Albania, Andorra, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Britain, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma, Cambodia, Canada, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Samoa, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, Senegal, Singapore, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Welcome to Psephos
Adam Carr's Election Archive

The largest, most comprehensive and most up-to-date archive of electoral information in the world, with election statistics from 182 countries. Use the alphabetical index at left to find information about every country in the world. I have withdrawn from Twitter, which is a sewer of misinformation, but I post regular updates on facebook.

This archive was founded in May 1999 by
Dr Adam Carr of Melbourne Australia

Things to note

The New Zealand legislative election, which was scheduled for 19 September, has been postponed until 17 October as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

I have revised and updated my Index of Candidates for the Australian Parliament, which is now complete down to the Eden-Monaro by-election of July 2020.

Latest electoral news

5 August: In the Sri Lankan legislative election, former President Mahinda Rajapaksa's leftist People's Freedom Alliance has won a large majority of votes and seats, defeating an opposition coalition led by the United National Party's Sajith Premadasa. Rajapaksa, brother of the current President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, will lead a new coalition government. National figures are available.

Forthcoming elections (six-month outlook)

14 April: Kiribati legislative election (no figures available)
9 August: Belarus presidential election *
30 August: Montenegro legislative election
2 October: Czech Republic legislative election (Senate)
4 October: Kyrgyz Republic legislative election
11 October: Lithuania legislative election
11 October: Tajikistan presidential election *
17 October: New Zealand legislative election
18 October: Guinea presidential election
18 October: Bolivia presidential and legislative elections
25 October: Tanzania presidential and legislative elections
31 October: Cote d'Ivoire presidential election
31 October: Georgia legislative election
1 November: Belize legislative election
1 November: Moldova presidential election
3 November: Palau presidential and legislative elections
3 November: United States presidential and legislative elections
8 November: Burma legislative election
10 November: Jordan legislative election
22 November: Burkina Faso legislative election
6 December: Venezuela legislative election *
7 December: Ghana presidential and legislative elections
13 December: Chad legislative election *
27 December: Central African Republic presidential and legislative elections *
27 December: Niger presidential and legislative elections
21 January: Kazakhstan legislative election *

* Not expected to be free or fair.

Elections in July 2020

10 July: In the second round of the Polish presidential election, President Andrzej Duda of the governing right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) has been re-elected with 51% of the vote, defeating the liberal Mayor of Warsaw, Rafal Trzaskowski. National and regional figures are available.

10 July: In the Singapore legislative election, the governing People's Action Party led by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has been re-elected with its large majority slightly reduced. Its share of the vote fell to 61%. Constituency-level figures are available.

5 July: In the Croatian legislative election, the conservative Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ) government of Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

5 July: In the Dominican Republic presidential election, Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona of the leftist Modern Revolutionary Party has been elected with 52% of the vote, defeating Gonzalo Castillo Terrero of the Dominican Liberation Party. Figures are available.

5 July: In the North Macedonian legislative election, both the governing Social Democrats of Prime Minister Oliver Spasovski and the conservative VMRO-DPMNE led by Hristijan Mickoski have lost ground. The balance is again held by parties representing the Albanian minority. Turnout was only 52% as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. District-level figures are available.

2 July: In the Malawi presidential election, which is being re-run after the 2019 election was annulled by the courts, opposition candidate Lazarus Chakwera has had a surprising win over President Peter Mutharika, polling 59% of the vote. It is very unusual for an incumbent African president to be defeated. National figures are available.

Elections in June 2020

30 June: In the Mongolian legislative election, the social-democratic Mongol People's Party led by Uhnaagiin Hurelsuh has has been re-elected with slightly reduced majority, polling 45% of the vote but winning 62 of 76 seats in the legislature. District-level figures are available, plus a map.

28 June: In the first round of the Polish presidential election, President Andrzej Duda of the governing right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) leads with 43% of the vote. He will face a run-off on 12 July against the liberal Mayor of Warsaw, Rafal Trzaskowski, who has the backing of the opposition parties. National ans regional figures are available.

27 June: In the Icelandic presidential election, President Gudni Johannesson, an independent, has been re-elected with 92% of the vote. Figures are available.

22 June: In the Kiribati presidential election, President Taneti Maamau has been re-elected with 59% of the vote.

21 June: in the Serbian legislative election, President Aleksandar Vucic's right-wing Serbian Progressive Party and its allies have won nearly all the seats in the National Assembly after the major opposition parties boycotted the election. The election was judged to be fairly conducted, but in an atmosphere of intimidation by the ruling party and state control of the media. National figures are available.

5 June: In the St Kitts and Nevis legislative election, the coalition government led by Dr Timothy Harris of the People's Labor Party has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available, although I cannot vouch for their accuracy.

Elections in May 2020

25 May: In the Suriname legislative election, the National Democratic Party of President (and convicted drug dealer) Desi Bouterse has been defeated by the Progressive Reform Party led by Chandrikapersad Santokhi. National and district-level figures are available.

20 May: In the Burundi presidential election, Evariste Ndayishimiye of the ruling CNDD-FDD party has been elected with 71% of the vote, in succession to Pierre Nkurunziza. The elections were not free or fair. Province-level figures are available.

20 May: In the Burundi legislative election, the ruling CNDD-FDD party has won 73 of 102 seats. While the elections were not free or fair, they were not as blatantly rigged as the presidential election, and the opposition National Congress for Liberty (CNL) won a majority of votes in the capital, Bujumbura. Province-level figures are available.

Elections in April 2020

15 April: in the Republic of Korea legislative election, the Democratic Party of President Mun Jae-in has won a sweeping victory, winning an absolute majority in the National Assembly. National, province and constituency-level figures are available. Constituency maps are also available.

Elections in March 2020

29 March: In the Mali legislative election, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita's Rally for Mali and its allies have retained a majority of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

22 March: In the Guinea legislative election, President Alpha Conde's Rally of the Guinean People has won 79 of the 114 seats, after the main opposition parties boycotted the election. The conduct of the election was criticised by observers. National and prefecture-level figures are available.

19 March: In the Vanuatu legislative election, 19 different parties have won seats, with none of them winning more than nine seats. Bob Loughman of the Vanua'aku Pati formed a coalition government after the election. Constituency-level figures are available.

2 March: In the Guyana legislative election, the Partnership for National Unity-Alliance for Change party of President David Granger and the opposition People's Progressive Party-Civic have both won 32 seats in the 65-seat National Assembly, with the final seat dependent on a disputed count in one electoral district. After a series of court challenges, a complete recount of the election has been ordered. As of late May, this had not been concluded. No figures are available.

2 March: In the Israeli legislative election, the third election in less than a year, the Likud Party of right-wing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and allied right-wing parties have gained several seats but are still short of an overall majority. The opposition Blue and White coalition led by Benny Gantz has also failed to win a majority. After prolonged negotiations a "national unity" government has been formed by Netanyahu and Gantz. Figures are available.

1 March: In the Tajikistan legislative election, the People's Democratic Party of President Emomali Rakhmanov is reported to have won all the seats. The elections were neither free nor fair: no serious opposition to President Rakhmanov's regime is tolerated. No figures are available.

Elections in February 2020

29 February: In the Slovak Republic legislative election, the Direction - Social Democrats party of Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini has been defeated by the conservative Ordinary People and Independent Personalities party led by Igor Matovic. After the election Matovic formed a coalition government with several centre-right parties. National figures are available.

23 February: In the second round of the Comoros legislative election, President Azali Assoumani's Convention for the Renewal of the Comoros has finished with 20 of the 24 directly-elected seats. A further nine members are appointed by the three island legislatures. Constituency-level figures are available.

22 February: In the Togo presidential election, President Faure Gnassingbe has been re-elected with 58% of the vote, defeating Agbeyome Kodjo of the Patriotic Movement for Democracy and Development. As always in African elections, the opposition claims there was electoral fraud - in this case correctly. The election was neither free nor fair. Figures are available.

22 February: In the Iran legislative election, hardline supporters of the clerical regime have won most of the seats, according to media reports. The elections were nor free or fair. No figures are available.

9 February: In the Azerbaijan legislative election, President Ilham Aliyev's New Azerbaijan Party and its allies have won most of the seats against only token opposition. The election was boycotted by the major opposition parties, although one opposition member was elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

9 February: In the Cameroun legislative election, President Paul Biya's Democratic Rally of the People of Cameroun has again won most of the seats, after the opposition parties boycotted the election. The election was judged not to be free or fair. No figures are available.

8 February: In the Irish legislative election, the Fine Gael government of Prime Minister Dr Leo Varadkar has been defeated, coming third in a tight three-sided contest. But the opposition Fianna Fail party has also lost seats. Both the traditional parties lost ground to the left-nationalist Sinn Fein and other leftist parties. The result has been a parliamentary deadlock. National and constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in January 2020

26 January: In the Peruvian legislative election, called early by President Martin Vizcarra, the parties led by former President Pedro Kuczynski and his right-wing rival Keiko Fujimori have lost most of their seats in the Congress of the Republic. They have been replaced by a collection of parties broadly supportive of Vizcarra. Department-level figures are available.

19 January: In the first round of the Comoros legislative election, President Azali Assoumani's Convention for the Renewal of the Comoros has polled 60% of the vote and won 16 of the 24 seats. A second round will be held on 23 February. Constituency-level figures are available.

11 January: in the Taiwan presidential election, President Tsai Ing Wen (Cai Yingwen) of the Democratic Progressive Party has been re-elected with 56% of the vote, defeating the Kuomintang's Daniel Han (Han Guoyu). National figures are available.

11 January: in the Taiwan legislative election, the Democratic Progressive Party of President Tsai Ing Wen (Cai Yingwen) has retained its majority in the National Assembly, although the opposition Kuomintang improved its position. National and constituency-level figures are available.

10 January: In the second round of the Croatian presidential election, the Social Democrat candidate Zoran Milanovic has defeated the incumbent right-wing candidate Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, with 52% of the vote. Although the president's functions are largely ceremonial, the result is a setback for the right-wing government of Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic. Figures are available.

Elections in December 2019

22 December: In the first round of the Croatian presidential election, the Social Democrat candidate Zoran Milanovic leads the incumbent right-wing candidate Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. Both candidates polled less than 30% in a field of 11 candidates. They will contest a run-off on 5 January. Figures are available.

22 December: in the Uzbekistan legislative election, supporters of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev have won all the seats. The elections were neither free nor fair: no serious opposition to the regime is tolerated. No figures are available.

12 December: In the Algerian presidential election, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, officially a non-party candidate but back by the ruling Front for National Liberation, has been elected with 58% of the vote, in elections not regarded as free or fair. As usual in Algeria, the majority of voters did not vote or cast invalid votes. Tebboune was supported by only 20% of registered voters. Figures are available.

12 December: In the British legislative election, called three years early by Prime Minister Boris Johnson after the Parliament elected in 2017 was deadlocked over the Brexit issue, Johnson's Conservatives have won a substantial majority, defeating the Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn. The Scottish Nationalists also gained ground. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

8 December: In the Dominica legislative election, the Dominica Labour Party government of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, in office since 2004, has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

8 December: In the San Marino legislative election, the Christian Democrats have retained their position as the largest party and will lead a renewed coalition government. Figures are available.

Elections in November 2019

30 November: In the second round of the Uruguayan presidential election, the conservative candidate Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou has narrowly defeated the leftist candidate Daniel Martinez, ending 12 years of rule by the leftist Broad Front alliance. Department-level figures are available.

28 November: In the Namibian presidential election, President Hage Geingob of the ruling SWAPO Party has been re-elected with 56% of the vote, defeating Dr Panduleni Itula, a former senior SWAPO member who ran as an independent. This is the worst result obtained by a SWAPO candidate since Namibia became independent. Figures are available. Figures are also available for the legislative election held on the same day, in which SWAPO retained its majority in the National Assembly.

24 November: In the second round of the Romanian presidential election, incumbent President Klaus Iohannis of the National Liberal Party has defeated the Social Democrat Vasilica Dancila with 66% of the vote. National figures are available.

18 November: in the Marshall Islands legislative election, voters have elected a new legislature on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

17 November: In the Belarus legislative election, supporters of President Aleksandr Lukashenko have won all the seats in the House of Representatives, reversing the modest progress towards fair elections seen at the last election. There is therefore no point in presenting details results. A national summary is available.

16 November: In the Sri Lankan presidential election, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, brother of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa, has defeated Sajith Premadasa, candidate of the conservative United National Party. Although Rajapaksa headed a coalition of leftist parties, he was elected on a platform of Sinhala nationalism. National figures are available.

10 November: in the Spanish legislative election, the second this year, the minority Socialist government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Perez-Castejon has retained office after forming a coalition government with the leftist party Podemos. The conservative People's Party slightly improved its position, while the far-right party Vox made further gains. National figures are available.

10 November: In the first round of the Romanian presidential election, incumbent President Klaus Iohannis of the National Liberal Party leads with 38% of the vote. The Social Democrat Vasilica Dancila is second with 22%. They will face a run-off election on 24 November. National figures are available.

7 November: In the Mauritius legislative election, the governing coalition led by Prime Minister Pravid Jugnauth of the Militant Socialist Movement has been elected for a second term. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in October 2019

28 October: in the Argentinian presidential election, conservative president Mauricio Macri has been defeated by the Peronist candidate Alberto Fernández. Since Fernández polled 48% of the vote to Macri's 40%, under Argentinian election law no second round will be held. This is the first time an incumbent Argentinian president has been denied re-election. Fernández's vice-presidential running-mate was former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. National and province-level figures are available.

28 October: in the Argentinian legislative election, supporters of the new Peronist President Alberto Fernández have retained their majority in the Senate, but will be just short of a majority in the Chamber of Deputies. National figures are available.

