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Tuesday, May 17, 2016 

That Lady Royall report into allegations of antisemitism at the Oxford University Labour Club in full.

  • I do not believe that there is institutional antisemitism within Oxford University Labour Club
  • However, in order to remove the possibility of any such claims being made in the future, OULC should take action to ensure there is a safe space, i.e. by disbanding immediately in case anyone's feelings get hurt again
  • All further allegations of micro-aggressions should be reported immediately to The Telegraph, The Times, or John Mann MP in order to be used against Jeremy Corbyn
  • Err...
  • That's it

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This is very bad news:

"The Labour Party should consider whether adopting the Macpherson principle that an antisemitic incident that may require investigation is any incident that is perceived to be antisemitic by the victim or any other person is appropriate."

Somebody is going to have to come up with a damn good reason why not, ASAP.

I don't know, considering all the fun we've had based on a complaint by a member of pro-Israel advocacy organisations, it sounds like a brilliant idea to me. When Lady Royall's message to the Jewish Labour Movement is she knows they will share her "disappointment and frustration that the main headline" is there wasn't institutional antisemitism, what more is there to say?

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