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north america / mexico / anti-fascism jeudi octobre 29, 2020 19:01 par Unity & Struggle
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This position paper from the anti-State communist collective Unity & Struggle was drafted before Trump caught coronavirus. We share it here as a good piece to illustrate the state of mind of our comrades fighting on the so-called United States of America's territory. We hope it encourages revolutionaries in the U.S. and everywhere else to debate what we can expect in November, and begin making plans, as what happens obviously has an influence worlwide.


Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Καταστολή / Φυλακές jeudi octobre 01, 2020 00:45 par Various organizations
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Κοινή διεθνιστική ανακοίνωση αλληλεγγύης στους 51 αντιφασίστες και αντιφασίστριες που συνελήφθησαν στη Θεσσαλονίκη στις 16/9/2020.

Το βράδυ της Τετάρτης 16/9/2020 αντιφασίστες σύντροφοι και αντιφασίστες συντρόφισσες πραγματοποίησαν αντιφασιστική παρέμβαση στη Νέα Παραλία Θεσσαλονίκης στην Ελλάδα. Οι σύντροφοι και οι συντρόφισσες έσβησαν φασιστικά συνθήματα που είχαν γραφτεί μερικές μέρες πριν από τους νεοναζί του νέου κόμματος που σχημάτισε ο πρώην βουλευτής της Χρυσής Αυγής Ηλίας Κασιδιάρης, Έλληνες για την Πατρίδα, αλλά και από τοπικές ομάδες φασιστών. Αντιφασιστικά συνθήματα γέμισαν ακολούθως την περιοχή της Νέας Παραλίας. Περίπου στις 22:30 οι αντιφασίστες και αντιφασίστριες περικυκλώθηκαν από ισχυρές αστυνομικές δυνάμεις που επέβαιναν σε μηχανές, αλλά και από διμοιρίες ΜΑΤ, οι οποίες τους επιτέθηκαν απρόκλητα. 51 σύντροφοι και συντρόφισσες που συμμετείχαν στην αντιφασιστική παρέμβαση συνελήφθησαν και οδηγήθηκαν στη Γενική Αστυνομική Διεύθυνση Θεσσαλονίκης, όπου κρατήθηκαν υπό άθλιες συνθήκες για 2-4 μέρες.

[Castellano] [English] [Français] [Italiano] [Português]

international / imperialism / war mardi septembre 08, 2020 21:09 par Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
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As Anarchists, we argue for workers’ revolution across the world and take as our primary duty the fight against the capitalists where we live. Here in Australia, we must fight against the Australian Goverment’s military alliance with the US, including the ANZUS Treaty, the 5 Eyes intelligence group and the spy base at Pine Gap. And we must fight to build a labour movement that can link up with the working class across the region to make revolution against both the capitalists and the Chinese so-called “Communist” Party. There is no other way.

international / gender mercredi juin 24, 2020 00:37 par Various anarchist organizations
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We are not in the front line with capitalists, we are in the front line to change society!

International statement from various anarchist organizations - some being members of the Anarkismo network - about the situation of women in this global health crisis of capitalism.

"We, women, endure the social and economic global crisis which unfolded as the novel coronavirus emerged and evolved into a pandemic, and yet we suffer from sexist violence too. This is not a novelty in the system of patriarchal domination we live under, nevertheless, it has adopted particular new forms in our actual context. We have found the COVID-19 pandemic has relegated us more and more to the "domestic sphere" and has subordinated us more and more to the masculine figure."

[Castellano] [Français] [Italiano] [Português] [Deutsch] [فارسی]

north america / mexico / migration / racism mercredi juin 03, 2020 03:59 par Various anarchist organisations
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Solidarity with the Struggle of North American People!

We repudiate the cowardly murder of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis’s police officers, another racist act in the heart of a world imperialist power. This event is added to the countless number of killings of people of colour and the Afro-descendent population in the United States which has been perpetuated since the days of slavery and hasn’t yet stopped.

Racism, a structural element in capitalist society, especially in North American capitalism, is unfortunately intact, but resistance and fighting spirit from people of color and poor people arises in response. Only solidarity and mutual aid will allow us to resist.

[Français] [Deutsch] [Italiano] [Castellano] [Türkçe] [Ελληνικά] [العربية] [فارسی]

See also:

George Floyd: one death too many in the “land of the free” José Antonio Gutiérrez D. [Castellano] [Türkçe] [Italiano]

A Raging Fire in the United States Wayne Price [Ελληνικά] [Italiano]

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George Floyd: one death too many in the “land of the free”

George Floyd: one death too many in the “land of the free”

mar. 03 nov., 20:33

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