27 October: In the first round of the Uruguayan presidential election, the conservative candidate Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou has a narrow lead over Daniel Martinez, who is trying to win a fourth consecutive presidential term for the leftist Broad Front alliance. A run-off will be held on 20 November. Department-level figures are available.

27 October: In the Uruguayan legislative election, supporters of the new conservative President Luis Alberto Lacalle Pou have not won majorities in either chamber and will rely on the support of minor parties. Department-level figures for both chambers are available.

23 October: In the Botswana legislative election, the ruling Botswana Democratic Party of President Mokgweetsi Masisi has been re-elected with a slightly increased majority. The BDP has governed Botswana since independence in 1966. Constituency-level figures are available.

21 October: In the Canadian legislative election, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party has lost its overall majority in the House of Commons, but Trudeau will be able to form a new government with the support of the New Democrats and the Greens. National and province-level figures, and electoral maps, are available.

20 October: In the Bolivian presidential election, President Evo Morales of the Movement for Socialism, seeking an unprecedented fourth term, leads his conservative rival Carlos Mesa, but has polled only 46% of the vote. As a result, amid allegations of vote-rigging, he has been forced to resign. Fresh elections will be held in May. National figures are available.

20 October: in the Swiss legislative election, the four-party governing coalition which has held office since 1959 has lost its overall majority, but will remain in office since Swiss politics work largely by consensus. The winners were the two Greens parties, who now hold 44 of the 200 seats. Within the coalition, the anti-immigration Swiss People's Party was the main loser. A national summary of seats is available. Canton-level figures will follow.

15 October: In the Mozambique presidential election, President Filipe Nyusi of the ruling FRELIMO party has been re-elected with 73% of the vote. Province-level figures are available.

13 October: in the Polish legislative election, the right-wing Law and Justice Party government led by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has been re-elected with itsw majority intact, defeating the centrist Citizens' Platform opposition. The United Left returned to the legislature but mainly at the expense of other minor parties. National and constituency-level figures are available.

13 October: In the second round of the Tunisian presidential election, the independent candidate, Kais Saied, has defeated Nabil Karoui of the Heart of Tunisia party, with 72% of the vote. Tunisia is the only fully functioning democracy in the Arab world. Figures are available.

6 October: in the Kosovo legislative election, the social-democratic League for Self-Determination led by Albin Kurti has emerged as the largest party, but by January 2020 had still been unable to form a coalition government. Figures are available.

6 October: In the Portuguese legislative election, the Socialist Party government of Prime Minister Antonio Luis Santos da Costa has been re-elected with an increased share of votes and seats, though still short of an absolute majority. The government will retain office with the support of the Communists and Left Bloc. Province-level figures and a map are available.

Elections in September 2019

29 September: In the Austrian legislative election, called early after the breakdown of the governing coalition, the conservative People's Party, led by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, has improved its position, at the expense of its coalition partner the anti-immigration Freedom Party. On the left, the Social Democrats polled their worst result ever, losing ground to the resurgent Greens. National figures are available.

28 September: In the first round of the Afghanistan presidential election, President Mohammad Ashraf Ghani has been re-elected with 50.6% of the vote, again defeating former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah. The results were not announced until 22 December and as usual in Afghanistan are deeply suspect. Even of the offical figures turnout was only 18%, reflecting widespread scepticism about the electoral process.

17 September: In the Israeli legislative election, the second election this year, the Likud Party of right-wing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and allied right-wing parties have failed to win an overall majority. The opposition Blue and White coalition has also failed to win a majority. The balance of power is held by the Israel Our Home party. Negotiations to form a new government again failed, and a third election will be held in March 2020. Figures are available.

15 September: In the first round of the Tunisian presidential election, called early following the death of President Beji Caid Essebsi, an independent candidate, Kais Saied, leads with 18% of the vote in a field of 26 candidates. He will face Nabil Karoui of the Heart of Tunisia party, in a run-off on 13 October. Figures are available.

9 September: In the Tuvalu legislative election, a new non-party legislature has been elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in August 2019

24 August: In the Nauru legislative election, a new non-party legislature has been elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

11 August: in the second round of the Guatemala presidential election, the conservative Alejandro Giammattei of the Vamos party has defeated former First Lady Sandra Torres of the National Unity of Hope, with 58% of the vote. National figures are available.

Elections in July 2019

21 July: In the Japanese House of Councillors (upper house) election, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party and its ally the Clean Government Party have retained their majority, against a fragmented opposition. National figures are available.

21 July: In the Ukrainian legislative election, supporters of President Volodymyr Zelensky have won a majority of seats. Voters in Russian-occupied Crimea and Donbass were unable to take part. National and constituency-level figures are available.

7 July: In the Greek legislative election, the conservative New Democracy party led by Kyriakos Mitsotakis has defeated the SIRIZA party of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, ending Greece's five-year experiment with radical leftist government. Although ND won a comfortable majority of seats, in terms of votes the result was quite close, with most of ND's gains coming from minor parties. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in June 2019

22 June: In the Mauritania presidential election, former General Mohamed Ould Ghazouani of the ruling Union for the Republic has been elected with 52% of the vote against fragmented opposition. Figures are available.

16 June: in the first round of the Guatemala presidential election, former First Lady Sandra Torres of the social-democratic National Unity of Hope leads with 25% of the vote, followed by the conservative Alejandro Giammattei on 14%. A run-off will be held on 11 August. National figures are available. No figures for the legislative election held on the same day are available.

6 June: in the Danish legislative election, the liberal-conservative coalition led by Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen has been defeated by the "red bloc" coalition led by the Social Democrat Mette Frederiksen. The biggest gains on the left were made by the Radical Left and Socialist People's parties, but the Social Democrats will form a one-party government. The biggest losers were the right-populist Danish People's Party. District-level figures are available.

Elections in May 2019

27 May: In the Madagascar legislative election, the party supporting President Andry Rajoelina has won a majority of seats, despite polling only 34% of the vote. National and constituency-level figures are available.

26 May: In the Belgian legislative election, both the right-wing Flemish nationalists and the leftwing socialists and greens have made gains, at the expense of all the partes of the centre-left and centre-right. This will make the process of forming a new government, always very slow in Belgium, even more difficult. In any case Prime Minister Charles Michel is leaving to become President of the European Council. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

26 May: In the second round of the Lithuanian presidential election, an independent candidates, Gitanas Nauseda, has defeated another independent, Ingrida Simonyte, with 66% of the vote. National figures are available.

21 May: In the Malawi presidential election, president Peter Mutharika has been re-elected against a divided opposition. National figures are available. (This election was later annulled by the courts and a fresh election held in July 2020.)

21 May: In the Malawi legislative election, president Peter Mutharika's Democratic Progressive Party has improved its position but is far from a majority. The opposition Malawi Congress Party also gained seats. National and constituency-level figures are available.

19 May: In the Indian legislative election, held over five stages in April and May, the conservative Bharatiya Janata Party of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has again won an absolute majority of seats (and with its allies 65% of the seats), while polling only 37% of the vote. With about 613 million people voting, this was the largest democratic election in history. Complete constituency-level figures are available.

18 May: In the Australian legislative election, the Liberal-National Coalition government of Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been re-elected with a slight increase in its small majority, defeating the opposition Australian Labor Party led by Bill Shorten. The result was contrary to the predictions of all the polls that Labor would win. Constituency-level figures, an election pendulum and constituency maps are available. Full Senate results are also available.

13 May: In the Philippines legislative election, supporters of President Rodrigo Duterte have retained control of both houses of the Congress. A national summary of the Senate election, and constituency-level figures for the House of Representatives election, are available.

12 May: In the first round of the Lithuanian presidential election, two independent candidates, Gitanas Nauseda and Ingrida �imonyte, lead with 31% each. All party candidates polled poorly. A run-off will be held on 26 May. National figures are available.

8 May: In the South African legislative election, the ruling African National Congress has won its fifth successive election with a slightly reduced majority in the National Assembly, ensuring that Cyril Ramaphosa will be re-elected President. National and province-level figures are available.

5 May: In the second round of the North Macedonian presidential election, the Social Democrat Stevo Pendarovski has defeated Gordana Davkova of the conservative VMRO-DPMNE. Figures are available.

5 May: In the Panamanian presidential election, Laurentino Cortizo Cohen of the Democratic Revolutionary Party has been elected with 33% of the vote, defeating Romulo Alberto Roux Moses of the Democratic Change party, who polled 31%. (Panama does not hold run-off elections.) National figures are available.

5 May: In the Panamanian legislative election, the Democratic Revolutionary Party of President Laurentino Cortizo Cohen has won the largest number of seats. National and district-level figures are available.

Elections in April 2019

28 April: In the Benin legislative election, two blocs allied to President Patrice Talon have won all the seats after opposition parties were prevented from running. The elections were not free or fair. Figures are available.

28 April: in the Spanish legislative election, the minority Socialist government of Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez Perez-Castejon has improved its position, and will be able to form a new coalition government with minor parties. The conservative People's Party, which lost office in June 2018, lost heavily to the new far-right party Vox. National and regional-level figures are available.

21 April: In the first round of the North Macedonian presidential election, the Social Democrat Stevo Pendarovski leads Gordana Davkova of the conservative VMRO-DPMNE. A run-off will be held on 5 May. Figures are available.

17 April: In the Indonesian presidential election, President Joko Widowo of the Indonesian Democratic Party (Struggle) (PDI-P) has been re-elected with 55% of the vote, again defeating Prabowo Subianto of the Great Indonesia Movement. Province-level figures are available.

17 April: In the Indonesian legislative election, there has been little change in the party strengths. President Joko Widowo's Indonesian Democratic Party (Struggle) (PDI-P) remains the largest party. National figures are available.

14 April: In the Finnish legislative election, the governing centre-right coalition of Prime Minister Juha Sipila has been defeated, with Sipila's Centre Party losing heavily. The Social Democrat leader Antti Rinne was able to form a centre-left government, including the Centre Party and the Greens. National figures are available.

7 April: In the Andorra legislative election, the Democrats for Andorra led by Xavier Espot Zamora have lost their majority but have retained government with the support of minor parties. National figures are available.

6 April: In the Maldives legislative election, the Maldives Democratic Party of President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has won a large majority. Figures are available.

3 April: In the Solomon Islands legislative election, independents candidates have as usual won the majority of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in March 2019

31 March: In the second round of the Ukrainian presidential election, Volodymyr Zelensky has defeated President Petro Porochenko with 75% of the vote. Zelensky, a 41-year-old Jewish actor, has never previously held office. National and regional-level figures are available.

19 April: In the Israeli legislative election, the Likud Party of right-wing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has won the most seats, and right-wing parties have won an overall majority. Since the election, however, Netanyahu has been unable to form a new government, and fresh elections have been called for 17 September. This is the first time an Israeli prime minister has failed to form a government after an election. Figures are available.

31 March: In the first round of the Ukrainian presidential election, Volodymyr Zelensky, an actor, leads with 30% of the vote, well ahead of President Petro Porochenko, in a field of 39 candidates. National and regional-level figures are available.

24 March: In the Comoros presidential election, called early after constitutional changes, President Azali Assoumani of the Convention for the Renewal of the Comoros has been re-elected with 60% of the vote. National figures are available.

24 March: in the Thailand legislative election, the first since 2011, the State Power Party led by Prime Minister Prayut Chanocha, who came to power in a 2014 military coup, is the largest party but has won less than a quarter of the vote. The For Thais Party led by Sudarat Keyuraphan, which has won the last six Thai elections, has won the largest number of seats. Prayut will be able to form a majority with the support of minor parties, and is in any case certain of staying in power since the Prime Minister is now chosen by both houses of the legislature, and the upper house is nominated by the military regime. National and constituency-level figures are available.

16 March: In the second round of the Slovak Republic presidential election, the Progressive Slovakia candidate, Zuzana Caputova, has defeated an independent conservative, Maros Sefcovic, with 58% of the vote. National figures are available.

16 March: In the first round of the Slovak Republic presidential election, the candidate of the centre-left coalition Progressive Slovakia, Zuzana Caputova, leads with 40% of the vote. A runoff will be held on 30 March. National figures are available.

10 March: In the Guinea-Bissa legislative electionu, the ruling PAIGC has won the largest number of seats, but has lost its majority. Figures are available.

5 March: In the Micronesia legislative election, a new legislature has been elected on a non-partisan basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

3 March: In the Estonian legislative election, the liberal Reform Party has emerged as the largest pasrty. But Prime Minister Jiri Ratas of the Centre Party has formed a new centre-right coalition with the Conservatives and the Union Party. National figures are available.

Elections in February 2019

24 February: In the Moldova legislative election, the pro-European coalition led by Prime Minister Pavel Filip, leader of the Democratic Party, has been re-elected with a reduced majority over the pro-Russian opposition. The once-powerful Communist Party lost all its seats. Figures are available.

24 February: In the Senegal presidential election, President Macky Sall of the Alliance of Progressive Forces has been re-elected with 58% of the vote. Figures are available.

23 February: In the Nigerian presidential election, President Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress has been re-elected with 56% of the vote, defeating Atiku Abubakar of the Peoples Democratic Party. Turnout was a record low 34%, reflecting popular discontent with Nigeria's corrupt and dysfunctional political system. National and state-level figures are available.

23 February: In the Nigerian legislative election, President Muhammadu Buhari's All Progressives Congress has retained its majorities in both houses of the National Assenbly. Turnout was even lower than in the presidential election. National, state and constituency-level figures are available for the House of Representatives.

3 February: In the El Salvador presidential election, Nayib Armando Bukele Orte of the Grand Alliance for National Unity has been elected with 53% of the vote, defeating both the left-wing FMLN and the right-wing ARENA candidates. Figures are available.

