मार्क्सवाद क्या है? एमिल बर्न्स

एमिल बर्न्स द्वारा रचित चर्चित पुस्तिका What Is Marxism? का हिंदी अनुवाद, हम अपलोड कर रहे हैं।

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दिल्ली में बस्तियों को गिराने का आदेश: गरीबों को उजाड़ने का षड्यंत्र

देश कोरोना और आर्थिक संकट से गुज़र रहा है जिनका सबसे ज्यादा असर ग़रीबों पर हुआ है, और इसी दौरान सर्वोच्च न्यायालय की तीन सदस्यीय बेंच ने दिल्ली में रेलवे लाइनों के आस पास बसी करीब 48000 झुग्गियों को तोड़ने का आदेश दे दिया है।

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Fundamentals of Leninism, लेनिनवाद के मूल सिद्धांत

स्तालिन द्वारा लिखित लेनिनवाद के मूल सिद्धांत लेनिनवाद को समझने और उसकी प्रासंगिकता को जानने के लिए एक बेहद जरूरी पुस्तक है।

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Marxism, Legal System and the Pain of Leftists

*Pratyush Nilotpal

The Left movement, if we may still call it a movement, is in constant pain. It’s heart aches on the arrest of the eminent activists of Bheema Koregaon case, it twinges for the arrest of eminent professors, its angst is further exacerbated when other eminent intellectuals mostly high profile activists, academicians, lawyers are arrested or slapped with charges like contempt of court. One can easily say that the Leftists are in constant pain, or shall we say they have become a painful lot?

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What Is To Be Done, by Lenin in Hindi

लेनिन की महत्वपूर्ण रचनाओं में से एक, क्या करें , संशोधनवादियों से लड़ने के लिए आज भी उतनी ही प्रासंगिक है जितनी उस वक़्त थी जब इसे लिखा गया था।


भारत चीन विवाद- फायदा किसका?

जब विश्व कोविड 19 से जूझ रहा है, तब मई महीने में लद्दाख के दो इलाके पैंगोंग-त्सो का गलवान घाटी और फिंगर 4 में भारत और चीन की सेनाओं के हज़ार से भी ज्यादा सैनिक आमने सामने आ चुके हैं। 2017 में हुए डोकलाम के बाद यह इन दोनों देशों की सेनाओं के आमने सामने आने की दूसरी घटना है।

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जो तटस्थ हैं, समय लिखेगा उनका भी अपराध!

एक तरफ लोग मर रहे थे, वहीं सरकार इस त्रासदी को भी एक तमाशा, एक उत्सव के रूप में तब्दील कर रही थी।

1943-44 में बंगाल में भयानक अकाल पड़ा था जिसमें लगभग 30 लाख लोगों ने भूख से तड़पकर अपनी जान गंवाई थी, कई लोगों का मानना है की यह संख्या इससे कई गुना अधिक थी। इस महा त्रासदी के पीछे थी अंग्रेज़ी साम्राज्यवादी हुक़ूमत। बंगाल में लोग जब मर रहे थे तो अंग्रेज़ी सरकार वहां से अनाज निर्यात कर रही थी।

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कार्ल मार्क्स की एक कविता

दुनिया भर में इंसानों के सबसे चहेते साथी, इंसानियत, हक़ और बराबरी के सबसे भरोसेमंद अपराजेय योद्धा, महान दार्शनिक, अर्थशास्त्री, राजनीतिज्ञ व समाजवाद के प्रणेता एवं महान शिक्षक कार्ल मार्क्स का इस वर्ष 202 वां जन्मदिन था।  5 मई 1818 को उनका जन्म हुआ।

सामाजिक न्याय, बराबरी और इंसानी हक़ अमर रहें!!! समाजवाद ज़िंदाबाद!!!

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Stop the witch-hunt of activists! Condemn the arrests of Pinjra Tod members Devangana Kalita and Natasha Narwal!

Stop the witch-hunt of activists!
Condemn the arrests of Pinjra Tod members Devangana Kalita and Natasha Narwal!
Release all political prisoners!

May 25th 2020

On the evening of 23rd May 2020, the Delhi Police arrested Devangana Kalita and Natasha Narwal, activists of Pinjra Tod and students of Jawaharlal Nehru University. Charged under FIR 48/2020, both were initially interrogated by the police at their home.

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How Not to Understand Lenin, A Reply to Apoorvanand’s Article

*A Ranjan and D Rashmi**

“Nicolai Lenin, the great, the genuine man, is dead. His death struck pain into the hearts of those who knew him. But the dark line of death only showed up more sharply his importance in the eyes of the world – his importance as the leader of working people. And if the cloud of hate surrounding his name, the cloud of lies and calumnies, sere still more dense than it is, no matter, there are no forces that could extinguish the torch lifted by Lenin in the darkness of the maddened world. And there has been no man who better deserved to be eternally remembered. Nicolai Lenin is dead. But the heirs of his wisdom and will are still alive. In the end honesty and truth created by man conquer. Everything must yield to those qualities which make a Man. ”

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Why we oppose the slogan Jai Bheem Lal Salam!

Comrade Alok Mukherjee, has put up a post on facebook which deals with Ambedkar and his evaluation. Though comrade Mukherjee has in the beginning of his statement, clarified that facebook post is not a platform for evaluation of personalities. We agree with comrade Mukherjee’s stand, yet such posts and statements published on social media do provide pointers to one’s political viewpoint and stand. For person like comrade Mukherjee, who has been a known face of the Indian Communist movement, since his days as one of the central leaders of CPI(ML) PCC and CPI(ML) Janshakti. Now a Central leader of CPI(ML) Class Struggle, (Kanu Sanyal group) his words carry weight and also merits serious reading.

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दिल्ली और कश्मीर में कार्यकर्त्ताओं एवं पत्रकारों की दुर्भावनापूर्ण खोज बन्द की जाये तथा कठोर कानून यूएपीए को रद्द किया जाये।

पिछले दो सप्ताहों के दौरान नई दिल्ली में दिल्ली पुलिस द्वारा अनेकों कार्यकर्ताओं और छात्रों को लक्षित एवं परेशान किया गया है। खुले फर्द बयानों के तहत काम करती पुलिस उन व्यक्तियों, जिनमें से कई कोविड-19 जनित अनियोजित लॉक डाउन के चलते भोजन एवं अन्य जरूरी आपूर्त्ति से मरूहम लोगों एवं मजदूरों को अपरिहार्य रिलीफ प्रदान करने में लगे हुए हैं, को फरवरी 2020 के अन्त में उत्तर-पूर्वी दिल्ली में हुई हिंसा को भड़काने और उसमें शामिल होने के आरोप में फंसाने की कोशिश कर रही है। Continue reading “दिल्ली और कश्मीर में कार्यकर्त्ताओं एवं पत्रकारों की दुर्भावनापूर्ण खोज बन्द की जाये तथा कठोर कानून यूएपीए को रद्द किया जाये।”


इस साल लेनिन की 150वीं वर्षगांठ हम मना रहें हैं। 22 अप्रैल सन 1870 को लेनिन का जन्म रूस के शहर उलयनवोसक में हुआ था। लेनिन ने विश्व इतिहास पर अपनी एक ऐसी छाप छोड़ी, जिसे उनके दुश्मन भी लाख कोशिशों के बावज़ूद नकार पाने में असमर्थ हैं।

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नागरिक अधिकार कार्यकर्त्ताओं को जेल में भेजने का सुप्रीम कोर्ट का विवादास्पद फैसला (प्रेस रिलीज)

भारत के सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने 16 मार्च, 2020 को नागरिक अधिकार कार्यकर्त्ता प्रो. आनन्द तेलतुम्बड़े और गौतम नवलखा के एण्टीसिपेटरी बेल पिटीशन को खारिज करते हुए 6 अप्रैल, 2020 को उन्हें पुलिस के समक्ष आत्मसर्पण करने का निर्देश दिया। इस फैसले के खिलाफ दायर किए गए रिव्यू पिटीशन की सुनवाई सुप्रीम कोर्ट में 8 अप्रैल को की गई।

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मन की बात से पेट नहीं भरता

मोदी ने आज  फिर मन की बात  की, और अपने चिर परिचित नाटकीय ढंग से देशवासियों से 21 दिन के लौकडाउन के लिए माफी मांगी।

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Kashmir Question and Marxism Leninism: An Analysis for Debate

Kashmir Question and Marxism Leninism: (An analysis for debate)”

This booklet deals about the Kashmir question and analyses it from a Marxist Leninist perspective.

We would be soon printing this booklet.

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Political Indifferentism : Karl Marx

“The working class must not constitute itself a political party; it must not, under any pretext, engage in political action, for to combat the state is to recognize the state: and this is contrary to eternal principles. Workers must not go on strike; for to struggle to increase one’s wages or to prevent their decrease is like recognizing wages: and this is contrary to the eternal principles of the emancipation of the working class! Continue reading “Political Indifferentism : Karl Marx”

The Development of Fascism


The events of Grosseto, Viterbo and Treviso are the initial phase of a new and definitive development of fascism. Punitive expeditions by small bands are giving way to actions by veritable army units, armed with machine-guns. In some areas fascist cavalry is making its appearance. In Siena, thousands upon thousands of fascists assembled, on the pretext of a provincial congress, to parade in military order with their own cavalry. Continue reading “The Development of Fascism”


Around 400-500 women workers from Bhalswa JJ Colony, Badli (near Jahangirpuri) have been taking out daily mashal juloos


ज़रूरी अपील – भलस्वा में एनआरसी-सीएए के खिलाफ संघर्षरत महिला मज़दूरों के विरुद्ध पुलिस दमन का विरोध करें*

भलस्वा जेजे कॉलोनी, बादली (जहाँगीरपुरी के पास) की लगभग 400-500 महिला मज़दूर पिछले दो दिनों से एनआरसी-सीएए के खिलाफ दैनिक मशाल जूलूस निकाल रही हैं (निम्न दो वीडियो देखें)।

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बजट 2020: अंधा बांटे रेवाड़ी

अंग्रेज़ी का एक शब्द है डेलूशनल(Delusional) जिसका अर्थ होता है भ्रम का शिकार होना, और जब कोई सरकार इसका शिकार होती है, तो वो 2020 में पेश बजट जैसा कुछ लाती है।

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Budget 2020: Sops to Corporates and Rhetoric for the People

The budget of 2020, like its predecessors was high on rhetoric but devoid of any substance. The governmental denial of the economic crisis was clearly discernible, with the Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitaraman looking out of sync with the reality. It was a delusional budget, without any vision or mission!

Continue reading “Budget 2020: Sops to Corporates and Rhetoric for the People”

China Myanmar Pact

Chinese President Xi Jinping (L), Myanmar President Win Myint (2nd L) and Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi (2nd R), attending a ceremony marking Myanmar and China’s 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations in Naypyidaw. Photo: AFP/handout

The Chinese president Xi Jinping visited Myanmar on January 17-18 2020, it was the first visit by a Chinese president in 19 years.

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नागरिकता संशोधन विधेयक (Citizenship Amemndment Bill): भारत को हिन्दू राष्ट्र और दो राष्ट्र सिद्धांत को वैध बनाने की दिशा में एक और कदम

नागरिकता संशोधन विधेयक को कैबिनेट ने मंज़ूरी दे दी और संसद में यह पास भी हो जायेगा।

इस विधेयक के कानून बन जाने के बाद भारत की नागरिकता का मुख्य आधार व्यक्ति का धर्म होगा ना की उसकी कोई और बात। यह बिल भाजपा – आरएसएस की लाइन के मुताबिक बनाया गया है, जिन्हें भारत को एक हिन्दू राष्ट्र के तौर पर पेश करना है। Continue reading “नागरिकता संशोधन विधेयक (Citizenship Amemndment Bill): भारत को हिन्दू राष्ट्र और दो राष्ट्र सिद्धांत को वैध बनाने की दिशा में एक और कदम”

झारखण्ड चुनाव और जनता


राज्य की आम जनता के लिए विकास विनाश का रूप ले चुका है। राज्य में भूख से पिछले 3 सालों में 23 लोगों के मरने की खबर आई है, असल में यह संख्या कहीं अधिक होगी। कुपोषण के मामले में भी राज्य अव्वल है, पांच वर्ष से कम उम्र के आधे से अधिक बच्चे कुपोषित हैं और इनमें से 12 प्रतिशत गंभीर रूप से कुपोषित हैं। परिणामस्वरूप तीन वर्ष से कम उम्र के लगभग आधे बच्चे ठिगनेपन से ग्रसित हैं।

झारखण्ड में सिर्फ 81 सीटें हैं लेकिन राज्य मे चुनाव की अवधि करीब करीब 1 महीने की है। चुनाव नीरस और उक्ता देनेवाला साबित हो रहा है।

राज्य में वैसे पार्टियों की कमी नहीं है, और करीब करीब सभी दलों ने अपने उम्मेदवार मैदान में उतारे हैं।

कांग्रेस महाराष्ट्र को दोहराने की उम्मीद में है, तो वहीं भाजपा अपनी पूरी ताकत इस राज्य में झोंक चुकी है। Continue reading “झारखण्ड चुनाव और जनता”

संयुक्त मोर्चा : ज्यॉर्जी दिमित्रोव

यह पुस्तक ज्यॉर्जी दिमित्रोव द्वारा संयुक्त मोर्चा की कार्यनीति पर उनके तीन लेखों का संग्रह है, इन तीन लेखों मे कामरेड दिमित्रोव ने कार्यनीति पर महत्वपूर्ण विचार रखे जिनकी प्रासंगिकता आज के दौर में और भी ज्यादा हो गयी है

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The PMC Bank fiasco and the impending economic catastrophe

The Punjab and Maharashtra Cooperative Bank (PMC) fiasco is an indicator of the impending economic catastrophe. PMC is on verge of bankruptcy due to it lending 2,500 crore to real estate company HDIL, which went bancrupt pulling the bank down with it.

