Joe Biden addressing supporters as votes are still counted. Image: Joe Biden/Facebook
Rick Salutin | If Joe Biden sailed into office in a landslide win, the inept, corrupt leadership of the Democratic party would learn nothing, and likely carry on as normal.
Dr. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta's chief medical officer of health during yesterday's daily COVID-19 briefing. Image: Screenshot of YourAlberta video/YouTube
David Climenhaga | Only three categories of close contacts will now be notified by provincial health officials: health-care workers, children (whose parents will be informed) and people in communal facilities.
French President Emmanuel Macron in April 2020. Image: Emmanuel Macron/Facebook
Monia Mazigh | French officials commonly invoke the nation's republican history when discussing the fight against terrorism, but are reluctant to address French colonial crimes.
 Image: CUPE Ontario. Used by permission.
Marc Belanger, RadioLabour | RadioLabour's Canada Report: 500 Ontario schools hit by virus while government withholds money. Union organizing during a pandemic.
Premier Jason Kenney at a news briefing in July. Image: Alberta Newsroom/Flickr
Chelsea Nash | Alberta is taking the most extreme austerity measures in response to the pandemic as it seeks to replace public employees with private industry.
Newly elected Congressmember Cori Bush with Congressmember Rashida Tlaib. Image: Cori Bush/Twitter
Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | With intense focus on the presidential election, the electoral successes of progressive congressional candidates has been overlooked.
Athabasca University president Neil Fassina. Image: David J. Climenhaga
David J. Climenhaga | Neil Fassina is about to leave his job as president of Athabasca University to lead Okanagan College in Kelowna, B.C.
President Trump addresses supporters on election night. Image: Screenshot of Donald J. Trump video/Facebook
David J. Climenhaga | If what is happening in the United States were taking place in another country, the American establishment would likely be denouncing the behaviour of President Trump as that of a tyrant.
Amy Coney Barrett taking oath during Senate hearing. Image: Wikimedia Commons
Bill Blaikie | The problem with Coney Barrett is not that she is a Catholic. It's that she is associated with a Catholic right wing that has been fighting and ignoring over a century of Catholic social teaching.
Image: 223 223/Unsplash
David Suzuki | When we turn away from the world not shaped by human hands and decrease our connection to other living things, we can be struck by profound loneliness.
The White House. Image: David J. Climenhaga​
David J. Climenhaga | "If you haven't done it already, you know what you need to do today, for the sake of your Republic, our Dominion, and the rest of the planet as well. To wit: Vote!"
Jason Kenney responds to journalist Emma Graney's question at yesterday's news conference. Image: Screenshot of Government of Alberta video/YouTube
David J. Climenhaga | Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke with an Edmonton radio station Friday to urge the province to adopt the federal app, and stated that the United Conservative Party government was blocking its use.