Posts Tagged ‘Social Insurrection’
International Call for Solidarity to the Four Arrested Anarchist Comrades in Belarus
Wednesday, November 4th, 2020
What’s happened?
On October 22 in Soligorsk (Belarus) administrative building of State committee of forensic examination was attacked and cars were set on fire at the parking lot of Soligorsk district prosecutor’s office. On the night of October 28 the building of traffic police department of Mozyr district police department was set on fire. Soon a group of anarchists-revolutionaries: Ihar Alinevich, Dmitry Dubovsky, Dmitry Rezanovich and Sergey Romanov were detained by a mobile group of Mozyr border detachment near the Ukrainian border in Zabozye village of Yelsky raion (Belarus). The detainees are currently held in a KGB remand prison in Minsk. They were charged under part 3 of article 289 of the Criminal Code (act of terrorism committed by an organized group).
Anarchist Revolutionaries
Each of the detainees had been an opponent of the fascist state for many years and had regularly experienced its repressions. (more…)
Tags: Belarus, Dzmitry Dubouski, Dzmitry Rezanovich, Ihar Alinevich, Ihar Alinievich, International Solidarity, Repression, Sergei Romanov, Sergey Romanov, Siarhei Ramanau, Social Insurrection, Soligorsk
Posted in Social Control
Chile: The Triumph of Democracy and its False Critics
Sunday, November 1st, 2020
ES | El Triunfo de la Democracia y Lxs Falsxs Criticxs
While thousands of Chileans celebrate the electoral triumph which will lead to the change of the Constitution, we are still on the warpath against all forms of power.
Today, the Chilean state, political parties and the official press celebrate with their citizens the nauseating triumph of democracy, the institutional path and of the civic and republican culture, as if it were the triumph of winning the world football championship.
How will the “rebels”, who have become proud voters today, come to terms with this contradiction? We do not know.
What we do know is that those who only yesterday denounced the “brutality” of the repression, today were kindly received in polling stations guarded by the police and the military.
What we also know, is that today the so idealized inhabitants of working-class neighborhoods dance and sing, drunk on democracy, on the streets stained with the fresh blood spilled of Anibal Villarroel, murdered by police bullets three days ago. (more…)
Tags: Analysis, Chile, Constitution, Repression, Santiago, Social Insurrection
Posted in Autonomy
Anonymous revindication for numerous incendiary actions during the Jakarta uprising (Indonesia)
Friday, October 30th, 2020
“Forward everyone! And with arms and heart, word and pen, dagger and gun, irony and curse, theft, poisoning and arson, let’s make… war on society!” -Dejaque.
We claim the bus station destruction, BCA Bank Destruction, Roxy mall looting, burning of car and police posts and the burning of the luxury car during the Jakarta insurrection. It’s not just about our refusal of the Omnibus law, it’s also an accumulation of numbness, and anger against the imbalance that is produced by the dominant system nowadays. This direct action is not only a sort of confrontation against the ruling class, but this is also a solidarity to the street combatants. We’re sure that peaceful protest doesn’t give us anything and every state is an oppressor.
Solidarity to all combatants and anti-authoritarian prisoners around the world. Solidarity to all anarchist comrades in Belarus, Malaysia, Chile, Greece, Hong Kong, Rojava, and every autonomous liberationist in the world.
Solidarity to all combatants that were captured in October 8, there is no verdict until freedom.
We want to see the world burn, dancing around all the burning cities as they turn into dust. Because we are holding a new world in our hearts.
We are no one, but we are angry!
–Anonymous, Jakarta, Indonesia
Komunike Aksi Jakarta
“Melangkahlah kalian semua! Bersama dengan senjata senjata dan hati, kata dan pena, pisau belati dan senapan, ironi dan kutukan, pencurian, meracuni dan pembakaran rumah, mari wujudkan, perang di tengah masyarakat” -Dejaque
Kami menyatakan bahwa pembakaran halte di beberapa titik aksi, penghancuran Bank BCA, penjarahan Mall Roxy, pembakaran pos dan mobil polisi, serta pembakaran mobil mewah saat aksi di Jakarta pada tanggal 8 Oktober. Dan ini bukan hanya menyoal penolakan terhadap Omnibus Law, melainkan akumulasi kemuakan dan kemarahan atas segala bentuk ketimpangan yang diproduksi oleh sistem dominan hari ini. Aksi ini juga tidak terbatas sebagai konfrontasi terhadap penguasa, namun juga solidaritas untuk setiap kombatan di jalanan. Kami menyakini bahwa aksi damai tak menghasilkan apapun dan setiap produk negara adalah bentuk penindasan.