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Over Production Under Consumption and the Government’s Prescription

After grabbing the bigger chunk from RBI, government has now directed the PSUs to loosen their pockets, and shelve out money for Capital Expenditure (Capex). What, does this mean? It is a jargon that amounts to ordering the few profit making PSUs to give money to corporates. When this amount would be invested into capex, it would translate to the corporates getting more work and ultimately getting sop indirectly from the government. Continue reading “Over Production Under Consumption and the Government’s Prescription”

Marxist Leninist Understanding on the Right of Self Determination and National Question

For us, Marxist Leninists, the brilliant theses of Stalin on nationality question remains the bedrock on understanding the nationality issue a barometer to formulate our policy and tactics. Along with Stalin’s theses, there are the extant text of writings by Marx, Engels, Lenin and of the Marxists of this country where the issue has been discussed and deliberated in detail. We have dedicated a section on the understanding of nationality question with respect to Kashmir, where some of the theses have been quoted, from that period after the transfer of power, before the entire movement degenrated into the abyss of revisionism and dogmatic-Marxism of the CPI(ML) era.   Apart from Stalin’s article Marxism and National Question, the Marxist-Leninist understanding on the subject is elaborated in two of Lenin’s articles dealing with the subject–  “Critical Remarks on the National Question” and “The Right of Nations to Self-Determination” Continue reading “Marxist Leninist Understanding on the Right of Self Determination and National Question”

कृषि संकट और पूँजीवाद

भारतीय कृषि का संकट अपने चरम पर है और इसके खत्म होने का कोई आसार नजर नहीं आ रहा। यह संकट कोई एक दो साल का नहीं है बल्कि इसके तार 1990 के बाद से सरकार द्वारा अपनाई नीतियों से जुड़ी हुई है। सरकारी संस्थानों और उन पर आश्रित राजनीतिक आर्थिक पंडितों ने इस संकट पर कई बातें कही लेकिन मूल प्रश्न पर सभी खामोश रहे। किसान संगठनों का हाल भी यही रहा है, संकट को केवल उत्पाद का सही कीमत ना मिलने औ koर खेती के लागत का दिनों दिन महँगा होने इसी के आस पास अपनी बातों को रखा है। लेकिन क्या कृषि संकट सिर्फ न्यूनतम समर्थन मूल्य (Minimum Support Price MSP) और खेती में लगने वाले समान जैसे बीज, कीटनाशक इत्यादि के बढ़ती कीमतों की वजह से है? अगर सिर्फ यही दो संकट का कारण रहते तो फिर इसका समाधान भी आसानी से हो जाता, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है। Continue reading “कृषि संकट और पूँजीवाद”

A Great Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary and Thinker – Foto Çami

This article appeared in Albania Today, 6 (85) 1985. It was presented in the  Scientific Conference dedicated to the Immortal Work of Comrade Enver Hoxha Continue reading “A Great Marxist-Leninist Revolutionary and Thinker – Foto Çami”

संशोधनवाद के खिलाफ संघर्ष मार्क्सवादी लेनिनवादी का प्रमुख कार्य है

लेनिन अपने लेख ‘मार्क्सवाद और संशोधनवाद’ में लिखते हैं कि अगर जॉमेट्री के नियम का असर मानव हितों पर होता तो उनके खंडन का प्रयास भी निश्चित तौर पर होता। लेनिन की यह बात संशोधनवाद से संघर्ष में एक सूक्ति से कम नहीं है।

लेनिन तब बर्सटीनपंथियों और काउत्स्की के संशोधनवाद से टक्कर ले रहे थे, और आज हम इनके चेलों के अलावा भांति भांति के संशोधनवादियों की पैदा हुई तरह तरह के जमात देखने को मजबूर हैं। चाहे वो यूरो-कम्युनिस्ट धारा के घोषित अघोषित समर्थक हों, ख्रुसचेवपंथी हों या अन्य तरह के ‘मार्क्सवादी’ सभी बराबर पूंजीवाद की चाकरी में लगे हुए हैं। Continue reading “संशोधनवाद के खिलाफ संघर्ष मार्क्सवादी लेनिनवादी का प्रमुख कार्य है”

Editorial of Acero Revolucionario (Revolutionary Steel) Organ of Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela On the present crisis in Venezuela


In addition to the capitalist crisis, imperialist aggression, errors of social democracy and weaknesses of the revolutionary movement, a more complex process with deeper consequences is underway in Venezuela: the decomposition of the Bourgeois State. Continue reading “Editorial of Acero Revolucionario (Revolutionary Steel) Organ of Marxist–Leninist Communist Party of Venezuela On the present crisis in Venezuela”

Democratic Republic of Congo: Upcoming elections bring more imperialist interference

This article was first published in Avante, the weekly newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party, on Nov. 29. Its author was formerly a member of the Secretariat of the PAIGC, the party leading the struggle for the liberation of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde.
Translation by WW Managing Editor John Catalinotto.

Continue reading “Democratic Republic of Congo: Upcoming elections bring more imperialist interference”

Man and Plan in Soviet Economy by ANDREW ROTHSTEIN

This book was written when the deeper truths about the Soviet Union, to which the eyes of many millions were opened for a short while during the war against Nazi Germany, were being temporarily obscured again by the passion of controversy about the settlement of Europe after the war.

Experience throughout the thirty years’ existence of the Soviet Union, however, suggests that study of the permanent features of the Soviet economy and polity, as they are, is a better guide to Soviet policy, and therefore to European peace and prosperity, than passion or prejudice. Continue reading “Man and Plan in Soviet Economy by ANDREW ROTHSTEIN”

Is Crony Capitalism Different from Capitalism?

                                                                                                                                                                                         By Damodar

Of late there has been a distinct unease among the bourgeoisie academicians’ world over on the rise of what they call as “crony” capitalism. Somehow there is an illusion among them of capitalism that has been derailed of its moral, ethics and the great ideal of freedom & free trade, usurped by what has increasingly been called as crony capitalism. Bourgeoisie academician from right to Left have been lamenting about the loss that capitalism has suffered and the crisis the capitalism is suffering and as a solution they say if the “real” capitalism is restored all the ills facing the planet would magically be solved. It is just a matter of bringing back real capitalism and get rid of cronyism or corporatism. Continue reading “Is Crony Capitalism Different from Capitalism?”

Khrushchev and Soviet History

By Moni Guha

Αnti-revisionist caricature of 1976 by Albanian cartoonist Zef Bumçi depicting Nikita Khrushchev as a servant of the bourgeoisie

Reviewing Victor Hugo’s biography of Napoleon, Karl Marx wrote in the preface to his book, ‘The Eighteenth Brumaire’- ‘The event itself appears in his work like a bolt from the blue. He sees in it only the violent act of a single individual. He does not notice that he makes this individual great instead of little by ascribing to him a personal power of initiative such as would be without parallel in world history.’ Continue reading “Khrushchev and Soviet History”


Today marks the 101st anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, an epoch of unprecedented importance for the history of human kind. It was an event that divided the known human history into two, one before the revolution and one after it. Why do we even after a century of its occurring still take cognizance of this phenomenon? In the history of world revolutions October holds a unique place, and to understand the importance we shall have to once more look at the revolutions that took place before it. Continue reading “WE RAISE THE RED FLAG COMMEMORATING THE GREAT OCTOBER SOCIALIST REVOLUTION”


CPI(ML) Red Star (hereafter RS) led by comrade K.N.Ramachandran has published its bannerdraft political resolution for their forthcoming party congress. The said draft resolution has been published in the party’s central organ Red Star in the August 2018 is

sue. We have read the draft political resolution (hereafter pol res) with great interest. Yet we cannot say that the pol res or RS has grasped the current political situation in full, neither can say that it seems ready to counter the current situation that has taken shape particularly after 2014.

Click here to read the article in PDF

What is Economics :: Rosa Luxembourg

Economics is a peculiar science. Problems and controversies arise as soon as we take the first step in this field of knowledge, as soon as the fundamental question – what is the subject matter of this science – is posed. The ordinary working man, who has only a very vague idea of what economics deals with, will attribute his haziness on this particular point to a shortcoming in his general education. Yet, in a certain sense, he shares his perplexity with many learned scholars and professors who write multivolumed works dealing with the subject of economics and who teach courses in economics to college students. It appears incredible, and yet it is true, that most professors of economics have a very nebulous idea of the actual subject matter of their erudition. Continue reading “What is Economics :: Rosa Luxembourg”

Urgent Declaration for Nicaragua

Jul 19, 2018

By this, as intellectuals, social activists and academics, we want to express our deep rejection of the very serious situation of state political violence and violation of Human Rights that Nicaragua is going through, [and assert the] responsibility of the current regime of Ortega-Murillo, which has resulted in about three hundred dead in the last three months.

Continue reading “Urgent Declaration for Nicaragua”

Petition from V D Savarkar (Convict No. 32778) to the Home Member of the Government of India, dated November 14, 1913

Below is the text of mercy petition written by V.D Savarkar to the British India Government from Cellular jail in Andaman. The authenticity of this petition has been denied by the Hindutva supporters and ideologues. Yet, this document stands and has been reproduced by RC Majumdar, who is considered to be a historian of Hindutva ideology and know for his communal bias. 

Continue reading “Petition from V D Savarkar (Convict No. 32778) to the Home Member of the Government of India, dated November 14, 1913”

Fascist Onslaught in India


hindu fasc

The ascendancy of the BJP to power marked the beginning of fascist onslaught in India. Enforcing a militant nationalism, atrocious violations of labour laws, brutal repression of dissidents, creating mass hysteria by using various means of media, armed squads to terrorise minorities and dalits, these are the characteristics of the fascist terror that India has to face today. What is attempted in the following article is to expose the fascistic character of the ruling party, the BJP and its parent organisation, the RSS. Continue reading “Fascist Onslaught in India”

Growth or Jobless Growth: What Does the Statistics Say?


If any sector has been affected most in four years of Modi government definitely it is the economy. Courtesy Modi and his finance minister Arun Jaitley, today there has been a perceptible decline in every sector of the economy. From Manufacturing to service and from joblessness to jobless growth. The impending economic catastrophe is now round the corner, but like Nero the rulers are engrossed in rewriting history and patting themselves for their own work.

Continue reading “Growth or Jobless Growth: What Does the Statistics Say?”

Why Was Stalin Denigrated and Made a Controversial Figure?

Book Release

why stalin MG

Stalin Society of India has published a booklet titled: “Why Was Stalin Denigrated and Made a Controversial Figure?” Written by the late Communist theoretician comrade Moni Guha (MG).

Continue reading “Why Was Stalin Denigrated and Made a Controversial Figure?”

Book Published , Why was Stalin Denigrated.., by Moni Guha

why stalin MGStalin Society of India has published this booklet written by veteran Communist intellectual late comrade Moni Guha.
In this small but very important work, comrade Guha has analysed in detail the events that unfolded immediately after the death of Stalin. In fact MG raised question on the death and circumstances leading to the death. It has been well established now that Stalin, was very much aware of the deviations that had cropped in the party and Soviet government. Continue reading “Book Published , Why was Stalin Denigrated.., by Moni Guha”

Capital’s Share of Income is Way Higher than You Think

Almost half of households’ market income is received for just being wealthy: owning stuff.

by Steve Roth
https://evonomics.com (May 18 2018)

The shares of income going to “capital” and “labor” are vexed issues. How much is received for doing work, and how much is unearned “property income” – interest, dividends, et cetera? For a long time, economists thought these relative shares stayed roughly unchanged over time {1}. But since the 1970s, and especially since 2000, the share going to owners of capital has been increasing, while labor’s share has gone down.

