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Car smashes through front door of Grand Mosque in Mecca.
Today's Headlines
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Page 1: WoT Operations
1 14:38 jpal [111] 
7 19:48 Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 [159] 
9 17:15 Rex Mundi [252] 
12 17:23 Slaing Hatrack9901 [370] 
0 [110] 
0 [100] 
0 [84] 
0 [114] 
1 04:05 Chris [126] 
5 17:37 Slaing Hatrack9901 [206] 
2 04:06 Chris [120] 
0 [90] 
1 10:26 g(r)omgoru [87] 
0 [86] 
1 12:15 Abu Uluque [97] 
0 [96] 
0 [96] 
0 [126] 
0 [140] 
0 [133] 
8 12:21 CrazyFool [277] 
6 12:15 CrazyFool [210] 
1 10:38 SteveS [135] 
9 10:26 ed in texas [309] 
Page 2: WoT Background
0 [90]
0 [113]
3 19:35 746 [145]
5 15:13 Procopius2k [191]
0 [88]
0 [77]
1 09:47 Knuckles Croger5632 [78]
1 00:59 Clem [91]
1 12:34 AlmostAnonymous5839 [149]
10 13:41 Frank G [262]
Page 3: Non-WoT
3 18:57 Deacon Blues [134]
3 18:34 ed in texas [132]
1 15:27 Procopius2k [99]
10 20:29 Woodrow [211]
6 15:42 NN2N1 [183]
2 13:22 AlmostAnonymous5839 [163]
13 16:39 James [240]
3 14:50 jpal [188]
0 [105]
2 06:43 Procopius2k [129]
3 18:36 ed in texas [113]
0 [114]
0 [116]
3 09:48 Clem [173]
3 11:36 AlanC [173]
6 16:56 Slappy [183]
Page 4: Opinion
3 13:03 AlmostAnonymous5839 [194]
3 10:30 Besoeker [141]
2 13:13 Matt [147]
1 09:51 trailing wife [130]
0 [114]
6 12:38 Elmerert Hupens2660 [216]
3 08:34 Raj [156]
4 15:38 SteveS [175]
0 [122]
3 12:46 Matt [140]
4 10:20 trailing wife [203]
11 15:55 swksvolFF [297]
Page 6: Politix
0 [128]
4 16:33 CrazyFool [186]
2 12:32 Abu Uluque [104]
7 17:08 Lionel Train [157]
8 15:39 swksvolFF [182]
1 00:56 Clem [118]
1 02:15 746 [153]
3 12:15 g(r)omgoru [121]
1 08:47 b [146]
2 10:13 M. Murcek [144]
1 07:59 Grainter Johnson7767 [131]
2 09:43 Lumpy Unuper7685 [197]
1 11:53 charger [135]
2 12:52 Abu Uluque [162]
1 02:19 Theager Borgia1057 [133]
12 19:48 Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 [347]
4 15:03 Bright Pebbles [279]
13 13:22 swksvolFF [300]
5 16:32 49 Pan [231]
Good morning
Twitter Stock in FREEFALL!
Saturday October 31st, 2020

Maud Allen fce4eaa4d1e65b4.
Bombardment on Ariha injures civilians, while regime forces and rebels trade fire in Idlib and Aleppo countryside
New Yorker magazine published an expose defending violent antifa militants as people who are simply ''protecting their communities.”
SDF storm houses in Al Busayrah city, arresting three displaced people after looting food supplies
Devout demonstrators crashing the cross fixed on a devastated church in Al Tabaqah city, as a part of ''supportive protests of Prophet Mohammed''
Senior Indian diplomat was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to register Pakistan’s strong protest over ceasefire violations
Two persons killed in explosion in headquarters of ''National Army'' in rural Afrin
Planned Parenthood Lied To
Congress About Selling Aborted Fetuses

Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 12:03 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [159 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Pearls; why do they hate us?
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 10/31/2020 12:16 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Frank G || 10/31/2020 13:06 Comments || Top||

#3  Sometimes she looks right into ya. Right into your eyes. And, you know, the thing about her she's got lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes.
Posted by: jpal || 10/31/2020 15:28 Comments || Top||

#4  So, there on a boulder I sits,
Just enjoying the breeze and a spritz,
Very pleasantly wet,
When I'm caught, and this net
Inexplicably fits all me bits!
Posted by: Slaing Hatrack9901 || 10/31/2020 15:30 Comments || Top||

#5  Off the pile...

