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north america / mexico / community struggles / opinion / analysis Tuesday November 03, 2020 19:14 byMelbourne Anarchist Commounist Group   image 1 image
In either case, it is by building working class struggle that the threat of Fascism will be best addressed. Struggle against a re-elected Trump would be necessary as he accelerates the class polarisation of society and moves further towards dictatorship. Struggle against a President Biden would explode the poisonous identification of the Left with the Democratic Party that Republicans make and from which Fascists benefit. read full story / add a comment
amérique du nord / mexique / anti-fascisme / opinion / analyse Thursday October 29, 2020 19:14 byUnity & Struggle   image 1 image
Ce document d’orientation a été rédigé avant que Trump n'attrape le coronavirus. Il a été approuvé par un vote unanime de la majorité des membres de Unity and Struggle. Que vous soyez d'accord avec nous ou non, nous espérons qu'il encouragera les révolutionnaires aux États-Unis et ailleurs à débattre de ce à quoi nous pouvons nous attendre en novembre et à commencer à s’y préparer, car ce qui se passe là-bas a évidemment un impact sur le monde entier. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism / feature Thursday October 29, 2020 19:01 byUnity & Struggle   text 1 comment (last - friday october 30, 2020 08:09)   image 2 images
This position paper from the anti-State communist collective Unity & Struggle was drafted before Trump caught coronavirus. We share it here as a good piece to illustrate the state of mind of our comrades fighting on the so-called United States of America's territory. We hope it encourages revolutionaries in the U.S. and everywhere else to debate what we can expect in November, and begin making plans, as what happens there obviously has an influence worldwide. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism / review Thursday October 01, 2020 13:28 byLAMA   image 1 image
A review of a book about the extreme-Right in the contemporary USA. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / anti-fascism / non-anarchist press Friday September 25, 2020 12:18 byClyde W. Barrow
In The Dangerous Class: The Concept of the Lumpenproletariat (University of Michigan Press, forthcoming 2020), I argue that US President Donald Trump should be understood as a “Prince of the Lumpenproletariat.” The question that will confront us on November 3rd and long afterward is whether Donald Trump will become “Emperor of the Lumpenproletariat.” These terms are taken from Karl Marx’s 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, where he applied them to Louis Bonaparte III. I argue that Trump has followed the script of the 18th Brumaire, which is the story of the exceptional rise to power of a lumpenproletariat organized and led by an authoritarian populist.

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north america / mexico / history / review Saturday August 01, 2020 02:46 byWayne Price   text 2 comments (last - monday august 03, 2020 05:02)   image 1 image
Book on the personality of Donald Trump by his niece, who is also a psychologist. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / migration / racism / opinion / analysis Monday July 06, 2020 06:01 byWayne Price   image 1 image
Racial oppression is rooted in capitalism. White people are not oppressed as white people, but do suffer from capitalism in other ways. White anti-racism cannot only be based on moral values but must also be related to their own oppressions caused by capitalism. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / community struggles / opinion / analysis Thursday July 02, 2020 20:15 byZaher Baher   image 1 image
This article covers how president Trump has shown us the true face of capitalism and whether the working class struggles grow under the dictatorship or those in power by the names of labour, social democrat, socialists, leftists. It also puts some facts before the readers and question them that who really in a long-term serves our struggle? read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / migration / racism / press release Tuesday June 23, 2020 21:56 bySome people active in Haringey Solidarity Group   image 1 image
Direct action is the means of creating a new consciousness, a means of self-liberation from the chains placed around our minds, emotions and spirits by hierarchy and oppression. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / migration / racism / press release Wednesday June 17, 2020 04:25 byVarious anarchist organisations   image 1 image
همبستگی با مبارزه مردم آمریکای شمالی – پشتیبانی همگانه با سازمانهای آنارشیستی در آمریکا read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / migration / racism / press release Wednesday June 17, 2020 03:55 byVarious anarchist organisations   image 1 image
التضامن مع نضال الشعوب في امريكا الشمالية - كل الدعم للمنظمات الأناركية الأمريكية read full story / add a comment