Solidaritas untuk semua kombatan di jalanan dan seluruh tahanan anti-otoritarian di seluruh dunia. Soidaritas kepada kaum anarkis di Belarusia, Malaysia, Chile, Yunani, Hongkong, Rojava, dan seluruh upaya upaya pembebasan— demi terbentuk daerah otonom.
Solidaritas untuk kombatan yang tertangkap di tanggal 8 Oktober di setiap titik penghancuran, tak ada vonis yang pantas kecuali vonis bebas.
Kami ingin melihat dunia terbakar, menari bersama menyaksikan kota menjadi puing dan debu. Karena kami menggenggam dunia baru di hati kami.
Kami bukanlah siapa siapa, kami hanya ingin menegaskan bahwa kami marah!
-Anonymous. Jakarta, Indonesia.
Tags: Arson, Indonesia, Jakarta, Riots, Sabotage, Social Insurrection
Posted in Direct Action
(Chile) El Triunfo de la Democracia y Lxs Falsxs Criticxs
Friday, October 30th, 2020
EN | The Triumph of Democracy and its False Critics
Mientras miles de chilenxs celebran el triunfo electoral para cambiar la Constitución, nosotrxs seguimos en pie de guerra contra toda forma de poder.
Hoy el Estado chileno, los partidos políticos y la prensa oficial celebran junto a la ciudanía el nauseabundo triunfo de la democracia, de la vía institucional y de la cultura cívica y republicana, como si del triunfo de un campeonato mundial de fútbol se tratase.
¿Cómo sostendran lxs “revoltosxs”, hoy devenidxs en orgullosxs votantes, esta contradicción? No lo sabemos.
Lo que sí sabemos es que lxs que ayer denunciaban la “brutalidad” de la represión, hoy fueron amablemente recibidxs en las urnas escoltadas por policías y militares.
Lo que también sabemos es que sobre la sangre fresca del pavimento que vio caer asesinado por balas policiales hace tan solo tres días al joven Anibal Villarroel, hoy lxs tan idealizadxs pobladorxs bailan y cantan ebrixs de democracia. (more…)
Tags: Analysis, Chile, Constitution, Repression, Santiago, Social Insurrection
Posted in Anti-Fascist
Thursday, October 29th, 2020
…cuando se buscan alianzas se termina por modificar los objetivos en aras de la justificación política de la lucha: un «futuro mejor». Sin reparar que la fe en el futuro es esencial para perpetuar la dominación. Vivir siempre en futuro es precisamente el método tradicional para no vivir aquí y ahora, apartándose para siempre del conflicto permanente implícito en el concurso de la guerra anárquica… En el fondo, detrás de ese posicionamiento, se albergan las desfasadas aspiraciones instituyentes. Fieles al eco de los cantos de sirenas, intuimos en ellos coplas de elogio a la libertad –que siempre retumban en los albores de toda Revolución–, ignorando que en realidad son himnos de alabanza al nuevo Poder constituyente. Después, vendrán las ingenuas elucidaciones en busca de motivaciones y causas de “las desviaciones”, de las “traiciones” y se repetirá hasta el cansancio la vieja historia de la “revolución traicionada”, en vez de vislumbrar que la Revolución jamás ha estado (ni estará) del lado de la libertad sino al servicio del Poder porque toda revolución es intrínsecamente instituyente…
Gustavo Rodríguez. “Carta a un(a) chileno(a) sobre la situación actual.” Noviembre 2019.
Miles de personas volvieron a salir a las calles después de un año de parálisis por las medidas sanitarias impuestas por el gobierno de Piñera, para “conmemorar” el primer aniversario de las protestas populares que sacudieron la región chilena en octubre del año pasado.
Hoy, en un contexto de revuelta popular, los partidos izquierdistas y la peste vanguardista, están apuntando como siempre al control de las masas con la estrategia de la “lucha” multiforme. Con el lema “¡Chile despertó!”, los rojxs aplican el peticionismo coyuntural y fuerzan a la servidumbre voluntaria a votar por el “Apruebo”, de la misma manera que la derecha criminal fuerza a votar por el “Rechazo”.
