

Statewatch is a non-profit organisation founded in 1991 that monitors the state and civil liberties in the European Union.

Se unió en febrero de 2011


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  1. hace 2 horas

    👁 How is the EU planning to step up of ordinary travellers to the area? ❗ With controversial, untestested technologies and 'interoperable' biometric databases, that's how. Find out more in our report Automated Suspicion 👇

  2. hace 3 horas

    UK: Cash refusal threatens people’s ability to pay for food and medicine via Information gathered from 2,500 people shows that the inability to pay in is has had a significant effect upon people's lives during the pandemic.

  3. hace 4 horas

    EU: Policing: member states get ready for the first “European Data Quality Day” is planning a “European Data Quality Day" to improve “the quantity and quality of data” held in the Europol Information System and the Schengen Information System.

  4. hace 5 horas
  5. retwitteó
    2 nov.

    Check out the joint submission we presented to the UNSR with our global partners during her consultation process. 👇

    Mostrar este hilo
  6. 2 nov.

    EU: signs contract for "human intelligence training" with private security company The company, , is headed by ex-members of the British military and Police Service of Northern Ireland.

  7. 2 nov.

    EU: Study demands new ways for to access from private parties Current rules are "perceived to be insufficient by both Europol and the OSPs [online service providers]."

  8. 2 nov.

    ❗ The EU is stepping up action to increase forced removals. This is a priority in the new , but efforts have been ongoing for some time. Find out more in the report Union and our webinar recordings, available here 👇

  9. 2 nov.

    The Inquiry into the activities of in England & Wales since 1968 began today, you can follow events at the accounts below.

  10. 2 nov.

    Drone video shows scale of Poland's abortion protests The protests are reportedly more militant and with a broader base than those that have taken place in previous years.

  11. 2 nov.

    EU: Policing: member states get ready for the first “European Data Quality Day” is planning a “European Data Quality Day" to improve “the quantity and quality of data” held in the Europol Information System and the Schengen Information System.

  12. 2 nov.

    UK: Cash refusal threatens people’s ability to pay for food and medicine via Information gathered from 2,500 people shows that the inability to pay in is has had a significant effect upon people's lives during the pandemic.

  13. 2 nov.

    EU: Surveillance: Exports of "dual-use" technology: Council's updated negotiating position

  14. 1 nov.

    👋 Statewatch is looking to appoint two new Trustees ❓ Could you be the right person to help steer the ever-vital work of Statewatch? ❗ Deadline: today!

  15. 30 oct.

    Deadliest Shipwreck of the Year Claims at Least 140 Lives Some 140 people have died after a boat carrying 200 people heading towards the Canary Islands sank off the coast of Senegal.

  16. 30 oct.

    Germany: More than 2,000 new authorities to gain access to the revamped Information System In Germany, some 2,000 new authorities will gain access to data. Meanwhile in Switzerland, there is a political controversy over accepting the new rules.

  17. 30 oct.

    UAE police chief would be a disastrous choice to lead Peter Oborne argues that Interpol should reject the candidacy of Major General Nasser Ahmed al-Raisi, a police chief in the United Arab Emirates, for the policing organisation's top job.

  18. 30 oct.

    👋 Statewatch is looking to appoint two new Trustees ❓ Could you be the right person to help steer the ever-vital work of Statewatch? ❗ Deadline: this Sunday!

  19. 30 oct.

    The EU is expanding and constructing a host of and information systems to facilitate forced removals. Watch the recording of our webinar from Monday to find out more 👇

  20. 30 oct.

    Over five years since it was set up, the inquiry on undercover policing in England & Wales since 1968 will start hearings on Monday. Support those affected by via and Extensive coverage of the scandal in our database


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