"Perspective? The view from one's height,"
Yaps a toy, tete a tete with Miss White.
"Weel done, cutty sark!"
Her wee beastie might bark
As she dances this Halloween night.
Posted by: Slaing Hatrack9901 || 10/31/2020 15:47 Comments || Top||

#6  And re pendency...

Attending a lady exotic:
"That pendant..." The thought idiotic:
"Look deeeeply..." It's swinging.
Less sleepily: "Bells ringing...
One heck of an antihypnotic!"
Posted by: Slaing Hatrack9901 || 10/31/2020 15:54 Comments || Top||

#7  Facebook is now suspending a lot of Trump supporter's Facebook messaging and accounts until Nov. 18th.
Posted by: Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 || 10/31/2020 19:48 Comments || Top||

-War on Police-
Protests Erupt In Washington Following Fatal Moped Crash
[One America News] 12 officers have been injured after the second consecutive night of violent demonstrations in front of a Washington D.C. police station.

Protests broke out on Wednesday night after a vigil for 20-year-old Karon Hylton Brown, who died while trying to evade the police. Demonstrators at the protest threw rocks, bricks and fireworks at officers. They have blamed police for the death of Hylton-Brown.

Authorities initially tried to stop the 20-year-old for not wearing a helmet while riding a moped-scooter, when he fled and collided with another vehicle.
Posted by: Besoeker || 10/31/2020 06:57 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [370 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  Darn shame he died in an accident. If only someone would have warned him about the helmet laws maybe he would be alive today.
Posted by: Airandee || 10/31/2020 7:13 Comments || Top||

#2  Although I should think the cops have more important things to worry about than a moped rider not wearing a helmet, something tells me Mr. Brown had other concerns when trying to flee.
Posted by: Clem || 10/31/2020 7:44 Comments || Top||

#3  They will protest riot just for Darwin taking the handlebars. Old white guy after all.
Posted by: DarthVader || 10/31/2020 9:14 Comments || Top||

#4  Karon Hylton Brown

Do I have to click the link, to see pix?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 10/31/2020 10:18 Comments || Top||

#5  This just demonstrates that fully automatic mopeds should not be in civilian hands!
Posted by: ed in texas || 10/31/2020 10:22 Comments || Top||

#6  Tesla makes mopeds now? /sarc
Posted by: Clem || 10/31/2020 10:39 Comments || Top||

#7  probably died of embarrassment from being seen riding a moped
Posted by: Bob Grorong1136 || 10/31/2020 10:39 Comments || Top||

#8  Mopeds......kind of like dating a fat chick; lots of fun till your friends find out
Posted by: 746 || 10/31/2020 10:50 Comments || Top||

#9  Traditionally.
Now, they have been found to be very effective transport platforms in dense urban setting.

Not sure they'd just stop somebody like that; I'm guessing a participant one of those ride events.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 10/31/2020 13:55 Comments || Top||

#10  Why do I think that not wearing a helmet isn't the only reason the authorities were trying to stop him?
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/31/2020 15:31 Comments || Top||

#11  Likely some warrants the press won't report.
Posted by: Rob Crawford || 10/31/2020 16:34 Comments || Top||

#12  Haven't been following Revel, but it looks like things are going about as you'd expect. I used to be ferociously libertarian about helmet laws, sidewalk biking, and all that... now, having breasted the flood of murderous nonchalance unleashed by scooter startups a few years back, not so much.
Posted by: Slaing Hatrack9901 || 10/31/2020 17:23 Comments || Top||

Violence Expands to 28 Provinces as Talks Face Delay
[ToloNews] Violence has expanded to 28 out of 34 provinces in the country in the last 24 hours amidst constant delays in the start of direct peace negotiations between negotiating teams from the Islamic Theocratic Republic of Afghanistan and the Taliban
...mindless ferocity in a turban...
The Taliban attacked security outposts in the northern province of Kunduz on Thursday evening, killing at least one security force member and wounding three more, according to local officials.

