

The Free Software Foundation Europe is a charitable, registered association. We provide assistance, information and expertise on a wide variety of issues relating to Free Software. Individuals, communities and businesses are encouraged to contact us with questions. We maintain the world’s largest private network of Free Software legal experts. We have a skilled team that handles policy issues, and a network of specialists who advise on our various campaigns.

General Enquiries

You can always get in touch by emailing contact@fsfe.org for any question you might have related to the FSFE.

If you prefer to send your email securely encrypted, please write directly to Matthias Kirschner.

Press/Media Enquiries

For media enquiries, please consult our press room or email press@fsfe.org.

Legal Enquiries

To receive support with Free Software licences please email licence-questions@fsfe.org, our dedicated list. More details are available on the pages for the list and for our Legal Team.

Public and Community Discussions

The FSFE provides infrastructure to foster public discussion on Free Software topics, covered by our Code of Conduct. You can ask and debate general topics related to Free Software on one or some of our mailing lists, our Discourse Forum and/or on IRC. For more info about our public channels, visit our community page.

Office Location and Postal Address

Free Software Foundation Europe e.V.
Schönhauser Allee 6/7
Stairway 2, 5. floor
10119 Berlin

Phone: +49-30-27595290

See on OpenStreetMap

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