
Connecting Makers and Designers


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🏆 The 2020 Distributed Design Awards winners are here!

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Building a community in times of crisis

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Design Remix Share Repeat

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What is Distributed Design?

The Distributed Design Market Platform acts as an exchange and networking hub for the european maker movement. The initiative aims at developing and promoting the connection between designers, makers and the market.


Distributed Design Market Platform Members

  • Innovation Center Iceland encourages innovation and promotes the advancement of new ideas in Icelandic economy by providing active participation and support to entrepreneurs and businesses. Innovation is a prerequisite for diversity in the Icelandic economy and the basis of a strong competitive position of the economy. Innovation Center Iceland belongs to the Ministry of Industry and Innovation and operates according to the Act on Government Support for Technology, Research, Innovation and Industry (no. 75/2007).

    The interplay of technological consulting and business support is the greatest strength of Innovation Center Iceland. A group of specialists in different fields encourage innovation and support the advance of new ideas through research, development projects, business development and professional advice and consulting. Innovation Center Iceland is in charge of the Fab Lab Iceland network, namely the collaboration projects between the fab labs in Iceland .

  • Pakhuis de Zwijger is a platform for urban development and the creative industry, located in a redeveloped warehouse in the city centre of Amsterdam. What started out as a ‘clubhouse for creatives’ ten years ago has now grown into a platform that on a daily basis organizes cross-disciplinary discussions, workshops, festivals and more on urging temporary urban issues with relevant stakeholders.

    In 2016, PDZ organised 650 events, with 76.000 participants, 27.500 live stream viewers, and more than 100.000 online members. PDZ has built a strong online and offline community of makers in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands and in Europe, continuously providing a stage designers, entrepreneurs, artists, and etc. Many of the activities are co-produced with partners from the creative industry, media, other businesses, government and scientific field.

  • Since 2010, Happylab is Austria’s first Fab Lab. Learning from each other is an important point in the Happylab community. In addition to the physical meeting place provided for joint working and tinkering, a web-based forum and a wiki page also offer the opportunity to exchange experiences. The Happylab is an interdisciplinary entry point for all who have creative and/or technological project ideas. It is embedded within a framework of universities, business incubators, specialised SMEs, industries to provide the lab users with services when their idea grows beyond the scope of the lab. 

  • Polifactory is a multidisciplinary research infrastructure and the makerspace-fablab of Politecnico di Milano, which aims to explore and investigate the relation between design and new scenarios of manufacturing. Polifactory supports pre-incubation of young talents. Doctoral and graduating students are selected by Open Calls and hosted for three months in the makerspace as talents in residence working to materialize their own projects and collaborating (peer-to-peer) to other makerspace activities.

    Polifactory develops pilot projects collaborating with public bodies and institutions and stimulating designer-makers to develop prototyping process “from the idea to the market”. The projects Next Design Innovation (2015/2016) and Fabric-Action (2016/2017) promoted with Regione Lombardia and Regione Umbria have been involved 50 designers-makers developing 27 projects showed at Milan Design Week and European Maker Faire.

  • Other Today believes in widening access to tools and embedding values: Simplifying the tech and work together to build a sustainable community that has real impact on people.

  • The P2P Lab is a new generation of communities that help to build communities. It is dedicated to advocacy and research of peer to peer dynamics in society. Established ten years ago, it evolved into one of the main drivers of the‚ commons transition‘. The P2P Lab works for the development and maintenance of a global knowledge commons, encompassing a global community of researchers, makers, artists, designers and others, that advocates and monitors models of peer production, peer governance and peer property in every field of human activity.

    It has been distinguished for its work as an international research and advocacy organisation and as a global cultural community, with more recent the 2016 Golden Nica award for Digital Communities from Prix Ars Electronica. Its an aWiki has been accessed more than 27 million times, and is thus the platform that has assembled the world’s most massive collection of knowledge about P2P Lab at the service of cultural and creative sectors.

  • Re:publica is one of the largest and most exciting conferences about digital culture in the world. Since its foundation in 2007, it has grown from a cozy blogger meeting with 700 participants into a wide-ranging “society conference”, with 8.000 visitors at the anniversary edition re:publica TEN.