"Intense fighting continues since last night between the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces and the Taliban," said Rabbani Rabbani, member of Kunduz provincial council. "People are extremely distressed about violence."

"They (Taliban) staged their offensive, but they faced strong resistance from the security forces. Eight bully boy were killed, two more maimed and their attack was repelled," said Inamuddin Rahmani, a front man for Kunduz police.

The Defense Ministry said the Afghan National Security and Defense Forces have inflicted heavy casualties to the Taliban.

"The Taliban staged attacks on the checkpoints and bases of the government forces in 28 provinces over the past 24 hours, but the government forces repelled their attacks and inflicted heavy casualties to them," Defense Ministry front man Rohullah Ahmadzai said.

Last month the Taliban launched a brazen attack on Lashkargah city, the center of Helmand
...an Afghan province populated mostly by Pashtuns, adjacent to Injun country in Pak Balochistan...
province in southern Afghanistan, leaving thousands of people homeless.

Provinces, where a fresh spate of violence reported, include Uruzgan, Badghis, Badakhshan, Baghlan, Balkh, Paktia, Takhar, Jawzjan, Khost, Zabul, Sar-e-Pul
...a city and eponymous province in northern Afghanistan, population about 500,000. Demographically it is majority Tadjik and Uzbek. There are small Pashtun, Arab, and Hazara communities, of which the Hazaras mostly don't bother anyone...
, Ghazni, Ghor, Faryab, Farah, Kabul, Kapisa, Kunduz, Kandahar, Kunar, Laghman
...Afghan province with a population of about 445,600, which is multi-ethnic and mostly a rural society. During the invasions of Alexander the Great, the area was known as Lampaka, wich is apparently Olde Macedonian for Laghman.The city of Mihtarlam serves as the bucolic capital of the province. The population is half Pashtun, the remainder Tadjik and Pashai. It had a repution for great wealth until it was conquered in the tenth century by Abu Mansur Sabuktigin.
He conquered it and set fire to the places in its vicinity which were inhabited by infidels, and demolishing the idol-temples, he established Islam in them, He marched and captured other cities and killed the polluted wretches, destroying the idolatrous and gratifying the Musulmans. After wounding and killing beyond all measure, his hands and those of his friends became cold in counting the value of the plundered property.
After that it was mostly notable for the production of dirt, rocks, and holy men...
, Pashtun-infested Logar, Maidan Wardak, Pashtun-infested Logar, Nangarhar
The unfortunate Afghan province located adjacent to Mohmand, Kurram, and Khyber Agencies. The capital is Jalalabad. The province was the fief of Younus Khalis after the Soviets departed and one of his sons is the current provincial Taliban commander. Nangarhar is Haqqani country..
, Nuristan, Nimroz, Herat
...a venerable old Persian-speaking city in western Afghanistan, populated mostly by Tadjiks, which is why it's not as blood-soaked as areas controlled by Pashtuns...
and Helmand.

The United Nations
...where theory meets practice and practice loses...
in a report this week said that the level of violence has continued to remain high despite the peace efforts. UN report shows that 2,117 non-combatants were killed in conflicts and attacks in Afghanistan over the last nine months.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/31/2020 03:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [110 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Officials Nab Afghan National in 2008 Kidnapping of U.S. Journalist, Two Others
[LhaamaPress] The Department of Justice announced Thursday an Afghan man has been arrested and charged in the November 2008 kidnapping of two New York Times

...which still proudly displays Walter Duranty's Pulitzer prize...

journalists, including their driver.