Elections in December 2018

30 December: In the Bangladesh legislative election, the Awami League of Sheikh Hasina Wazed and its allies have again won nearly all the seats (288 out of 300), as a result of a boycott by the opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party. The election was marked by widespread electoral fraud and voter intimidation, reflecting the increasingly authoritarian trend of Sheikh Hasina's government. The Electoral Commission has not yet published full results. I am not in any case inclined to produce seat-by-seat results of such a corrupted election. Semi-complete results (top three candidates in each seat) are available at the Daily Star website.

30 December: In the Democratic Republic of Congo presidential election, the first since 2011, the government of outgoing president Joseph Kabila has proclaimed Felix Tshisekedi the winner, despite universal belief and much evidence that the opposition candidate Martin Fayulu won by a wide margin. No official figures have been published, and would in any case be worthless. No figures are available for the legislative election held on the same day.

20 December: In the Togo legislative election, President Faure Gnassingbe's Union for the Republic has won most of the seats after opposition parties again boycotted the elections. No serious opposition to Gnassingbe's regime is allowed. No figures are available.

19 December: In the second round of the Madagascar presidential election, former president Andry Nirina Rajoelina has defeated Marc Ravalomanana, also a former president, with 55.7% of the vote. Figures are available.

9 December: In the Armenian legislative election, called less than two years after the 2017 election following the forced resignation of President Serge Sargsyan, Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's My Step alliance has won an absolute majority in the National Assembly. Sargsyan's Republican Party of Armenia has been wiped out. District-level figures are available.

Elections in November 2018

29 November: In Australia, in the Victorian state election, the Labor Party government led by Daniel Andrews has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

28 November: in the second round of the Georgia presidential election, Salome Zurabishvili of the Georgian Dream � Democratic Georgia has defeated Grigol Vashadze of the United National Movement, with 59.5% of the vote. Figures are available.

14 November: In the Fiji Islands legislative election, the FijiFirst party of Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama has been re-elected with a reduced majority. The ethnic-Fijian Social Democratic Liberal Party improved its position. Figures are available.

7 November: In the first round of the Madagascar presidential election, Andry Nirina Rajoelina, a former president, leads Marc Ravalomanana, also a former president, by 39% to 35%, in a field of 36 candidates. A run-off will be held on 19 December. Figures are available.

6 November: In the United States of America legislative election, President Donald Trump's Republican Partty has retained control of the Senate, but has lost the House of Representatives to the opposition Democratic Party, which made a net gain of 40 seats. Complete state and district-level figures are available.

Elections in October 2018

28 October: In the second round of the Brazilian presidential election, the extreme right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro has defeated the Workers Party candidate Fernando Haddad, with 55% of the vote. This ends 16 years of left-wing government in Brazil. National and state-level figures are available.

27 October: in the first round of the Georgia presidential election, Salome Zurabishvili of the Georgian Dream � Democratic Georgia leads a field of 24 candidates with 38% of the vote, followed by Grigol Vashadze of the United National Movement. There will be a run-ff on 28 November. Figures are available.

26 October: In the Irish presidential election, the incumbent president Michael D Higgins has been re-elected with 55.8% of the vote on the first count. Figures are available.

20 October: The Afghanistan legislative election took place on this date, but results were not announced until January 2019. Most candidates were independents. Province-level figures are available.

14 October: In the Luxembourg legislative election the centre-left coalition government led by the Democratic Party's Xavier Bettel has been returned with a slightly reduced majority. National and regionl-level figures are available.

7 October: In the first round of the Brazilian presidential election, the extreme right-wing candidate Jair Bolsonaro has polled 46% of the vote, well ahead of the Workers Party candidate Fernando Haddad on 29%. A runoff election will be held on 28 October. National and state-level figures are available.

7 October: In the Bosnia and Herzegovia presidential election, the three ethnic communities, Bosniaks, Croatians and Serbs, have elected members of the collective presidency. The three members of the presidency are �efik D�aferovic (Bosniak), �eljko Kom�ic (Croat) and Milorad Dodik (Serb). Figures are available.

7 October: In the Bosnia and Herzegovia legislative election, the centre-left coalition led by Prime Minister Denis Zvizdic of the Bosniak Party of Democratic Action (SDA) has retained its working majority. There was little change in the strengths of the 14 parties represented in the House of Representatives. District-level figures are available.

7 October: In the Brazilian legislative election, state-level figures for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies are available.

7 October: in the Cameroun presidential election, President Paul Biya, who is 85 and has been in power since 1982, has been re-elected with 71% of the vote. The election was not regarded as free or fair. Figures are available.

7 October: In the Sao Tome and Principe legislative election, the governing Independent Democratic Action party has lost its overall majority but is still the largets party. National figures are available.

6 October: In the Gabon legislative election, President Ali Bongo Ondimba's Democratic Party has won 54% of the vote and nearly all the seats. National figures are available.

6 October: In the Latvian legislative election, seven parties have won seats in the Saeima (Parliament), with no party winning more than 20% of the vote. It is unclear who will form a new government. National figures are available.

Elections in September 2018

23 September: In the Maldives presidential election, the opposition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has unexpectedly defeated President Abdulla Yaameen Abdul Gayoom, with 58% of the vote. Figures are available.

15 September: in the Bhutan legislative election, the governing People's Democratic Party has been defeated by the Bhutan United Party. National figures are available.

9 September: In the Swedish legislative election, the governing left-wing alliance led by Social Democrat Prime Minister Stefan L�fven has lost ground, but remains the largest block in the legislature. The anti-immigration Swedish Democrats hold the balance. Neither the government nor the conservative coalition led by Ulf Kristersson have been able to win a confidence vote in the new legislature. National and regional figures are available.

2 September: In the Rwanda legislative election, President Paul Kagame's Rwandan Patriotic Front has won 40 of the 56 directly-elected members, and will also hold most of the 24 indirectly-elected members. Although opposition parties won some seats, the elections were not free or fair - no serious opposition to Kagame's government is allowed. No useable figures seem to be available.

1 September: In the Mauritania legislative election, President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz's Union for the Republic has won a majority of seats, though it polled only 19% of the vote in a highly fragmented electorate. No useable figures are available.

Elections in August 2018

12 August: In the second round of the Mali presidential election, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita of the Rally for Mali has been elected with 67% of the vote, defeating Soumaila Cisse of the Union for the Republic and Democracy. Figures are available.

Elections in July 2018

30 July: in the Zimbabwe presidential elections, President Emmerson Mnangagwa of the ZANU-PF party has been elected with just over 50% of the vote, defeating Nelson Chamisa of the Movement for Democratic Change. Province-level figures are available.

30 July: in the Zimbabwe legislative elections, the ZANU-PF party has retained its majority in the House of Assembly, defeating the Movement for Democratic Change. Constituency-level figures are available.

29 July: In the first round of the Mali presidential election, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita of the Rally for Mali leads with 41% of the vote. Figures are available.

28 July: In the Cambodia legislative election, the governing Cambodian People's Party of Prime Minister Hun Sen has won all the seats after the forcible suppression of the opposition. This marks the end of Cambodian democracy. The elections were not free or fair. A national summary is given.

25 July: in the Pakistan legislative election, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party of Imran Khan has won the largest number of seats, defeating both the PML(N) party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Bhutto family's Pakistan Peoples Party. National, Province, Division and constituency-level figures are available.

1 July: In the Mexican presidential election, the leftist candidate Andr�s Manuel L�pez Obrador has been easily elected with 54% of the vote, defeating candidates of both the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party and the conservative National Action Party. National and state-level figures are available. Figures for the Senate election held on the same day are also available.

Elections in June 2018

24 June: In the Turkish presidential election, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the ruling Justice and Development Party has been re-elected with 52.6% of the vote. The election seems to have been fairly conducted but in conditions of such severe repression that it cannot be considered a free election. National and district-level figures are available.

24 June: In the Turkish legislative election, President Erdogan's Justice and Development Party (AKP) has lost its majority in the Great National Assembly. But the AKP's alliance with the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) will ensure Erdogan's continuing dominance. National and district-level figures are available.

17 June: In the second round of the Colombian presidential election, the conservative candidate, Iv�n Duque M�rquez, has defeated the left-wing candidates Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego, with just over 50% of the vote. Department-level figures for the first and second rounds are available.

3 June: In the Slovenian legislative election, Prime Minister Miro Cerar's party, the Modern Centre, has lost most of its seats. The winners are the anti-immigration Slovenian Democratic Party and a new party led by journalist Marjan �arec. Figures are available.

Elections in May 2018

25 May: In the first round of the Colombian presidential election, the conservative candidate, Iv�n Duque M�rquez, leads with 40% of the vote. Two left-wing candidates, Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego and Sergio Fajardo Valderrama, trail with 25% and 24% respectively. A run-off between Duque and Petro will be held on 17 June. National figures are available.

24 May: in the Barbados legislative election, the Barbados Labour Party led by Mia Mottley had had a huge win over the Democratic Labour Party government of Freundel Stuart, winning 72% of the vote and all 30 seats. Mottley becomes the first female Prime Minister of Barbados. Constituency-level figures are available.

20 May: In the Venezuelan presidential election, President Nicol�s Maduro Moros has been re-elected, with 67% of the vote, after the main opposition party boycotted the election. The election was neither free nor fair. National figures are available.

12 May: In the East Timor legislative election, called early after the legislature elected in 2017 was deadlocked, the moderate Alliance for Change and Progress led by Jos� Maria Vasconcelos has won a single-seat majority over the lefist FRETILIN. Figures are available.

12 May: In the Iraqi legislative election, the Forward (Sayirun) party, led by the Shi'a cleric Moqtadr al-Sadr, has emerged as the largest party, although it polled only 14% of the vote in a highly-fragmented electorate. Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi will retain office with al-Sadr's support. The election was generally regarded as free and fair. National and Governorate-level figures are available.

9 May: in the Malaysia legislative election, the governing National Front of Prime Minister Najib Razak has been heavily defeated by an opposition coalition led by former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, who is 92. This is the first time the National Front has been defeated since Malaya became independent in 1957. The victory was achieved despite the gross rigging of the electoral system in favour of the ruling party. Constituency-level figures are available.

6 May: In the Lebanese legislative election, the anti-Western alliance led by Hizbollah has won a majority of votes and seats, defeating the alliance led by Prime Minister Sa'ad al-Hariri. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in April 2018

22 April: in the Paraguay presidential election, Mario Abdo Ben�tez of the conservative National Republican Association has been elected, with just under 50% of the vote, defeating the liberal Pedro Efra�n Alegre Sasiain. National figures are available.

22 April: in the Paraguay legislative election, the conservative National Republican Association has retained its majorities in both houses of the Congress. Department-level figures are available.

15 April: in the Montenegro presidential election, the long-serving Prime Minister, Milo �ukanovic of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, has been elected President with 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

11 April: In the Azerbaijan presidential election, President Ilham Aliyev has been re-elected with 86% of the vote. The election was not free or fair. Figures are available.

8 April: In the Hungarian legislative election, the conservative government of Prime Minister Victor Orban has been re-elected with its large majority intact. The fascist Jobbik party came second, pushing the Socialists into third place. Figures are available.

1 April: In the second round of the Costa Rica presidential election, Carlos Alvarado Quesada of the leftist Citizen Action has defeated Fabricio Alvarado Mu�oz of the right-wing National Restoration, polling 60% of the vote. Figures are avaulable.

Elections in March 2018

26 March: In the Egyptian presidential election, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has been re-elected with 97% of the vote against token opposition. The election was neither free nor fair. Figures are available.

21 March: In the Antigua and Barbuda legislative election, the Antigua and Barbuda Labor Party led by Prime Minister Gaston Browne has re-elected with an increased majority. Figures are available

17 March: In Australia, in the South Australian state election, the Liberal Party led by Steven Marshall has defeated the 16-year-old Labor government of Premier Jay Weatherill. Statewide figures for both houses are available.

13 March: In the Grenada legislative election, the New National Party led by Prime Minister Keith Mitchell has again won all 15 seats, defeating the National Democratic Congress led by Nazim Burke. Figures are available.

11 March: In the Colombian legislative election, supporters of outgoing conservative President Juan Manuel Santos have retained their majorities in both chambers of the National Congress. National and Department-level figures are available.

11 March: In the Russian presidential election, President Vladimir Putin has been elected to a fourth term as President, with 67% of the vote. The elections were not free or fair. National figures are available.

7 March: in the first round of the Sierra Leone presidential election, Julius Bio of the Sierra Leone People's Party and Samura Kamara of the All People's Congress both have 43% of the vote. They will contest a run-off on 31 March. Figures are available.

7 March: in the Sierra Leone legislative election, the All People's Congress of outgoing President Ernest Bai Koroma has fallen just short of a majority of seats (with results from five seats still unknown), well ahead of President-elect Julius Bio's Sierra Leone People's Party. Constituency-level figures are available.

4 March: In the El Salvador legislative election, the right-wing ARENA party and its allies have won a majority in the Legislative Assembly, defeating President Salvador S�nchez Cer�n's left-wing FMNL. Department-level figures are available.

4 March: in the Italian legislative election, the centre-left coalition led by former prime minister Matteo Renzi has suffered a heavy defeat - the worst result for the Italian left since 1945. The populist Five Star Movement has emerged as the largest single party, although it was outpolled by the right-wing coalition of the Northern League and Forza Italia. The Northern League's Matteo Salvini will get the first opportunity to form a government. National and regional-level figures are available.

3 March: In Australia, in the Tasmanian state election, the Liberal government of Premier Will Hodgman has been re-elecyted with a one-seat majority over Labor and the Greens. Statewide figures are available.