nord america / messico / migrazione / razzismo / opinione / analisi Tuesday June 16, 2020 02:42 byWayne Price   image 1 image
La ribellione per le vite delle persone afroamericane

Un punto di vista anarchico della ribellione statunitense contro le azioni poliziesche e il razzismo read full story / add a comment
nord america / messico / migrazione / razzismo / opinione / analisi Tuesday June 16, 2020 02:40 byJosé Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
L'omicidio di Floyd non è un episodio isolato. Lo scorso anno la polizia americana uccise 1099 persone, una parte considerevole delle quali era nera. Il 99% di queste uccisioni è rimasta impunita, un tasso allarmante, che nel continente americano è paragonabile solo a quello della Colombia, a dimostrazione del fatto che la violenza poliziesca – lungi dall'essere un'anomalia – è accettata dall'establishment statunitense, democratico o repubblicano che sia. [Castellano] [Türkçe] [English] read full story / add a comment
Μια αναρχική άποψη για την εξέγερση στις ΗΠΑ ενάντια στις αστυνομικές ενέργειες και τον ρατσισμό. - Αυτές οι διαμαρτυρίες αποτελούν μια εξέγερση. Είναι απόδειξη ότι ο πληθυσμός των ΗΠΑ δεν είναι για πάντα παθητικός και ηθικοποιημένος. Ότι υπάρχει μεγάλη οργή και δίψα για δικαιοσύνη και ελευθερία. Βέβαια όλο αυτό δεν θα οδηγήσει σε άμεση επα-νάσταση. Αλλά αυξάνει την πιθανότητα. read full story / add a comment
kuzey amerika / meksika / göç / ırkçılık / opinion/analysis Tuesday June 09, 2020 01:34 byJosé Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
Floyd'un öldürülmesi tek seferlik bir olay değil. Geçen yıl 1,099 kişi ABD polisi tarafından öldürüldü, bunların hatırı sayılır bir kısmı siyahtı. Bu cinayetlerin %99'u tam dokunulmazlık alanında –endişe verici bir dokunulmazlık oranı, yalnızca kıtadaki Kolombiya gibileriyle rekabet ediyor- bu da norm dışı sayılmaktan uzak polis şiddetine ABD yönetici ve elitleri tarafından nasıl göz yumulduğunu gösteriyor. Cumhuriyetçi veya Demokrat hepsi tarafından. [Castellano] [English] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
américa do norte / méxico / migração / racismo / opinião / análise Sunday June 07, 2020 03:26 byBrunoLR   image 1 image
Em 25 de maio de 2020, George Floyd, um homem afro-americano de 46 anos de idade, foi assassinado por asfixia executada por um policial branco do Departamento de Polícia de Minneapolis (estado de Minnesota). O assassino foi o oficial de polícia Derek Chauvin, permanecendo por 8 minutos e 46 segundos sobre o pescoço da vítima. Os demais policiais, Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng e Thomas K. Lane foram cúmplices, sendo que Kueng ajudou a imobilizar o “suspeito”. O crime de George, tentar comprar cigarros com uma nota de 20 dólares, supostamente falsa. Para termos uma ideia de comparação, Donald Trump, o próprio, é um empresário picareta que quebrou seis vezes, entre 1991 e 2009 e “espertamente” não deixou na reta escapando das “leis”. Com bons advogados e excelentes tributaristas, o sistema de Justiça do Império é perfeito para o andar de cima. Desde então os EUA mergulharam numa panela de pressão, começando pela própria Minneapolis (ver cujo estopim foi mais esse assassinato de outro homem negro. Neste artigo, faço uma modesta reflexão de contatos com as esquerdas daquele país que ainda é a potência hegemônica – embora decadente - sobre a nossa América Latina. read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / migración / racismo / anarchist communist event Saturday June 06, 2020 22:33 byCoordinadora de las Américas   image 1 image
Cómo entender la situación de Estados Unidos desde nuestra América en clave Socialista Libertaria. read full story / add a comment
Ο ρατσισμός αποτελεί δομικό στοιχείο της καπιταλιστικής κοινωνίας και ειδικά του βορειοαμερικάνικου καπιταλισμού, είναι δυστυχώς άθικτος, όμως αυτή τη στιγμή αναπτύσσεται ένα πνεύμα αντίστασης και αγώνα από τους μαύρους και τους φτωχούς. read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / migration / racism / opinion / analysis Thursday June 04, 2020 10:23 byWayne Price   image 1 image
An anarchist view of the U.S. rebellion against police actions and racism. read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / migración / racismo / opinión / análisis Thursday June 04, 2020 06:33 byJosé Antonio Gutiérrez D.   image 1 image
El asesinato de Floyd no es un hecho fortuito. El año pasado, 1099 personas fueron asesinadas por la policía en Estados Unidos, de los cuales muchísimos eran negros. 99% de estos asesinatos están en la más escandalosa impunidad. Una tasa alarmante que compite con las cifras de otras “lumbreras” de los derechos humanos como Colombia. Esto demuestra que la violencia policial, lejos de ser una anomalía, es aupada por el establecimiento de los EEUU. Por todo el establecimiento, tanto por republicanos como por demócratas. [English] [Türkçe] [Italiano] read full story / add a comment
George Floyd: one death too many in the “land of the free”
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