WordPress Grid Focus Download

If you are running a pre 12/05/08 release of Grid Focus, please note that much of the code was re-written. Please save any personal modifications you may have made before installing the latest edition.

WordPress Grid Focus was originally a personal project designed and coded for 5thirtyone.com. Grid Focus is a three column widget enabled WordPress 2.6 or 2.7+ compatible WordPress theme. Prominent navigation bar with room to share important pages. The latest update is completely optimized and stripped of any unnecessary code allowing for complete customizability.

In exchange for the download, please include the Grid Focus link for others to download for their own use.

Grid Focus Screenshot

Grid Focus supports three independent widgetized sidebars + more:

  • Primary – Index: Middle column rendered for index, archive, and page templates.
  • Primary – Post: Middle column rendered for single post template.
  • Secondary – Shared: Third column persistent on all templates.
  • Threaded comment replies (WordPress 2.7 only)

Download & Demo

In order to install Grid Focus, download the package below, unzip, and upload the directory titled grid_focus to your "wp-content/themes" directory.

WordPress 2.6 or 2.7: Grid Focus DownloadWorking Demo

Recent Updates

  • Mar 15, 2009 – Project source moved to Google Code. Feel free to use the issue tracker to report bugs.
  • Feb 25, 2009 – Fix for comments.php – proper clearing if you specify that a user must be logged in to leave a comment.
  • Feb 9, 2009 – Code update for clearing the bottom footer navigation and validation fix for redundant <p> tags in page.php.
  • Jan 10, 2009 – Cleaned-up invalid code caused by the reuse of the same unique ID for top and bottom search fields. Added categories and tags meta data for single post view. Cleaned up styling for nested categories and pages in navigation elements.


  • How do I change the title of the site? – The title uses your site title specified in Options > Weblog title. Feel free to edit the header.php file to change accordingly.
  • How do I change the description text at the top of the page? – The text snippet found at the top right corner of the page can be customized via the WordPress > Options > Tagline. If you feel the need to hand-code the text, feel free to do so by editing the header.php file.
  • I don’t like widgets, can I edit the sidebars by hand? – Remove the dynamic_sidebar functions from the sidebar templates and replace with your own code.