18 February: In the Armenian presidential election, Dr Armen Sarkissian has been elected President unopposed by the National Assembly. This follows a constitutional amendment which abolished direct election of the President and provided that the President must be non-partisan.

Elections in February 2018

22 February: In the Djibouti legislative election, President Ismail Omar Guelleh's party has won most of the seats, after the opposition parties boycotted the election. Figures are available.

10 February: in the Monaco legislative election, the governing Horizon Monaco has been heavily defeated by a breakaway party, First Priority Monaco. Figures are available.

4 February: In the first round of the Costa Rica presidential election, Fabricio Alvarado Mu�oz of the right-wing National Restoration leads Carlos Alvarado Quesada of the leftist Citizen Action. Both polled less than 30% of the vote. A run-off will be held on 1 April. Figures are available.

4 February: In the Costa Rica legislative election, the leftist Party of National Liberation (PLN) and Citizen Action (AC) have won the largest number of seats, but not a majority. Province-level figures are available.

4 February: in the second round of the Cyprus presidential election, President Nikos Anastasiades of the conservative DISI party has defeated Stavros Malas of the communist AKEL party, with 56% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in January 2018

28 January: in the first round of the Cyprus presidential election, President Nikos Anastasiades of the conservative DISI party leads with 35% of the vote, ahead of Stavros Malas of the communist AKEL party. The two will contest a runoff on 4 February. Figures are available.

28 January: In the Finnish presidential election, incumbent President Sauli Niinist� has been re-elected with 62% of the vote, ahead of the Greens candidate Pekka Haavisto. Figures are available.

26-27 January: In the second round of the Czech Republic presidential election incumbent Prersident Milos Zeman has narrowly defeated conservative challenger Jiri Drahos, with 51.4% of the vote. National figures are available.

12-13 January: In the first round of the Czech Republic presidential election, incumbent Prersident Milos Zeman, running with the support of most of the left, leads with 38% of the vote. He will face conservative challenger Jiri Drahos in the second round. Neither of the traditional major parties, the Social Democrats and the Civic Democrats, contested the election. National figures are available.

Elections in December 2017

26 December: In the second round of the Liberian presidential election, George M Weah of the Coalition For Democratic Change has defeated Vice-Presisdent Joseph Nyuma Boakai of the Unity Party, with 61% of the vote. Figures are available.

17 December: In the second round of the Chilean presidential election, former conservative president Sebastian Pi�era Echenique has defeated the left-wing candidate, Alejandro Guillier Alvarez, with 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in November 2017

26 November: In the Honduras presidential election, President Juan Orlando Hern�ndez Alvarado of the conservative National Party has been narrowly re-elected, polling 42.9% of the vote. The centre-left candidate Salvador Alejandro Nasralla Salum polled 41.4%. Figures are available.

26 November and 7 December: in the Nepal legislative election, the two Maoist Communist parties have won a majority of seats between them, defeating the governing Nepal Congress. Khadga Prasad Oli, leader of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist�Leninist), will become Primne Minister. National figures are available.

25 November: In Australia, in the Queensland state election, the Labor government of Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has been re-elected with its slender majority intact. Constituency-level figures are available.

19 November: In the first round of the Chilean presidential election, former conservative president Sebastian Pi�era Echenique leads with 36% of the vote against a divided left-wing opposition. He will contest a runoff against a left-wing independent, Alejandro Guillier Alvarez, on 17 December. Figures are available.

19 November: In the Chilean legislative election, parties of the broad centre-left have retained a majority in both houses of the Congress, although the Christian Democracts are no longer in a formal alliance with the left-wing parties. Figures are available.

12 November: in the second round of the Slovenian presidential election, President Borut Pahor, a Social Democratic running an independent, has defeated Marjan �arec, a media persoanlity running as a non-party candidate. Figures are available.

Elections in October 2017

29 October: in the Argentinian legislative election, President Mauricio Macri's conservative Cambiemos coalition has improved its position against the Peronist Front for Victory in both houses of the Congress, but has not won a clear majority. National figures are available.

28 October: In the Iceland legislative election, called only a year after the last election, the conservative Independence Party of Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson has lost ground while remaining the largest party. The three left-wing parties have gained seats, but also do not have a majority. Negotiations among the eight parties to win seats are continuing. Figures are available.

26 October: in the re-run of the Kenya presidential election, President Uhuru Kenyatta has been declared re-elected with 98% of the vote, with a turnout of 39%, meaning that 38% of registered voters voted for him. Opposition leader Raila Odinga withdrew from the election and urged his supporters not to vote, leaving Kenyatta opposed only by minor-party candidates.

22 October: In the Japanese legislative election, the third in five years, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party and its ally the Clean Government Party have again been returned to office with their large majority intact. The opposition was leadersless and fragmented among various minor parties. National and constituency-level figures are available.

22 October: in the first round of the Slovenian presidential election, President Borut Pahor, a Social Democratic running an independent, leads with 47% of the vote. He will contest a runoff against Marjan �arec, another independent, on 12 November. Figures are available.

20 October: In the Czech Republic legislative election, right-wing and populist parties, led by Dissatisfied Citizens (ANO 2011), have heavily defeated the Social Democrat-led government. A record nine parties have won seats. ANO 2011 leader Andrej Babi� will form a multi-party coalition government. National figures are available.

15 October: In the Austrian legislative election, the conservative People's Party, led by 31-year-old Sebastian Kurz, has emerged as the largest party, followed by the anti-immigration Freedom Party. The two will probably form a right-wing coalition government, leaving the long-governing Social Democrats (whose vote fell only slightly) in opposition. The Greens lost all their seats. National figures are available.

15 October: In the Kyrgyz Republic presidential election, Sooronbai S Jeenbekov of the Social Democratic Party has been elected with 54.7% of the vote. The transition from President Almazbek Atambayev at the completion of his term will be first democratic transition in any Central Asian state. Figures are available.

10 October: In the first round of the Liberian presidential election, George M Weah of the Coalition For Democratic Change, with 39% of the vote, leads Joseph Nyuma Boakai of the Unity Party, with 29%. The two were to face a run-off on 7 November, but this was postponed to 26 December. Figures are available.

Elections in September 2017

24 September: In the German legislative election, the Christian Democratic Party of the Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has seen sharp decline in its vote, as has its main rival, the Social Democratic Party led by Martin Schulz. Both parties recorded their lowest share of the vote since 1949 (the SPD vote was the lowest since 1890). The winners were the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the liberal Free Democrats (FDP). Since Schulz has ruled out a renewal of the CDU-SDP "grand coalition," Merkel will need to form a coalition with the FDP and the Greens, or else lead a minority government. National figures are available.

23 September: In the New Zealand legislative election, the National Party government of Prime Minister Bill English has fallen four seats short of a majority. The opposition Labour Party has made major gains, mostly at the expense of the Greens. Labour leader Jacinda Adern will form a coalition government with the right-wing NZ First party and the Greens. Updated national figures are available.

23 September : In the Singapore presidential election, Halimah Yacob, nominally an independent but until recently an MP for the governing People's Action Party, has been elected unopposed. She is Singapore's first female President.

11 September: In the Norwegian legislative election, the coalition government led by Conservative Prime Minister Erna Solberg has been re-elected with a reduced majority. District-level figures and a map are available.

Elections in August 2017

8 August: in the Kenya presidential election, President Uhuru Kenyatta has been re-elected with 54% of the vote, defeating former Prime Minister Raila Odinga. The opposition claimed election fraud, and on 1 September the Supreme Court annulled the election. A rerun will be held on 26 October, but without Raila Odinga, who has withdrawn. County-level figures are available. Figures for the legislative election held on the same day are not yet available.

4 August: In the Rwanda presidential election, President Paul Kagame has been re-elected with 98% of the vote, against token opposition. National figures are available.

Elections in July 2017

31 July: In the Republic of Congo legislative election, President Denis Sassou N'Guesso's Congolese Labour Party (PCdT) has won nearly all the seats. The election was neither free nor fair. No serious opposition to Sassou N'Guesso's regime is permitted. No figures are available.

30 July: In the Senegal legislative election, the United in Hope party of President Macky Sall has suffered some loss of votes, but has retained its majority of seats. Figures are available.

22 July: In the East Timor legislative election, the lefist FRETILIN, led by Mari Alkatiri, has regained its position as the largest party, ahead of Xanana Gusm�o's CNRT, but both have lost seats to minor parties. Figures are available.

6 July: In the second round of the Mongolian presidential election, Khaltmaagiin Battulga of the Democratic Party has been elected with 58% of the vote. Province-level figures are available.

24 June to 8 July: In the Papua New Guinea legislative election, most results from the 111 constituencies have been declared. Although Prime Minister Peter O'Neill's party, the People's National Congress, won only 27 seats (down from 54), it appears that O'Neill will secure the support of enough members to stay in office. Partial results are available. (As of 20 August the PNG Election Commission website is offline).

Elections in June 2017

25 June: In the Albanian legislative election, Prime Minister Edi Rama's Socialist Party has been re-elected with an increased majority. National figures are available.

11 and 18 June: In the French legislative election, President Emmanuel Macron's new centrist party, The Republic on the March, with its allies, has won an absolute majority in the National Assembly. The Socialist Party, which won a large majority in 2012, was nearly wiped out, while the Republicans (Gaullist right) also lost heavily. The extreme left and the extreme right National Front made only minor gains. National and some constituency-level figures, plus maps, are available.

8 June: In the British legislative election, called three years early by Prime Minister Theresa May, the Conservatives have unexpectedly lost their majority, but will be able to form a minority government with the support of the Northern Ireland Democratic Unionist Party. The Labour Party led by Jeremy Corbyn has gained seats, while the Scottish Nationalists have lost ground. Constituency-level figures are available.

3 June: In the Lesotho legislative election, Tom Thabane's All Basutho Congress has returned to government with a comfortable majoity, defeating Pakalitha Mosisili's coalition government of the Democratic Congress and the Lesotho Congress for Democracy. Constituency-level figures are available.

3 June: in the Malta legislative election, the Maltese Labour Party of Prime Minister Dr Joseph Muscat has been re-elected with a slightly reduced majority. National figures are available.

Elections in May 2017

31 May: In the Bahamas legislative election, the Free National Movement, led by Dr Hubert Minniss, has returned to power after one term, easily defeating the Progressive Liberal Party government of Prime Minister Perry Christie. Constituency-level figures are available.

19 May: In the Iranian presidential election, President Hassan Rohani, regarded as a moderate among the ruling Islamic clergy, has been re-elected with 57% of the vote. National figures are available.

9 May: in the Republic of Korea presidential election, called early following the impeachment of President Park Geun-hye, Mun Jae-in of the liberal Together Democratic Party has been elected with 41% of the vote, against a divided opposition. National and province-level figures are available.

7 May: In the second round of the French presidential election, Emmanuel Macron, a pro-European centrist, has defeated the National Front's Marine Le Pen, polling 66% of the vote. National and regional figures, plus maps, are available.

4 May: In the Algerian legislative election, the ruling National Liberation Front has again lost seats, polling only 20% of the vote. As always in Algeria, a large majority of voters did not vote or cast invalid votes. Figures are available.

Elections in April 2017

23 April: In the first round of the French presidential election, both the ruling Socialists and the main conservative opposition party, the Republicans, have been eliminated. The second round on 7 May will be contested between Emmanuel Macron, a pro-European centrist leading a newly-created party, and the National Front's Marine Le Pen. No candidate managed 25% of the vote. National figures are available.

6 April: In the Gambia legislative election, President Adama Barrow's United Democratic Party has won a majority of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

2 April: In the Armenian legislative election, the ruling Republican Party of Armenia has been returned to office, winning an absolute majority in the National Assembly. Figures are available.

2 April: In the second round of the Ecuadorian presidential election, the left-wing candidate Len�n Moreno Garc�s has defeated the right-wing candidate Guillermo Lasso Mendoza, polling 51% of the vote. National and province-level figures and maps are available.

2 April: in the Serbian presidential election, Aleksandar Vucic of the right-wing Progressive Party has been elected in the first round with 55% of the vote. Both the liberal Democratic Party and the extreme-right Radical Party polled poorly. Figures are available.

Elections in March 2017

26 March: In the Bulgarian legislative election, called early after the defeat of the government party's candidate in the November 2016 presidential election, the right-wing Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) remains the largest party, and Prime Minister Boyko Borisov will be able to form a new coalition government. The opposition Socialist Party greatly improved its vote. National and district-level figures are available.

20 March: In the East Timor presidential election, Francisco Guterres (Lu Olo) of the left-wing FRETILIN party has been elected with 57% of the vote in the first round. Figures are available.

15 March: In the Netherlands legislative election, Prime Minister Mark Rutte's governing People's Party (VVD) has retained its position as the largest party, but its coalition partner, the Labour Pary (PvdA), has been almost wiped out. The anti-immigrant Freedom Party (PVV) has made gains, but not as large as expected. Rutte will form a new coalition government with the Christian Democrats and liberal Democrats 66 parties. District-level figures, lists of elected members and maps are available.

11 March: In Australia, in the Western Australia state election, the Liberal-National coalition government led by Premier Colin Barnett has been heavily defeated by the Labor Party led by Mark McGowan. Constituency-level figures are available.

7 March: In the Micronesia legislative election, a new legislature has been elected on a non-partisan basis. I have not been able to locate figures for this election.

Elections in February 2017

19 February: In the first round of the Ecuadorian presidential election, the left-wing candidate Len�n Moreno Garc�s leads with 39% of the vote. He will contest a runoff on 2 April against the right-wing candidate Guillermo Lasso Mendoza. National and province-level figures are available.