Haji Najibullah is charged with six counts, according to the news release: "hostage taking, conspiracy to commit hostage taking, kidnapping, conspiracy to commit kidnapping, and two counts of using and possessing a machine gun in furtherance of crimes of violence." All charges carry potential life sentences.

After seven months in captivity, American journalist David Rohde and Afghan journalist Tahir Ludin escaped in June 2009. Their driver, Asadullah Mangal, did not escape with them.

Najibullah and his co-conspirators "forced the victims to make numerous calls and videos seeking help" from loved ones "while surrounded by masked guards armed with machine guns," the Justice Department said.

"Nearly 12 years ago, the defendant arranged to kidnap at gunpoint an American journalist and two other men, and held them hostage for more than seven months," acting U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss said in a statement. "The prosecution of Haji Najibullah shows that law enforcement will never stop in our mission to hold accountable those who commit violent mostly peaceful crimes against American citizens."

Security officials did not provide further details of Najibullah’s arrest, but the news release said he was transferred to U.S. custody from Ukraine.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/31/2020 03:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [100 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Officials Prevent Dehraud District of Uruzgan from Falling into Taliban Hand
[KhaamaPress] Local officials in Uruzgan province say they have prevented the fall of Dehraud district to the Taliban
...Arabic for students...
, but festivities are still ongoing in the center of the district.

Jan Mohammad Karimi, police chief of Dehraud district, told media that all government buildings and facilities are now under the control of Afghan cops.

According to Karimi, the Taliban had intensified attacks on the district center for the past four days, reaching local establishments in the district.

"The Taliban are present in the western part of the district bazaar. Last night, I checked with the lieutenant general and the deputy security chief of the Ministry of Interior that fresh troops had reached the district and that Arclight airstrike
s had been carried out on Taliban positions," said Karimi.

The Dehroud police chief also said the district had been prevented from falling into the hands of the Taliban, but the Taliban were barricading themselves in civilian homes and fighting the Afghan army.

There were casualties on both sides and civilians in the festivities, according to sources, but the exact number is not yet clear.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/31/2020 03:58 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [84 views] Top|| File under: Taliban

Africa North
Islamist pleads guilty to Mali hotel, restaurant attacks
[Jpost] A Mauritanian suspected jihadist pleaded guilty on Wednesday to shooting dead five people in an attack in the Malian capital Bamako in 2015 and planning two other attacks in the country that year that targeted Westerners and killed 37 more people.

In a court appearance in Bamako on Wednesday, Fawaz Ould Ahmed described in detail how he carried out the attack on La Terrace restaurant in March 2015.

He said he was also involved in planning a raid that killed 17 at Hotel Byblos in the town of Sevare in August and another that killed 20 people at Bamako's Radisson Blu hotel that November.

The attacks marked a brazen new phase in jihadist operations across West Africa, in which top hotels and tourist destinations frequented by Western tourists, aid workers and diplomats were no longer considered safe.

"I regret nothing," Ahmed told the court, adding that he had been seeking Dire Revenge for cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad printed in the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
...A lefty French satirical magazine, home of what may well be the majority if the active testicles left in Europe...
In January 2015, two months before Ahmed's first attack, Islamist Death Eaters in Gay Paree had stormed the offices of Charlie Hebdo and rubbed out 12 people because of the cartoons.

Ahmed described taking a taxi to La Terrasse restaurant and carrying out the shooting.

"On arrival I went to the toilets, put on a balaclava, took out my Kalashnikov and shot those unbelievers," he said.

At the time, Death Eater groups Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and al Mourabitoun grabbed credit for the attacks in Mali as well as for attacks on a restaurant in neighboring Burkina Faso
...The country in west Africa that they put where Upper Volta used to be. Its capital is Oogadooga, or something like that. Its president is currently Blaise Compaoré, who took office in 1987 and will leave office feet first, one way or the other...
's capital Ouagadougou and a beach resort town in Ivory Coast.
That’s ok — the Malian al-Mourabitoune is an Al Qaeda in North Africa affiliate.
Ahmed was captured in Bamako in 2016 as he was preparing to carry out another attack armed with grenades and a suitcase filled with weapons on behalf of al Mourabitoun, according to local authorities.

