
Security and Trust Management Working Group



STM 2020 best prize award won by Jorge Toro Pozo.





The pervasive nature of the emerging information and communication technologies (ICT) expands the well known current security problems on ICT, due to the increased possibilities of exploiting existing vulnerabilities and creating new threats. On the other hand, it poses new problems in terms of possible attack scenarios, threats, menaces and damages. Moreover, the increased virtual and physical mobility of the users enhances their interaction possibilities. Thus, there is a demand for a reliable establishment of trust relationships among the users. Privacy is also a main concern in the current ambient intelligence paradigm: everywhere there are devices interacting with users and information about the users is possibly being gathered by the devices at anytime.


All these problems are perceived at different levels of concern by users, technology producers, scientific and governance communities.


This ERCIM Working Group aims at focussing the research of the ERCIM institutions on a series of activities (e.g., projects and workshops) for fostering the European research and development on security, trust and privacy in ICT. These will be among the main issues of current and future research efforts for "security" in a broad sense in Europe ( http://www.cordis.lu/security/).