Posts Tagged ‘PDF’

(PDF) Consecuencias inesperadas de la anarquia frente al feminismo en México

Thursday, October 29th, 2020

PDF: Consecuencias inesperadas de la anarquia frente al feminismo en México

Gracias por difundir la siguente contribución:

“Consecuencias inesperadas de la anarquia frente al feminismo en México”
Escrito por Afinidades Conspirativas

En el PDF viene el escrito junto con imagenes de referencia.
Incitamos y agradecemos a su traducción en otros idiomas que serviran para ampliar la visión sobre el contexto mexicano.

Thanx for spreading this contribution: There is no translation for this text, if someone can do it to any other language will be great. The text and reference images are inside PDF archive attached.

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PDF: ‘Incendiary Dialogues: For the Propagation of Anarchic Sedition’ (Black International Editions)

Saturday, October 17th, 2020

EN | Incendiary Dialogues: For the Propagation of Anarchic Sedition
ES | Diálogos Incendiarios
PT | Diálogos Incendiarios
IT | Dialoghi incendiari

Printed copies coming soon…

We present a new book by Black International Editions, an internationalist project of anarchic diffusion that, from an informal and seditious anarcho-insurrectional intent, resurfaces in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and English, with a new title: “Incendiary Dialogues: For the Propagation of Anarchic Sedition”. The title is based on a dialogue on the course of the anarchic war between comrades Alfredo Cóspito, Gustavo Rodríguez and Gabriel Pombo da Silva.

We consciously decided to launch this booklet on May 22, in timely celebration of Chaos Day, remembering anarchist comrade Mauricio Morales, who, on a day like today in 2009 left this life fighting against Power when the bomb he was carrying in his backpack exploded prematurely, detonating a few meters away from the Gendarmerie School in Chile.

We dedicate this book to all our comrades in prison around the world, with a special dedication to our comrade Alfredo Cóspito, imprisoned in Italy, and to our beloved Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, who was arrested in Portugal and extradited to Spain at the time this book was published. We send all our strength to comrade Gabriel in the face of this new revenge by the authorities for his eternal irreducible struggle.

This book will have printed versions that will circulate in affinity spaces, among comrades and diverse anarchic projects around the world. We invite you to actively support its diffusion by sharing its digital version, printing copies and/or making presentations and launches wherever there is a willingness to do the impossible in order to spread chaos and extend anarchic warfare.

Editorial collaborators of Black International Editions.

May 22nd, 2020 …

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“Andare alla radice” – Marco Camenisch & John Zerzan

Thursday, October 8th, 2020

IT | PDF: “Andare all radice” – Marco Camenisch & John Zerzan

“Andare alla radice”

È uscito l´opuscolo “Andare alla radice” contenente un intervista di John Zerzan a Marco Camenisch.


In una soleggiata cucina del sudest della Svizzera ho preso parte a questa magnifica conversazione con uno dei miei eroi, Marco Camenisch, e un caro amico che gli aveva più volte fatto visita durante i molti anni passati in prigione. Quest’incontro aveva per me un valore importantissimo, soprattutto perché, a differenza di Matteo, avevo conosciuto Marco solo la notte prima. Scriversi è una cosa, per quanto molto preziosa, ma di certo nulla può sostituire la possibilità di sedere faccia a faccia, l’uno di fronte all’altro. La nostra causa comune, per come la vedo io, è quella di eliminare la civilizzazione, la sua marcia funebre, e sostituirla con comunità di rapporti diretti, faccia a faccia. La società di massa ha soppresso la comunità. Ogni volta che ci s’incontra, come nel nostro caso, ci si prepara al suo ritorno. La nostra esplorazione ha ravvivato in ciascuno di noi l’anelito profondo per un nuovo mondo. È presente in ognuno, per quanto soffocato o deformato, nonostante le mastodontiche e onnipresenti forze contrarie. Le ore passate in così buona compagnia mi hanno rigenerato, stando assieme a guerrieri che non si arrendono. Prima di tornare in Italia con Matteo, ho salutato Marco che stava pulendo il pavimento della cucina della casa dove alcuni compagni ci avevano ospitato. Sorrideva e canticchiava, e questo mi ha reso ancor più felice!

