Climate change | Climate Change & Global warming News | The Sydney Morning Herald


Climate change

Australia suddenly isolated in the new global climate
Joe Biden

Australia suddenly isolated in the new global climate

Four years of Trump’s climate denialism has given Australia ample cover for its own climate inaction.

  • by Steven Hamilton


Australia the outlier in Biden's brave new zero-emissions world
Global warming

Australia the outlier in Biden's brave new zero-emissions world

Australia will be left behind as its allies take steps towards a greener, emissions-free future, led by the newly elected President.

  • by Bob Carr
Like water for electricity, we can go with the flow for cleaner energy

Like water for electricity, we can go with the flow for cleaner energy

The solutions for a 100 per cent renewable economy are under our noses.

  • by Elizabeth Farrelly
Australian doctors accuse government of failing on climate change
Climate policy

Australian doctors accuse government of failing on climate change

A group of Australian doctors have accused Energy Minister Angus Taylor of harming Australians' health by not taking enough action on climate change.

  • by Nick O'Malley
How Joe Biden and a global pandemic might overturn climate politics
US election

How Joe Biden and a global pandemic might overturn climate politics

Many reforms Biden proposes are not centred on climate change but on associated jobs, infrastructure and innovation support needed to confront the crisis.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Net-zero emissions drive puts Australian industry on notice

Net-zero emissions drive puts Australian industry on notice

Australia can seize the opportunity or be left behind.

  • by Llewelyn Hughes
Australians have spoken on climate, so there's no excuse to look backwards
Climate policy

Australians have spoken on climate, so there's no excuse to look backwards

The NSW Energy and Environment Minister calls on Australia's governments to deliver the transition to a low-carbon economy that the vast majority of citizens want, according to new research.

  • by Matt Kean
Australians massively overestimate role of oil and gas in economy
Climate policy

Australians massively overestimate role of oil and gas in economy

Despite the impact of COVID-19, concern about climate change remains intense among Australians, who also overestimate the economic contribution of fossil fuels.

  • by Nick O'Malley
Australia's first offshore wind farm promises jobs boom

Australia's first offshore wind farm promises jobs boom

Australia's first offshore wind farm would create thousands of jobs but its impact on sea and bird life is still being examined.

  • by Miki Perkins and Benjamin Preiss
While the world races to net-zero carbon, Australia is a non-starter
Paris Agreement

While the world races to net-zero carbon, Australia is a non-starter

The net-zero goal is more than political sloganeering. It is a vital tool to reduce emissions that the Australian government is rejecting at a critical time.

  • by Nick O'Malley
The world's leading energy adviser has turned a shade green

The world's leading energy adviser has turned a shade green

This year, for the first time, the International Energy Agency has indicated how the daily habits of the world's population might help fight climate change.

  • by Nick O'Malley