Esa ha sido la tarea de Daniel Jadue, Camila Vallejo y lxs demás pacxs rojxs, sofocando la insurrección con las limitantes reformistas que tratan de imponer una nueva Constitución, fortaleciendo al sistema de dominación.
Así, quisieron imponer una manifestación pacífica “con alegría, sabiduría y unidad en cada rincón del país” que indujera a millones de chilenxs a votar “Apruebo” el próximo 25 de octubre, cooptando la revuelta
Pero al caer la tarde, la acción anárquica y el ataque nihilista revitalizaron su potencia atacando todas las formas de poder, expropiando y vandalizando comercios, quemando iglesias y atacando comisarias. Más de 40 mil carabineros no pudieron contener la insurrección anárquica.
Nuestra guerra a penas comienza: atacaremos el poder aquí y ahora, sea derechista, centrista o izquierdista.
Por la insurrección permanente y el desarrollo de la informalidad insurreccional anárquica.
Por la liberación total.
Libertad Mónica y Francisco y todxs lxs anarquistas presxs en el mundo.
Fuerza compañero Gabriel Pombo DaSilva.
Desde aquí saludamos el rebrote de la CCF en Indonesia.
Que se extienda el fuego
Viva la anarquía.
Tags: Chile, International Solidarity, Santiago, Social Insurrection
Posted in Autonomy
Thursday, October 29th, 2020
La propagacion de la acción anarquica insurrecional, a modo de propuesta teorica y práctica de liberación sin lideres, jefes ni dirigentes, se ha propagado en Chile y el mundo como una praxis de acción ofensiva contra el estado y como forma de resistencia y ataque contra toda forma de autoridad.
En Chile, con el paso de los años, la tendencia anárquica insurreccional evidencia un planteamiento anárquico siempre en continuo avance. Previo a la revuelta masiva iniciada el 18 de octubre, en las calles existía ya una atmosfera de lucha: grupos minoritarios de acción, manifestaciones y jornadas de protesta que daban cuenta de un escenario siempre fértil para enfrentamientos y ataques a la dominación y los simbolos del capital.
Así, a lo largo de las décadas recientes se ha forjado una continuadad insurreccional desde diversas individualidades y grupos que apuestan por la lucha confrontacional, siempre desmarcándose de partidos y plataformas, avanzando sin tregua por la liberacion total, sin tranzar ni pactar con el poder y marcando una abierta distancia con el peticionismo conyuntural que siempre termina por ser sofocado cuando la protesta tiene limitantes reformistas que solo fortalecen la existencia del estado. (more…)
Tags: Chile, International Solidarity, Santiago, Social Insurrection
Posted in Autonomy
UK: Solidarity Apothecary fundraiser for Belarus ABC
Wednesday, October 14th, 2020
The Solidarity Apothecary is screenprinting tshirts to help raise funds to send to Anarchist Black Cross Belarus.
You can buy one here:
People in Belarus are no stranger to state violence or repression living under a Dictatorship. However, as people have taken to the streets to protest, thousands are experiencing state violence at an unprecedented scale. In the first three days of the uprising in August, more than 5000 were detained by police. Many are experiencing beatings, torture, rape and sexual assault. One person was murdered. Despite the repression, people continue to fight on the streets.
Income from this t-shirt will go towards defendant support, meeting people from jails, legal costs and other anti-repression work. Solidarity is the peoples’ self defence!
Please note this is a pre-order. An order will be placed with the printer on the 3rd of October and may take longer than usual to screenprint due to covid-19 restrictions. Thank you for your patience!
