31 Oct

Four anarchists detained at the belarusian border for direct actions

Anarchists Dmitry Dubovsky, Ihar Olinevich, Sergei Romanov and Dmitry Rezanovich were detained at the Belarusian border. Firearms, ammunition, grenades and pepper spray were found in their belongings. Everyone is accused of art. 289 (terrorism) and art. 295 (illegal arms trafficking) of the Criminal Code. The punishment under article 289 is up to the death penalty.

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31 Oct

Update Andreas Krebs October 2020

Sad news reaches us these days – the appeal process against the mad judgement of 24 years against Andreas was declared closed after only 2 short trial days. All requests for evidence, including an expert witness of Andreas’ defense counsel, were not admitted. Andreas could not attend the trial for health reasons. We remember: In the first instance Andreas was sentenced to 24 years because the court did not want to recognize the act of self-defense as such. Although there is an exonerating video of the situation, the court of appeal has now confirmed the 24 years of unconditional imprisonment. This therefore comes close to a death sentence.

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26 Oct

The results of the trials against the five Anarchist in Minsk

Darya M., Genja R., Alyonka Dubovik – 15 days, Michael T. – 12 days, Ilya Senko – sent for revision (detention ends at 11 p.m.).

According to information from ABC Belarus, the five’s car was first stopped by traffic police during the night of 23-24 October. Masked persons then arrived. They brought the car to a police station in Minsk. There the creativity of the cops began. All male persons were beaten on their legs with truncheons and they had to stand against the wall with their hands outstretched. The cops tried to film the people, which didn’t really work out.

The cops’ witnesses were all intimidated and afraid for their health and wellbeing when the anarchists were brought to justice today! The proceedings, as usual, a farce. Witness statements were made via Skype and in one case, Viber.
“A judge and a cop call each other …” – the rest of the joke can be made up by everyone.

All in all everyone is in a fighting mood.

Donations are very welcome!
Account holder:in: UGMR e.V.
IBAN: DE57 4306 0967 1216 4248 00
Subject: Donation ABC Belarus

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25 Oct

More detentions of anarchist and antifascist activists in Belarus

Foto: Soliaction from Lyon to Belarus

ABC-Belarus published today the following information:

On October 22 anarchist and anti-fascist Igor Banzer was charged under the criminal article 339 part 1 – Hooliganism up to 3 years in prison. They left him in custody until the trial.

On October 22 court of Central district in Minsk (Shabunya) sentenced anarchist Valery Khotina to 15 days of arrest.

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21 Oct

Solidaritea – Letter writing café, 30 October 5 pm at the Malobeo

Friday, October 30, 2020, 5 p.m. at the Malobeo, Kamenzerstr. 38

Prison is based on the system of punishment. This means that social problems are not negotiated, but locked away. Terms like re-socialization become a farce when we look at the conditions in prisons. The social isolation from friends, family and society is an aspect of everyday life in prison. There are few communication channels and hardly any opportunities to enter into exchange outside the prison walls.

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20 Oct

Anarchists released from jail in Belarus and new ones arrested!

A comings and goings in Okrestin, the prison in Minsk, where people are usually only temporarily detained. Many people have been locked up there in the last two months, fortunately mostly for a short time.

We reported a fortnight ago about the arrest of several activists from the anarchist and ecological movement.
On 16 October, Genja and Kostja from Listovka printing cooperative were released after 15 days in prison. With them was another activist from the anarchist scene in Okrestin, who was arrested on the same day, but who is not connected to the cooperative. He is also free again.

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02 Oct

Employees from the printing collective “Listovka” were arrested

Today in #Minsk two people from the printing collective “Listovka” were arrested, Yevgeny Diatkovsky (Genya) and Konstantin Nesterovich (Kostya). Genja was arrested directly in the shop in the morning, Kostja later around noon.

“Listovka” has been in existence since 2017 and is a self-organised copy shop that functions as a collective enterprise.

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15 Aug

“They were beating me and ask what I don’t like about the country.” – What do the people coming out of the pretrial prison Okresin say.

Anja is 19 years old, when she sees her mother among those waiting, she rushes into her arms, and for a long time they stand silently, with tears in their eyes. The women was detained on August 12 near her home in the shopping center “Riga”. A riot police officer grabbed Anja as she was returning home. She saw a column of trucks ahead of her and decided to wait for them to pass.

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