zambito
11 Nov 2020
The Bureau’s COINTELPRO deployed every trick and crime in the book to crush left dissidents, from disruption to assassination. 
Jason Choudhry, BAR Comments Editor
11 Nov 2020
This week the presidential election and the legacy of Paul Robeson were on your minds.
Roberto Sirvent, BAR Book Forum Editor
11 Nov 2020
Politicians ignore at their peril the power of popular culture and its people-moving practitioners.
Roberto Sirvent, BAR Book Forum Editor
11 Nov 2020
Facial masks and Black Lives Matter murals are part of the ever-changing panorama that shapes our perceptions of hierarchy, just as tall buildings
Black Agenda Radio with Margaret Kimberley and Glen Ford
10 Nov 2020
“Socialism is communalism in the modern form,” said activist and University of Illinois doctoral candidate Shay Akil McLean, citin
Black Agenda Radio with Margaret Kimberley and Glen Ford
10 Nov 2020
“The Democratic Party has used the language of law and order as much as the Republicans,” said Justin Lang, a doctoral candidate a
Black Agenda Radio with Margaret Kimberley and Glen Ford
10 Nov 2020
The contest between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was about how best to preserve whiteness, said Dr Johnny Williams, professor of Soc
Bashir Muhammad Akinyele
11 Nov 2020
We as Black people must keep pushing, organizing, and demanding a Black agenda centered on reparations.
Morning Star Gali
11 Nov 2020
For 350 years, California has imprisoned and disenfranchised its Native peoples like few other places.
Popular Resistance
11 Nov 2020
We need to continue building power from the bottom up through organizing, political education and community assemblies.