To learn more about the situation in Belarus check out:
ABC Belarus –
Belarus: Anarchists in the uprising against the Dictatorship –
Pramen (for translated news) –
Tags: ABC Belarus, Belarus, International Solidarity, Police Brutality, Repression, Social Insurrection, Solidarity Apothecary, Torture, UK
Posted in Prison Struggle
‘Who are the passionate communards of our time working for?’ – Gustavo Rodriguez
Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
“I will be a worker: such is the idea that holds me back, when crazy anger pushes me towards the battle of Paris – where, nevertheless, so many workers continue to die while I write to you! Work now, never again.”i
Since 1871 – the year in which the “cursed poet” wrote this missive – it was not necessary to be a “seer” to see the obvious: the masses of workers fighting on the barricades of Paris were still working. That “wildcat strike” in the face of the authority of Versailles was in turn a new labour that produced new obligations and condemned them to perpetuate work in saecula saeculorum. Such a deep reflection, from the middle of a necromantic trance, probably incited Rimbaud to question himself: for whom were the passionate communards working for? He prophesied a system of domination based on direct democracy as the axis of political-social management, which ensured the permanence of authority and the continuity of work.
That is why he furiously rejected (never again!) the process of human alienation, aware that total liberation “consists in reaching the unknown”ii; the only way to escape from the cultural market in which he was forced to sell his “merchandise”. Perhaps that is why, for Bakunin – with his subversive spirit and his lustful irreverence – those seventy-something days of generalised insurrection were a never-ending party and not an exhausting day of social construction; the same as for the brave pétroleuses who enjoyed the fleeting moments of spring 1871 as an orgasmic apotheosis of fire and sedition. For Engels, that event was the “most vivid example of the dictatorship of the proletariat”, and it gave a glimpse of the future usefulness of the working masses. (more…)
Tags: Analysis, Economic Crisis, Gustavo Rodriguez, Social Insurrection
Posted in Autonomy
‘¿Para quién trabajaban los apasionados communards de nuestros días?’ – Gustavo Rodriguez
Saturday, October 3rd, 2020
«Seré un trabajador: tal es la idea que me frena, cuando las cóleras locas me empujan hacia la batalla de París —¡donde, no obstante, tantos trabajadores siguen muriendo mientras yo le escribo a usted! Trabajar ahora, eso nunca jamás.»i
Desde 1871 –año en que el «poeta maldito» escribiera esta misiva–, no era necesario ser “vidente” para ver lo evidente: las masas de trabajadores que combatían en las barricadas de París seguían trabajando. Aquella «huelga salvaje» frente a la autoridad de Versalles, era a su vez, un nuevo trabajo que producía nuevas obligaciones y les condenaba a perpetuar el trabajo in saecula saeculorum. Tan profunda reflexión, en pleno trance nigromante, probablemente incitó a Rimbaud a cuestionarse: ¿para quién trabajaban los apasionados communards? profetizando un sistema de dominación fundamentado en la democracia directa como eje de gestión político-social, que aseguraba la permanencia de la autoridad y la continuidad del trabajo.
Por eso su furibundo rechazo (¡nunca jamás!) al proceso de alienación humana, consciente que la liberación total «consiste en alcanzar lo desconocido»ii; única vía de escape del mercado cultural al que estaba forzado a vender su «mercancía». Quizá por ello, para Bakunin –con su espíritu subversivo y su lujuriosa irreverencia– aquellos setenta y tantos días de insurrección generalizada fueron una fiesta interminable y no una agotadora jornada de construcción social; al igual que para las aguerridas pétroleuses que gozaron los fugaces instantes de la primavera de 1871 como una orgásmica apoteosis de fuego y sedición. Mientras que para Engels, aquél acontecimiento expresó el «más vivo ejemplo de la dictadura del proletariado», vislumbrando la futura utilidad de la masa trabajadora. (more…)
Tags: Analysis, Economic Crisis, Gustavo Rodriguez, Social Insurrection
Posted in Autonomy
‘The Rebellions of Misery’ by Gustavo Rodriguez
Thursday, September 24th, 2020
The rebellions of misery
“All control systems are based on the punishment/award binomial. When punishments are disproportionate to rewards and when employers no longer have any rewards left, uprisings occur.”
In the second decade of this century, urban revolts are becoming more frequent throughout the global geography, with subtle variations in duration and intensity. Hong Kong, France, Algeria, Iraq, Haiti, Lebanon, Catalonia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Sudan, Chile, Belarus, and now the United States of America, have been the sites of massive protests widely reported in the means of mass domestication. As I have pointed out on other occasions, these demonstrations have very particular motivations that explain them; however, it is indisputable that they all possess an intangible link that serves as a common denominator of most of these mobilizations: the weariness and rage of despair.
