1704 N. 2nd St. Occupied Lands, Flagstaff, AZ 86004
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7/14/20 - We are shutting down our shop for now (hopefully not too long!) as we have shifted our organizing to focus full time on mutual aid through Kinłani Mutual Aid during this pandemic.
We intend on honoring all orders made recently and those that are seriously overdue. We sincerely apologize for our lack of response to some of your inquiries regarding the status of your orders. If you would rather have a refund please email us with the order number and subject "requesting refund." We hand print all shirts and organize orders at Táala Hooghan Infoshop where Kinłani Mutual Aid is now operating out of. We have limited space to manage printing right now (though that may change in the next few weeks).
Again, we sincerely apologize for this issue and will be sending all outstanding orders ASAP.
Ahe' hee',
The Indigenous Action Team