    Representatives of digital culture share their knowledge and decision-making tools, and discuss the future of the information society. Here they can mingle with activists, scientists, hackers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, journalists, social media and marketing experts, and many others. This fosters innovation and creates synergies between net politics, online marketing, network technology, digital society, and (pop) culture. What is more, around 46 percent of re:publica speakers are female – far more than at many other similar events.  Above that re:publica is functioning as a platform and network for people to gather and connect all year long (e.g.: spring berlin, re:connecting EUROPE).

  • As Denmark’s national design centre, it is the DDC’s mission to promote the use of design in business and industry, to help professionalise the design industry and to document, promote and brand Danish design in Denmark and abroad. In other words, the DDC aims to ensure the best possible meeting between the supply and demand sides in the design field. The DDC’s key approach in this encounter is systematic experimentation with design-based value creation in companies. 

  • OpenDot was founded in 2014 by Dotdotdot, the multidisciplinary design studio established in
    Milan in 2004. OpenDot is a Fab Lab, a research and open innovation hub, a space dedicated
    to rapid prototyping, digital fabrication, and experimentation. OpenDot generates changes that
    find in open source and technological know-how an opportunity for growth on an educational,
    design and production level. It offers consulting services to companies, foundations,
    universities, private and public corporations and develops highly complex design paths and
    educational programs precisely focusing on innovation
  • Ars Longa is a structure of production, diffusion, mediation of all forms of art at the intersection of art, research and society, both in public and private space. It favors innovative approaches and focuses on the educational or civic appropriation of projects. Together with their partner Fab City Grand Paris, Ars Longa is working on the Fab City Store to showcase distributed design.

  • IPL – PolitĂ©cnico de Lisboa is a high-level institution of higher education whose aim is to create, convey and disseminate knowledge, culture, arts, science and technology of a professional nature by integrating study, lecturing, research and experimental development.

  • Maker is a non-profit association working to foster and test the knowledge, technology, and practices of maker culture. Maker establishes partnerships and collaborates with peers in the maker community, and organizations from the industry, educational and civic society field on knowledge projects and activities that communicate, broaden and engage a broad target group of citizens in activities around technological trends and tendencies, and hands on making.

    Maker activities always involve makers and making, but has different and diverse target groups: we target ordinary people, families, students, and tech-curious people (zero-to-maker activities), amateurs, artists, designers, engineers, and self-employed, startups, and SMVs in the tech communities (maker-to-maker), and e.g. businesses, organizations, and authorities in industry, education, and the public domain (maker-to-market).

  • The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) is a center for research, education, production and outreach, with the mission of envisioning the future habitat of our society and building it in the present. IAAC follows the digital revolution at all scales (from bits to geography, from micro-controllers to cities, from materials to the territory) to expand the boundaries of architecture and design and meet the challenges faced by humanity.

    IAAC hosts Fab Lab Barcelona, the first and most advanced digital production laboratory in EU. After hosting the FAB10 in 2014, the 10th annual worldwide Fab Lab conference, Fab Lab Barcelona has consolidated his role within the Fab Lab Network as one of the worldwide leaders of the Digital Fabrication Revolution as well as the Coordinator of the Fab Academy Program. The Fab Market platform (outcome from [email protected] project) is an online market where you can find a variety of locally made products designed by people from all over the world.

  • FabLab’s Budapest is an individual Fab Lab in the downtown of Budapest, Hungary. In cooperation of the Asimov Foundation we host the first BioHack space in the country. Tiny but growing and open for everybody from kids to crazy scientists.

  • Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), the only technological university in Estonia, is the flagship of Estonian engineering and technology education. Here the synergy between different fields (technological, natural, exact, economic and health sciences) is created and new ideas are born. TalTech is to become one of the leading technological universities in the Baltic Sea region.

  • We are an ecosystem of creative and social projects for positive social impact, located in the Old Biscuit Factory of Bilbao (Artiach Factory) in the district of La Ribera de Deusto / Zorrotzaurre since 2009. With more than 110,000 annual visitors, 13 workers and 2,000m2 of facilities.