People get income for doing stuff, and they get income for owning stuff. Increasingly the latter. And the ownership share of income goes to a small slice of households that own almost all the stuff {2}. Continue reading “Capital’s Share of Income is Way Higher than You Think”

Modi Meets Xi: If Wishes Were Horses

* Damodar

Indian Prime Minister went on to yet another foreign tour, this time to China. Strangely, called ‘informal meeting’. The government sources and the even more ‘official’ media both termed this as a historic, bold and unprecedented. Something that they have been doing assiduously to all such trips undertaken by the Prime Minister, that both literally and figuratively have been in all the four corners of the world. Continue reading “Modi Meets Xi: If Wishes Were Horses”

The Fascist Coup in Indonesia and the Lessons Communists Draw from It

(Reproduced from the «Zeri i Popullit» daily dated May 11, 1966),  The «Naim Frasheri» Publishing House, Tirana, 1966)


1. How should «democratic freedoms» in a bourgeois state be assessed and utilized?

2. Communists and alliances with progressive forces

3. Strengthen the international unity of Marxist-Leninists

Continue reading “The Fascist Coup in Indonesia and the Lessons Communists Draw from It”

Tripura elections 2018: Fall of the last revisionist Bastille

Train to nowhere


The electoral rout of CPI (M) in its last stronghold of Tripura seemed to be the culmination of the long rot which was faced by this revisionist party. Continue reading “Tripura elections 2018: Fall of the last revisionist Bastille”

The Theory of Permanent Revolution: A Critique


Trotskyism Study Group CPGB


The theory of “Permanent Revolution”, as elaborated by Leon Trotsky, constitutes a central doctrine of the various groups which internationally form the “trotskyist” tendency within the Marxist movement. For the Trotskyist groups, the theory of Permanent Revolution is not just an analysis of the dynamics of the Russian revolution, but, more importantly, a major “tool” by which they interpret contemporary social reality, and upon which they construct their strategies for revolutionary transformation. Continue reading “The Theory of Permanent Revolution: A Critique”

New issue of Marxist – Leninist journal SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM No. 2


The new issue of Marxist – Leninist journal SCIENTIFIC SOCIALISM is out.

The contents are:

1. On killing of Gauri Lankesh

2. Socialism in one country: Revisiting the old debate

3 The crisis of Indian Economy 

4. Is North Korea Really A Threat To United States?

5. Russian Revolution and Debt

Contribution per copy Rs 20 (print copy)

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Is North Korea Really A Threat To United States?

Suraj Kumar


War of Words

The war of words between the United States and North Korea has further intensified crisis on the Korean Peninsula.

Continue reading “Is North Korea Really A Threat To United States?”

Socialism in One Country: Revisiting the old debate

There are some discussions that refuse to die, one of the prime reason for this is the obduracy of some who refuses to acknowledge history. This may be either due to their ignorance or due to a deliberate move on their part to sow more confusion, amongst the rank and file of the communist movement.

Continue reading “Socialism in One Country: Revisiting the old debate”

New issue of journal Scientific Socialism (Organ of PRC-CPI ML)


Dear Friends and Comrades,

Scientific Socialism (Organ of PRC-CPI ML) is out.

The contents of the journal are:
1. Revolution Cannot Succeed by Killing Soldiers: A Critique of CPI (Maoist)’s killing of CRPF in Sukma
2. OBOR Summit: Imperialism With Chinese Characteristics
3. Kashmir Question and Marxism-Leninism: An Analysis for Debate
4. Long Live the Great Victory Over Fascism!
5. OROP: The Struggle Continues. . .
6. Successful Unity Conference of Five Youth Organisations held in Patna: A Report

You may download the PDF file from here

If you are interested in getting the print copy, please send us an email at editor.scientificscoialism@gmail.com

Member Editorial Board (Scientific Socialism),

कार्ल मार्क्स की जीवनी – राहुल सांकृत्यायन

Karl Marx

राहुल सांकृत्यायन द्वारा लिखित कार्ल मार्क्स की जीवनी, एक अत्यंत ही महत्वपूर्ण पुस्तक है, जिसे हर उस व्यक्ति को पढ़ना चाहिये जो मार्क्स के जीवन और उनके विचारों को जानना चाहते हैं। Continue reading “कार्ल मार्क्स की जीवनी – राहुल सांकृत्यायन”

Georgi Dimitrov to Stalin on the Question of “Social-Fascism”

Dimitrov to Stalin, 1 July 1934. Original in Russian. Type-written, with handwritten comments by Stalin.

Continue reading “Georgi Dimitrov to Stalin on the Question of “Social-Fascism””

“No Lessons from the Assembly elections”: A Note on CPI(ML)Liberation’s Lessons of the Assembly elections

CPI (ML) Liberation, on 14th March, came up with a note titled “Lessons of the Assembly elections”. The note, which is supposed to be a post-poll analysis of the recently concluded assembly elections should have been ideally titled “No Lessons from the Assembly elections”. Continue reading ““No Lessons from the Assembly elections”: A Note on CPI(ML)Liberation’s Lessons of the Assembly elections”

एन डी टी वी पर एक दिवसीय पाबन्दी:: देश में अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी पर जकड़ते शिकंजे का एक और कदम

मोदी नीत सरकार जब से गद्दीनशीन हुई है तभी से देश के हालात बदलते नज़र आ रहे हैं. मीडिया और खास कर के इलेक्ट्रॉनिक (टी.वी) मीडिया पर जिस तरह से सरकार ने पकड़ बनाई है वह इस देश में पहले इस स्तर पर देखने को नहीं मिला था. कमोबेश सभी तथाकथित मुख्यधारा के चैनल हो या प्रिंट मीडिया आज एक खास तरह की लाइन का पालन करते नज़र आते हैं. पत्रकारिता के कुछ मापदंड या कहे आचारसंहिता होती हैं जिसमे अव्वल है तटस्थता, समाचार की सत्यवादिता, निष्पक्षता और पाठकों के प्रति सार्वजनिक जवाबदेही, किन्तु हमारे देश की पत्रकारिता इन सब मापदंडो के विपरीत एक ख़ास राजनीतिक लाइन और व्यक्ति केन्द्रित हो गयी है.

Continue reading “एन डी टी वी पर एक दिवसीय पाबन्दी:: देश में अभिव्यक्ति की आज़ादी पर जकड़ते शिकंजे का एक और कदम”


Comrades, Honda worker’s struggle has entered the 16th day. What is the situation of the struggle, the future strategy, what is the state of the struggling workers, what does the other workers think about this resistance and how much support it is garnering? What are the analysis of the situation? who are the ones taking decision, what measures are being taken to spread this movement to different parts of the country so that it receives support from entire nook and corner of the country. These are some of the questions being asked today, unfortunately there has been no initiative from the leadership to clarify these queries about the situation, leading to several other doubts being raised. Continue reading “LONG LIVE THE STRUGGLE OF HONDA WORKERS”

In the times of fascism: The onslaught of capital and the challenges before working class

Paper distributed by Indian Federation of Trade Unions (Sarwahara) at the All-India Workers Convention organised by Mazdoor Adhikar Sangharsh Abhiyan, to together build up national campaigns on Contract labour, Minimum Wages and Changes in Labour Laws, held in Ambedkar Bhawan, Delhi on 28th August 2016. Continue reading “In the times of fascism: The onslaught of capital and the challenges before working class”

Modi and Balochistan

So it was not very surprising to hear Modi talking about Baluchistan and Azad Kashmir in his Independent speech. While Modi in a way deviated from the earlier Prime Ministers who only cautioned Pakistan but never detailed what was to be done. Modi by referring to Baluchistan took an entirely new turn. But what was the substance? As always he made himself centre of the debate, not policy not human rights violation. Has any statesman ever said:

Narendra Modi has a unique penchant to turn every act of governance into propaganda. He has still to come out of his election phase and metamorphose into serious governance, one that is not only based on phrases and self-delusion but one that actually delivers those promises. Continue reading “Modi and Balochistan”

2 सितम्बर 2016 को देशव्यापी आम हड़ताल सफल करें

2 सितम्बर 2016 को देशव्यापी आम हड़ताल सफल करें




Indian Federation of Trade Unions (Sarwahara) parcha on the 2nd September strike.

Click to download the PDF.

2 sept strike parcha in Hindi

The Soviet Union Looks To Its Health

The Bolshevik Revolution not only overturned the political and economic system that was based on exploitation but also brought with it a revolutionary reorganisation of the entire society. One of the major component was the reorganisation and implementation of a socialist health care system, which took care of the citizen from their cradle to grave. Continue reading “The Soviet Union Looks To Its Health”

H.G. Wells on Joseph Stalin

“I confess that I approached Stalin with a certain amount of suspicion and prejudice. A picture had been built up in my mind of a very reserved and self-centred fanatic, a despot without vices, a jealous monopolizer of power. I had been inclined to take the part of Trotsky against him. I had formed a very high opinion perhaps an excessive opinion, of Trotsky’s military and administrative abilities, and it seemed to me that Russia, which is in such urgent need of directive capacity at every turn, could not afford to send them into exile. Trotsky’s Autobiography, and more particularly the second volume, had modified this judgment but I still expected to meet a ruthless, hard—possibly doctrinaire—and self-sufficient man at Moscow; a Georgian highlander whose spirit had never completely emerged from its native mountain glen.

Continue reading “H.G. Wells on Joseph Stalin”

कामरेड सतनाम का जाना और भारतीय वामपंथ की त्रासदी

कामरेड सतनाम हमारे  बीच नहीं रहे, जिन्दगी के आखिरी वर्षों में अवसाद (डिप्रेशन) और अकेलापन झेलते हुए अंततः उन्होंने ने भी वही राह चुनली, जिसे कुछ ही वर्ष पहले कामरेड कानू सान्याल ने चुना था। किसी का इस तरह जाना और खास कर के ऐसे कामरेड का जिसने अपनी पूरी जिन्दगी ही उस नये सवेरे, उस शोषण मुक्त समाज को हकीकत में उतरने के लिये समर्पित कर दिया हो, वही इतना निराश हो जाये की उसे जिन्दगी ही अर्थहीन लगने लगे यह, एक दिल कचोटने वाली स्थिति को उत्पन्न करता है। कानू से सतनाम तक, और इन दोनों के बीच ना जाने कितने और हमारे पुराने और नये साथी अपनी जिन्दगी को ही खत्म करने जैसा निर्णय लेने पर मजबूर हो रहे हैं। पिछले कुछ दिनों में तो कई कामरेड के बारे में सुनने को मिलाता रहा ही कि उनकी मृत्यु आत्महत्या की तरफ़ ही इशारा करती है। Continue reading “कामरेड सतनाम का जाना और भारतीय वामपंथ की त्रासदी”

Denigrating in name of sympathy: An Observation on view from Muslim intelligentsia

On website named Rising Kashmir, in section Islam, society and women an article titled– Exploitation of women in the name of emancipation; by Abdul Hamid Mir was published. The article can be accessed at http://www.risingkashmir.com/news/exploitation-of-women-in-the-name-of-emancipation/

Continue reading “Denigrating in name of sympathy: An Observation on view from Muslim intelligentsia”

Of Modi’s Foreign Tours and the FDI Puzzle

Puzzling trend in FDI is that though Modi and his team has been telling us that FDI’s are happening in the sector that would boost employment and fuel growth but the data again is bewildering at least to us.!

Continue reading “Of Modi’s Foreign Tours and the FDI Puzzle”

Once Again Tokenism :: A Note by IFTU (Sarwahara) on One Day All India General Strike Called on 2nd September

Against the massive assault on the interest of working class, one day nationwide general strike called on 2nd September by Central Trade Unions (CITU, INTUC, HMS BMS and others)

A Note by IFTU (Sarwahara)

“Once Again Tokenism”

On 2nd September 2015, CITU, AITUC, AICCTU, IFTU (New Democracy), HMS and BMS and few others have once again called for a country wide “one day strike” against the extensive anti-working class action being taken by the Modi Government by amending the provisions of Labour laws. They have particularly appealed to the working class to make this strike a success. IFTU (Sarwahara) supports the working class demands that forms the part of the agenda of this strike and so is not against the strike. Having said this, however, the real question arises as such: Is this call for a “one day strike” is, in genuineness a call for a struggle? Isn’t it,   in reality, an attempted act to evade from struggle? Till when we will have this “one day strike”? Tokenism in name of struggle will go on for how long? The history and our own experience of these token strikes called by the central trade unions and federations since 1991 reveal that this tokenism is but an escape route to run away from the working class struggles and certainly not a call for a genuine working class action. When the history of the working class defeat will be penned, then these tokenism will be held as one of the major internal factors that led to the wkg class defeat. When the need of the hour is to build up a movement that can compel the capitalist-fascist government to halt its attacks on the working class as well as smash its bloated ego, then what is the logic of calling for such one day token strikes is understandable.

The place that such “one day strikes” have in the working class struggle needs to be understood here. These are like “flag march” of the detachments of the workers, through which the working class cautions the bourgeoisie and its government that if the assault does not stops then it will lead to battle on the streets. Thus, “flag march” can happen once, twice or even thrice. The point to ponder over here is: If, even after such marches, the capitalist assault continues, will workers still continue to do the flag march or will prepare for the combat? But we find since 1991 that these unions have done the “Flag March” for umpteen times and they are still doing it. They are not ready to move to the second i.e higher stage of struggle. They cannot think about a fight, even in their dream. And on the other hand, the assault on the working class continues unabated. The bastions of the working class are crumbling one after the other. These unions have made blunt this form of struggle i.e “Flag March” (One day token strike as a warning) which was once a critical weapon in the arsenal of the working class. They have converted it into a means of concealing their escapism thus disgracing and tarnishing it completely. The result is that the perpetual practice of tokenism has taken it toll on the moral of working class by killing the workers’ aspirations for struggles with each passing of the day.