If convicted of the charges including murder and complicity in murder, Ould Ahmed and the one other suspect could face the death penalty
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/31/2020 02:39 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [114 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

Africa Subsaharan
Seal Team Six Just Rescued an American Hostage
[Yahoo] An American citizen kidnapped last week in Niger has been rescued during a high-risk U.S. military raid in neighboring Nigeria, officials told ABC News early Saturday.

The mission was undertaken by elite commandos as part of a major effort to free the U.S. citizen, Philip Walton, 27, before his abductors could get far after taking him captive in Niger on Oct. 26, counterterrorism officials told ABC News.
Or selling him on as an investment, as has happened before. Kidnapping is a high risk/high reward kind of business.
The operation involved the governments of the U.S., Niger and Nigeria working together to rescue Walton quickly, sources said. The CIA provided intelligence leading to Walton's whereabouts and Marine Special Operations elements in Africa helped locate him, a former U.S. official said.

Then the elite SEAL Team Six carried out a "precision" hostage rescue mission and killed all but one of the seven captors, according to officials with direct knowledge about the operation.

"They were all dead before they knew what happened," another counterterrorism source with knowledge told ABC News.

President Donald Trump
...New York real estate developer, described by Dems as illiterate, racist, misogynistic, and what ever other unpleasant descriptions they can think of, elected by the rest of us as 45th President of the United States...
called the rescue mission a "big win for our very elite U.S. Special Forces" in a tweet and the Pentagon lauded the rescue mission in a statement.

"U.S. forces conducted a hostage rescue operation during the early hours of 31 October in Northern Nigeria to recover an American citizen held hostage by a group of gunnies," said Pentagon chief spokesperson Jonathan Hoffman. "This American citizen is safe and is now in the care of the U.S. Department of State. No U.S military personnel were maimed during the operation.

Posted by: Angeater Omick2705 || 10/31/2020 11:28 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [252 views] Top|| File under: al-Qaeda in North Africa

#1  Left one abductor alive to tell the tale of how his bros were snuffed in less than a minute.
Posted by: AlmostAnonymous5839 || 10/31/2020 12:40 Comments || Top||

#2  Great news. Now how many more will there be before the election?
Posted by: Clem || 10/31/2020 12:43 Comments || Top||

#3  From www.TheDrive.com

The raid included the extremely long-distance movement of forces via multiple C-17A Globemaster III transport aircraft flights and the employment of a quartet of both CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotors and MC-130 special operations transports, the latter of which pushed through Rota, Spain, before continuing to their target. AC-130 gunships and a large contingent of aerial refueling tankers also supported this operation.
Posted by: Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 || 10/31/2020 13:06 Comments || Top||

#4  Surviving kidnapper most likely captured by the team, may still be having uncontrollable bowel movements after the rescue.

Posted by: Ebbomoger Speaking for Boskone4589 || 10/31/2020 13:29 Comments || Top||

#5  I see I'm not the only one who smiled at the All but One.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 10/31/2020 13:47 Comments || Top||

#6  And presumably not micromanaged from the White House.
Posted by: M. Murcek || 10/31/2020 14:06 Comments || Top||

#7  #3 When you care enough to send the very best...

on a side note -

Four Soviet diplomats were kidnapped in September 1985 by a fundamentalist group called the Islamic Liberation Organization. Russia quickly dispatched its Alpha group, tasked with counter-terrorism hostage-rescue operations, to Beirut. Once the team learned that Arkady Katkov, a consular attaché and one of the four hostages, was killed, they responded quickly by tracking down and locating one of the kidnappers’ leaders (or relative it’s not clear). In order to send a clear message to the terrorists, Alpha group members castrated the hostage, cut him down into pieces and sent him to the hostage takers. They also threatened to kill more of the kidnappers’ relatives if the Soviet diplomats were not free.
Posted by: Procopius2k || 10/31/2020 15:24 Comments || Top||

