August 2020

Indigenous Peoples and Human Rights

Friday, November 13, 2015

Rosebud Lakota host victory celebration for KXL defeat


New Mexico Boondoggle Threatens Gila River


Contact:  Camilla Feibelman, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter

Albuquerque's Poet Laureate Opposes Gila Diversion
"Everywhere is a Gila," song and video, calls on the public to contact Sally Jewell
Albuquerque, NM – Today, Albuquerque's Inaugural Poet Laureate (2012-2014), Hakim Bellamy, released his latest song, Everywhere is a Gila, to draw attention the looming deadline for Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to sign an agreement with New Mexico that would allow a billion-dollar diversion of the Gila River to go forward.  The song, accompanied by aerial and ground shots of America's first wilderness area and the adjacent area slated for diversion, encourages listeners to take action by writing to Jewell in opposition to the project.
"My son is 8.  My job is to share with him all the beauty I've ever been fortunate to find in this world. The Gila is part of that beauty. I did this song because I don't know what else to do. I'm an artist. I generally feel powerless unless I am 'arting.' It's what I know how to do to impact change. It just seems ridiculous to get rid of something our state is known for, unless we've tried every way possible to preserve it first. I hope that this video won't be essentially an artifact to show the beauty of the Gila for posterity," said Bellamy.