Open Tech in Asia and around the world


About the company:
FOSSASIA develops Open Source software and hardware solutions with a global developer community from its base in Asia and organizes Open Technology events around the year. The organization runs coding programs and development contests.

The annual FOSSASIA Summit is the premier Open Technology event in Asia for developers, contributors, start-ups, and technology companies.

FOSSASIA was founded in 2009 by Mario Behling and Hong Phuc Dang.

18 posts

Join Codeheat Coding Contest 2019/20

Master Git, contribute to Open Source, and win a trip to the FOSSASIA Summit Singapore with Codeheat! Codeheat is the annual coding contest for developers to contribute to Free and Open Source software (FOSS)
Expand text… and open hardware projects of FOSSASIA. Join development of real world software applications and win awesome prizes, build up your developer profile, learn new coding skills, collaborate with the community and make new friends from around the world! Sign up now for the fourth edition of Codeheat on the website and follow Codeheat on Twitter.

Start date: September 15, 2019

End date: February 2, 2020
Fun learning about #OpenTech with @FOSSASIA #OpenSource community @hpdang @mariobehling @gcodein
Вроде и видео, вроде и саммит, а ведь это всё заёрзано до дыр..
Чонть новое бы рассказал 😒
A little background: over the last few months, I have been contributing to an open source organization named FOSSASIA, where I’m working on a project called BadgeYay. It is a badge generator with a simple web UI to add dataExpand text… and generate printable badges in PDF.
BadgeYay's back-end is now shifted to REST-APIs and to test functions used in REST-APIs, we need some testing technology that will test each and every function used in the API. For our purposes, we chose the popular unit tests...
Read the entire article at the source link...

I am happy to share this resource that we found. The content displayed on this page is property of its original author or their organization.
Do you like to Join Fossasia to ge fun learning Its Amazing Its a opentech.