#8  ST6 still has some targets of opportunity in Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Philly, etc., etc.
Posted by: Besoeker || 10/31/2020 16:20 Comments || Top||

#9  Aloha Snackbar!
Posted by: Rex Mundi || 10/31/2020 17:15 Comments || Top||

Car smashes through front door of Grand Mosque in Mecca.
Posted by: 3dc || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [309 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Saudi Arabia

#1  "Allahu Akhbar"
Snark O'The Day
Posted by: Frank G || 10/31/2020 3:55 Comments || Top||

#2  I have no say in this but I'm putting frank up for early snark of the day
Posted by: Chris || 10/31/2020 4:10 Comments || Top||

#3  Woman driver?
Posted by: Airandee || 10/31/2020 7:15 Comments || Top||

#4  Sounds like that Roborace car yesterday.

Turn it on and it turns sharply into a wall.

Who knew Muzzies did AI?
Posted by: AlanC || 10/31/2020 7:37 Comments || Top||

#5  Ramming speeeeed!
Posted by: Raj || 10/31/2020 8:19 Comments || Top||

#6  My Klingon size-reference chart is outdated. Couldn't find it. Will continue to search.
Posted by: Besoeker || 10/31/2020 8:28 Comments || Top||

#7  Bomb didn't go off?
Posted by: Thimp Clusort2035 || 10/31/2020 9:15 Comments || Top||

#8  Thought that because of COVID services were all drive-in.
Posted by: Glenmore || 10/31/2020 9:57 Comments || Top||

#9  Here's a golden oldie:
"Come in your car
comes as you are
to Jack In The Box!"
Posted by: ed in texas || 10/31/2020 10:26 Comments || Top||

Caucasus/Russia/Central Asia
Boy, 16, screaming 'Allahu Akbar' is shot dead by cops after knife attack on police officer in Muslim-majority Russian region
  • [Daily Mail, where America gets its news] The boy was armed with a knife and Molotov cocktail at Kukmor, Tatarstan police station

  • He stabbed a police officer three times before another officer shot him dead

  • Local media named the teenage attacker as Russian Vitaly Antopov

  • In a chilling video before the attack, Antipov told how he intended to destroy a cafe which he saw as sinful and 'devilish'

  • He had tried to set fire to a district police building and stabbed the police officer while being arrested

  • Antipov was reported to be from the Altai region in Siberia and had a job working in a halal cafe named Barakat

  • Its owner Marat Zamaleev had served 14 years for sabotage and the Illegal manufacture of weapons

  • Russian investigators said they were treating the attack as attempted terrorism
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/31/2020 00:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [206 views] Top|| File under:

#1  Yeah, it sounds like the Russian Police don't have Social Workers in their ranks.
Posted by: Mullah Richard || 10/31/2020 7:24 Comments || Top||

#2  That's how you do it. Kudos to the Russian militia/police. In fact, that has made the cut:. That calls for a drink!
Posted by: Clem || 10/31/2020 7:49 Comments || Top||

#3  There will be a mostly peaceful riot in Philly about this. Looting optional.
Posted by: ed in texas || 10/31/2020 10:24 Comments || Top||

#4  Unarmed with a knife.
Posted by: swksvolFF || 10/31/2020 14:37 Comments || Top||

#5  Screaming? Can't blame them for shooting him. I've always preferred -- just going by videos, mind you -- the more subdued approach. Humble mumbling, like.
Posted by: Slaing Hatrack9901 || 10/31/2020 17:37 Comments || Top||

Possible further evidence of Armenian POW execution by Azerbaijani personnel
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [120 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

#1  Or Syrian mercs that thought they had a choice about fighting...?
Posted by: magpie || 10/31/2020 2:31 Comments || Top||

#2  ^who gives a shit? Let them kill each how ever they want to as long as we don't have shit to do with it.
Posted by: Chris || 10/31/2020 4:06 Comments || Top||

Syrian mercenary captured by Artsakh Defense Army confesses they were going to attack Shushi
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [87 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

#1  A mistaken identity (shushi)?
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 10/31/2020 10:26 Comments || Top||

Azerbaijan shelling, in Aknaghbyur village of Artsakh/
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [86 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

Orthodox priest shot in Lyon, France; assailant flees - police source
[Ynet] A Greek Orthodox priest was shot and injured on Saturday at a church in the center of the French city of Lyon by an assailant who then fled, a police source and witnesses said.