19 February: In the Ecuadorian legislative election, the left-wing Alliance for a Proud and Sovereign Fatherland (PAiS) has retained a narrow majority in the National Assembly despite substantial losses to the opposition CREO party. National and province-level figures are available.

12 February: In the Turkmenistan presidential election, President Gurbanguly Berdimukhamedov has been "re-elected" with a reported 97% of the vote. No opposition to Berdimukhamedov's regime is permitted. No figures are available.

5 February: In the Liechtenstein legislative election, the governing coalition of the Progressive Citizens' Party (FBPL) and the Fatherland Union (VU) led by Adrian Hasler of the FBPL has been returned with the loss of only one seat. District-level figures are available.

Elections in December 2016

18 December: In the Cote d'Ivoire legislative election, President Alassane Ouattara's Rally of Houphou�tists (RHDP) has won 49% of the vote and a comfortable majority of seats against a scattered opposition. National, rehional and constituency-level figures are available.

11 December: In the Macedonian legislative election, called early to resolve the crisis which led to the resignation of Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, the conservative VMRO-DPMNE party, now led by Emil Dimitriev, has sustained heavy losses but remains the largest party. The Social Democrats, led by Zoran Zaev, have made major gains but have not won a majority. The balance is held by parties representing the Albanian minority. Negotiations for the formation of a new government are continuing. District-level figures are available.

11 December: In the Romanian legislative election, the Social Democratic Party of Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu has won a plurality of votes and seats in both chambers, and will be able to retain government with the support of minor parties. National figures are available.

7 December: In the Ghana presidential election, Nana A D Akufo-Addo of the opposition New Patriotic Party has defeated President John Dramani Mahama of the National Democratic Congress. This is the first tim an incumbent President of Ghana has been defeated, and the second time in December that an incumbent African president has been defeated: hitherto a rare event. Figures are available.

7 December: In the Ghana legislative election, President-elect Nana A D Akufo-Addo's New Patriotic Party won a majority, defeating outgoing President John Dramani Mahama's National Democratic Congress. Constituency-level figures are available.

6 December: In the re-run of the second round of the Austrian presidential election, the Greens candidate Dr Alexander Van der Bellen has defeated Karl Hofer, candidate of the extreme right Freedom Party. Regional-level figures are available.

4 December: in the Uzbekistan presidential election, held following the death of long-time dictator Islam Karimov, has chosen successor Shavkat Mirziyoyev been elected with 88% of the vote against token opposition. The elections were neither free nor fair: no serious opposition to the regime is tolerated. National figures are available.

1 December: In the Gambia presidential election, Long-time authoritarian President Yahyah Jammeh has been unexpectedly defeated by opposition candidate Adama Barrow. Jammeh initially conceded defeat but subsequently refused to stand down, precipitating a political crisis. Figures are available.

Elections in November 2016

26 November: In the Kuwait legislative election, the sixth in ten years, a new legislature has been elected on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

20 November: In the Haitian presidential election, postponed from 2015 after disorders, Jovenel Mo�se of the Haitian Bald Head Party (PHTK) has defeated Jude C�lestin of the Alternative League for Haitian Progress and Emancipation. Turnout was less than 20%. Figures are available.

20 November: In the Haitian legislative election, one-third of the Senate has been elected. Second-round contests for both the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, postponed after the 2015 elections, have also been conducted. Figures are available.

20 November: In the San Marino legislative election, the "" coalition has wan a majority of seats. Figures are available.

13 November: In the second round of the Bulgarian presidential election, former Air Force commander Rumen Radev, running as an independent backed by the Bulgarian Socialist Party, has defeated the candidate of the governing GERB party, Tsetska Tsacheva Dangovska, with 59% of the vote. Figures are available.

13 November: In the second round of the Moldova presidential election, the Socialist Party candidate, Igor Dodon, backed by the Communist Party, has defeated the liberal candidate Maia Sandu by 52.1% to 47.9%. Figures are available.

8 November: In the United States of America presidential election, the Republican nominee, real estate promoter Donald J Trump of New York, has defeated the Democratic nominee, former Secretary of State Hillary R Clinton of New York. Clinton polled 48.2% of the vote to Trump's 46.1%, but because of the US's archaic and undemocratic election system, Trump won 306 votes in the Electoral College to Clinton's 232. Trump is the first person to be elected President without ever having held public office or served in the military. State-level figures and a map are available.

8 November: In the United States of America legislative election, the Republican Partty has retained control of both the Senate and the House of Representatives with slightly reduced majorities. Complete state and district-level figures are available.

6 November: In the first round of the Bulgarian presidential election, former Air Force commander Rumen Radev, running as an independent backed by the Bulgarian Socialist Party, leads the candidate of the governing GERB party, Tsetska Tsacheva Dangovska, by 25% to 22%. A second round will be held on 13 November. Figures are available.

6 November: In the Nicaragua presidential election, President Daniel Ortega of the Sandinist National Liberation Front has been re-elected with 72% of the vote against token opposition. No genuine opposition candidates were allowed to run, and the elections were not free or fair. Figures are available. Legislative elections were held on the same day and were also won by the FSNL, but no useable figures are available.

1 November: In the Palau presidential election, President Tommy E Remengesau Jr has been re-elected in a non-partisan contest. Figures are available. Figures for the legislative elections held on the same day are also available.

Elections in October 2016

30 October: In the first round of the Moldova presidential election, the Socialist Party candidate, Igor Dodon, leads the liberal candidate Maia Sandu by 44.0% to 38.7%. Dodon is backed by the Communist Party and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Figures are available.

29 October: In the Iceland legislative election, the conservative Independence Party of Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson and its ally the Progressive Party have lost their majority, but the three left-wing parties have not won a majority. The balance of pwer is held by the new Reform Party. Figures are available.

16 October: In the Montenegro legislative election, the governing centre-left coalition led by Prime Minister Milo �ukanovic has retained office with the support of minor parties. After the election Du�ko Markovic succeded �ukanovic as Prime Minister. Figures are available.

9 and 23 October: In the Lithuanian legislative election, the Social Democrat government of Algirdas Butkevicius has been heavily defeated. A new conservative coalition government led by Saulius Skvernelis of the Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union will take office. National and constituency-level figures are available.

8 October: In the Georgia legislative election, Prime Minister Giorgi Kvirikashvili's Georgia Dream party been re-elected with an increased majority, despite a fall in its vote. Support for the opposition United National Movement also fell. National and constituency-level figures are available.

7 October: in the Moroccan legislative election, the Islamist party, Justice and Development, led by Prime Minister Abdelilah Benkirane, has improved its position but still lacks an overall majority. Benkirane will form a new coalition government. National figures are available.

2 October: In the Cape Verde presidential election, President Jorge Carlos Fonseca of the opposition Movement for Democracy has been re-elected with 74% of the vote, after the opposition PAIGC did not contest the election. Figures are available.

Elections in September 2016

20 September: in the Jordanian legislative election, most elected candidates as always are nominal independents and supporters of the King's government. Full constituency-level figures and a map showing the constituencies are available. This is the first time I have been able to present full figures for a Jordanian election. The election was judged free and fair, but no serious opposition to the King's government is allowed, and the media is controlled by government supporters.

18 September: In the Russian legislative election, United Russia, the party of President Vladimir Putin, has won an increased majority in the State Duma, recouping the losses it suffered in 2011. Both the extreme-right Liberal Democrats and the Communists lost ground. No genuinely democratic parties won seats. The elections were generally regarded as not free or fair. National figures are available.

11 September: In the Belarus legislative election, supporters of President Aleksandr Lukashenko, running as non-partisans, have won all but two of the seats in the House of Representatives. No serious opposition to Lukashenko's regime is permitted, and the elections were not free or fair. National, regional and constituency- level figures are available, plus constituency maps. This is the first time I have been able to present full figures for an election in Belarus.

11 September: In the Croatian legislative election, called early after the collapse of the centre-left coalition government of Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic, the conservative Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ), led by Andrej Plenkovic, will be able to form a government despite a decline in its vote. Constituency-level figures are available.

8-10 September: In the Seychelles legislative election, President James Michel's Party of the People has been defeated for the first time since Seychelles became a democracy in 1993. A new opposition alliance, the Seychelles Democratic Union, has won 19 of the 33 seats. National and constituency-level figures are available.

4 September: In the Hong Kong SAR legislative election, pro-Beijing parties have retained their majority. Both the pro-Beijing and pro-democracy camps have become more fragmented among several parties. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in August 2016

27 August: In the Gabon presidential election, President Ali Bongo Ondimba has been narrowly re-elected, with 49% of the vote against Jean Ping's 48%. National figures are available.

11 August: In the Zambian presidential election, President Edgar Lungu of the ruling Patriotic Front has defeated Hakainde Hichilema of the opposition UPND. National and provincial figures are available.

11 August: In the Zambian legislative election, President Edgar Lungu's Patriotic Front has won a narrow overall majority in the National Assembly. National figures are available.

Elections in July 2016

17 July: In the Sao Tome and Principe presidential election, President Manuel Pinto da Costa has been defeated by Evaristo do Espirito Santo Carvalho, candidate of the Independent Democratic Action party (ADI). Figures are available.

10 July: In the Japanese House of Councillors (upper house) election, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party and its ally the Clean Government Party have won an increased majority. The main opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan, made gains at the expense of minor parties. National figures are available.

9 July: In the Nauru legislative election, a new non-party legislature has been re-elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

2 July: In the Australian legislative election, the Liberal-National Coalition government of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been re-elected with a very small majority after surviving a sharp swing to the opposition Australian Labor Party led by Bill Shorten. The new government will not have a majority in the Senate. Constituency-level figures for the House of Representatives and state-level figures for the Senate, plus maps, are available.

Elections in June 2016

30 June: In the Mongolia legislative election, the social-democratic Mongol People's Party led by Miyeegombyn Enkhbold has defeated the Democratic Party government of Prime Minister Chimediin Saikhanbileg, polling 45% of the vote but winning 65 of 76 seats in the legislature. Constituency-level figures and maps (both for the first time) are available.

26 June: in the Spanish legislative election, which followed the parties' failure to form a government following the December 2015 election, the People's Party led by Mariano Rajoy has improved its position, but is still far from a majority, while the Socialist opposition has lost ground. The balance of power is still held by two populist parties, Podemos and Citizens, as well as regionalist parties. The formation of a new government will depend on further coalition negotiations among the parties. National, Autonomous Community and constituency-level figures are available.

25 June: In the Iceland presidential election, Gudni Johannesson, an independent candidate, has been elected with 38.5% of the vote. Figures are available.

5 June: The Macedonian legislative election scheduled for this date has been postponed until later in the year following a political crisis arising from a corruption scandal involving both President Gjorgje Ivanov and former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.

5 June: In the second round of the Peruvian presidential election, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, a technocrat, has very narrowly defeated the right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori, polling 50.1% of the vote. Figures are available.

5 June: In the St Lucia legislative election, the conservative United Workers Party led by former Prime Minister Stephenson King has returned to office, defeating Prime Minister Kenny Anthony's St Lucia Labour Party. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in May 2016

22 May: In the second round of the Austrian presidential election, the Greens candidate Dr Alexander Van der Bellen has very narrowly defeated Karl Hofer, candidate of the extreme right Freedom Party. Regional-level figures are available.

22 May: In the Cyprus legislative election, the conservative Democratic Alliance (DISI) of President Nikos Anastasiades has lost ground, but the main opposition party, the left-wing AKEL, has lost even more. Minor parties - populist, Green and extreme right - have gained seats at the expense of the major parties. District-level figures are available.

15 May: In the Dominican Republic presidential election, President Danilo Medina S�nchez of the Dominican Liberation Party has been re-elected with 62% of the vote, defeating Luis Rodolfo Abinader Corona of the Modern Revolutionary Party. Figures are available.

9 May: In the Philippines presidential election, Rodrigo Roa Duterte of the PDP-Laban party has been elected with 38.6% of the vote, defeating the Liberal candidate, Manuel Araneta Roxas II, who had the support of outgoing President Aquino. The Liberal candidate for Vice-President, Maria Leonor Robredo, was elected. Unofficial national figures are available.

9 May: In the Philippines legislative election, a national summary of voting for the Senate is available.

Elections in April 2016

24 April: In the first round of the Austrian presidential election, Karl Hofer, candidate of the extreme right Freedom Party, leads with the 35% of the vote, followed by the Greens candidate Dr Alexander Van der Bellen. The candidates of the governing coalition parties, the Social Democrats and the People's Party, polled 22% between them. Hofer and Van der Bellen will contest a run-off on 22 May. Regional-level figures are available.

24 April: In the Equatorial Guinea presidential election, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema has been re-elected with an officially reported 94% of the vote. Equatorial Guinea is a dictatorship and no serious opposition to his candidacy was permitted. Figures are available.

24 March: in the Serbian legislative election, Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic's right-wing but pro-European Serbian Progressive Party and its allies have been re-elected with a reduced majority. The opposition remains fragmented among eleven other parties of left and right. Figures are available.

13 April: in the Republic of Korea legislative election, the conservative New World Party of President Park Geun-hye has lost its majority in the National Assembly to the three centre-left parties, the Together Democratic Party, the People's Party and the Justice Party. Province-level figures are available.

10 April: In the Chad presidential election, President Idriss Deby has been re-elected to fifth term with a reported 61.6% of the vote, after opposition parties boycotted the election. The election was neither free nor fair. No figures are available.

10 April: In the second round of the Comoros presidential election, Azali Assoumani of the Convention for the Renewal of the Comoros has been elected in a three-way contest with 41% of the vote. National figures are available.

10 April: In the first round of the Peruvian presidential election, the right-wing candidate Keiko Fujimori leads with 40%, ahead of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, a technocrat. The candidate of the left came third. Fujimori and Kuczynski will contest a run-off election on 5 June. Figures are available.

