Showing posts with label John Zerzan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Zerzan. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Beer & Rev Archives: John Zerzan audio

With the soon-to-be-announced re-launching of Beer & Revolution season two, we've been going back through our audio archives and posting up more from season one. The more attentive of you may have noticed that we recently re-purposed the old, underutilized "What we're into right now" tab for Beer & Rev. You can now hit that tab for any updates on what's going on. Anything posted relating to that will show up there, including this first new audio from last year.

We're not technical experts and we're working on improving the audio quality for future recordings, but we get enough interest in this series that we think it's worth posting up what we have even if the quality isn't always the best. Of course, there are limits to how good we can get the sound to be (and help is always appreciated). After all, we don't do these things in a library, we do them in a bar/restaurant, so if you want to get the full experience you should come out, get yourself a pint and a pizza (all you can eat) and settle in for a good time listening to and debating with what we think are always interesting and provocative speakers and topics. Last years' attendance varied from 25 to 75, so you won't find yourself drinking alone at these things. Under 21 welcome.

And, as I hinted above, the new season is about to drop. Look for the new flyer in a day or so but in the meantime, mark you calendar for October 10th at 8:30. More details to follow. And, while I have your attention, we're always looking for presenters. Beer & Rev is a loose, open event, so it's not for everyone, but if you're heading our way and have something that you think you can add to the discussion, hit us up. Maybe we can work something out.

Friday, February 26, 2010

John Zerzan discusses DO@ block on his radio show [VIDEO]

This comes a little late, but since we haven't updated the blog in a while, I thought I would post the video from John Zerzan's radio show which followed his visit to Arizona. He spent much of the time discussing the DO@ bloc and things he experienced on his trip. Two people from Phoenix called in and shared some thoughts on the situation in Arizona and what we're up to.

Anyhow, enjoy. We're working on some new stuff that I think will be pretty interesting, mainly focusing on calling out and challenging white people around questions of white supremacy, the policing of migrants and freeway development on the reservation. You know how we do it: look for contradictions and push on 'em. So, stay tuned for more.

Personally, I've got a lot of thoughts running through my head these days that are cross-pollinating, going back to the Indigenous resistance panel at the LA Anarchist Bookfair (which included DO@ participants) up to and including some of the new stuff that has come my way since then. I'm going to do my best to get them all down sometime in the next few days, if I can, in some comprehensible form. I'm very excited about some of the action ideas we've been tossing around. Hopefully they'll make a splash.

In the meantime, enjoy the video. You can catch John's show every Tuesday night at 8 o'clock our time, sometimes streaming video. And, for those going to San Francisco for the anarchist bookfair, John will be speaking, so you can catch him again. If all goes well, there'll be some discussion of DO@ there as well.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

This Sunday: January's Beer & Revolution with John Zerzan!

(Click image for bigger version)

Sunday, January 31st, Phoenix Class War Council will be hosting its fifth (if we remember right) Beer and Revolution event. This is the first one for 2010 and we're stoked to have John Zerzan, anarcho-primitivist theorist and agitator. John will be speaking on "Anarchism and the Way Forward". Also, Dan Todd from Tucson, coming fresh from his book release the night before, will be giving some opening remarks under the provocative title “One Misapprehension, One Paradox, and Three Disparities”. The talk starts a little earlier than the last few (7 PM), so make sure you get there early. Plus, we'll have our book distro with us as well, so after the talk, please peruse our selection of anarchist and revolutionary books, magazines and pamphlets. Come by and enjoy an evening discussing revolutionary ideas with us at Boulders in Tempe (530 East Broadway). We look forward to seeing you there!