The priest was fired on twice at around 4 p.m. (1400 GMT) as he was closing the church, and he was being treated on site for life-threatening injuries, the source said.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 10/31/2020 13:32 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [111 views] Top|| File under: Moslem Colonists

#1  Motive? He was Greek and Christian.
Posted by: jpal || 10/31/2020 14:38 Comments || Top||

Fifth Column
BLM-antifa activists stormed a Seattle news station for reporting on public arrest records related to the riots
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [277 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  more projection from the crybaby leftist lily white BLM/Antifa rioters /"protesters".....
Posted by: 746 || 10/31/2020 2:12 Comments || Top||

#2  Nonviolently, I suppose...
Posted by: magpie || 10/31/2020 2:30 Comments || Top||

Posted by: Chris || 10/31/2020 4:09 Comments || Top||

Regarding Marxist All Other Lives Don't Matter.

The animals which you nurtured, and promoted to assist you in your attacks on a Free America, are now biting the hands that made them.

Now what are you going to do for protection in your DE-FUNDED POLICE CITIES? Call on the Local Socialists Leadership to form a "Committee for State Security". History, if factually allowed, should teach you that does not turn out well for the Media.

eg. Feb-March 1917 the Print Media initially helped the Socialist Revolution gain power. After November 1917 and it had power, it turned on the Print Media. An started killing or imprisoning any one in or related to anyone in Print Newspaper industry, who had reported a single word without the Socialist Revolutions permission.

Posted by: NN2N1 || 10/31/2020 5:29 Comments || Top||

#5  Common Marxist and fascist tactic. Take over the news stations and radio stations.
Posted by: DarthVader || 10/31/2020 9:48 Comments || Top||

#6  KING 5, pretty much the leader of Local Television in Seattle for the last 40 years
Posted by: 746 || 10/31/2020 10:53 Comments || Top||

#7  Red on Red.
Posted by: g(r)omgoru || 10/31/2020 12:11 Comments || Top||

#8  King 5 eh? I'm more of a KOMO 4 fan the few times I watch the news.
In either case King 5 doesn't even mention the storming of their own studio.
So I guess the intimidation worked!
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/31/2020 12:21 Comments || Top||

Recent arrests in Portland, Ore.
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [210 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  Triple fail.
Posted by: gorb || 10/31/2020 0:26 Comments || Top||

#2  they're all guys
Posted by: 746 || 10/31/2020 2:13 Comments || Top||

#3  She-man-sky has to be a joke.
Posted by: Airandee || 10/31/2020 6:54 Comments || Top||

#4  Revolt of the trannies in Portland? They seem to be an unhappy people.
Posted by: JohnQC || 10/31/2020 9:47 Comments || Top||

#5  Dude looks like a lady.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 10/31/2020 12:12 Comments || Top||

#6  ^--- not by my definition of a lady. Ugh!
Posted by: CrazyFool || 10/31/2020 12:15 Comments || Top||

Officer shooting in Vancouver, Wash. (near Portland) of a black man
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [135 views] Top|| File under: Antifa/BLM

#1  Yet another innocent victim of Shooting While Black.
Posted by: SteveS || 10/31/2020 10:38 Comments || Top||

Senior Indian diplomat was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to register Pakistan’s strong protest over ceasefire violations
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [133 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Pakistan

Iraqi demonstrators continue their protests in Basrah
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [90 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Iraq

Watchdog reports record number of Palestinian home demolitions in East Jerusalem this year
Bibi and The Donald have been friends for a long time. This is a consequence of that.
[IsraelTimes] The Ir Amim watchdog reports that 2020 has already set a new yearly record for the number of Paleostinian home demolitions in East Jerusalem, with 129 units demolished between January and October.