We saw the result of the 6-10 January (5 days) “historic” Coal India strike. Not only the strike was called off after 2 days, but BMS, and behind  it all the other unions (including CITU and AITUC) was seen fleeing from the battle and sitting in lap of Modi’s Govt. The working class could not prevent the Coal Ordinance from being passed. Today again, under the leadership of same BMS, the same deserter left unions and federations are undertaking one day strike against the Labour Laws reforms. Therefore its outcome is very well known even before its beginning. In a way, It is an indication to the government that now we have done the ritual of struggle, you do now whatever you want to do.

And, this is sure to happen. As we were unable to prevent the Coal India Ordinance, similarly we will fail to get the labour laws amendments revoked, due to the incongruity of these unions.

The extent of harm that these unions have bestowed on the workers movement, can be gauged from the fact that during the 6-10 January ‘historic Coal India strike’ they were silent on the labour laws amendments. Today they are howling at the labour laws amendments and are silent on the coal ordinance bill that was passed, and there is no word on revoking it. If due to their incompetence, defeatist and lackadaisical attitude, the provision to do away with the existing labour laws is passed, then should we understand that they will end all struggles against the passing of such amendments? What else than this will be a bigger service to the bourgeoisie and it’s Government?

In this situation, everything now rests in the hands of the working class and its truly advance rank and file spread throughout the country. How to get away with the quagmire of the central trade unions and what are the ways to get out of it, will depend on their preparedness and maturity. But what we wish to declare unambiguously today is that without getting out of the morass created by the central trade unions, thought of any meaningful struggle is a wishful thinking. This will happen only when the advance elements of the working class would take an initiative from within at the national level to demolish the present impasse created by these renegade unions, and take up full initiative to build the unity of working class. No doubt, the necessity of a single, united and a truly revolutionary vanguard of the working class is being deeply felt here, in the absence of which the main responsibility lies directly on the strong shoulder of its advance elements.

That is why, we call upon all the advance elements of the working class to expose those who have reneged on the class struggle by decoupling the working class from it, and have established a series of blunt “one day strikes” bringing the working class movement to such a sorry state. The time has come to take up the daunting task of creation of a nationwide revolutionary centre of workers movement. We are divided, yet we are the only real vanguard elements of the working class and we should initiate it unitedly right now.

It is to be noted that IFTU(Sarwahara), had declared its intention immediately after debacle of the 5 days strike in January. We noted that there is no possibility of a significant working class struggle and that is why we are moving towards the formation of a new national revolutionary forum of the working class. IFTU(Sarwahara) once again declares that these unions might be bigger in terms of numbers and size, but they have no future, as they have renegaded from the working class interest. On the other hand we or the unions like us may be smaller in size, but we have the future because we are the vanguard of the working class in terms of its both immediate and the long-term interests, and are in the struggle with firm conviction on working class.

We have not accepted defeat, whereas the other unions pretentiously carrying the Red Flag have not only accepted defeat, but they have found a safe haven of their own in the capitalist system itself. They can have small skirmishes with the bourgeoisie but are hand in glove with them. They have accepted to adjust with neo-liberalism and to harmonise their moves after some displeasure with them. They have accepted that the onslaught of capitalism-fascism is destined and have happily limited themselves to some petty reforms. This becomes palpable after witnessing their ground work and seeing how they have made for themselves a definite place in the management, government and the existing system.

The sum total of our above statement is that when the working class is unarmed amidst the massive onslaught of the capitalism-fascism, then the 2nd September ceremonial (one day) strike is a whimper. This nowhere arouses the hope of struggle among the vulnerable and dejected workers. This is not a call for the workers to arise against the exploitation and oppression.

Workers brothers and sisters, today we are in such a situation that we are being mugged by force and deceit. Hence we appeal to all the advance elements of the working class and particularly to our IFTU(S) comrades that we have to understand this dual task that is before us. It is not only arduous but tortuous. We appeal to our IFTU(S) comrades that during the 2 September strike we will have to boost our organisational, political and ideological activities among the workers. On one hand it is our duty that in spite of central trade unions’ ceremonial, defeatist attitude we counter the capitalist-fascist forces who oppose this strike. We need to agitate the workers in a mammoth way against the anti-workers steps being taken in the guise of labour amendments by the Modi’s government, and prepare them for the epic working class struggle that will be waged in the present and future. On the other side, it is our cardinal duty to expose the central trade unions who have enmeshed the entire strength of the working class and limited it to just “One day strike”, we would expose their incompetent and renegade character. We have to understand that we have to utilise this event to educate the working class by all possible means and to take the goal of the creation of revolutionary working class centre to the widest possible sections of the working class.

Let us participate in the 2 September strike with the following declaration:

End the ceremonial One day Strike, unite for a decisive, momentous militant struggle

*Jointly issued by comrade Shekhar, Damodar and Kanhai for the central committee of Indian Federation of Trade Unions (Sarwahara)


The Trotskyites, true to their campaign of distorting history, have been portraying the theory and practice of Gramsci, as something that was in opposition to what they term as “Stalinism”. To counter their vilification drive and the lies we are posting an article from Communist Platform, which was published in the journal Unity & Struggle, the organ of ICMLPO.

In this article it is clear that Gramsci was never against the Soviet Union nor comrade Stalin.

 Other Aspect

Continue reading “GRAMSCI, A BOLSHEVIK”

Mao Apologised to Yugoslavian Delegates, told Stalin blocked our revolution.

It has always been our understanding on Mao, that he was a revisionist and an Anti-Marxist Leninist. With new documents and papers coming out of various Archives, our view has been solidified in light of such information. Mao, had always adopted a vacillating position when it came to matter of international import…document titled “MINUTES, MAO’S CONVERSATION WITH A YUGOSLAVIAN COMMUNIST UNION DELEGATION, BEIJING” further exposes the sheer un-Marxist attitude of Mao when he shamelessly puts blame on Stalin even stating that Stalin blocked our revolution.

Mao and Tito

It has always been our understanding on Mao, that he was a revisionist and an Anti-Marxist Leninist. With new documents and papers coming out of various Archives, our view has been solidified in light of such information. Mao, had always adopted a vacillating position when it came to matter of international import that concerned the International Communist Movement. At one hand he went to China and asked Stalin of every possible help, including to get his works reviewed by Soviet experts to asking for help on industrialisation.

On numerous occasion he did not fail to eulogies Stalin and writing to him that Soviet Party being the headquarters and Stalin the captain, and immediately after the 20th CPSU Party Congress like Khrushchev turned all guns again same Stalin whom he had called in 1939 as “…Stalin is the leader of the world revolution. This is of paramount importance. It is a great event that mankind is blessed with Stalin. Since we have him, things can go well. As you all know, Marx is dead and so are Engels and Lenin. Had there been no Stalin, who would there be to give directions?

The below document titled “MINUTES, MAO’S CONVERSATION WITH A YUGOSLAVIAN COMMUNIST UNION DELEGATION, BEIJING” further exposes the sheer un-Marxist attitude of Mao when he shamelessly puts blame on Stalin even stating that Stalin blocked our revolution.

But, it was not the end in 1958 Mao again did a U turn and in October 25, 1966 said “The revisionist leading clique of the Soviet Union, the Tito clique of Yugoslavia, and all the other cliques of renegades and scabs of various shades are mere dust heaps in comparison, while you, a lofty mountain, tower to the skies.”

We leave it to the discretion of our dear comrades who still harbour respect and faith in Mao, and to what is said as Mao-Tse-Tung thought or Maoism.

[All emphasis and underline are ours.]

Other Aspect


We welcome you to China.  We are very pleased at your visit.  We have been supported by you, as well as by other brotherly [Communist] parties.  We are invariably supporting you as much as all the other brotherly parties.  In today’s world, the Marxist and Communist front remains united, whether in places where success [of Communist revolution] is achieved or not yet achieved.  However, there were times when we were not so united; there were times when we let you down.  We listened to the opinions of the Information Bureau [2] in the past.  Although we did not take part in the Bureau’s [business], we found it difficult not to support it.  In 1949 the Bureau condemned you as butchers and Hitler-style fascists, and we kept silent on the resolution [condemning you], although we published articles to criticize you in 1948.  In retrospect, we should not have done that; we should have discussed [this issue] with you: if some of your viewpoints were incorrect, [we should have let] you conduct self-criticism, and there was no need to hurry [into the controversy] as [we] did.  The same thing is true to us: should you disagree with us, you should do the same thing, that is, the adoption of a method of persuasion and consultation.  There have not been that many successful cases in which one criticizes foreign parties in newspapers.  [Your] case offers a profound historical lesson for the international communist movement.  Although you have suffered from it, the international communist movement has learned a lesson from this mistake.  [The international communist movement] must fully understand [the seriousness of] this mistake.

When you offered to recognize new China, we did not respond, nor did we decline it.  Undoubtedly, we should not have rejected it, because there was no reason for us to do so.  When Britain recognized us, we did not say no to it.  How could we find any excuse to reject the recognition of a socialist country?

There was, however, another factor which prevented us from responding to you: the Soviet friends did not want us to form diplomatic relations with you.  If so, was China an independent state?  Of course, yes.  If an independent state, why, then, did we follow their instructions?  [My] comrades, when the Soviet Union requested us to follow their suit at that time, it was difficult for us to oppose it.  It was because at that time some people claimed that there were two Titos in the world: one in Yugoslavia, the other in China, even if no one passed a resolution that Mao Zedong was Tito.  I have once pointed out to the Soviet comrades that [they] suspected that I was a half-hearted Tito, but they refuse to recognize it.  When did they remove the tag of half-hearted Tito from my head?  The tag was removed after [China] decided to resist America [in Korea] and came to [North] Korea’s aid and when [we] dealt the US imperialists a blow.

The Wang Ming line[3] was in fact Stalin’s line.  It ended up destroying ninety percent of our strength in our bases, and one hundred percent of [our strength] in the white areas.[4] Comrade [Liu] Shaoqi[5] pointed this out in his report to the Eighth [Party] Congress.[6]  Why, then, did he not openly attribute [the losses] to the [impact of] Stalin’s line?  There is an explanation.  The Soviet Party itself could criticize Stalin; but it would be inappropriate for us to criticize him.  We should maintain a good relationship with the Soviet Union.  Maybe [we] could make our criticism public sometime in the future.  It has to be that way in today’s world, because facts are facts.  The Comintern made numerous mistakes in the past.  Its early and late stages were not so bad, but its middle stage was not so good: it was all right when Lenin was alive and when [Georgii] Dimitrov was in charge.[7]  The first Wang Ming line dominated [our party] for four years, and the Chinese revolution suffered the biggest losses.[8]Wang Ming is now in Moscow taking a sick leave, but still we are going to elect him to be a member of the party’s Central Committee.  He indeed is an instructor for our party; he is a professor, an invaluable one who could not be purchased by money.  He has taught the whole party, so that it would not follow his line.

That was the first time when we got the worst of Stalin.

The second time was during the anti-Japanese war.  Speaking Russian and good at flattering Stalin, Wang Ming could directly communicate with Stalin.  Sent back to China by Stalin, he tried to set [us] toward right deviation this time, instead of following the leftist line he had previously advocated.  Advocating [CCP] collaboration with the Guomindang [the Nationalist Party or GMD], he can be described as “decking himself out and self-inviting [to the GMD];” he wanted [us] to obey the GMD whole-heartedly.  The Six-Principle Program he put forward was to overturn our Party’s Ten-Principle Policy.  [His program] opposed establishing anti-Japanese bases, advocated giving up our Party’s own armed force, and preached that as long as Jiang Jieshi [Chiang Kai-shek] was in power, there would be peace [in China].  We redressed this deviation.  [Ironically,] Jiang Jieshi helped us correct this mistake: while Wang Ming “decked himself out and fawned on [Jiang],” Jiang Jieshi “slapped his face and kicked him out.”  Hence, Jiang Jieshi was China’s best instructor: he had educated the people of the whole nation as well as all of our Party members.  Jiang lectured with his machine guns whereas Wang Ming educated us with his own words.

The third time was after Japan’s surrender and the end of the Second World War.  Stalin met with [Winston] Churchill and [Franklin D.] Roosevelt and decided to give the whole of China to America and Jiang Jieshi.  In terms of material and moral support, especially moral support, Stalin hardly gave any to us, the Communist Party, but supported Jiang Jieshi.  This decision was made at the Yalta conference.  Stalin later told Tito [this decision] who mentioned his conversation [with Stalin on this decision] in his autobiography.