John Zerzan
Eugene, Oregon, febbraio 2020

“Andare alla radice”

The booklet “Going to the root” has been published with an interview by John Zerzan with Marco Camenisch.

In a sunny southeastern Swiss kitchen I took part in this wonderful conversation with one of my heroes, Marco Camenisch, and a dear friend who had visited him several times during his many years in prison. This meeting had a very important value for me, especially because, unlike Matteo, I had met Marco only the night before. Writing is one thing, though very precious, but certainly nothing can stop you from sitting face to face, one in front of the other. Our common cause, as I see it, is to eliminate civilization, its funeral march, and replace it with a community of direct, face-to-face relationships. Mass society has suppressed the community. Every time we meet, as in our case, we prepare for its return. Our exploration has enlivened in each of us the deep yearning for a new world. It is present in each one of us, no matter how stifled or deformed, despite the mastodontic and omnipresent opposing forces. The hours spent in such good company have regenerated me, being together with warriors who do not give up. Before returning to Italy with Matteo, I said goodbye to Marco who was cleaning the kitchen of the house where some of our comrades had hosted us. He was smiling and humming, and that made me even happier!

John Zerzan,
Eugene, Oregon, February 2020


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[Difundir] Sale Rebrote nº 06 (septiembre 2020) – $hile

Thursday, September 24th, 2020

Palabras previas

Compañeres, luego de un par de meses llenos de actividad y contratiempos, con gusto podemos compartir con ustedes un nuevo número del boletín anticarcelario Rebrote.

Con un estado de «excepción” extendido hasta el mes de diciembre, una vez más el gobierno y empresariado en Chile pretenden contener la rabia y el carácter que lleva impregnado desde hace muchos años el mes de septiembre. Un mes lleno de memoria y lucha, que históricamente se ha visto marcado por la acción subversiva e insurrecta en las calles, y que desde hace ya un buen tiempo no se vivía con un toque de queda ni la presencia de miserables militares.

Además de tener excusas para la vigilancia durante este mes en particular, entendemos que parte de la estrategia del poder también es poder prever lo que ocurra en el próximo octubre, cuando se cumpla un año del inicio de la revuelta y se realice también el circo constituyente. (more…)

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Ahora se ha liberado: 325 #12 – ‘Contra la Cuarta y Quinta Revolución Industrial’ (ACN)

Thursday, September 24th, 2020

ES | PDF: 325 #12 – ‘Contra la Cuarta y Quinta Revolución Industrial’

EN | PDF: 325 #12 – ‘Against the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’

Descargue la portada de alta resolución aquí.

Presentando 56 páginas de anarquía anti-organización, insurrección y anti-civilización del siglo XXI. Una colección de textos y cartas críticas desde el punto de vista anarquista que examinan los nuevos cambios en la producción y el control social provocados por las nuevas tecnologías que están marcando el comienzo de un mundo carcelario totalizante y el avance de máquinas más inteligentes que las humanas.

CONTENIDO : 325#12

3. Editorial
4. Automatización, robótica y mano de obra en la 4ta y 5ta revoluciones industriales
8. Desde la revuelta a la insurrección – Extracto
9. Una pequeña crítica a la ciencia y su mundo
10. Mundo COVID-19: Las epidemias en la era del capitalismo
12. Las fracturas del Dominio
13. Ataques incendiarios coordinados contra antenas de retransmisión en Grenoble, Francia
14. La cuarta y quinta revoluciones industriales
17. La reproducción artificial de lo humano: El camino del transhumanismo
24. Psicología de la máquina: una ley de desaparición
26. Mirada oblicua
30. Teléfonos inteligentes, tonos, Capital
31. Sociedades sin dinero en efectivo y criptomonedas: fin de la era tradicional de la banca y las finanzas
34. Contribución a la reunión internacional contra las tecnociencias del anarquista encarcelado Dino Giagtzoglou
40. La sociedad cibernética y su mundo
52. Contra starlink
54. Espacio : parte 1
55. Pronto, cerca de tu casa
57: Cronología de acción directa


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Svart måne (Black moon) – PDF

Wednesday, September 16th, 2020

PDF: Svart måne – Eld

This is the first number of the Swedish zine Svart måne (Black moon). It’s a publication that focuses on anti-civilisation anarchy. By promoting and translating texts about anarchy of praxis we’re hoping to inspire individuals into arming their desire and awaking their wolf spirit.

