Manado, Indonesia: Libertania free association of anarchists appeal for help in setting up a social centre

via 325:Call For Support !

We the LIBERTANIANS, are members of a group who are established from many anarchist cells in Manado, Indonesia, and we’re trying to build a social center, a so-called infoshop here in our –fucking– town. We need to have a public space where we can share our thoughts, discuss many topics, make some DIY gigs, movie and film screenings, host a free and open library, free school for kids, translate anarchist literature and text to the Indonesian language and other activities that will empower each of our members and other struggles surrounding us where we joined. For more details, hereby we are attaching our proposal which describe the reasons and some background of our group.

never bow ! never step back !

free association of anarchists Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: Libertania free association of anarchists appeal for help in setting up a social centre”

Melbourne: Churches and corporate property sprayed

Contra-info: On the night of Friday/Saturday August 25 the following actions were carried out in the Northern suburbs of the city:

1. Baptist church & child brainwashing centre sprayed with the slogan ‘PEDO CHRIST’.

2. Railway station underpass sprayed with the slogan ‘FUCK METRO’ and anarchy symbol. (Metro is the private company responsible for running Melbourne’s so-called ‘public’ transport system.)

3. 2nd railway underpass sprayed with slogans ‘DONT WORK: RIOT!’, ‘MASS MEDIA LIES!’ & ‘FUCK THE POLICE STATE!’ Continue reading “Melbourne: Churches and corporate property sprayed”

Melbourne: Construction workers clash with police on picket line

August 28, from Libcom: Police have clashed with striking construction workers in Melbourne. The strikers have been blockading entrances to a $250 million construction project for the last week.

Violence erupted early yesterday morning, after mounted police tried to disperse around 400 picketing workers in order to ensure that scabs were able to get on site.

The picket was larger than usual, as they were joined by workers from other sites and sectors across Melbourne. Continue reading “Melbourne: Construction workers clash with police on picket line”

Melbourne: La Trobe students occupy, vice chancellor flees from protest through tunnels

Students at La Trobe university have been in occupation since August 23, in protest against planned cuts to Humanities and Social Sciences. After a demonstration and a brief occupation on August 13, the vice chancellor had emailed students to say that they could be suspended or expelled for participating in unauthorised protests. The University was particularly worried about the possibility of disruption to its Open Day, August 26.

At the Open Day, the vice chancellor had to escape a student protest ambush by using an underground tunnel network at the campus. Continue reading “Melbourne: La Trobe students occupy, vice chancellor flees from protest through tunnels”

Australia: security upgrade to MPs’ homes due to threats

August 26: Taxpayers are footing the bill for security upgrades to MPs’ homes in the wake of death threats and stalking by angry voters. Fences, CCTV cameras and security grills on windows are being installed to protect the families of Australia’s political leaders.

Last year the Federal Police investigated 156 incidents involving high-profile politicians, including Ms Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott, Julie Bishop, Treasurer Wayne Swan and former Greens leader Bob Brown. Continue reading “Australia: security upgrade to MPs’ homes due to threats”

Christmas Island: asylum seekers on hunger strike

August 25: Asylum seekers, potentially numbering in the hundreds, have gone on a hunger strike on Christmas Island to protest against being sent to Nauru for their claims to be assessed.

Afghan asylum seeker Imayat Ali told Fairfax by phone late on Friday that 238 people, including about 40 women and children – from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Sri Lanka – had been told they would be sent to Nauru, “and if we refuse … we would be deported to our home countries. So we’ve been doing hunger strike,” Mr Ali, 55, said. Continue reading “Christmas Island: asylum seekers on hunger strike”

Mutiny zine issue #66

Mutiny zine for July/August (#66) is now available.

There are articles on:

QLD: Vandals go on Gatton rampage, teen charged

August 25: VANDALS smashed more than 60 windows at Lockyer District High School in Gatton, SE Queensland.

Police said a fire extinguisher was discharged in the school’s assembly hall and graffiti sprayed on a number of buildings in town, including a North St shopping complex, the Autopro store in Railway St and Lockyer Valley Regional Council chamber building. Continue reading “QLD: Vandals go on Gatton rampage, teen charged”

Sydney: alleged Villawood rioters plead not guilty

August 17:  Seven of the 16 asylum seekers charged over a riot at Sydney’s Villawood Detention Centre have pleaded not guilty.

In April last year, nine buildings at Villawood Detention Centre burned down in a two-day riot involving up to 100 detainees.

Sixteen men, mainly from Iran and Afghanistan, were charged. Seven of the men pleaded not guilty at the Supreme Court in Sydney this morning. They face two charges each – one of unlawful violence and another of threatening Serco staff. Continue reading “Sydney: alleged Villawood rioters plead not guilty”