
International Week Against Unpaid Wages supported by unions in 14 countries

During the third week of October (12th-18th) the first International Week Against Unpaid Wages took place. It was established by the International Workers’ Association (IWA/AIT) to highlight the phenomenon of unpaid wages and how we can fight it in the anarchosyndicalist manner. During the Week the unions of the IWA informed about the topic in countries they are active and reminded their older or actual conflicts related to the issue. Here is the summary of all activities from 14 countries and our evaluation of the Week.

Three Years of Revenge (A Chronicle of the Network Case)

The Network Case […] has been going on for exactly three years. Today, we can say that the case has come to an end: an appeals court has upheld the convictions of all the defendants [in the Penza portion of the case, not the Petersburg portion], who face six to eighteen years in prison. In the coming days and weeks, they will be transported to penal colonies to serve their sentences.

Hospital Workers Fight Covid

This video shows a protest of health workers of the privatized Highland Hospital in Alameda County / California on October 7, 2020.
Video by laborvideo

Emergency Aid Payment and social struggles in Brazil

This is an interview with the Invisíveis comrades that along with beneficiary of the handouts and social movements who are against the reduction of the value of the Emergency Aid[1].

Press release France: Murder of a teacher by an islamic fundamentalist

FRANCE : A teacher died, again.
Press release

Anti-war Statement of Azerbaijani Leftist Youth

Statement by signatories of a group of left wing Azerirbaijani youths denouncing the current conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the system of nations, xenophobia and capitalism that have allowed it to happen.

The Truth about “The Truth about Today’s Anarchists”

A response to a New York Times article that repeated conspiracy theories about anarchists manipulating the Black Lives Matter movement. This article was originally published by Crimethinc.

Book Review: Unflattering Photos of Fascists-Authoritarianism in Trump’s America

A review of a book about the contemporary extreme-Right in the USA.

Class War 11/2020: Capitalism Kills

CLASS WAR's new bulleytin:
Class struggle in times of Plague Inc.
Weeks and Months that Shook the World
“War against the virus” is the continuation of the permanent war waged against us

Book Review: ‘For Workers’ Power’

A review of a selection of writings by Maurice Brinton.