Melissa Singer


National fashion editor and |

Melbourne, Victoria
जनवरी 2009 पर शामिल हुए


आपने @melly_singer को अवरुद्ध किया है

क्या आप वाकई इन ट्वीट को देखना चाहते हैं? ट्वीट देखने से @melly_singer का अवरोध नहीं हटेगा

  1. 9 नव॰
  2. 8 नव॰

    Wearing white has been a symbol of Democratic female unity over the past four years. It’s no coincidence Kamala Harris has worn an ivory suit for her first address as VP-elect.

  3. 8 नव॰

    Beyoncé, naturally.

  4. 7 नव॰

    Such a lovely story about the families who are hitting the road the second the ‘ring of steel’ comes down

  5. ने रीट्वीट किया
    7 नव॰

    Dr. Jill Biden will make history as the “first professor FLOTUS."

  6. 7 नव॰

    Love them or not, there’s some First Lady fashion history here. That anorak, the Dolce ... still waking up so forgive me. In shock.

  7. 4 नव॰

    My Apple Watch is trolling me with the Breathe app.

  8. 2 नव॰

    Still can’t believe it’s Cup Eve. Part of me feels like it’s March 14 and it was all a bad dream. And part of me, the exhausted part, feels like it should be 2024.

  9. 2 नव॰

    “You will graduate. You will be successful. Calm down.” What inspiring words for us all on the whiteboard of one of the students featured on tonight. Tuned in late, can’t wait to watch the replay.

  10. 2 नव॰

    Active cases also drop below 50. Off to get a bagel.

  11. 31 अक्तू॰
  12. 31 अक्तू॰

    BRAVO that was amazing.

  13. 29 अक्तू॰

    My latest: "As allegations of sexual harassment and abuse emerged in the international fashion world in the spring of 2017, the Australian industry braced itself."

  14. ने रीट्वीट किया
    28 अक्तू॰
  15. 28 अक्तू॰

    Seamless lunch: had to text first name to a mobile number. Simple, quick and gives them all the key info they need.

  16. ने रीट्वीट किया
    27 अक्तू॰

    Please pause to read this piece by at some point today. "I beg you to please share your stories and to please be kind to those pouring their hearts out. Be kind in general, as some won’t pour them out at all."

  17. 27 अक्तू॰

    Love that Spotlight is among the retailers that feel they need to open at midnight

  18. 26 अक्तू॰
  19. 26 अक्तू॰
  20. 26 अक्तू॰

    Who else hasn’t had a doughnut today?


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