Customize a Google Apps service address

You can make it easy for users to find your core Google Apps services by creating custom web addresses—also known as URLs—to each service. For example, with a custom address, users can sign in to their Gmail account at instead of at the longer default address You can create custom addresses in your primary and secondary domains for services, including Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Sites, and others.

If you purchased your domain from a Google partner during the sign-up process, you don't need to create custom addresses for your Gmail, Calendar, Google Docs or Sites services. We've customized these addresses for you.
Requirements and restrictions

To point a custom address you've already created to a different service, you must first deactivate the existing address. Allow three hours for the address to expire. After it's deactivated, you can set up the address for a different service.

Customize a service address
  1. Sign in to your Google Admin console.

    Sign in using your administrator account (does not end in

  2. From the Admin console dashboard, go to Company profile and thenCustom URLs.

    To see Company profile, you might have to click More controls at the bottom.

  3. Select the domain you want to update from the drop-down list.
  4. If necessary, click Change URL and fill in the form to create a custom address for each available service. Typing a prefix for each new web address. Sample prefixes for Google services include mail, calendar, drive, sites, and groups.

  5. Click Save changes.
  6. Follow the instructions that appear to add a CNAME record with your domain host and add a record for each service address you're customizing. For example, to create the Gmail address, add a CNAME record that points mail to

    To add a CNAME record, sign in to your account on your domain host's website, not with Google. (You might have already done this to verify your domain, in which case you'll find that the steps are similar.) For instructions, see Add a CNAME record

  7. Click I've completed these steps.

If you see an error message, check the the following:

  • The custom URL may be in use as a customized Google Sites address. For details, see Customize a Google Site address.
  • The custom URL may be in use as a service access URL.
  • You entered duplicate URLs.
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