10 April: In the Peruvian legislative election, the right-wing Popular Force party led by Keiko Fujimori has won a majority in the Congress of the Republic. Department-level figures are available.

8 April: In the Djibouti presidential election, President Ismail Omar Guelleh has been re-elected with 87% of the vote after opposition parties boycotted the election. The election was neither free nor fair. Figures are available.

Elections in March 2016

30 March: In the Republic of Congo presidential election, President Denis Sassou N'Guesso has been re-elected with 60% of the vote. The election was neither free nor fair. No serious opposition to Sassou N'Guesso's regime is permitted. Figures are available.

20 March: In the second round of the Benin presidential election, independent businessman Patrice A G Talon has defeated Prime Minister Lionel A L Zinsou-Derlin with 65% of the vote. Figures are available.

20 March: In the Cape Verde legislative election, the Movement for Democracy (MpD) of President Jorge Carlos Fonseca has gained control of the Legislative Assembly, defeating the leftist African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde. Figures are available.

20 March: In the second round of the Niger presidential election, President Mahamadou Issoufou of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism hs won with over 90% of the vote, after the opposition candidate Hama Amadou boycotted the election. Figures are available.

10 March: In the Slovak Republic legislative election, the Direction - Social Democrats party of Prime Minister Robert Fico has lost its majority, but is still the largest party. After the election Fico formed a coalition government with three centrist parties. National figures are available.

9 March: In the Kiribati presidential election, Taneti Maamau has been elected with 60% of the vote.

6 March: In the first round of the Benin presidential election, contested by 33 candidates, Prime Minister Lionel A L Zinsou-Derlin, of the Forces for an Emerging Benin, and Patrice A G Talon, an independent businessman, are the leading candidates, although both polled less than 30%. They will contest a run-off on 20 March. Figures are available.

4 March: In the Samoa legislative election, the governing Human Rights Protection Party of Prime Minister Tuilaepa Aiono Sailele Malielegaoi has been returned with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in February 2016

26 February: In the Irish legislative election, the Fine Gael-Labour coalition government led by Prime Minister Enda Kenny has lost its majority, with Labour losing most of its seats. But the opposition Fianna Fail party has made only modest gains, with many seats going to Sinn Fein and other leftist parties, and to independents. The result has been a minority Fine Gael government, with Fianna Fail guaranteeing support only on confidence and supply. Constituency-level figures are available.

25 February: In the Jamaica legislative election, the Jamaica Labour Party led by former Prime Minister Andrew Holness has defeated Prime Minister Portia Simpson-Miller's People's National Party government after one term. Constituency-level figures are available.

21 February: In the first round of the Niger presidential election, President Mahamadou Issoufou of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism leads with 48.4% of the vote. He will face a run-off in March against Hama Amadou of the Nigerien Democratic Movement for an African Federation. The two will contest a run-off on 20 March. Figures are available.

21 February: In the Niger legislative election, President Mahamadou Issoufou's Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism has won the largest number of seats. Figures are available.

18 February: In the Uganda presidential election, President Yoweri Museveni of the National Resistance Movement has been re-elected with 60.6% of the vote. The elections were not free or fair. No serious opposition to President Museveni's government is allowed. Figures are available. No figures are available for the legislative election held on the same day.

Elections in January 2016

31 January: In the second round of the Central African Republic presidential election, Faustin Touad�ra of the Union for Central African Renewal has been elected with 62.7% of the vote, defeating Anicet Dologu�l�. No useable figures are available for the legislative election held on the same day.

24 January: In the Portuguese presidential election, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa of the conservative Social Democratic Party has been elected with 52% of the vote. The Socialist Patrty did not contest the election, leaving Rebelo de Sousa opposed only by candidates of the far left and independents. Figures are available.

22 January: In the Vanuatu legislative election, 17 different parties have won seats, with none of them winning more than six seats. Charlot Salwai of the Reunification of Movement for Change formed a coalition government after the election. Constituency-level figures are available.

16 January: in the Taiwan presidential election, Tsai Ing Wen (Cai Yingwen) of the Democratic Progressive Party has been elected as Taiwan's first woman president, polling 56% of the vote against the Kuomintang's Eric Chu (Zhu Lilun). County-level figures are available.

16 January: in the Taiwan legislative election, President-elect Tsai Ing Wen's Democratic Progressive Party has won a comfortable majority in the Legislative Assembly. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

6 January: In the Kiribati legislative election, a new National Assembly has been elected on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in December 2015

30 December: In the first round of the Central African Republic presidential election, an independent, Anicet Dologu�l�, leads with 24%. He will contest a run-off against Faustin Touad�ra of the Union for Central African Renewal on 31 January. Figures are available. The legislative elections held at the same time have been annulled and will be re-run on 31 January.

27 December: The second round of the Haiti presidential election has been postponed to an unspecified date due to threats of violence from one of the candidates, Jude C�lestin.

20 December: in the Spanish legislative election, the People's Party led by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy has suffered a heavy defeat, but the Socialist opposition has also lost ground. The balance of power is held by two populist parties, Podemos and Citizens, as well as regionalist parties. The formation of a new government will depend on coalition negotiations among the parties. National figures are available.

18 December: In the second round of the Seychelles presidential election, President James Michel of the People's Party has very narrowly defeated opposition leader Wavel Ramkalawan. National figures are available.

9 December: In the St Vincent and the Grenadines legislative election, the governing United Labour Party has been re-elected with its one-seat majority unchanged. National figures are available.

6 December: In the Venezuela legislative election, the opposition Coalition for Democratic Unity (MUD) has won a sweeping victory over President Maduro's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), ending 17 years of socialist control of the National Assembly. Circumscription-level figures and maps are available.

5 December: In the first round of the Seychelles presidential election, President James Michel of the People's Party leads opposition leader Wavel Ramkalawan with 47% of the vote. A second round will be hel on 18 December. National figures are available.

Elections in November 2015

October-November: In the Egyptian legislative election, no voting figures are available. The election was neither free nor fair and turnout was reportedly very low.

29 November: In the Burkina Faso presidential election, held following the deposition of the long-ruling President Blaise Compaor�, Roch Kabor� of the People's Movement for Progress has been elected with 53% of the vote. Remarkably for an African election, the defeated candidate Z�phirin Diabr� accepted the result. Figures are available.

29 November: In the Burkina Faso legislative election, President-elect Roch Kabor�'s People's Movement for Progress has won the largest number seats, though not an overall majority. Figures are available.

22 November: in the second round of the Argentinian presidential election, the conservative Mauricio Macri has narrowly defeated Daniel Scioli, the Peronist candidate supported by outgoing President Cristina Kirchner. Macri is the first non-Peronist to win a presidential election in Argentina since 1999. National figures are available. Details of the Senate election held on 25 October are also available.

16 November: in the Marshall Islands legislative election, voters have elected a new legislature on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

8 November: In the Burmese legislative election, the National League for Democracy led by Aung San Suu Kyi has won an overhwhelming victory, sweeping away the military regime's front-party, the Union Solidarity and Development Party. This is the same result as the last free election in 1990, which the regime refused to accept. The election was generally regarded as free and fair. National, regional and constituency-level figures for the lower house are available. Maps for both houses of the legislature are also available.

8 November: In the Croatian legislative election, the centre-left government Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic has lost its majority in the legislature, but the conservative Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ), led by Tomislav Karamarko, has not won a majority. The balance is held by six minor parties, the largest being Bo�o Petrov's Bridge of Independent Lists. Constituency-level figures are available.

3 November: in the Belize legislative election, Prime Minister Dean Barrow's United Democratic Party has been returned with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

1 November: In the Azerbaijan legislative election, President Ilham Aliyev's New Azerbaijan Party and its allies have won most of the seats against only token opposition. The election was boycotted by the opposition parties, and was not free or fair. Constituency-level figures are available.

1 November: In the Turkish legislative election, held less than five months after the previous election produced a deadlock, the Justice and Development Party of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has regained its majority, at the expense of the two minor parties. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in October 2015

25 October: in the first round of the Argentinian presidential election, Daniel Scioli, the Peronist candidate supported by outgoing President Cristina Kirchner, leads with 37%, ahead of the conservative Mauricio Macri with 34%. The second round on 22 November will be decided by the 21% who supported dissident Peronist Sergio Massa. National figures are available.

25 October: In the first round of the Cote d'Ivoire presidential election, President Alassane Ouattara has been re-elected with 83% of the vote. As always in African elections, the opposition has claimed fraud, but in fact the election seems to reflect Ouattara's genuine popularity. National figures are available.

25 October: in the second round of the Guatemala presidential election, Jimmy Morales, a popular actor linked to former military regimes, has been elected with 67% of the vote, defeating former First Lady Sandra Torres of the social-democratic National Unity of Hope. National figures are available.

25 October: In the first round of the Haiti presidential election, Jovenel Mo�se and Jude C�lestin lead a field of 56 candidates. A runoff will be held on 27 December. Figures are available. Department and constituency-level figures for the legislative elections held on the same day are also available.

25 October: in the Polish legislative election, the right-wing Law and Justice Party led by former Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski has defeated the centrist Citizens' Platform government of Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz. The Law and Justice Deputy Leader, Beata Szydlo, will become Prime Minister. The once-dominant United Left lost all its seats. District-level figures are available.

25 October: In the Tanzanian presidential election, Dr John Magufuli of the ruling Party of the Revolution has been elected with 62% of the vote. National figures are available.

23 October: in the Swiss legislative election, the four-party governing coalition which has held office since 1959 has been returned with an increased majority, mainly at the expense of the Greens. Within the coalition, the right-wing anti-immigration Swiss People's Party has strengthened its position. The SVP is now stronger than any single party has ever been in modern Swiss politics. Canton-level figures are available.

19 October: In the Canadian legislative election, the Liberal Party led by Justin Trudeau has staged a remarkable comeback, winning majority government after having come a distant third in 2011. Both the ruling Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, and the left-wing New Democrats were heavily defeated. National figures are available.

11 October: In the Belarus presidential election, incumbent president Aleksandr Lukashenko has been re-elected with 83% of the vote against token opposition. No serious opposition to Lukashenko's regime is permitted. National figures are available.

11 October: In the Guinea presidential election, President Alpha Cond� has been re-elected with 58% of the vote, defeating former prime minister Cellou Dalein Diallo. As always in Africa, the opposition has claimed there was massive fraud, but EU monitors said the election was flawed but valid. National figures are available.

4 October: In the Portuguese legislative election, the coalition of conservative parties led by Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho has lost its majority, and the three left-wing parties (Socialists, Communists and Left Bloc) have won a majority of votes and seats. District-level ffigures and maps are available.

Elections in September 2015

21 September: In the Greek legislative election, the coalition of the left-wing SIRIZA party led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and the minor Independent Greeks pary has been re-elected with its majority slightly reduced. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

11 September: In the Singapore legislative election, the governing People's Action Party led by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has been re-elected with its large majority intact. Its share of the vote rose to nearly 70%. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

7 September: In the Trinidad and Tobago legislative election, the People's National Movement led by Keith Rowley has returned to office after five years in opposition, defeating the coalition government of Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar. Constituency-level figures are available.

6 September: in the first round of the Guatemala presidential election, Jimmy Morales, a popular actor linked to former military regimes, leads with 24% of the vote in a field of 14 candidates. He will face a run-off against former First Lady Sandra Torres of the social-democratic National Unity of Hope on 25 October. National figures are available.

Elections in August 2015

17 August: In the Sri Lankan legislative election, President Maithripala Sirisena's United National Front for Good Governance has won a clear victory over the left-wing United People's Freedom Alliance of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The UNFGG has fallen just short of a majority, but will be able to govern with the support of parties representing the Tamil minority. District-level figures and a map are available.

7 August: After several delays, the first round of the Haiti legislative election has been held. As always in Haiti, turnout was very low and various irregularities prevented voting in some areas. Senate figures are available. A second round will be held along with the presidential election on 25 October.

Elections in July 2015

21 July: In the Burundi presidential election, President Pierre Nkurunziza has been re-elected with 69% of the vote, after all the opposition candidates withdrew. The elections were not free or fair. President Nkurunziza's party also won a large majority in the National Assembly. National figures are available.

Elections in June 2015

18 June: in the Danish legislative election, the liberal-conservative coalition led by Lars L�kke Rasmussen has very narrowly defeated the the left-wing coalition government of Social Democrat Helle Thorning-Schmidt. Although the Social Democrats increased their vote, their leftist partners lost votes and seats. The biggest winners were the right-wing populist Danish People's Party, who become the largest party on the right, although the Liberal leader Rasmussen will become Prime Minister. District-level figures and a map are available.

7 June: In the Mexican legislative election, all three major parties have lost seats in the Chamber of Deputies to a variety of minor parties. The governing Institutional Revolutionary Party and the conservative National Action Party have suffered minor losses, while the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution has lost nearly half its seats. The new National Regeneration Movement (MORENA) has been the biggest winner. National figures are available.

7 June: In the Turkish legislative election, the Justice and Development Party of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has lost its majority. But since the opposition majority is divided among three ideologically incompatible parties, it is not clear if they will combine to put the Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, out of office. District-level figures are available.

Elections in May 2015

25 May: In the Suriname legislative election, the National Democratic Party of President (and convicted drug dealer) Desi Bouterse has been been re-elected. National figures are available.

24 May: In the Ethiopian legislative election, electoral authorities say that Prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn�s Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) has won all of the 546 seats in the House of Repesentatives. The elections were neither free nor fair, since no serious opposition to the EPRDF regime is allowed. No voting figures have been released.