Far from the leftist rhetoric that insists against all evidence that “as long as there is misery there will be rebellion”, what has really motivated the recent rebellions has not been “misery” but the conjunction of weariness and despair. These two factors – which drive the nostalgia for the “devil you know” and yearn for the return to the welfare state, to industrial capitalism and to the society of labour – are the causes of the widespread unrest that has led to the global revolt of our days.
It is increasingly axiomatic that “misery” only produces “misery”. That is to say, servitude, begging and even the loss of all dignity. As the proverb goes, “hunger is a bad counsellor”. She is the mother of all those specimens that hang a sign around their neck that says “I will do any work” (even for the SS, as George Steiner reminds us). Therefore, instead of creating rebels and refusers, misery breeds disease, malnutrition, mortality, fear, sexual exploitation, corruption, soldiers, police, informants and voters: human misery. (more…)
Tags: Analysis, Argentina, Germany, Gustavo Rodriguez, Repression, Riots, Russia, Social Insurrection
Posted in Anti-Fascist
Chile: A 1 año de la revuelta ¡todxs a la calle!
Thursday, September 24th, 2020
A todes/a/o.
La lucha subversiva autónoma contra el capital, el estado y todos sus órganos, continúa. Han sido años de conflicto y violencia política con distintos niveles de intensidad, marcando un precedente con la revuelta que inició en octubre de 2019.
Actualmente en tiempos de pandemia la lucha sigue viva, sigue la organización, siguen activándose grupos y sigue habiendo acciones múltiples con los autocuidados que amerita la situación -pero es inevitable- queremos ver arder nuevamente la ciudad, sus símbolos y queremos seguir atacando con fuerza a lxs bastardxs que defienden con sus armas a lxs ricxs y poderosxs de este país, queda mucho por cobrarles a lxs pacxs, milicxs, ratis, gendarmes, etc.
Sabemos que la lucha es cotidiana y que cualquier día es propicio para la acción, pero aquellas fechas que han quedado marcadas en las conciencias de todxs son también instancias para seguir practicando lo curtido.
Por eso es importante que conspires, que te organices y salgas a la calle con tus afines, tus vecinxs, en tu barrio, en la pobla, en el centro de la ciudad, cuidándote y cuidando a lxs tuyxs, siempre atentx, sal a la calle con todo lo que puedas y quieras este 18 de octubre a 1 año de la revuelta en el territorio chileno.
Por todxs lxs muertxs, desaparecidxs, mutiladxs, violadxs
Por lxs compañerxs en prisión de ayer y hoy que resisten dignamente
Por una vida distinta y mejor
Sal y prende la calle
Mientras exista miseria habrá rebelión
Tags: Chile, Flyposter, International Solidarity, Riots, Santiago, Social Insurrection
Posted in Autonomy
Weapons and Ethics
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020
The ethical question is not about weapons, but about which ones.
by Adrian Wohlleben
There is no such thing as a peaceful insurrection. This is America; there is no imaginable scenario in which social conflicts will continue and people will not be armed, on all sides. Whether weapons are necessary is an open question, but in any case, they are inevitable. However, as friends noted some time ago, there is an important distinction to be made between “being armed and the use of arms”. If guns are an inevitable feature of any American insurrection, it is a question of doing everything possible to make their use unnecessary.
For participants and observers of this summer’s uprisings, the clashes in Kenosha following Jacob Blake’s shooting have dragged the question of armed violence to the forefront of debates. Does the presence of guns on ‘our side’ offer any sense of relief from danger? Do they make anything possible that isn’t otherwise? Can we imagine them being used in a way that would open the situation up, and made people feel more powerful?
