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brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / imperialismo / guerra Tuesday October 16, 2018 05:41 by Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira
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Nota da Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira

O atual cenário político brasileiro exige muita lucidez e frieza para o conjunto dos lutadores e das lutadoras populares e sua análise da realidade. Nós da Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira, modestamente, buscamos dar nossa contribuição a compreensão do convulsionado cenário político-social, cujo principal corte se encontra no golpe jurídico-parlamentar que derrubou Dilma Rousseff do governo. Vivemos recentemente o chamado esgotamento do pacto da Nova República de 1988. Tal pacto, mantinha a exclusão social dos/as de baixo, enquanto garantia direitos jurídicos mínimos, numa coalizão que envolveu políticos burgueses, o empresariado, os militares e parte dos setores reformistas da esquerda.

A construção do Estado brasileiro, no entanto, sempre esteve mais próxima dos interesses das potências imperialistas de turno do que da maioria da população. O estado penal para os pobres sempre foi a norma das instituições da democracia burguesa. Os governos do PT, desde Lula, incrementaram a máquina criminal da ordem pública com todo um aparato legislativo-judicial que reproduziram o super-encarceramento dos pobres e negros e a parafernália repressiva que ataca as lutas sociais. O pacto de conciliação de classes foi rompido e o colaboracionismo rasgado para dar lugar à agenda agressiva do capitalismo financeiro sobre os direitos sociais, as liberdades parciais e os bens públicos, que foram conquistas históricas do movimento popular.

[Castellano] [English] [Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Français]
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Contra os projetos anti-povo: Desde já e além das urnas
Brasil: Avanza el Fascismo – FAU
Brazil: Fascism advances – FAU

greece / turkey / cyprus / miscellaneous Monday October 01, 2018 19:47 by Paddy Rua
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As repression keeps mounting in Turkey amidst a generalised economic crisis, we had the chance of discussing with a member of Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF), a Turkey-based anarchist organisation, the current situation under Ergogan and its implications in the ongoing Syrian conflict and the new balance of power which is being created out of this civil war. Their perspectives are of interest to militants everywhere in the Globe.


Ελλάδα / Τουρκία / Κύπρος / Περιβάλλον Thursday August 16, 2018 05:42 by provo
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Μακάρι να γίνει αυτή η νέα καταστροφή πέρα από αφορμή πένθους και επίδειξης εθελοντισμού και κοινωνικής αλληλεγγύης (που πρέπει να ειπωθεί ότι είναι ανέλπιστα συγκινητική) και αφορμή προβληματισμού. Βαθύ προβληματισμού γύρω από την ποιότητα και την ιεράρχηση των κοινωνικών αξιών. Γιατί από τις προηγούμενες μεγάλες καταστροφές το μόνο που έμεινε ήταν δυστυχώς περισσότερα αυθαίρετα.

niederlande / deutschland / österreich / imperialismus / krieg Tuesday August 07, 2018 10:12 by Rheinmetall entwaffnen
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Poster of the camp

Weltweit sind deutsche Waffen am Morden beteiligt. Deutschland liegt bei den Rüstungsexporten auf Platz 4 und in der EU an zweiter Stelle. In den letzten 10 Jahren konnte Rheinmetall ohne großen Aufschrei zu einem der größten Munitionslieferanten der Welt aufsteigen.

A protest camp just next to a Rheinmetall production area will take place from 29.08.2018 - 04.09.2018 in Germany in Unterlues.

[English] [Castellano][Italiano] [Ελληνικά] [Français]

mashriq / arabia / iraq / community struggles Thursday July 19, 2018 01:11 by Zaher Baher
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The below is a report about the current situation in central and southern Iraq. It is over a week there has been a massive demos and protests against the central and local government and also against the oil companies . The report below briefly explains the situation .


Read also: Update report : The mass protests in Baghdad and Southern Iraq continue

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George Floyd: one death too many in the “land of the free”

George Floyd: one death too many in the “land of the free”

Wed 28 Oct, 20:41

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