Since the watchdog began collecting data in 2000, the previous high was in 2016, when 123 housing units were demolished during the entire year.

The municipality has said that it is merely enforcing laws against illegal construction. Paleostinian residents of the capital have long argued they often have no choice but to build illegally, as little construction is authorized in their neighborhoods.

According to Ir Amim, detailed plans for over 21,000 housing units were advanced in Jerusalem in 2019, but less than 8 percent were in Paleostinian neighborhoods, even though Paleostinians make up 38% of the capital’s population.

"The record for home demolitions coming specifically during the time of the coronavirus (aka COVID19 or Chinese Plague)
...the twenty first century equivalent of bubonic plague, only instead of killing off a third of the population of Europe it kills 3.4 percent of those who notice they have it. It seems to be fond of the elderly, especially Iranian politicians and holy men...
crisis shows the priority of the government: even a pandemic can’t prevent it from continuing to issue and carry out home demolitions," Aviv Tatarsky, a researcher at Ir Amim, says in a statement.
Posted by: trailing wife || 10/31/2020 00:04 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [126 views] Top|| File under:

#1  seems kinda slow to me, I would have the whole gaza strip bulldozed in a week.
Posted by: Chris || 10/31/2020 4:05 Comments || Top||

“Al Hamzat Division” kills civilian while chasing ISIS fugitives from prison in al Bab
It’s never safe between chaser and chased...

Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [97 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

#1  For a minute there I thought they were the Hazmat Division.
Posted by: Abu Uluque || 10/31/2020 12:15 Comments || Top||

Two persons killed in explosion in headquarters of ''National Army'' in rural Afrin
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [96 views] Top|| File under: Ottoman Proxies

Bombardment on Ariha injures civilians, while regime forces and rebels trade fire in Idlib and Aleppo countryside
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [96 views] Top|| File under: Govt of Syria

SDF storm houses in Al Busayrah city, arresting three displaced people after looting food supplies
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [126 views] Top|| File under:

Devout demonstrators crashing the cross fixed on a devastated church in Al Tabaqah city, as a part of ''supportive protests of Prophet Mohammed''
Posted by: Fred || 10/31/2020 00:00 || Comments || Link || E-Mail|| [140 views] Top|| File under:

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Two weeks of WOT
Sat 2020-10-31
  Car smashes through front door of Grand Mosque in Mecca.
Fri 2020-10-30
  Philly Police Were 'Ordered Not to Arrest Looters' by Deputy Police Commissioner Who Took A Knee For BLM
Thu 2020-10-29
  Another Beheading in France! UPDATE: Multiple Attacks and Attempts Across France
Thu 2020-10-29
  Another Beheading in France!
Tue 2020-10-27
  US says airstrike killed 7 leaders of al-Qaida in Syria
Mon 2020-10-26
  Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri titzup
Sun 2020-10-25
  At least 18 killed in ISIS suicide attack in Shiite neighborhood in Kabul
Sat 2020-10-24
  'Permanent ceasefire in all areas of Libya'
Fri 2020-10-23
  Tanzania confirms Islamist militants carried out attack near southern gas fields
Thu 2020-10-22
  Rifle-carrying trans Muslim Antifa arrested at riot in Phoenix
Wed 2020-10-21
  UAE submits official request to open embassy in Tel Aviv
Tue 2020-10-20
  First Etihad passenger plane lands in Israel
Mon 2020-10-19
  Israel and Bahrain have signed an agreement on establishing diplomatic ties
Sun 2020-10-18
  Hundreds of Antifa Attack Conservative Free Speech Rally in San Francisco, Punch Organizer’s Teeth Out, Assault Several Others
Sat 2020-10-17
  Millions of $ of farm equipment burned possibly due to Trump Flag in central Nebraska - I-80

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