Everything will be okay

Emily/Cookie/Mlem/Apollo | 22 | Ve/Ver/Vers/Verself | Agender quoi-panromantic asexual | INFP | Heir of Heart | I put the ‘ve’ in love

Black Lives Matter!

Current fixations: Kid Cosmic, Animaniacs, Kingdom Hearts, Hades, Animal Crossing, Steven Universe, Ace Attorney

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this kid is 14 oh my god is no one teaching children to protect themselves online anymore…

Meanwhile us olds are like: I don’t have a carrd and I’m not reading yours

Yeah while I’m at it lemme provide my address and final 4 digits of my SSN.

The more often I see shit like this the more I believe that we’re wrong to use the term “digital native” about our young people.

It let’s us off the hook to say “oh they’re tech natives” because it leads to assumptions that they will just magically know the right etiquette around safety. But really when they grow up seeing the digital world as their place, and as a safe place then we’re leaving them completely exposed if we don’t teach them the rules of engagement.

yeah here’s why you don’t want to post any of that stuff for strangers to see:

name: people can narrow down where you live with this. always use an alias.

age: not a good idea to advertise that you’re a minor, especially if you want to avoid predators targeting you. many people don’t want to interact with minors, either, but you can be proactive and just don’t follow those people on your own.

race: again, don’t advertise you’re a minority. not only will this help people doxx you by cross referencing with your name and age, you’re also inviting bigoted harassment. if someone wants you to ‘prove’ you’re any particular race, just leave the conversation.

sexuality: if you’re young then you’re probably still working this out, and it’s liable to change as you learn more about yourself and the world. also, again, people can target you for harassment and bullying if they don’t like your labels. not just conservatives, but radfems and exclusionists can also fuck with you. your sexuality is something you should be talking over with trusted friends, anyway, not wearing as a big public sign.

triggers: do NOT tell absolutely everyone right off the bat the best way to hurt you. install as many blockers as you can to manage your triggers quietly on your own. play a good defense and work to minimize your vulnerability as much as you can. there is a reason humans invented armor, and that’s because protecting yourself works much better than just asking people not to stab you in the soft bits.

dni: ive seen so many ‘do not interact if you’re racist, homophobic, a pedophile…’ but racists don’t actually think they’re racists. pedophiles lie about their intentions. ditto homophobes.  DNI lists don’t actually keep bad people away from you, they’re just pointless demonstrations of how Woke you are

byf: i don’t have an objection to this one other than probably no one reads these or obeys them anyway.

#advice #good advice #and let me also point out that identity theft is a thing #look: it’s not your fault that there are bad people out there #but that doesn’t mean it’s not foolish to not take very basic steps to protect yourself #like not putting up an internet billboard with a ton of your personal info for any passerby to use and abuse



You can cook a chicken by slapping it at 3725.95 mph, an impossible task by any human means. If you do succeed however, you will not only cook the chicken but also decimate its entire structure, causing a violent explosion. This is a simulation of the slap using FEA. 


“It can be easy to forget about taking care of yourself when you have stressful situations like deadlines piling up. The amount of guilt, anxiety, and self-criticism tend to increase, even though hard times are when you especially need to be...


It can be easy to forget about taking care of yourself when you have stressful situations like deadlines piling up. The amount of guilt, anxiety, and self-criticism tend to increase, even though hard times are when you especially need to be kind to yourself! We’re going to make it through, and it’ll help if we keep our mental health up too!

Chibird store | Patreon | Webtoon

(Source: chibird)



[id: the red heart locket gif ʼmy belovedʼ meme, altered to show a picture of the closed-captions symbol on the inside of the left heart & text saying ʼclosed captions my belovedʼ on the inside of the right heart. /end id.]










Wait what’s a buildings fire evacuation plan if you aren’t supposed to use the elevator to get down

You go down the stairwell/fire escape. Is that weird?

But what if you have a walker or a wheelchair??

in america at least, in this situation, there isnt one. either your loved ones or the firemen can get you out using the emergency fire escapes or stairs, or you die 

That’s fucking horrific, thank you

“fun” little story:

last summer my friend who is an amazingly talented artist and i were in this super tall building, and she’s in a wheelchair and i’m pushing her around the room. it’s an art exhibit and some of her art was chosen to be showcased there and so it’s all fine and dandy until suddenly an alarm starts going off


everyone starts running for the stairs and my friend just looks at me with this forlorn look on her face

“i can’t go down the stairs”

but i’m a stubborn bitch “i’ll carry you”

“what about my chair? it’s too expensive for me to be able to get another one if i can’t get this one back”

“i’ll carry that too”

and i did. we went to the stairs (by then most people from our floor were gone) and i lifted her up in a fireman’s carry over my shoulder and then lifted her chair up and used the ridiculous amount of adrenaline that was coursing through my veins to make it down approximately 20 half-flights of stairs until we met some people exiting lower floors, one of which who kindly took the chair. I changed positions so i was holding my friend bridal-style which was, somehow, easier and the person who took her wheelchair (with her permission to handle it of course) accompanied me to the ground floor and then out the doors

basically there is no real protocol for people who can’t use the stairs in an emergency. it’s up to the people with them, if anyone, to help them or the person to somehow make it down the stairs alone, unassisted

thank fuck that it was just a faulty alarm system, because if i was unable to carry her down those stairs and the building was on fucking fire???? then i don’t know what would have happened to her, but i don’t think it would have been very good.

it’s fucking ridiculous and ableist to the absolute max.