The first number is called Eld (fire). Eld is one of the disruptive and destroying powers of the universe. Although this is the name of the number it has no thematic connection to the texts inside.

The texts is a collection of translations and original texts and all but two are written in Swedish. It starts with an intro text and then dives into a translation of Lone wolfs are not alone by imprisoned members of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. This is followed by two shorter translated texts – On savage attack and the moralization of violence by Guará and the text Subversive anarchy, a brief history of illegalist, individualist and nihilist anarchy by Renzo Conners.
Following these three translations are the original texts which is all kept anonymous:

-En individs anticivilisatoriska väg (An individual’s anticiv journey)
-Normbrott (Break of norm)
-To death, the love of my life
-Att (försöka) hålla snuten på avstånd (To (try to) keep a distance to cops)
-En solidaritet utan namn (A solidarity without name)
-Sweden is a socialist trap
-Mellan tydliga tvivels tvångströjor (The distinct doubts between straight jackets)
-Slaveri är det normala och teknologins fördummande effekt (Slavery is the normal and the dumbing down effect of technology)

If you want to contribute with texts or graphics you can contact us at svartmane att riseup dot net. We run submissions in swedish, danish, norwegian and english.

For the anarchist attack
Svart måne

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U$A: New Issue of Anathema, Volume 6 Issue 6 – Philadelphia Anarchist Zine

Tuesday, August 25th, 2020


In this issue:

Black August
What Went Down
New Projects
What Next?
Repression Updates
Die-Off Debate
DIY Defunding
Back to School
PSL, Occupations, & Some Better Possibilities

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Tuesday, August 11th, 2020

PDF: Confrontación 3-Impresión

PDF: Confrontación 3-Lectura

En un contexto global de pandemia continuamos editando CONFRONTACIÓN, mientras en Chile y el mundo el sistema de dominación se fortalece y extiende a través de la tecnología, la presencia policial y militar, la intoxicación comunicacional, la enfermedad, la muerte y la manipulación a través de la difusión social del miedo por parte del poder.

En Chile, la pandemia trajo consigo también un retrotraimiento de la revuelta y de la conflictividad callejera masificada desde el 18 de octubre de 2019, teniendo algunos rebrotes de rabia en los últimos meses. Por eso en esta edición reflexionamos sobre temas necesarios y contingentes desde perspectivas anárquicas e insurrectas de CONFRONTACIÓN.

Dedicamos este número a la memoria del compañero Mauricio Morales y enviamos nuestro calor insurrecto a lxs compañerxs anárquicxs Mónica Caballero y Francisco Solar, encarceladxs recientemente acusadxs de atentados explosivos contra policías, representantes y símbolos del poder. Con ellxs está la solidaridad anárquica que es palabra y acción.


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PDF: Como vivimos desde la anarquía la lucha y los disturbios por el Poder en Bolivia

Tuesday, August 4th, 2020

PDF: 1 pag. Como vivimos…

PDF: Formato libro. Como vivimos…

El presente libro, está dedicado al guerrero anarquista Gabriel Pombo Da Silva, secuestrado por el Estado español. Querido compañero, te queremos pronto en las calles, la libertad vino hace tiempo a por ti.