24 May: In the second round of the Polish presidential election, incumbent President Bronislaw Komorowski has been defeated by the right-wing candidate Andrzej Duda, who polled 51% of the vote. Komorowski was an independent but was supported by the governing Civic Platform party. National figures are available.

11 May: In the Guyana legislative election, the opposition A Partnership for National Unity-Alliance for Change has gained a one-seat majority in the National Assembly, defeating the left-wing People's Progressive Party-Civic. As a result the APNU-AFC leader David Granger will succeed the PPP-C's Donald Ramotar as Executive President. National figures are available.

7 May: In the British legislative election, the Conservatives led by Prime Minister David Cameron have won a majority in their own right, mainly at the expense of their coalition partners the Liberal Democrats, who have been almost wiped out. The Labour Party led by Ed Miliband has lost seats both to the Conservatives and the Scottish Nationalists. Constituency-level figures are available, plus maps.

Elections in April 2015

26 April: In the Kazakhstan presidential election, president Nursultan Nazarbayev has been re-elected with 97% of the vote. The elections were neither free nor fair: no serious opposition to President Nazarbayev's regime is tolerated. National figures are available.

16 April: In the Finnish legislative election, the governing centre-left coalition of Prime Minister Alexander Stubb has lost its majority, with the Social Democrats suffering the biggest loss. The opposition Centre Party has made the biggest gains, recovering ground from the far-right True Finns party. Centre Party leader Juha Sipil� is expected to form a new government. District-level figures and a map are available.

15 April: In the Togo presidential election, President Faure Gnassingbe has been re-elected with 58% of the vote, defeating Jean-Pierre Fabre of the National Alliance for Change. As in most African elections, the opposition claims there has been electoral fraud. Figures are available.

13 April: In the Sudanese presidential election, President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir has been re-elected with 94% of the vote against token opposition, according to official figures. President Bashir's National Congress has also won a large majority of seats in the National Assembly election held on the same day. The elections were neither free nor fair: no serious opposition to President Bashir's regime is tolerated. National figures are available.

Elections in March 2015

31 March: In the Tuvalu legislative election, a new non-party legislature has been elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

29 March: in the Uzbekistan legislative election, President Islam Karimov has been re-elected with 90% of the vote. The elections were neither free nor fair: no serious opposition to President Karimov's regime is tolerated. National figures are available.

28 March: In Australia, in the New South Wales state election, the Liberal-National coalition government led by Mike Baird has been re-elected with a reduced but still comfortable majority. Constituency-level figures, a pendulum and maps are available.

28 March: In the Nigerian presidential election, Muhammadu Buhari of the All Progressives Congress has defeated President Goodluck Jonathan of the People's Democratic Party by a wide margin. This is the first time an incumbent Nigerian President has lost an election. Buhari is a former military ruler who has run for President three times previously. National figures are available. The APC also appears to have won a majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate, but no figures have been published.

6 March: In the Estonian legislative election, the centre-left coalition government of Prime Minister Taavi R�ivas of the Reform Party has been re-elected. National figures are available.

1 March: In the Andorra legislative election, the Democrats for Andorra led by Antoni Marti have lost five seats but retained their majority. National figures are available.

1 March: In the El Salvador legislative election, the right-wing ARENA party and the left-wing FMNL have approximately the same number of seats. Figures are available.

1 March: In the Tajikistan legislative election, the People's Democratic Party of President Emomali Rakhmanov is reported to have won 65% of the vote. Turnout was reported to be 31%. The elections were neither free nor fair: no serious opposition to President Rakhmanov's regime is tolerated. . No figures are available.

Elections in February 2015

28 February: In the Lesotho legislative election, called early after a political crisis in 2014, Prime Minister Tom Thabane's All Basutho Congress has increased its share of votes and seats, but has been been replaced by a coalition of the Democratic Congress and the Lesotho Congress for Democracy, led by Pakalitha Mosisili. National figures are available.

22 February: In the Comoros legislative election, supporters of President Ahmed Abdallah Sambi have won the largest number of seats in the National Assembly, but far from a majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

16 February: In the St Kitts and Nevis legislative election, the opposition People's Action Movement led by Timothy Harris has defeated the St Kitts Nevis Labour Party of Prime Minister Dr Denzil Douglas. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in January 2015

31 January: In Australia, in the Queensland state election, the Australian Labor Party led by Annastacia Palaszczuk has staged a remarkable comeback, defeating Campbell Newman's Liberal National Party government after only one term. Labor gained 37 seats for a total of 44, one short of a majority, and will be able to form a government with the support of an independent member. Preliminary figures are available.

25 January: In the Greek legislative election, the left-wing SIRIZA party led by Alexis Tsipras has won just short of a majority of seats, aided by Greece's weighted voting system, and will form a coalition government with a small right-wing party. The parties favouring the EU-imposed austerity program, New Democracy and PASOK, were heavily defeated. National figures are available.

20 January: In the Zambian presidential election, held early following the death of President Michael Sata, Edgar Lungu of the ruling Patriotic Front has narrowly defeated Hakainde Hichilema of the opposition UPND. National figures are available.

10 January: In the second round of the Croatian presidential election, right-wing candidate Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic has narrowly defeated the incumbent President Ivo Josipovic, who was backed by the governing Social Democrats. Figures are available.

8 January: In the Sri Lanka presidential election, opposition candidate Maithripala Sirisena has unexpectedly defeated President Mahinda Rajapaksa of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party, who was seeking a third term. The upset follows a split in the ruling party over Rajapaksa's increasingly corrupt and authoritarian rule. Figures are available.

Elections in December 2014

28 December: In the first round of the Croatian presidential election, the incumbent President Ivo Josipovic, who is backed by the governing Social Democrats, leads right-wing candidate Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic. They will race a run-off on 11 January. Figures are available.

14 December: In the Japanese legislative election, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's Liberal Democratic Party and its ally the Clean Government Party have been returned to office with their large majority intact. The main opposition party, the Democratic Party of Japan, made some modest gains at the expense of minor parties. National figures are available.

21 December: In the second round of the Tunisian presidential election, Beji Caid Essebsi of the Call to Tunisia party has defeated Moncef Marzouki of the Congress of the Republic. At 88, he becomes the only directly democratically elected head of state in the Arab world. Figures are available.

10 December: In the Mauritius legislative election, the opposition coalition led by Anerood Jugnauth of the Militant Socialist Movement has defeated the governing coalition led by the Mauritius Labour Party under Prime Minister Navinchandra Ramgoolam. Constituency-level figures are available.

8 December: In the Dominica legislative election, the Dominica Labour Party government of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has been re-elected with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in November 2014

30 November: In the Moldova legislative election, the pro-European coalition led by Prime Minister Iurie Leanca, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, has been re-elected with a reduced majority over the pro-Russian opposition, helped by the break-up of the Communist Party into several smaller parties. Figures are available.

30 November: In the second round of the Uruguay presidential election, former president Tabar� V�zquez, candidate of the governing Broad Front of left-wing parties, has defeated the conservative candidate, Luis Lacalle, with 56% of the vote. Figures are available.

29 November: In Australia, in the Victorian state election, the Liberal-National coalition government of Dr Denis Napthine has been defeated after one term by the Labor Party led by Daniel Andrews. Statewide figures are available.

28 November: In the Namibian presidential election, Hage Gottfried Geingob of the ruling SWAPO party has been elected with 81% of the vote, over fragmented and ineffective opposition. In legislative elections held on the same day, SWAPO has retained its large majority in the National Assembly. Figures are available.

27 November: In the Tonga legislative election, the Friendly Islands Democratic Party, which favours a fully democratic system, has again won a majority of elected seats in the legislature (though not a majority of votes), but will be outnumbered by independent members and representatives of the aristocracy. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

23 November: In the Tunisian presidential election, the first free presidential election in the country's history, Beji Caid Essebsi of the Call to Tunisia party leads Moncef Marzouki of the Congress of the Republic by 39% to 33% in a field of 27 candidates. They face a run-off on 21 December. Figures are available.

22 November: In the Bahrain legislative election, turnout is reported to be 30% as a result of the boycott by Shi'a parties. The election was not free or fair. Names and votes for winning candidates are available.

19 November: In the Solomon Islands legislative election, independents candidates have won the majority of seats. I have not yet been able to locate voting figures.

16 November: The Lebanon legislative election scheduled for this date has been "postponed" until 2017, as a result of the country's political crisis relating to the Syrian civil war.

16 November: In the second round of the Romanian presidential election, the National Liberal Klaus Iohannis has come from behind to defeat the Social Democrat candidate, Prime Minister Victor Ponta, with 54% of the vote. National figures are available.

4 November: In the United States of America legislative election, the Republican Party has won a majority in the Senate and increased its majority in the House of Representatives. Senate figures are available.

2 November: In the first round of the Romanian presidential election, the Social Democrat Prime Minister Victor Ponta has polled 40% of the vote, ahead of the National Liberal Klaus Iohannis with 30%. They will face a run-off election on 16 November. National figures are available.

Elections in October 2014

29 October: In the first round of the Uruguay presidential election, former president Tabar� V�zquez, candidate of the governing Broad Front of left-wing parties, has polled just under 50% of the vote. A run-off against conservative candidate Luis Lacalle will be held on 30 November. Figures are available.

26 October: In the second round of the Brazilian presidential election, President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers Party has defeated the conservative candidate A�cio Neves with 51% of the vote. National figures are available.

26 October: In the Tunisian legislative election, the first under Tunisia's new constitution, the secular Call to Tunisia has won the largest share of votes and seats, defeating the Islamist Rebirth Movement. Figures are available.

26 October: In the Ukrainian legislative election, supporters of President Petro Porochenko have won a majority of seats. Voters in Russian-occupied Crimea and Donbass were unable to take part. Figures are available.

24 October: In the Botswana legislative election, the ruling Botswana Democratic Party of President Ian Khama has been re-elected with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures and maps are available. I have also added constituency-level figures for the 2009 election.

15 October: In the Mozambique presidential election, Filipe Nyusi of the ruling FRELIMO party has been elected with 57% of the vote. National figures are available.

15 October: In the Mozambique legislative election, the ruling FRELIMO party has won with a reduced majority in the Assembly of the Republic. National figures are available.

12 October: In the Bolivian presidential election, President Evo Morales of the Movement for Socialism has been elected to an unprecedented third term with 61% of the vote. National figures are available.

12 October: In the Sao Tome and Principe legislative election, the Independent Democratic Action party has been re-elected with an increased majority. National figures are available.

5 October: In the Bosnia and Herzegovia presidential election, the three ethnic communities, Bosniaks, Croatians and Serbs, have elected members of the collective presidency. The three members of the presidency are Bakir Izetbegovic (Bosniak), Dragan Covic (Croat) and Mladen Ivanic (Serb). Figures are available.

5 October: In the Bosnia and Herzegovia legislative election, nationalist parties representing each of the three ethnic communities have gained votes and seats from the multi-ethnic Social Democrats. District-level figures and a map are available.

5 October: In the first round of the Brazilian presidential election, President Dilma Rousseff of the Workers Party leads the conservative candidate A�cio Neves. They will contest a run-off on 26 October. National figures are available.

5 October: In the Bulgarian legislative election, called early after the Socialist-led minority government was defeated in the National Assembly, the right-wing Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria remains the largest party but has not won a majority. Former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov will probably be able to form a coalition government. The Socialist Party polled only 15% of the vote. National figures are available.

4 October: In the Latvian legislative election, Prime Minister Laimdota Straujuma's Unity party and its coalition partners have been re-elected with 58% of the vote and 61 of the 100 seats in the legislature. Regional-level figures and a map are available.

Elections in September 2014

19 September: In the second round of the Afghanistan presidential election, held on 28 May, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai has been named the winner over former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah after a prolonged dispute over the counting of the votes. No figures will be made public.

14 September: In the Fiji Islands legislative election, the first since the military coup of 2006, the FijiFirst party of former military ruler Frank Bainimarama has won a comfortable majority of votes and seats. The ethnic-Fijian Social Democratic Liberal Party becomes the official opposition, while the Fiji Labour Party won no seats. The election was generally accepted as free and fair. Figures are available.

14 September: In the New Zealand legislative election, the National Party government of Prime Minister John Key has been re-elected, again with just short of a majority. Key will be able to form a new government with the support of minor parties. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

14 September: In the Swedish legislative election, the governing conservative coalition of Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has lost votes and seats to the extreme right Swedish Democrats. The opposition Social Democrats have made no gains, but will be able to form a minority government under Stefan L�fven. District-level figures are available.

Elections in August 2014

10 August: In the Turkish presidential election, the first direct presidential election under Turkey's new constitution, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan of the ruling Justice and Development Party has been elected with 52% of the vote. Natiional figures are available.

Elections in July 2014

13 July: In the Slovenian legislative election, called early following the collapse of the previous government, a new party led by law professor Miro Cerar has emerged as the largest party. The winner of the 2011 election, Positive Slovenia, has been wiped out. Figures are available.

9 July: In the Indonesia presidential election, Joko Widowo of the Indonesian Democratic Party (Struggle) (PDI-P) has been elected with 52% of the vote, defeating Prabowo Subianto of the Great Indonesia Movement. Province-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in June 2014

25 June: In the Libyan legislative election, which saw very low turnout and violence in some areas, most results have been announced. Only a summary of elected candidates is available.

21 June: In the Mauritania presidential election, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz of the Union for the Republic has been re-elected with 82% of the vote. Opposition parties boycotted the election. Figures are available.

15 June: In the second round of the Colombian presidential election, conservative President Juan Manuel Santos has defeated Iv�n Zuluaga, the right-wing candidate supported by former President Alvaro Uribe. National figures are available.

