Tadpole Collective

Tadpole Collective builds WordPress websites for non-profits that feature a fully function CRM, CiviCRM.  Tadpole has special expertise integrating CiviCRM with WordPress, giving our clients the best of the open source world: WordPress for easy content management; CiviCRM for constituent management; all centrally accessible through one Dashboard.  Tadpole is committed to using open source technologies — particularly WordPress, an open-source CMS now powering over 37% of websites on the internet. 

Tadpole members are active participants in both the WordPress and CiviCRM communities, and over the past eight years we have developed a solid reputation among non-profits seeking assistance with their WordPress+CiviCRM websites. When clients engage Tadpole, they receive the benefit of a full-scale design / development / production operation without the high-priced agency fees. Tadpole’s members include developers, database specialists, an SEO expert and a training and support manager, who will all contribute to the project