Como vivimos desde la anarquía la lucha y los disturbios por el Poder en Bolivia, es el grito furibundo de una recopilación de textos germinados por la sed de lucha contra la dominación, en un escenario tramoyado por la pugna interburguesa por el Poder, en el que sencillamente los ácratas no intervenimos. Ese forcejeo por la silla presidencial no nos incumbe, pero sí la ofensiva constante contra toda autoridad, sin desperdiciar la crítica que nos señala el camino de la praxis. Es necesario enfocarnos en el encandilamiento feligrés-social, que conduce a los ciudadanos a buscar su presente (y futuro) en las urnas de la dominación, con la intención de elegir a su nuevo amo, lo cual atenta contra cualquier expectativa de libertad individual y colectiva. La insurrección es permanente. Quienes luchamos contra toda forma de autoridad no necesitamos esperar por una fecha específica en el calendario para reaccionar contra las imposiciones. No necesitamos quien nos gobierne ni nos dirija; sabemos organizarnos, elegir a nuestrxs afines en la lucha y avanzar hacia la liberación total sin recular. (more…)

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Out Now : 325 #12 – ‘Against the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’ (ACN)

Thursday, July 30th, 2020

EN | PDF: 325 #12 – ‘Against the Fourth and Fifth Industrial Revolutions’

ES | PDF: 325 #12 – ‘Contra la Cuarta y Quinta Revolución Industrial’

Presenting 56 pages of anti-organisational, insurrectional, anti-civilisation anarchy of the 21st Century. A collection of critical texts and letters from anarchist points of view examining the new changes in production and social control brought about by new technologies which are ushering in a totalising prison-world and the advance of smarter-than-human machines. This issue of 325 builds on the considerations and content of the last issue which took as it’s focus the subject of the Technological Singularity. Six years later, the mechanisms, ideologies and impacts of this global dystopian project are nearer and clearer and the texts you will read in this new issue deal with the emerging realities of these technological revolutions.

For the first time, 325 is coming out in 3 languages: First in English, with Spanish and Italian to follow. Printed copies are available, but we also encourage people to print out their own copies and distribute them in their area.

CONTENTS : 325#12
3. Editorial
4. Automation, Robotics & Labour in the 4th & 5th Industrial Revolutions
8. From Riot to Insurrection – Excerpt
9. A Small Criticism of Science and its World
10. Covid-19 World: Epidemics in the era of Capitalism
12. The Fractures of Dominion
13. Coordinated Incendiary Attacks Against Relay Antennas in Grenoble, France
14. The 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions
17. The Artificial Reproduction of the Human: The Road of Transhumanism
23. Machine Psychology: A Disappearing Act
25. Oblique Look
28. Smartphones, Ringtones, Capital
29. Cashless Societies and Crypto-Currencies: End of the Traditional Era of Banking and Finance
32. Contribution to the 1st International Meeting Against Techno-Sciences by imprisoned anarchist Dino Giagtzoglou
38. Cybernetic Society and its World
48. Against Starlink
50. Space : Part 1
51. To Be Released
53. Direct Action Chronology


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U$A: Anathema – A Philadelphia Anarchist Periodical

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020


In this issue:

Keeping The Embers Hot
What Went Down
Lore Blumenthal’s Case
Abolish The Police?
Mass Motives (Endnotes Review)
“Touch The Sky” Review
Greek Solidarity With USA
FAI-FRI Call To Action
Reparations As A Verb
Annual Week Of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners
Running Down The Walls

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PDF: ‘Covid-19: La Anarquia en Tiempos de Pandemia’ – Gustavo Rodriguez

Saturday, July 11th, 2020

PDF: Covid-19: La Anarquia en Tiempos de Pandemia

Ediciones Conspiración Internacional Anarquista
Junio 2020

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Saturday, July 4th, 2020

PDF: Programme français


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$hile: Sale Rebrote nº 5 (mayo-junio 2020), boletín anticarcelario para presxs

Sunday, June 14th, 2020

Palabras previas

Compañerxs, tenemos el gusto de compartir con ustedes la publicación de un nuevo número del boletín anticarcelario Rebrote.

Anhelamos profundamente que los gestos de solidaridad hacia lxs presxs se sigan proliferando a pesar de este complicado contexto de crisis y control social, en donde las expresiones del apoyo mutuo entre marginadxs se diversifican con la finalidad de sobrevivir mientras el aumento de la militarización de las calles pareciera volverse algo ya cotidiano. (more…)

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Santiago, Chile: Sale el número 34 del Boletín La Bomba (Septiembre Negro 2019)

Sunday, June 14th, 2020

PDF: 34 La Bomba 34 Septiembre 2019 [especial]


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