Bud Kraus

For more than 12 years, Bud Kraus has been teaching WordPress and developing sites for small businesses and organizations. He is the creator of two online courses where over 1000 people have learned WordPress the world over at no cost. His site projects include a wide variety of re-design work. He is very active in the WordPress communities in New York City and northern New Jersey.


One reply on “Bud Kraus”

Hi Bud,
I have two web sites in Wordprpess. During a difficult time when I lost 3 family members, WordPress changed to 5.5 and my sites are now in the old WordPress. I want so much to learn the new WordPress and eventually convert (if possible) my two existing sites to 5.5. I googled you and found your free course and am so excited. I’m hoping to get into it before Word Camp and look forward to attending, virtually, and meeting you, virtually, as well as all the others. THANK YOU for your work and offering WordPress 5.5 training for free. An answer to prayer. May God bless you. Diane B.

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