Only after the dissolution of the Comintern did we start to enjoy more freedom.  We had already begun to criticize opportunism and the Wang Ming line, and unfolded the rectification movement.  The rectification, in fact, was aimed at denouncing the mistakes that Stalin and the Comintern had committed in directing the Chinese revolution; however, we did not openly mention a word about Stalin and the Comintern.  Sometime in the near future, [we] may openly do so.  There are two explanations of why we did not openly criticize [Stalin and the Comintern]: first, as we followed their instructions, we have to take some responsibility ourselves.  Nobody compelled us to follow their instructions!  Nobody forced us to be wrongfully deviated to right and left directions!  There are two kinds of Chinese: one kind is a dogmatist who completely accepts Stalin’s line; the other opposes dogmatism, thus refusing to obey [Stalin’s] instructions.  Second, we do not want to displease [the Soviets], to disrupt our relations with the Soviet Union.  The Comintern has never made self-criticism on these mistakes; nor has the Soviet Union ever mentioned these mistakes.  We would have fallen out with them had we raised our criticism.

The fourth time was when [Moscow] regarded me as a half-hearted Tito or semi-Titoist.  Not only in the Soviet Union but also in other socialist countries and some non-socialist countries were there some people who had suspected whether China’s was a real revolution.

You might wonder why [we] still pay a tribute to Stalin in China by hanging his portrait on the wall.  Comrades from Moscow have informed us that they no longer hang Stalin’s portraits and only display Lenin’s and current leaders’ portraits in public parade.  They, however, did not ask us to follow their suit.  We find it very difficult to cope.  The four mistakes committed by Stalin are yet to be made known to the Chinese people as well as to our whole party.  Our situation is quite different from yours: your [suffering inflicted by Stalin] is known to the people and to the whole world.  Within our party, the mistakes of the two Wang Ming lines are well known; but our people do not know that these mistakes originated in Stalin.  Only our Central Committee was aware that Stalin blocked our revolution and regarded me as a half-hearted Tito.

We had no objection that the Soviet Union functions as a center [of the world revolution] because it benefits the socialist movement.  You may disagree [with us] on this point.  You wholeheartedly support Khrushchev’s campaign to criticize Stalin, but we cannot do the same because our people would dislike it.  In the previous parades [in China], we held up portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, as well as those of a few Chinese [leaders]—Mao, Liu [Shaoqi], Zhou [Enlai], and Zhu [De][9] —and other brotherly parties’ leaders.  Now we adopt a measure of “overthrowing all”: no one’s portrait is handed out.  For this year’s “First of May” celebration, Ambassador Bobkoveshi[10] already saw in Beijing that no one’s portrait was held in parade.  However, the portraits of five dead persons—Marx, Engles, Lenin and Stalin and Sun [Yat-sen]—and a not yet dead person—Mao Zedong—are still hanging [on the wall].  Let them hang on the wall!  You Yugoslavians may comment that the Soviet Union no longer hangs Stalin’s portrait, but the Chinese still do.

As of this date some people remain suspicious of whether our socialism can be successfully constructed and stick to the assertion that our Communist Party is a phony one.  What can we do?  These people eat and sleep every day and then propagate that the Chinese Communist Party is not really a communist party, and that China’s socialist construction is bound to fail.  To them, it would be a bewildering thing if socialism could be built in China!  Look out, [they warn].  China might become an imperialist country—to follow America, Britain, and France to become the fourth imperialist country!  At present China has little industry, thus is in no position [to be an imperialist country]; but [China] will become formidable in one hundred years!  Chinggis Khan[11] might be brought to life; consequently Europe would suffer again, and Yugoslavia might be conquered!  The “Yellow Peril” must be prevented!

There is absolutely no ground for this to happen!  The CCP is a Marxist-Leninist Party.  The Chinese people are peace-loving people.  We believe that aggression is a crime, therefore, we will never seize an inch of territory or a piece of grass from others.  We love peace and we are Marxists.

We oppose great power politics in international relations.  Although our industry is small, all things considered, we can be regarded as a big power.  Hence some people [in China] begin to be cocky.  We then warn them: “Lower your heads and act with your tails tucked between your legs.”  When I was little, my mother often taught me to behave “with tails tucked between legs.”  This is a correct teaching and now I often mention it to my comrades.

Domestically, we oppose Pan-Hanism,[12] because this tendency is harmful to the unity of all ethnic groups.  Hegemonism and Pan-Hanism both are sectarianism.  Those who have hegemonious tendencies only care about their own interests but ignore others’, whereas those Pan-Hanists only care about the Han people and regard the Han people as superior to others, thus damaging [the interests of] all the minorities.

Some people have asserted in the past that China has no intention to be friends with other countries, but wants to split with the Soviet Union, thus becoming a troublemaker.  Now, however, this kind of people shrinks to only a handful in the socialist countries; their number has been reduced since the War to Resist America and Assist Korea.[13]  It is, however, a totally different thing for the imperialists:  the stronger China becomes, the more scared they will be.  They also understand that China is not that terrifying as long as China has no advanced industry, and as long as China continues to rely on human power.  The Soviet Union remains the most fearsome [for the imperialists] whereas China is merely the second.  What they are afraid of is our politics and that we may have an enormous impact in Asia.  That is why they keep spreading the words that China will be out of control and will invade others, so on and so forth.

We have been very cautious and modest, trying to overcome arrogance but adhering to the “Five Principles.”[14] We know we have been bullied in the past; we understand how it feels to be bullied.  You would have had the same feeling, wouldn’t you?

China’s future hinges upon socialism.  It will take fifty or even one hundred years to turn China into a wealthy and powerful country.  Now no [formidable] blocking force stands in China’s way.  China is a huge country with a population of one fourth of that of the world.  Nevertheless, her contribution to the world is yet to be compatible with her population size, and this situation will have to change, although my generation and even my son’s generation may not see the change taking place.  How it will change in the future depends on how [China] develops.  China may make mistakes or become corrupt; the current good situation may take a bad turn and, then, the bad situation may take a good turn.  There can be little doubt, though, that even if [China’s] situation takes a bad turn, it may not become as decadent a society as that of Jiang Jieshi’s.  This anticipation is based on dialectics.  Affirmation, negation, and, then, negation of negation.  The path in the future is bound to be tortuous.

Corruption, bureaucracy, hegemonism, and arrogance all may take effect in China.  However, the Chinese people are inclined to be modest and willing to learn from others.  One explanation is that we have little “capital” at our disposal: first, we did not invent Marxism which we learned from others; second, we did not experience the October Revolution and our revolution did not achieve victory until 1949, some thirty-two years after the October Revolution; third, we were only a branch army, not a main force, during the Second World War; fourth, with little modern industry, we merely have agriculture and some shabby, tattered handicrafts.  Although there are some people among us who appear to be cocky, they are in no position to be cocky; at most, [they can merely show] their tails one or two meters high.  But we must prevent this from happening in the future: it may become dangerous [for us] in ten to twenty years and even more dangerous in forty to fifty years.

My comrades, let me advise you that you should also watch out for this potential.  Your industry is much modernized and has experienced a more rapid growth; Stalin made you suffer and hence, justice is on your side.  All of this, though, may become your [mental] burden.

The above-mentioned four mistakes Stalin committed [concerning China] may also become our burden.  When China becomes industrialized in later years, it will be more likely that we get cocky.  Upon your return to your country, please tell your youngsters that, should China stick her tail up in the future, even if the tail becomes ten thousand meters high, still they must criticize China.  [You] must keep an eye on China, and the entire world must keep an eye on China.  At that time, I definitely will not be here: I will already be attending a conference together with Marx.

We are sorry that we hurt you before, thus owing you a good deal.  Killing must be compensated by life and debts must be paid in cash.  We have criticized you before, but why do we still keep quiet?  Before [Khrushchev’s] criticism of Stalin, we were not in a position to be as explicit about some issues as we are now.  In my previous conversations with [Ambassador] Bobkoveshi, I could only say that as long as the Soviet Union did not criticize Stalin, we would be in no position to do so; as long as the Soviet Union did not restore [diplomatic] relations with Yugoslavia, we could not establish relations with you.[15]  Now these issues can be openly discussed.  I have already talked to the Soviet comrades about the four mistakes that Stalin had committed [to China]; I talked to [Soviet Ambassador Pavel] Yudin[16] about it, and I shall talk to Khrushchev about it next time when we meet.  I talk to you about it because you are our comrades.  However, we still cannot publish this in the newspapers, because the imperialists should not be allowed to know about it.  We may openly talk about one or two mistakes of Stalin’s in the future.  Our situation is quite different from yours:  Tito’s autobiography mentions Stalin because you have already broken up with the Soviet Union.

Stalin advocated dialectical materialism, but sometimes he lacked materialism and, instead, practiced metaphysics; he wrote about historical materialism, but very often suffered from historical idealism.  Some of his behavior, such as going to extremes, fostering personal myth, and embarrassing others, are by no means [forms] of materialism.

Before I met with Stalin, I did not have much good feeling about him.  I disliked reading his works, and I have read only “On the Basis of Leninism,” a long article criticizing Trotsky, and “Be Carried Away by Success,” etc.  I disliked even more his articles on the Chinese revolution.  He was very different from Lenin: Lenin shared his heart with others and treated others as equals whereas Stalin liked to stand above every one else and order others around.  This style can be detected from his works.  After I met with him, I became even more disgusted:  I quarreled a lot with him in Moscow.  Stalin was excitable by temperament.  When he became agitated, he would spell out nasty things.

I have written altogether three pieces praising Stalin.  The first was written in Yanan to celebrate his sixtieth birthday [21 December 1939—ed.], the second was the congratulatory speech [I delivered] in Moscow [in December 1949—ed.], and the third was an article requested by Pravda after his death [March 1953—ed.].  I always dislike congratulating others as well as being congratulated by others.  When I was in Moscow to celebrate his birthday, what else could I have done if I had chosen not to congratulate him?  Could I have cursed him instead?  After his death the Soviet Union needed our support and we also wanted to support the Soviet Union.  Consequently, I wrote that piece to praise his virtues and achievements.  That piece was not for Stalin; it was for the Soviet Communist Party.  As for the piece I did in Yanan, I had to ignore my personal feelings and treat him as the leader of a socialist country.  Therefore, that piece was rather vigorous whereas the other two came out of [political] need, not my heart, nor at my will.  Human life is just as contradictory as this: your emotion tells you not to write these pieces, but your rationality compels you to do so.

Now that Moscow has criticized Stalin, we are free to talk about these issues.  Today I tell you about the four mistakes committed by Stalin, but, in order to maintain relations with the Soviet Union, [we] cannot publish them in our newspapers.  Since Khrushchev’s report only mentioned the conflict over the sugar plant while discussing Stalin’s mistakes concerning us, we feel it inappropriate to make them public.  There are other issues involving conflicts and controversies.

Generally speaking, the Soviet Union is good.  It is good because of four factors: Marxism-Leninism, the October Revolution, the main force [of the socialist camp], and industrialization.  They have their negative side, and have made some mistakes.  However, their achievements constitute the major part [of their past] while their shortcomings are of secondary significance.  Now that the enemy is taking advantage of the criticism of Stalin to take the offensive on a world-wide scale, we ought to support the Soviet Union.  They will certainly correct their mistakes.  Khrushchev already corrected the mistake concerning Yugoslavia.  They are already aware of Wang Ming’s mistakes, although in the past they were unhappy with our criticism of Wang Ming.  They have also removed the “half-hearted Tito” [label from me], thus, eliminating altogether [the labels on] one and a half Titos.  We are pleased to see that Tito’s tag was removed.

Some of our people are still unhappy with the criticism of Stalin.  However, such criticism has positive effects because it destroys mythologies, and opens [black] boxes.  This entails liberation, indeed, a “war of liberation.”  With it, people are becoming so courageous that they will speak their minds, as well as be able to think about issues.

Liberty, equality, and fraternity are slogans of the bourgeoisie, but now we have to fight for them.  Is [our relationship with Moscow] a father-and-son relationship or one between brothers?  It was between father and son in the past; now it more or less resembles a brotherly relationship, but the shadow of the father-and-son relationship is not completely removed.  This is understandable, because changes can never be completed in one day.  With certain openness, people are now able to think freely and independently.  Now there is, in a sense, the atmosphere of anti-feudalism: a father-and-son relationship is giving way to a brotherly relationship, and a patriarchal system is being toppled.  During [Stalin’s] time people’s minds were so tightly controlled that even the feudalist control had been surpassed.  While some enlightened feudal lords or emperors would accept criticism, [Stalin] would tolerate none.  Yugoslavia might also have such a ruler [in your history] who might take it well even when people cursed him right in his face.  The capitalist society has taken a step ahead of the feudalist society.  The Republican and Democratic Parties in the United States are allowed to quarrel with each other.

We socialist countries must find [better] solutions.  Certainly, we need concentration and unification; otherwise, uniformity cannot be maintained.  The uniformity of people’s minds is in our favor, enabling us to achieve industrialization in a short period and to deal with the imperialists.  It, however, embodies some shortcomings, that is, people are made afraid of speaking out.  Therefore, we must find some ways to encourage people to speak out.  Our Politburo’s comrades have recently been considering these issues.