In his “Critique of Violence” (1921), penned in the immediate aftermath of a defeated communist insurrection in Germany, Walter Benjamin attempts to bypass sterile oppositions between violence and ‘nonviolence’, legitimate and illegitimate force, instead directing our attention to the more decisive difference between modes and manners of violence. By suspending the question of the ‘aims’ or goals of violence—which, on Benjamin’s view, quickly devolves into myth and metaphysics—and instead differentiating between its means and uses, we shift the problem from an instrumental or technical register to an ethical one. Instead of asking, “for the sake of what end does this act occur?”, we should ask, What is this act like from the inside? What does it do to us, and those around us? How does it activate, or deactivate, our capacity to fully participate in existence? In this way, Benjamin is able to reframe the problem of revolutionary violence: its difference from state violence resides not in the ‘tasks’ or agenda it claims to serve, but first and foremost in the relation to the world, to oneself, and to others that it engenders. (more…)
Tags: Analysis, Ill Will Editions, Kenosha, Racism, Riots, Social Insurrection, USA
Posted in Autonomy
‘Las rebeliones de la miseria’ de Gustavo Rodriguez
Tuesday, September 22nd, 2020
Las rebeliones de la miseria
«Todos los sistemas de control se basan en el binomio castigo-premio. Cuando los castigos son desproporcionados a los premios y cuando a los patrones ya no les quedan premios, se producen las sublevaciones.»i
En esta segunda década del siglo cada vez son más frecuentes las revueltas urbanas a lo largo y ancho de la geografía global, con sutiles variaciones en cuanto a su duración e intensidad. Hong Kong, Francia, Argelia, Irak, Haití, Líbano, Cataluña, Ecuador, Bolivia, Sudán, Chile, Bielorusia y, ahora, Estados Unidos de Amérikkka, han sido sede de multitudinarias protestas ampliamente reseñadas en los medios de domesticación masiva. Como he señalado en otras ocasiones, éstas manifestaciones tienen motivaciones muy particulares que las explican; sin embargo, es indiscutible que todas poseen un vínculo intangible que funge como denominador común de la mayoría de estas movilizaciones: el hartazgo y la rabia de la desesperanza.
Lejos de la retórica izquierdista que insiste contra toda evidencia que «mientras haya miseria habrá rebelión», lo que en verdad ha motivado las rebeliones recientes no ha sido la «miseria» sino la conjunción del hartazgo y la desesperanza. Estos dos factores –que impulsan la añoranza por lo «malo conocido» y anhelan el retorno al Estado benefector, al capitalismo industrial y a la sociedad del trabajo–, son los causantes del malestar generalizado que ha desembocado en la revuelta global de nuestros días.
Tags: Analysis, Gustavo Rodriguez, Riots, Social Insurrection
Posted in Library
U$A: RIP Anti-Fascist Revolutionary Michael Reinoehl
Tuesday, September 8th, 2020
Anti-fascist revolutionary Michael Reinoehl was assassinated by pigs near Lacey, Washington on September 3 in retaliation for the shooting of a member of the fascist group Patriot Prayer.
Reinoehl claimed responsibility for the shooting as an act of self-defense against the fascist who threatened Reinoehl and a friend with mace and a knife. Reinoehl went to downtown Portland on Saturday night to provide security for revolutionaries who were threatened by a caravan of fascist Trump supporters who paraded through the city center.
“Had I stepped forward, he would have Maced or stabbed me,” Reinoehl said in an interview. “I was confident that I did not hit anyone innocent and I made my exit… I feel it’s important that the world at least gets a little bit of what’s really going on. I had no choice. I mean, I, I had a choice. I could have sat there and watched them kill a friend of mine of color. But I wasn’t going to do that.” (more…)
Tags: #BlackLivesMatter, Anti-Fascism, Anti-Fascist, Antifa, Fuck the Police, Lacey, Michael Reinoehl, Neo-Nazis, Patriot Prayer (Fascist Group), Police Brutality, Portland, Racism, Repression, Riots, Social Insurrection, USA, Washington
Posted in Uncategorised
(A-Radio) Belarus: The August Rebellion
Thursday, September 3rd, 2020
Belarus: Rebellion Against Dictatorship
As the Anarchist Radio Berlin, we gladly present this interview with an anarchist in Belarus on the current situation in the country. Since weeks people are in the streets in the aftermath of the last election.
In the interview, recorded on the 31st of august 2020, we learn about underlying reasons and the built up to the current protest movement, as well as the role of alternative media and the current state repression.
Links mentioned in the interview:
ABC Belarus: ways to donate to support anarchists (add note “STREET FUND” to direct money towards actions instead of repression costs)
Pramen: news from an anarchist perspective (also in english) support people detained in general
Support people who lost their job because of their political views (Caution: links to Facebook!)
Length: 56 min
You can find other English audios as well as all issues of the monthly anarchist show “Bad News” here.
Tags: Anarchist Radio, Anarchistisches Radio Berlin, Belarus, Minsk, Radio, Social Insurrection
Posted in Interviews