Support » Plugin: Gutenberg » Editor Preview

  • Resolved check2020de


    When I click on Preview a “window” is opening to choose between

    – desktop
    – mobile
    – tablet
    – preview in new tab

    Is there any chance to deactivate this windows and get back to the old version where the click on Peview results directly in “Preview in new tab”?

    I do not need the desktop, mobile and tablet choise. The editor preview is a big bullshit. I needed to change the editor css to get a similar look like on the page… but I never reach 100% the same look and feel. As long as the editor does not use the same css and has 100% the sames look and feel as the frontend look and feel, this choise between desktop, mobile and tablet makes no sense at all. It is better to open the preview in a new tab an use the developer tools of the browser (F12) to switch the different sreen sizes.

    So how can I gt rid of this annoying window?

Viewing 5 replies - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
  • Not possible at this time. But once the window is opened, you can set it how you want and refresh the page to see your updates.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by James.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by James. Reason: Pasted in wrong answer

    I installed the new WordPress Beta which is comming out August, 11th… nothing else installed and the same “feature”. This is not a conflict, this is a new feature of Gutenberg.

    The feature doesn’t makes sence because the layout of the content within the Gutenberg editior is different then the layout in the frontent. There are 2 CSS. It makes more sense to open the preview in a new tab and use the browser developer tool than using this feature.

    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by check2020de.
    • This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by check2020de.

    I’m sorry my initial reply was for another answer – I’m just helping out people with issues where possible.

    Plugin Author Jorge Costa


    Hi there!

    This preview option is a new functionality that essentially allows forcing a mobile or tablet state on the editor, it may be useful for users that normally don’t use developer tools in the browser.

    Currently, there is no way to disable this feature.
    In the future, we may consider adding a filter or a similar mechanism to allow developers an easy way to disable the feature cc:@isabel_brison, @youknowriad.

    Thanks Jorge

    I know what this is for… but as long as the editor is using a different stylesheet as the frontend this feature is nonsense.
    Why should I do a preview in the editor when the editor looks different then the frontend? Preview in a new tab and use the browser developer tools for different screen sizes works by far better.

    In other words another reason to leave this editor which isn’t more than a beta editor. I realy think about switching to elementor for post. For pages I allready did.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 2 weeks ago by check2020de.
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