Few people in China have ever openly criticized me.  The [Chinese] people are tolerant of my shortcomings and mistakes.  It is because we always want to serve the people and do good things for the people.  Although we sometimes also suffer from bossism and bureaucracy, the people believe that we have done more good things than bad ones and, as a result, they praise us more than criticize us.  Consequently, an idol is created: when some people criticize me, others would oppose them and accuse them of disrespecting the leader.  Everyday I and other comrades of the central leadership receive some three hundred letters, some of which are critical of us.  These letters, however, are either not signed or signed with a false name.  The authors are not afraid that we would suppress them, but they are afraid that others around them would make them suffer.

You mentioned “On Ten Relationships.”[17] This resulted from one-and-a-half-months of discussions between me and thirty-four ministers [of the government].  What opinions could I myself have put forward without them?  All I did was to put together their suggestions, and I did not create anything.  Any creation requires materials and factories.  However, I am no longer a good factory.  All my equipment is out-of-date, I need to be improved and re-equipped as much as do the factories in Britain.  I am getting old and can no longer play the major role but had to assume a minor part.  As you can see, I merely played a minor role during this Party’s National Congress whereas Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping[18] and others assumed the primary functions.

[1] The content of this conversation suggests that it occurred between 15 and 28 September 1956, when the CCP’s Eighth National Congress was in session.

[2] This refers to the Information Bureau of Communist and Workers’ Parties (Cominform), which was established in September 1947 by the parties of the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Poland, France, Czechoslovakia, Italy, and Yugoslavia. The Bureau announced that it was ending its activities in April 1956.

[3] Wang Ming (1904-1974), also known as Chen Shaoyu, was a returnee from the Soviet Union and a leading member of the Chinese Communist Party in the 1930s. Official Chinese Communist view claims that Wang Ming committed “ultra-leftist” mistakes in the early 1930s and “ultra-rightist” mistakes in the late 1930s.

[4] The white areas were Guomindang-controlled areas.

[5] Liu Shaoqi was vice chairman of the CCP Central Committee and chairman of the Standing Committee of the People’s National Congress. He was China’s second most important leader.

[6] The Chinese Communist party’s eighth national congress was held in Beijing on 15-27 September 1956.

[7] Georgii Dimitrov (1882-1949), a Bulgarian communist, was the Comintern’s secretary general from 1935 to 1943.

[8] Mao here pointed to the period from 1931 to 1935, during which the “international section,” of which Wang Ming was a leading member, controlled the central leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.

[9] Zhu De was then vice chairman of the CCP Central Committee and vice chairman of the PRC.

[10] Bobkoveshi was Yugoslavia’s first ambassador to the PRC, with whom Mao Zedong met for the first time on 30 June 1955.

[11] Chinggis Khan, also spelled Genghis Jenghiz, was born about 1167, when the Mongolian-speaking tribes still lacked a common name.  He became their great organizer and unifier. Before his death in 1227, Chinggis established the basis for a far-flung Eurasian empire by conquering its inner zone across Central Asia. The Mongols are remembered for their wanton aggressiveness both in Europe and in Asia, and this trait was certainly present in Chinggis.

[12] The Han nationality is the majority nationality in China, which counts for over 95 percent of the Chinese population.

[13] The “War to Resist America and Assist Korea” describes China’s participation in the Korean War from October 1950 to July 1953.

[14] The five principles were first introduced by Zhou Enlai while meeting a delegation from India on 31 December 1953. These principles—(1) mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, (2) mutual non-aggression, (3) mutual non-interference in international affairs, (4) equality and mutual benefit, and (5) peaceful coexistence—were later repeatedly claimed by the Chinese government as the foundation of the PRC’s foreign policy.

[15] China did not establish diplomatic relations with Yugoslavia until January 1955, although the Yugoslavian government recognized the PRC as early as 5 October 1949, four days after the PRC’s establishment.

[16] P. F. Yudin (1899-1968), a prominent philosopher and a member of the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party from 1952 to 1961, was Soviet ambassador to China from 1953 to 1959.

[17] “On Ten Relationships” was one of Mao’s major works in the 1950s. He discussed the relationship between industry and agriculture and heavy industry and light industry, between coastal industry and industry in the interior, between economic construction and national defense, between the state, the unit of production, and individual producers, between the center and the regions, between the Han nationality and the minority nationalities, between party and non-party, between revolutionary and counter-revolutionary, between right and wrong, and between China and other countries. For an English translation of one version of the article, see Stuart Schram, ed., Chairman Mao Talks to the People (New York: Pantheon Books, 1974), 61-83.

[18] Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping were all leading members of the Chinese Communist Party. At the Party’s Eighth Congress in September 1956, Liu and Zhou were elected the Party’s vice chairmen, and Deng the Party’s general secretary.


Mao Zedong waijiao wenxuan [Selected Diplomatic Papers of Mao Zedong] (Beijing: The Central Press of Historical Documents, 1993), 251-262. Translated and Annotated by Zhang Shu Guang and Chen Jian

This document taken from


A Note on the Debt Crisis and Neo-Liberalism



From Greece to Ireland and from USA to Japan a spectre is haunting international capitalism, the spectre of public debt. If the year 2008 would go into history as the year when banks started to default; 2010 would be remembered as the year when countries started defaulting on their loans. Continue reading “A Note on the Debt Crisis and Neo-Liberalism”

सिरिज़ा सरकार का सामाजिक सुरक्षा पर हमला शुरू

Hindi Translation of Greek Trade Union Front PAME (All Workers Militant Front) statement — Information On The Attack of the SYRIZA Government Against Social Security–

Hindi Translation of Greek Trade Union Front PAME (All Workers Militant Front) statement — Information On The Attack of the SYRIZA Government Against Social Security–

सिरिज़ा सरकार ने लगभग सारे बुर्जुआ दलों की मदद से सामाजिक सुरक्षा क्षेत्र में नई मजदूर विरोधी कदम उठाना शुरु कर दिया है. वो इसी तरह के अतिरिक्त अधिनियम/प्रस्ताव को पारित करना जारी रखेगी,  जिनका उद्देश्य जो थोडे सामाजिक सुरक्षा बची है उसे ख़तम करना, तथा निजी  बीमा मॉडल जिसमें व्यक्ति का योगदान उसके नौकरी पर आधारित होगा. यह यूरोपियन यूनियन की पेंशन पर ‘ग्रीन बुक’ में लिखित  नियम पर आधारित है.

यह तथाकथित गैर-वेतन(मज़दूरी) कटौती बड़े पूँजी कि पिछ्ले कई वर्षों से मांग थी और अभी भी है.

सरकार और पूंजीपति वर्ग नें जल्दी से जल्दी यूरोपियन यूनियन के स्तर पर हुई कई वर्ष पहले के निर्णय  को लागू करने का फैसला कर लिया  है,  इस फैसले के तहत सामाजिक सुरक्षा प्रणाली की जगह एक ऐसी व्यवस्था स्थापित की जायेगी जिसमे पेंशन दान की तरह होगा, और इसमें राज्य और मालिकों को उनके योगदान से पूरी तरह से निजात मिल जायेगा। वे एक ऐसे सामाजिक बीमा प्रणाली की तैयारी कर रहें हैं, जहाँ बीमा धारक अपने रिटायरमेंट के 67 के उम्र बाद भी नौकरी की भीख मांगेगे, ताकि वह जीने के लिये न्यूनतम पेंशन की आवश्यकता को पूरा कर सके।

अभी तक इन प्रावधानों को लागू सिर्फ एक ही कारण से नहीं किया जा सका था, वह था वर्ग आधारित ट्रेड यूनियन का प्रतिरोध आन्दोलन।

अभी तक  संकट के दौरान भी हमने जिन (सामाजिक सुरक्षा) व्यवस्था को हमने बचा कर रखा था उसे यह “वाम” सरकार ने ख़तम कर दिया, जिसका जनहित पर दुखद परिणाम पड़ा है।

यह संगठित होने और लड़ने का समय है। निराशा और हार के लिये कोई जगह नहीं है। यह समय है मजदूर वर्ग के प्रतिकार का। अपनी महाशक्ति को जांचने का, वह महाशक्ति जो अभी तक इस यूरोपियन यूनियन से टकराव के बिना सरकारी परिवर्तन पर उमीदें लगा रखी थी।

सामाजिक सुरक्षा पर अबतक पारित कर दिये गए कानून

  • 1 जुलाई 2015 सप्लीमेंट्री (पूरक) पेंशन में 6% कटौती और मुख्य पेंशन में 2% की कटौती
  • राज्य द्वारा न्यूनतम गारेंटी कि समाप्ति, जो लोग 67 वर्ष की आयु से पहले रिटायर कर गए हैं उनके पेंशन में 60% तक कि कटौती. इस कदम से महिलायें, मातायें और विकलांगता पेंशन पाने वाले, स्वरोजगार व्यक्ति सबसे ज्यादा प्रभावित होंगे
  • 1 जनवरी २०१६ से २०२१ तक सभी राज्य द्वारा वित्तीय सहायता पर रोक।
  • वे लोग जो 1.1.२०१५ के बार रिटायर किये हैं उनके मुख्य पेंशन की गणना नए तरीके से करना, इसका मतलब जो 67 वर्ष के पहले और 1 जुलाई २०१५ के बाद रिटायर किये हैं उनके पेंशन में करीब ३०% से ५०% तक कि कटौती।


कानून जो पारित होने वाले हैं

  • ३००,००० लोगों के रिटायरमेंट कि अवधी 1 से १२ साल तक बढ़ाना
  • अगले 5 सालों में जल्दी रिटायरमेंट (early retirement) पर 80% तक की कटौती


अभी और जो प्रस्ताव अक्टूबर २०१५ तक पारित किये जायेंगे उनमे ट्रेड यूनियन विरोधी सुधार और हड़ताल करने के अधिकार को ख़तम करना तथा  मजदूरों कि व्यापक स्तर पर छटनी शामिल है।

 हमें  बर्दाश्त नहीं है, और ना ही हम इसकी इजाज़त देते हैं – हम उन्हें उखाड़ फेंकने के लिए संगठित हो रहे हैं!

केवल संगठित वर्ग आधारित संघर्ष इन नये और पुराने प्रस्ताव और मजदूर विरोधी कानून को ख़तम कर सकता है।

 हमें इस दरिद्रता भरे भयंकर दुस्वापन को ख़तम करना होगा~केवल वर्ग संघर्ष में ही सच्ची उम्मीद है। हम जो भी पेंशन और स्वस्थ्य सेवा में अधिकार बचे हैं उनकी रक्षा करनी होगी। हम लड़ेंगे अपने हुए नुकसान को वापिस पाने के लिये और पेंशन और सामाजिक हक़ को आज के स्तर पर लाने के लिये। हर कार्यस्थल पर मजबूत और बड़ा ट्रेड यूनियन, जो कि मजदूरों को एकत्रित और संगठित करेगा, वो एक मज़बूत संयुक्त मोर्चा तैयार करेगा मालिकों, ग्रीस की सरकार और ई.यू के खिलाफ। सामाजिक भागीदारी और मालिकों द्वारा पोषित वर्ग सहयोग की बात करने वाले दलाल ट्रेड-यूनियनवादीयों के ज़हरीले प्रभाव के खिलाफ संघर्ष करना. सामाजिक गठबंधन को मज़बूत करना। सामाजिक सुरक्षा, पेंशन और स्वास्थ्य सुविधा स्वरोज़गार और छोटे किसानों का भी मसला है।

 यह हमारी प्रतिक्रिया है। मजदूर विरोधी  ‘समझौतों के खिलाफ हमारा गठबंधन। कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि वे कितने ही कानून बनाये, केवल जिस कानून के प्रति हमारी निष्ठा है, वह है “जो मजदूरों के लिए न्यायसंगत है”!

 हमें अपने शक्तियों को संगठित करते हुए, यह मांग करना हैं कि जो हमारा है, वह जनता की ज़रूरतों को पूरा करने के लिये है, ना कि (पूंजीपति) एकाधिकार के मुनाफे के लिये.


Translated from English to Hindi by Damodar

The Girondes of Working Class

This article analyses the 21st party congress of the Communist Party of India (Marxist). It critiques the Political Tactical Line document of the party terming it as another revisionist document.

Written by Damodar

front page ph B

The 21st party congress of CPI (M) recently concluded at Visakhapatnam with the usual ritualistic flavour that has become the hallmark of such events for the parties of Left Front particularly the CPI and the CPI (M). The party congress would be known for selecting or rather electing “unanimously” its new General Secretary Sitaram Yechury. Though the outgoing general secretary, Prakash Karat wanted the post to go to Ramachandran Pillai. The ongoing factional struggle between Karat and Yechury was somehow saved from being open in public when the Karat faction backtracked on the voting for new General Secretary. While Yechury was backed by West Bengal delegates, Pillai a Karat man enjoyed the support of the Pinarayi Vijayan faction from Kerala, but the Bengal lobby wanted a more pragmatic (read one who can hob nob with Congress and other parties) man at helm.

