Human Genetics, Human History and the Future
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Join us for a packed hour about how scientists study human genetic information, and what we can learn about human disease, human history and human evolution with genetic technology. We wil get some evolutionary background through distant human history, our co-existence with Neanderthals and recent human history with Neolithic revolution and even evolution in the present day. We will touch on what are some of the open questions in human genetics today. What are the potentials and challenges of these technologies. As well as discussing precision medicine, genomic privacy, and genetic editing.
Natalie Telis a human geneticist. Her PhD is in Biomedical Informatics, she uses computer science and mathematics to study the connection between human genetic history, human genetic diversity and the genetic basis of disease. She works on tough problems in giant data sets using math, stats, computer science, and lots of coffee. In her spare time, she bikes and do data science for social good.
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