I use a cane. When I did a day-long fire safety training at my northeast American university (UMass Amherst), I asked that exact same question: “what am I supposed to do if the fire alarm goes off and I’m in my lab on the twelfth floor?” 

the fire marshal hemmed and hawed for a while and then said to take the elevator- you’re supposed to leave it free for the fire department to use and they want able-bodied people out fast not waiting for elevators. if the fire alarm has just gone off the building probably hasn’t suffered enough structural damage to make using the elevator dangerous, and modern elevator wells are heavily reinforced. many large and high-trafficked buildings on my campus have fire rated elevators that link in with the fire alarm system so they won’t let you off on a floor with a possible fire. 

if the elevator isn’t working, wait in the stairwell and call the fire department to let them know where you are. modern stairwells are also heavily reinforced- it might not be pleasant but modern building code usually requires fire-resistant stairwell doors in office and big residential buildings, also to help firefighters get in and out safely. older buildings’ stairwells may or may not be retrofitted with fire-resistant doors but a stairwell is generally the safest place to wait if you can’t get out. 

what happened to your friend was horrible, and i’m very glad you were there to help her out, but you can absolutely use the elevator to evacuate if it’s not shut down. those don’t-use-the-elevator rules are for abled people.  

This is GOOD TO KNOW. why do they not tell people this??

Okay, firefighter here. If you are not physically able to use the stairs, and the elevator is NOT compromised, use the elevator. But you MUST be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that the elevator is NOT compromised before you get into it, because there is always the chance that once you get into it, you may not exit it. Power could go out. The elevator may actually BE compromised and you just couldn’t tell from where you were until you were in there, and it suddenly shuts down on you. Something else could happen. 

Understand that once you enter the elevator, you could POTENTIALLY be taking your life into your hands there.

It is NOT LIKELY, to be perfectly honest. It’s only in a pretty catastrophic scenario - think the Twin Towers, USA, on September 11th - that the elevators will be compromised and out of service. But there is a NOT ZERO PERCENT CHANCE and you need to understand that and accept it.

As for leaving the elevators free for the firefighters, okay, here’s the deal. Unless your nearest fire station is literally right next door? Your first on scene fire truck is NOT likely to be there on scene and needing that elevator before you get to the ground. It takes us TIME to find the address, gear up, and drive to the building. Then we need to hoof it into where the elevators even ARE, so YOU HAVE TIME to use the elevator to get down to the ground floor… BUT ONLY IF THERE’S NOT A RUSH ON THE ELEVATOR! And THAT is WHY we don’t tell people this shit. That’s WHY we tell people to NEVER USE THE ELEVATOR… because every self-entitled asshole will use it because they don’t feel like walking, and then put YOU in danger by delaying the elevator’s arrival to you.

IF, however, the elevator IS compromised, or you just can’t get it to come for you, or whatever, and you either don’t have anyone with you who has the adrenaline fueled BALLS to be able to toss you over their shoulder and hoof it down the stairs with you - because, let’s face it, that is RARE AS FUCK, then HERE IS WHAT YOU DO:

You call 911 and tell the call taker that you are in the building that has a fire alarm going off, and you are not able to evacuate because of a physical disability, and you tell them what floor you are on, and EXACTLY what stairwell you are waiting at. And the very FIRST thing that the firefighters are going to do once they arrive, if it is, indeed, a REAL emergency, and not a false alarm, is come get your ass and bring you down. Whether that means carrying you down the stairs, or whether that means locking out the elevators so that no one else can override them and coming to get you themselves, they WILL come get you FIRST THING if it is a real event. And if it is a false alarm? You will probably be the first person who is not involved with the building to know, because the call-taker is going to stay on the line with you until you are under someone’s care and out of danger, or until the scene has been sorted out as real or false, and you are out of danger that way.

These are pretty standard operations in the fire service throughout the United States. There may be some minor variations based on specific municipalities, but, for the most part, this is pretty typical: LIFE BEFORE PROPERTY. So, as long as SOMEONE knows where you are - hence why you call 911 - Firefighters will come get you. You are NOT alone, and you have NOT been abandoned. I PROMISE. It’s like, our whole reason for doing the shit we do: to save lives and to break shit. Sometimes, we get lucky enough to do both at the same time.

High rise fires suck ass, and I always hated them. But the very FIRST thing I asked anytime we got one was if we had “any entrapments” - which is what we call anyone who could not self-evacuate for ANY reason. We ain’t leaving you behind. And yes, your friend who doesn’t have the stamina to carry you down can stay with you, too. Because I would never ask that of someone, honestly. 

Also, just a little FYI… MOST fire alarms are false alarms. Not to make anyone complacent or anything, but, yeah. Most of them are either system malfunctions, someone accidentally hit a pull station, or someone burned popcorn in a break room. So don’t let a fire alarm freak you out until you need it to - by smelling or seeing smoke or flames. 

PSA - Don’t Ever Ever Ever EVER donate through Youtube superchat




  • you lose more than half your donation
  • youtube never states this anywhere
  • you cannot get a refund




Phineas and Ferb - Season Four - “My Sweet Ride”

ok but this literally adhd

the d in adhd stands for doofenshmirtz





im gonna shit


The prophet… he tried to warn us. He told us it was too much power, and yet we all laughed. We made a joke of him.

Moreos Guy, if you’re out there, I would like to personally apologize for not heeding your warning to us.

Can’t fathom how I’ve been on this site so goddamn long that there’s a whole new generation of people on here that don’t know who Moreos Guy was.

(Source: 1995lahaine)



This got over 200 notes like this hour y'all alright in here or like


reminder that amazon workers attempting to unionize in Bessemer, AL (USA) are asking the public to boycott from today (mar. 7) until mar. 13! amazon has been putting in its best effort to quash union efforts [article], but workers are persistent in fighting for their right to join RWDSU.

the boycott includes all amazon entities: amazon(.)com, prime video, whole foods, alexa/echo, etc.