The party Congress of CPI (M), no longer evinces the same interest particularly among the Left movement as it did few years ago. No communist group/party or left journal devoted any analysis or criticism to the policy/issues raised in the congress. A major reason might have been that for CPI-M, like its counterpart bourgeoisie parties there has been a wide gap between its political-organisational reports and its politics on ground level. Further the dwindling base of the party and its almost moribund energy was enough to deter the bourgeoisie media. For the revolutionary Left, it has stopped taking cognizance of this party’s activities since long. Revisionist parties — as the CPI (M) has become–, adopts something in their party congresses while doing the opposite when it comes to the realm of day to day politics. This is an important characteristic of revisionism that differentiates it from a genuine revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Party.

Yet, nationally and internationally there are several comrades who still consider CPI and CPI (M) a still Marxist-Leninist formation, hence we would like to take this opportunity to analyse the resolutions particularly the new Political Tactical Line (PTL) adopted in the congress. At the same time it is our duty as a Marxist Leninist to wage a struggle to expose the real intention of reformist-revisionists so that their real intention comes to the fore.

21st Congress: The identity Crisis.

The Congress took place at a time when the party finds itself at the lowest. It has secured the lowest number of seat in Lok Sabha since its formation, its rule in the states is at lowest with only tiny Tripura saving the grace, the confidence of the leadership is at lowest so is the enthusiasm of the cadres. The set back of Bengal has still not gone so is the factional crisis in Kerala. In other parts of the country it was hardly any force to reckon with but there also it has lost its confidence to lead mass movement. The net result is the party is grappling with severe identity crisis. The spaces being vacated by it are being grabbed by new entities like Aam Admi Party (AAP) in Delhi and even by NGOs in several places. It has squarely failed to cash on the anti-establishment feeling of the common masses and in its once strong hold the party is seen as equally corrupt with rank opportunists, and self-seekers found it highly rewarding to join the party and to ditch it as well. So it is not a surprise when a senior party leader admitted that around 40,000 members have quit the CPM in West Bengal since 2011 and major section of it joining the BJP. The decimation and decline shows no sign of abetment, if the recently concluded bye-elections and the civic elections are any sign, where the Trinmool Congress resoundingly trampled the party and Left front’s candidates. Bengal unit is no longer able to mobilise masses on the scale as when it was in power.

Left front government in its eagerness to hug the capitalists nudged the peasant & proletariats, who in turn dumped him in the elections. The people have thoroughly rejected the conversion of CPI (M) from a social democratic party to that of agent of national and international finance capital. It’s policy of embracing industrialisation-at-any-cost by appeasing international and national capital and inviting predatory multinationals like Wal-Mart in the naïve belief of advancing the “productive forces”. It forcibly acquired land, deeply antagonising peasants and the working class as well. But only the revolutionary force and its organisation can help in advancement of productive force. After three decades of stagnant rule based on terror, intimidation and sycophancy CPM neither commanded a revolutionary force nor was it ever a revolutionary organisation.

The Singur-Nandigram occurrences weren’t causes but effects/symptoms of a deeper malaise: pursuit of neoliberalism, which the party’s central leadership assails. The CPM, with a strongly upper-caste sophisticated, westernised, middle and upper middle class leadership, failed to combat caste, gender and anti-Muslim discrimination not is it able to understand the changing dynamics of the Indian polity. It became a party of careerists bereft of imagination, yet complacent and arrogant first towards its smaller partners and then to the people at large. Tales of party leaders threatening masses and silencing every voice of dissent using most heinous ways that only a bourgeoisie party is capable of undertaking that too against fellow communist showed the rot that had engulfed it.

In name of industrialisation the CPM government was happy to give away with hundreds of acres of fertile land perhaps best quality agrarian land of the country at throw away price to Tata. When the people protested they even did not blink an eye to shoot the poor peasants and rural proletariats their support base for decades and terming them as reactionaries.

Prakash Karat has been lecturing and writing long articles on the exploitation in SEZs across the country but same Karat had no qualm in declaring SEZs in Bengal as ‘progressive’.

Similarly in Kerala it has suffered setbacks because of the CPM-instigated murder of political rivals like T.P. Chandrasekharan, neglect of social and gender issues, and outright opposition to Western Ghats conservation and support for encroachers. The party today is seen to be no different than Congress of RSS. Gone are the days of mass mobilisation today it relies on mob mobilisation to silence its critique. Several top leadership of Kerala have been implicated in various scams. In Lavalin scam the party’s State Secretary and the former Politburo member Pinarayi Vijayan is directly involved.

The leadership both at national and state levels seems to have lost the capacity to lead independent mass actions. Years of tailism and being propped on the crutches of this or that bourgeoisie party has done away with the capability of agitation, a fact that has been accepted in the Congress as well.

 The Congress apart from adopting regular resolutions and reports adopted a new PTL. The previous PTL was adopted at the 13th congress held at Thiruvananthapuram from December 27 1988 to 1st January 1999.

The Political Tactical Line: Nothing new!

Suddenly a realisation has dawned in the party that there is something wrong with their strategy and the organisation. From where did this sudden fountain of realisation erupt? It did not emanate as a result of any genuine desire to resist the onslaught of capital but the new PTL itself answers it. It says:

 “The 2014 Lok Sabha election review conducted by the Central Committee in June 2014 had concluded that the Party has been unable to advance for sometime and this was reflected in the poor performance of the Party in the election.…The election review report adopted by the Central Committee stated that:

 “In successive Party Congresses we have been emphasizing the need for enhancing the independent strength of the Party. Some of the states have attributed the erosion of our independent strength to the tactics of aligning with the bourgeois parties. The failure to advance the independent strength of the Party necessitates a reexamination of the political-tactical line that we have been pursuing”.

So the necessity of reviewing the PTL came from the massive drubbing that it got in the elections. Since 1989-90 it may be remembered CPI (M) with its politics of alliance along with manipulations what may be termed as Harikishen Surjeet’s line was instrumental in playing a major role in power-play/ power broker role. Though the party never had any significant pan India presence, yet the Machiavellian politics of Surjeet kept CPI(M) at centre of Delhi’s power gallery.

Today things are very different, The party’s sudden deemphasizing of electoral politics and rhetorical calls for “mobilizing the masses” are due to its marginalization in bourgeois parliamentary politics. So to be relevant it has to raise the bogey of mass mobilization as recently we saw AAP doing in Delhi. In fact CPI (M) has been highly mesmerised with the polity and tactics of AAP. Its mouthpiece even eulogised the Kejriwal’s team and indirectly pleading for an alliance, but unfortunately it got no feeler from the later for having any kind of alliance.

The PTL further says:

“The P-TL is the tactics we adopt from time to time in a specific situation in order to advance towards our strategic goal which is the People’s Democratic Revolution. The tactical goal we have set out in the P-TL is the forging of a Left and democratic Front in order to present the Left and democratic alternative to the bourgeois-landlord order. The struggle to forge the Left and democratic alternative is part of our effort to change the correlation of class forces so that we can advance towards our strategic goal.”

So much for that coveted goal of Peoples’ Democratic Revolution, which this party wants to achieve by forging a Left and democratic Front. Interestingly the mention of revolution starts and ends here. The entire document then is about forging or not forging alliance with the other parties! It does not mention any substantial tactics to be adopted vis-à-vis the working class nor with the peasantry.

One is bound to ask, who are the “democratic” parties? While the PTL has left us to speculate, but those who have been following the Indian polity even cursorily would have no hesitation in answering the question. For the CPM leadership the democratic forces among others today are the siblings of the so-called Janata Parivar like the Samajwadi Party, Janata Dal, Rashtirya Janata Dal and similar parties. Now everyone knows the character of these parties and what harm they have done in stalling the progress of the working class and peasant movement. These rank casteist outfits are no better than the rightist or the Bourgeoisie outfits. In fact when there will a call for decisive struggle against the forces of fascism and capitalism, these outfits instead of being with the working class and toiling masses would ally with the capitalist and fascist forces.

The Political Resolution of the 10th Congress explained the Left and democratic Front as follows: “The struggle to build this front is part of our endeavour to bring about a change in the correlation of class forces, to end a situation in which the people can choose only between two bourgeois-landlord parties, and get imprisoned within the framework of the present system. By gathering all Left and democratic forces together for further advance, the Party makes a beginning to consolidate these forces which, in future, will participate in shaping the alliance for People’s Democracy under the leadership of the working class. The left and democratic Front is not to be understood as only an alliance for elections or Ministry, but a fighting alliance of the forces for immediate advance – economic and political – and for isolating the reactionary classes that hold the economy in their grip.”

This point needs to be elaborated. The Party has elucidated its intention of gathering the Left and democratic forces for future advance of the party, to shape the alliance for People’s Democracy (emphasis ours) so much so for the caricature of Peoples’ Democracy! Peoples’ Democracy as propounded by Stalin and further elaborated by Dimitrov is a special form of dictatorship of the proletariat, where there is a class alliance with other progressive forces under the general leadership of the Communist or workers’ party. This model of Peoples’ Democracy was implemented immediately after the Second World War in Eastern Europe and China.

The characteristic feature of Peoples’ Democracy is:

The rise and development of people’s democracy should be examined concretely and historically, since people’s democracy is passing through various stages and its class content changes, depending on the stage.

The first stage is the stage of agrarian, anti-feudal, anti-imperialist revolution, in the course of which people’s democracy arises as the organ of revolutionary power, representing in its content something in the nature of dictatorship of the working class and peasantry, the working class having the leading role. A characteristic feature of this power is that it directs its sharp edge against imperialism, against fascism.

The second stage is the establishment of the dictatorship of the working class in the form of people’s democracy and the building of Socialism. (A. Sobolev, Peoples’ Democracy as a Form of Political Organisation of Society)

So we leave it to the good sense of our comrade readers to decide which politics of CPM confirms to their working towards the course of achieving the Peoples’ Democratic Revolution. What has been the role of CPM in fight against imperialism or against Fascism? When they were in power, the policies adapted by them were no different from that of any other bourgeoisie party.

Before proceeding further we would like to state another related issue, which gets mentioned prominently. The PTL in point 14 further states about the adoption of Left Democratic Secular Front:

For this we have to look for the reasons within the P-TL itself. From the 13th Congress (1988) we started talking of the unity of the Left and secular forces. We made a distinction between the immediate  task of forging a non-Congress secular alternative to meet the current situation and the task of building the Left and democratic Front. By the 15th Congress we had set out the slogan of the unity of the Left, democratic and secular forces. By that time we had more or less concluded that the Left and democratic Front is a distant goal and is not a realizable slogan as reiterated in the 11th Congress of the Party. By and by we relegated the Left and democratic Front to a propaganda slogan. The Left, democratic and secular alliance became the new interim slogan. While this began as a slogan against the Rajiv Gandhi Congress government to rally the non-Congress secular bourgeois parties while demarcating from the BJP, later it became the slogan directed against the BJP. It is on that basis that we joined the United Front, without participating in the government in 1996.

Now in terms of secular, the most important secular formation for our “Marxist” friends apart from the so-called democratic parties are parties like AIADMK, DMK, TDP etc. who share the crumbs with our revolutionary “Marxists” thus helping them win a seat here a seat there. Though, it never has crossed the mind of our comrades to check about the secular credentials of these parties. The less said the better. All such “secular” and “democratic” parties have no qualm of hobnobbing with the BJP or Congress as the compulsion of the parliamentary polity demands.

The Entire PTL is full of such jingoism and pseudo revolutionary phrase mongering, but we will not go into the detail in interest of space and time of our dear comrade readers.

How different were CPM from the other bourgeoisie parties when in power? After the 2004 elections Ashok Mitra wrote an article commenting on the capitulation of the CPI M leaders to the camp of neo liberalism, he wrote:

The main poll issue in West Bengal was the state government’s policy of capitalist industrial growth; events in Singur and Nandigram were offshoots of that policy. Many sections, including staunch long-time supporters of the Left cause, had been shocked by the cynical nonchalance initially exhibited by the state government on police firing on women and children in Nandigram. A series of other faux pas was committed in its wake, including the messy affair of the Tata small car project. The electorate reached its conclusion on the government’s putting all its eggs in the Nano basket. Once the Tatas departed, the state administration was dubbed not only insensitive, but incompetent as well. Questions have continued to be raised one after another: was it really necessary to take over fertile land at Singur, why could not the Tatas be prevailed upon to choose an alternative site, why did not the state government apply adequate pressure on the United Progressive Alliance regime in New Delhi — which was assumed to depend upon Left support for survival — to pass the necessary legislation so that land belonging to closed factories could be taken over to locate new industries? And why the state government was reluctant to lobby earnestly in the national capital for adequate resources from centrally controlled public financial institutions to the state exchequer, which could have ensured industrial expansion in the public domain itself — whether this reluctance was merely due to lack of resources or because of a deeper ideological reason such as a loss of faith in socialistic precepts and practices.

A number of other unsavoury facts also need to be laid bare. A state government does not have too much of funds or other spoils to distribute. But in a milieu where feudal elements co-inhabit with the petit bourgeoisie, persons in a position to dispense only little favours can also attract fair-weather friends and gather sycophants around them. Concentric circles of favour-rendering develop fast. Merit necessarily takes a backseat in official decisions. Corruption, never mind how small-scale, creeps in. Nepotism, sprouting at the top, gradually infects descending rungs of administration, including the panchayats. Much of all this has taken place of late within the precincts of the Left regime. The net effect is a steep decline in the quality of governance. The fall in efficiency is illustrated by the inept handling of programmes like the rural employment guarantee scheme. To make things worse, all this has been accompanied by a kind of hauteur which goes ill with radical commitment.

