Ergon workers in Atherton have walked off the job. PICTURE: KATHERINE KOKKONEN
media_cameraErgon workers in Atherton have walked off the job. PICTURE: KATHERINE KOKKONEN

Ergon staff go on strike at Atherton

ERGON workers at Atherton have walked off the job today.

Electrical Trades Union Organiser Michael Haire said electricians and linesmen walked off the job this afternoon in response to Ergon’s plans to axe front line jobs in the Far North and across the state.

He said management’s actions were becoming increasingly dangerous with the company already falling behind in crucial maintenance programs due to existing front line job vacancies.

The union did not say when the staff would return to work and what contingencies were in place over the weekend.

An Ergon spokesman said the company was “working with Atherton-based staff to fully understand any concerns they have”.

“We understand staff involved have committed to return to normal duties on their next working day,” he said.
