0 Dissenting view: Even *this* clip reinforces my impression that Petrified Zombie Biden (as featured here) is far more appealing than middle-aged Full Strength Boastful Biden. This Biden has seen it all! Has some wisdom … https://t.co/pYGcHyXNCF

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 “Hawkishness on the border is not, contrary to the conventional wisdom, a showstopper” with Latino voters.   https://t.co/gKD1xtb2mS That means a left-right populism with strong immigration control is a livelier possibility than many think, no?

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 Trump does say “You’re going to be very happy” to a questioner who asks for amnesty for Dreamers. Trump uses term “DACA” (“because I happen to agree with you.”) Could mean a lot of things … https://t.co/YfBdclX64G

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 Poverty rate & child poverty rate fell significantly in 2019-from 16.2% to 14.4% for children. Trump’s claim that things were going great until pandemic hit borne out by the stats https://t.co/oSUyfJXyMJ (Leaves open question of whether he’s in part responsible for the pandemic)

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 I think @robertwrighter predicted this — Dem incumbents kind of want to be reelected — on our last bloggingheads, and I dismissed it. Looks like he was right. https://t.co/dEmQV4pQyZ

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 LABORERs’ UNION: “During the current COVID and economic crisis, pushing for more H-2B guest worker visas at a time when there is record unemployment in the U.S., with some states’ unemployment rates as high as 15 percent or more, is absurd.” https://t.co/de2iasMM6l

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 I can’t tell if this outfit is offering to relocate your visa-challenged H-1B workers to Canada or substitute their Canadian workers for the ones you have. Probably both https://t.co/VO2W59Gioc Would seem to indicate that Trump restrictions are not toothless, no?

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 Seems a legitimate issue when electing someone to 4-year term. Biden himself says it’s legitimate issue (https://t.co/cpU6IUwYlx). Reporters (and photographers) who cover him day after day are in good position to observe up close and report to us. https://t.co/CdGArEIPZB

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 This seems an odd tweet from North Carolina’s Democratic AG: 1) Admits that ballots sent in later, nearer deadline, might not be counted (confirming Trump’s misgivings about mail voting) 2) Why is it his business if voters waste their time (as long at they don’t vote twice)? https://t.co/MkYncpYCva

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey

0 Later Toots — pretty good https://t.co/yVlEu5wst1 Earlier Toots — sublime https://t.co/dmWqSWFD9B “From the Roots” one of the most enjoyable albums ever. Apparent COVID casualty. RIP

from Twitter https://twitter.com/kausmickey