As we have mentioned umpteen times revisionist parties use revolutionary phrase mongering to hide their revisionist character. Same goes with our great defenders of Socialism and Peoples’ Democracy, while degeneration and double-talks reach their nadir while lending credence to abject surrender to the lap of the World Bank, the IMF, the MNCs and the World Bank’s trusted men like Manmohan Singh or even the regional allies of capitalism like Mulaym Singh and Chandrababu Naidu. Did not Tito or Khruschev continued to hang the Communist, Marxist and other revolutionary sign boards, while doing the exact opposite of what the tenants of Marxism Leninism teaches.

 But we must commend the CPM leadership for they are always not dishonest. In point number 17, they have been ultra-honest (if there is any such word in English):

As the realization of a third alternative became more unattainable, in the 18th Congress Political Resolution another distinction was made between the electoral understanding for specific elections by drawing the non-Congress bourgeois parties and the building of a third alternative. Thus the Left and democratic Front was relegated to the third phase of our task. The first phase being the immediate current task of electoral understanding for a specific election by drawing in the non-Congress bourgeois secular parties. The second phase being the formation of a third alternative based on a common programme which would be forged by building joint movements and struggles. The third phase was the building of the Left and democratic Front.

Reading this point in conjunction with point 16 and above, clearly demonstrates the real intention and politics of the party. The aim of the party three layers down is elections and nothing but elections. First they want or wanted to build an electoral understanding of non -Congress (or now non BJP) parties followed by a common front like the discredited United Front and followed by the so called Left Democratic Front. So the party will work for elections and nothing but elections. We all know that the limitations of bourgeoisie elections, and neither are we for boycotting it like some of the adventurist groups claims, but basing the entire politics around parliament, did not Lenin sharply criticised this tendency terming it as parliamentary cretinism? What can one gain but few reforms for the working class even if one has a commanding position in such institution? A quote from Lenin will not be out of place here. Lenin in his article titled “Marxism and Reformism” wrote:

Unlike the anarchists, the Marxists recognise struggle for reforms, i.e., for measures that improve the conditions of the working people without destroying the power of the ruling class. At the same time, however, the Marxists wage a most resolute struggle against the reformists, who, directly or indirectly, restrict the aims and activities of the working class to the winning of reforms. Reformism is bourgeois deception of the workers, who, despite individual improvements, will always remain wage-slaves, as long as there is the domination of capital.

The liberal bourgeoisie grant reforms with one hand, and with the other always take them back, reduce them to nought, use them to enslave the workers, to divide them into separate groups and perpetuate wage-slavery. For that reason reformism, even when quite sincere, in practice becomes a weapon by means of which the bourgeoisie corrupt and weaken the workers. The experience of all countries shows that the workers who put their trust in the reformists are always fooled. (emphasis ours)

Now this is what CPM aims for, some reforms!

The PTL goes on to summarise the experience of various fronts and alliances that the party had undertook in the past and not so distant past in a tone that resembles a chronological reading of the government formation since the National Front days. While the party has accepted its mistakes there has been no self-criticism or mention of its wrongdoing in Bengal and Kerala. So much for honesty of a revolutionary communist party! It has though in passing mentioned,:

“What has to be recognised is that the processes underway during the globalisation-neo-liberal regime have posed new problems for the Left and has created adverse conditions for developing the movements of the working class, agrarian, students, youth and women. It is imperative that we understand the processes at work and work out new and suitable tactics and organisational methods.”

But as much CPM may gloss over its mistakes the proletariats have not. In Bengal the toiling class has not forgotten the tyranny and high handedness of the party nomenklatura who adopted all kinds of legitimate and illegitimate means to bring success to their rule and satisfy the mandarins or babus (from Jyoti babu to Buddhadeb babu) at the Muzaffar Ahmed Bhawan (the West Bengal state HQ) rather than the toiling masses and even to silence the enemies. The coal field of Bengal still reverberates from the atrocities and the terror of the CITUs leadership. The people have not forgotten the several bloody attacks perpetrated by the hooligans at the behest of the party. The cowardly assassination of the fire brand trade union and highly respected communist leader comrade Sunil Pal on 29-12-2009 by the hired goons and marauders of CPI (M) is still fresh in the minds of people of coalfields. His only fault being that he was a dedicated Marxist-Leninist whose sole aim being to bring justice and safeguard the workers interest against the capitals offensive.

The CPM de-radicalised the trade unions and lost its prime working class cadres, reducing Trade Union to being a dovetail of the government and a means for money collection and keeping in check the working class. At every juncture CITU was found capitulating to the whims of capital. Apart from one day ritualistic strike and dharna, whose outcome is known to all and sundry beforehand it has only compromised the interest of the working class at an all India level. During the Maruti struggle CITU instead of giving a militant leadership to the struggle was seen siding with the management and on the pretext of maintaining industrial peace was seen chiding the belligerent workers. When the workers were put in jail it did nothing to bring them out but at every crucial juncture sided with the management.

Similarly in the struggle against Coal ordinance in January 2015, the CITU leadership since beginning of the strike had adopted a defeatist position and was only seen praying and pleading to the government for some reforms. We are once again reminded of the words said by Lenin for the reformists, “Fight to improve your condition as a slave, but regard the thought of overthrowing slavery as a harmful utopia”! does it not fit CPM today?

Another glaring point that finds no mention in either the PTL of the Pol-Org Report is the  support the CPI-M extended to Pranab Mukherjee in the last presidential election. The CPI Congress document on the past developments noted this and informed its members of the division suffered by the Left on this issue when the CPI and other Left parties refused to follow the CPI-M and back Pranab due to his role in carrying out neoliberal reforms. The CPI-M’s backing of Pranab is not so simple as it may seem—for behind it was the largesse by a Big Business house (with which Pranab is deeply associated) to the CPI-M.

 With all the tall promises and phrase of mass mobilization the PTL amply gives the direction that party will take on ground. Consider point 30, it says:

There can be swift changes in the political situation. New contradictions may merge amongst the bourgeois parties and within them. Political parties may undergo changes through splits or coming together to form a new party. Flexible tactics should be evolved to deal with the situation. In our pursuit of united actions, joint platforms may have to be formed with various social movements, people’s mobilizations and issue-based movements.

So, in event of an alliance this clause will be invoked to hoodwink the cadres, in guise of “contradiction” opportunist alliance will be forged, neo-liberalism will be supported and the bourgeoisie will be given free hand to rule. Same intention is reflected in point 46.

Given the danger posed by the communal forces reinforced by the BJP in power with an absolute majority in the Lok Sabha, we should strive for the broader unity of the secular and democratic forces. Such joint platforms are necessary for a wider mobilization against communalism. Such platforms, however, should not be seen as the basis for electoral alliances.

Given the nature and ambition of these democratic and secular parties whom our friends had just termed as agent of capitalist and supporter of capital, there is again a yearning for an alliance. Old love never dies! By the time the PTL came for conclusion, the authors of this document could not suppress their desire for alliance.

So after all the epithets and brickbats the point 61 mentions:

Electoral tactics should be dovetailed to the primacy of building the Left and democratic front. In the present stage, given the role of the regional parties, there is no basis for forging an alliance with them at the national level. Instead, we can have electoral adjustments with non-Left secular parties in states wherever required in the Party’s interests and which can help rally the Left and democratic forces in the state. (Emphasis ours)

Voila here we are back to square one, the party will continue to do what it has done, and it will just not change. Years of tailism cannot be shed in one day or rather one congress. So, the party will enter in alliance with the non-Left secular parties in states and not at national level, but then comrades of CPM you yourself do not contest elections on national level if we compare your seats with the national parties! Since its formation CPM has failed to develop even the trade union consciousness, not to speak of revolutionary consciousness. Rather it has developed mafia consciousness and factional fights. Politics and ideology were never in command because they lost their credibility, as communist, the line pursued by it under the banner of Marxism-Leninism stands exposed through its ideological line and practice at all levels. Then how is it possible for the CPM to practise anything for the oppressed classes?


As Lenin wrote, “Reformism is bourgeois deception of the workers, who, despite individual improvements, will always remain wage-slaves, as long as there is the domination of capital.” The CPM is no different.

Sitaram Yechury is known to follow the Surjeet line and there is already a campaign that the party is preparing to cosy up its relationship with Congress. As mentioned in a news magazine known to be close to both CPI and CPM “Yechury is eager to join hands with the Congress in combating the Sangh Parivar. It betrays a pathological antipathy for the Congress and a flawed understanding of the present situation. the Congress does not mean only Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi or Manmohan Singh. The Congress means the hundreds of thousands of Congress-supporting masses spread all over the country whose participation is essential in any move-ment against communalism and in defence of secularism. The Left can deny this reality and cling to the old slogan of ‘Left-Democratic Unity’ only at its own peril and at the cost of weakening the movement.”

The party today has not learnt from its past mistakes nor is it in its agenda to counter and challenge the onslaught of neo-liberalism and imperialism. At best it will continue to give the knee jerked reaction in form of out dated token strikes and rallies to LPG (Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation). Today the task of the revolutionary communist has to be to expose this farce and unleash an in-depth political and theoretical offensive against it to expose its opportunist line and practice.


Gironde: One of the two political groups of the bourgeoisie during the French bourgeois revolution at the close of the eighteenth century. The Girondists, as distinct from Jacobins, vacillated between revolution and counter-revolution, and their policy was one of compromise with the monarchy. Lenin frequently stressed that the Mensheviks represented the Girondist trend in the working-class movement.

Readers may also like to read our analysis on Left Front 


Struggle of Working Class of Finland for Peace and Better Living Conditions

This article appeared in the Cominform journal written by comrade Ville Pessi, General Secretary, Communist Party of Finland.


Struggle of Working Class of Finland for Peace and Better Living Conditions

Ville Pessi, General Secretary, Communist Party of Finland

For PDF please click here

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On Lenin’s Birth Anniversary 

On Lenin’s birthday we as his disciple are honoured to be part of the movement to end the rule of exploitation. In words of his friend and comrade Maxim Gorky — Never has there been a man who deserves more to be remem-bered forever by the whole world.

The Unconquerable Inscription
Bertolt Brecht

During the war
In a cell of the Italian prison in San Carlo
Full of imprisoned soldiers, drunks and thieves
A socialist soldier, with an indelible pencil, scratched on the wall:
Long live Lenin!
High above, in the semi-dark cell, hardly visible, but
Written in large letters.
As the warders saw it, they sent for a painter with a bucket of lime.
And with a long stemmed brush he whitewashed the threatening inscription.
Since, however, with his lime, he painted over the letters only
Stood above in the cell, now in chalk:
Long live Lenin!
Next another painter daubed over the whole stretch with a broad brush
So that for hours it disappeared, but towards morning
As the lime dried, the inscription underneath was again conspicuous:
Long live Lenin!
Then dispatched the warder a bricklayer with a chisel against the inscription
And he scratched out letter by letter, one hour long
And as he was done, now colourless, but up above in the wall
But deeply carved, stood the unconquerable inscription:
Long live Lenin!
Now, said the soldier, get rid of the wall!


(Based on facts, as narrated by Giovanni Germanetto, imprisoned in 1917, in a publication in Zuerich in 1930 after his release. The soldier was an Alps climber – Translator).

from Rev. Demo

Fascist Essence of Tito Clique: Vasile Luca

The article “Fascist Essence of Tito Clique” was written by Vasile Luca and published in the Cominform journal For Lasting Peace, the article exposes the Tito’s anti-Marxist Leninist position and it exposes the Fascistic character of the Yugoslav leadership


Download the article in PDF format from here

Or copy the below URL in your browser.

Click to access fascist-essence-of-tito-clique.pdf

Lee Kuan Yew: The proponent of crony-capitalism is dead

Lee Kuan Yew

Lee Kuan Yew

On 23 March 2015, Lee Kuan Yew the first Prime Minister of Singapore and former leader of the ruling People’s Action Party died at the age of 91.

There was an out-pour of condolences and grief’s from the leaders around the world for a man who was termed by US President Obama as “a true giant of history” and “…one of the great strategists of Asian affairs”. While the Chinese President Xi Jinping described him as an “old friend of China”, the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi described him as “…far-sighted statesman and a lion among leaders”. Continue reading “Lee Kuan Yew: The proponent of crony-capitalism is dead”

Leninism – Great Ideological Weapon of Communist and Workers’ Parties

Leninism – Great Ideological Weapon of Communist and Workers’ Parties published in the Cominform journal “For a Lasting Peace, For a Peoples’ Democracy”.


Other Aspect is going to upload some of the important articles that were published in the Cominform journal “For a Lasting Peace, For a Peoples’ Democracy”.

The relevance of these articles are still very much there and we hope they will prove to be a guiding spirit for the international communist movement.

Click here to download the PDF
Leninism – Great Ideological Weapon