12 June: In the Antigua and Barbuda legislative election, the Antigua Labor Party led by Gaston Browne has defeated the governing United Progressive Party of Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer. Constituency-level figures and a map are available

8 June: in the Kosovo legislative election, the Albanian-nationalist Democratic Party of Kosovo led by Hashim Thaci has retained its position as the largest party. Figures are available.

Elections in May 2014

26 May: In the Egyptian presidential election, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who led the military coup that overthrew President Morsi in July 2013, has been elected with 96% of the vote against token opposition. The election was neither free nor fair. Figures are available.

25 May: In the Belgian legislative election, the coalition government of Socialists and Christian Democrats led by Prime Minister Elio di Rupo has been returned with its majority intact. Despite this, in October a new centre-right government led by Charles Michel has been formed. District-levgel figures and maps are available.

25 May: In the first round of the Colombian presidential election, President Juan Manuel Santos has polled only 25% of the vote, trailing Iv�n Zuluaga, with 29%. Zuluaga is being supported by former President Alvaro Uribe. A run-off will be held on 15 June. National figures are available.

25 May: In the second round of the Lithuanian presidential election, incumbent independent President Dalia Grybauskaite has defeated Social Democrat Zigmantas Balcytis, with 58% of the vote. National figures are available.

25 May: In the Ukrainian presidential election, non-party candidate Petro Porochenko has been elected in the first round, with 54% of the vote. Former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko came a distant second. Pro-Russian and extreme right nationalist candidates polled poorly. Regional-level figures are available.

20 May: In the Malawi presidential election, the incumbent president Joyce Banda, who succeeded Bingu wa Mutharika on his death in 2012, has been defeated by Peter Mutharika, brother of the late president. National figures are available. No figures are available for the legislative election held on the same day.

18 May: In the second round of the Guinea-Bissau presidential election, the ruling PAIGC candidate, Jos� M�rio Vaz, has been elected with 61% of the vote, ahead of the independent Nuno Nabiam. National figures are available.

12 May: In the Indian legislative election, the conservative Bharatiya Janata Party led by Narendra Modi has won an absolute majority of seats, while polling only 32% of the vote. The Indian National Congress led by Rahul Gandhi has been heavily defeated after ten years in power. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

11 May: In the first round of the Lithuania presidential election, incumbent independent President Dalia Grybauskaite leads with 46% of the vote, ahead of Social Democrat Zigmantas Balcytis with 13%. A run-off will be held on 25 May. National figures are available.

4 May: In the South African legislative election, the ruling African National Congress has been re-elected with a slightly reduced majority in the National Assembly, ensuring that Jacob Zuma will be re-elected President. Province-level figures are available.

4 May: In the Panamanian presidential election, Juan Carlos Varela Rodr�guez of the centrist Panamanianist Party has been elected with 39% of the vote, defeating the conservative candidate Jos� Domingo Arias Villalaz, who polled 31%. (Panama does not hold run-off elections.) National figures are available. Results are not yet available for the legislative election held on the same day.

Elections in April 2014

30 April: In the Iraqi legislative election, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law party has improved its position, but will still need support from minor parties to form a new government. With the collapse of the Iraqi National Movement of former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, the main opposition to Maliki now comes from Islamist parties, the Sadrist Movement and the Islamic Supreme Council. The election was generally regarded as free and fair. National figures are available.

27 April: In the second round of the Macedonian presidential election, Gjorgje Ivanov of the conservative VMRO-DPMNE has defeated the Social Democrat Stevo Pendarovski with 57% of the vote. Figures are available.

17 April: In the Algerian presidential election, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of the ruling Front for National Liberation has been elected for a fourth term with 81% of the vote, in elections not regarded as free or fair. As usual in Algeria, the majority of voters did not vote or cast invalid votes. Figures are available.

13 April: In the first round of the Guinea-Bissau presidential election, made necessary by a military coup between the first and second rounds of the 2012 election, the ruling PAIGC candidate, Jos� M�rio Vaz, leads with 41% of the vote, ahead of an independent, Nuno Nabiam. A second round will be held on 18 May. Figures are available.

13 April: In the Guinea-Bissau legislative election, the ruling PAIGC has won a majority of seats. Figures are available.

13 April: In the first round of the Macedonian presidential election, Gjorgje Ivanov of the conservative VMRO-DPMNE has defeated the Social Democrat Stevo Pendarovski with 53% of the vote. But because he did not poll a majority of all registered voters, as required by the constitution, a run-off election will be necessary. Figures are available.

13 April: In the Macedonian legislative election, the conservative VMRO-DPMNE has won an increased majority in the legislature, while the opposition Social Democrats have lost seats. Figures are available.

9 April: In the Hungarian legislative election, the conservative Alliance of Young Democrats led by Prime Minister Victor Orban has been re-elected with its large majority only slightly reduced. The fascist Jobbik party polled 20% of the vote. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

9 April: In the Indonesian legislative election, the opposition Indonesian Democratic Party - Struggle has won the largest share of votes and seats, mainly at the expense of President Yudhoyono's Democrat Party. District-level figures and maps are available.

6 April: In the second round of the Costa Rica presidential election, Luis Sol�s Rivera of the leftist Citizen Action has easily defeated Johnny Araya Monge of the governing National Liberation, polling 77% of the vote. Figures are available.

5 April: In the Afghanistan presidential election, former Foreign Minister Abdullah Abdullah leads with 43% of the vote. He will face a run-off against Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai on 28 May. Figures are available.

Elections in March 2014

29 March: In the second round of the Slovak Republic presidential election, independent candidate Andrej Kiska has defeated Social Democratic Prime Minister Robert Fico, polling 59% of the vote. Turnout was only 50%. Figures are available.

22 March: In the Maldives legislative election, the Progressive Party of Maldives and its allies, supporters of President Abdulla Yaameen Abdul Gayoom, have won a majority of seats, defeating the Maldives Democratic Party of former President Mohamed Nasheed. Figures are available.

16 March: in the Serbian legislative election, Aleksandar Vucic's right-wing Serbian Progressive Party and its allies have won a large majority of seats. Liberal and centrist parties have been largely wiped out, leaving the Socialists as the major opposition party. Figures are available.

15 March: In Australia, in the South Australian state election, the Labor government of Premier Jay Weatherill has lost its majority, but will retain office with the support of an independent member. Statewide figures are available.

15 March: In Australia, in the Tasmanian state election, the Labor government of Premier Lara Giddings has been heavily defeated after 16 years in office. The Liberal Party under Will Hodgman will form a new majority government. Statewide figures are available.

15 March: In the first round of the Slovak Republic presidential election, Social Democratic Prime Minister Robert Fico leads independent candidate Andrej Kiska, but has polled only 28% of the vote. A run-off will be held on 29 March. Figures are available.

9 March: In the Colombian legislative election, supporters of conservative President Juan Manuel Santos have retained their majorities in both chambers of the National Congress. National figures are available.

9 March: In the second round of the El Salvador presidential election, Salvador S�nchez Cer�n of the left-wing FMLN has defeated Norman Quijano Gonz�lez of the right-wing ARENA with 51% of the vote. Department-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in February 2014

20 February: In the Libyan Constitutional Assembly election, which was marred by violence and boycotts, partial results have been announced. Only a summary of elected candidates is available.

7 February: In the first round of the Costa Rica presidential election, Luis Sol�s Rivera of the leftist Citizen Action and Johnny Araya Monge of the governing National Liberation are the leading candidates, but since neither of them has the required 40% of the vote, a runoff will be held in April. Figures are available.

2 February: In the first round of the El Salvador presidential election, Salvador S�nchez Cer�n of the left-wing FMLN leads with 48% of the vote, ahead of Norman Quijano Gonz�lez of the right-wing ARENA. A run-off will be held in March. Figures are available.

2 February: in the Thailand legislative election, no official results were released, but unofficial results suggested that the For Thais Party of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, won a majority of seats. This was the sixth successive election won by former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra or his proxies. Due to boycotts and systematic obstruction of voting by the opposition, turnout was less than 50%. In some provinces no voting took place. Here is an analysis of the election based on unofficial results. On 21 March the Constitutional Court annulled the elections.

Elections in January 2014

5 January: In the Bangladesh legislative election, the Awami League of Sheikh Hasina Wazed and its allies have won a large majority of votes and nearly all the seats, as a result of a boycott by the Bangladesh Nationalist Party. National, regional and constituency-level figures, and constituency maps, are available.

Elections in December 2013

20 December: In the second round of the Madagascar presidential election, Hery Rajaonarimampianina of HVHAM has defeated Dr Jean-Louis Robinson of the AVANA party, with 53% of the vote. Figures are available.

20 December: In the Madagascar legislative election, the party supporting former President Andry Rajoelina has won the largest number of seats, but no party has a majority and many seats were won by independents. National, provincial and constituency-level figures are available.

15 December: In the second round of the Chilean presidential election, former President Michelle Bachelet of the centre-left New Majority coalition has defeated Evelyn Matthei of the conservative Alliance for Chile, polling 62% of the vote. Figures are available.

11 August: In the Mali legislative election, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita's Rally for Mali and its allies have won a majority of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

15 December: In the Turkmenistan legislative election, parties supporting President Gurbanguly Berdimukhamedov have won all the seats. No opposition to Berdimukhamedov's regime is permitted. No figures are available.

5 December: In the Mauritania legislative election, President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz's Union for the Republic has won a majority of seats, though it polled only 21% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in November 2013

24 November: In the Honduras presidential election, Juan Orlando Hern�ndez Alvarado of the conservative National Party has been elected despite polling only 37% of the vote. The centre-left vote was split between the official Liberal candidate and Xiomara Castro de Zelaya, wife of the former President. Department-level figures are available.

19 November: in the Nepal legislative election, the Nepal Congress has regained its traditional dominant position, inflicting a heavy defeat on the Maoist Communist Party which won the 2008 election. National figures are available.

17 November: In the first round of the Chilean presidential election, former President Michelle Bachelet of the centre-left New Majority coalition leads Evelyn Matthei of the conservative Alliance for Chile. A run-off will be held in December. Figures are available.

17 November: In the Chilean legislative election, the centre-left New Majority coalition has won majorities in both chambers of the legislature. National figures are available.

16 November: In the second round of the Maldives presidential election, Abdulla Yaameen Abdul Gayoom of the Progressive Party of Maldives has been elected with 51% of the vote. Figures are available.

9 November: In the re-run of the first round of the Maldives presidential election, former President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives Democratic Party again leads, this time with 46% of the vote. Figures are available.

6 November: In the Tajikistan presidential election, President Emomali Rakhmanov has been re-elected with 84% of the vote against token opposition. No serious opposition to his regime is allowed. Figures are available.

Elections in October 2013

27 October: in the Argentinian legislative election, the Front for Victory party of Peronist President Cristina Fern�ndez de Kirchner has maintained its position as the largest party in both houses of the Congress. National figures are available.

27 October: in the Georgia presidential election, Giorgi Margvelashvili of the Georgian Dream � Democratic Georgia party has been elected with 62% of the vote. Figures are available.

25 October: In the Czech Republic legislative election, the Social Democrats have emerged as the largest party as the conservative vote has splintered among several right-wing and populist parties. A coalition government led by the Social Democrats is the likely outcome. National figures are available.

25 October: In the first round of the Madagascar presidential election, Dr Jean-Louis Robinson of the AVANA party, with 21%, leads Hery Rajaonarimampianina of HVHAM, with 16%, in a large field of candidates. A runoff will be held in December. Figures are available.

20 October: In the Luxembourg legislative election, the conservative Christian Social People's Party government of Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker has lost its majority. The opposition parties will form a centre-left coalition government led by Xavier Bettel, ending 34 years of conservative government. National figures are available.

9 October: In the Azerbaijan presidential election, President Ilham Aliyev has been re-elected with 85% of the vote. International observers have described the election as not free and fair. Figures are available.

Elections in September 2013

30 September: In the Cameroun legislative election, President Paul Biya's Democratic Rally of the People of Cameroun has again won most of the seats, after the opposition parties boycotted the election. The election was judged not to be free or fair. National figures are available.

29 September: In the Austrian legislative election, the governing coalition of the Social Democrats and the People's Party has been re-elected with a slightly reduced majority. The Freedom Party and the Greens have made gains. National figures are available.

28 September: In the Guinea legislative election, the first since 2002, the Rally of the Guinean People, the party of President Alpha Cond�, has won the neraly half the seats, and will have a majority with the support of minor parties. National figures are available.

22 September: In the German legislative election, the Christian Democrat Party of the Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has seen a strong rise in its vote. But the Free Democrats, Merkel's coalition partners, have fallen below the 5% threshold and will be eliminated from the Bundestag. That leaves the three centre-left parties, the SPD, the Greens and The Left, with a majority of seats (319 to 311), despite polling only 42.7% between them. The centre-left cannot form a government because the SPD will not co-operate with The Left. That leaves a CDU-SPD "grand coalition" as the most likely outcome. National, state and constituency-level figures, plus maps, are available.

9 September: In the Norwegian legislative election, the left-centre coalition of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg has been defeated by a coalition of conservative opposition parties. Erna Solberg of the Conservative Party will be the new Prime Minister. District-level figures are available.

7 September: In the Australian legislative election, the Australian Labor Party government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has been defeated by the conservative coalition led by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. The new government will not have a majority in the Senate. State-level figures for the Senate, and constituency-level figures and maps for the House of Representatives, are available.

7 September: In the first round of the Maldives presidential election, former President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives Democratic Party leads with 45% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in August 2013

11 August: In the second round of the Mali presidential election, Ibrahim Boubacar Ke�ta of the Rally for Mali has been elected with 77% of the vote, defeating Souma�la Cisse of the Union for the Republic and Democracy. Figures are available.

Elections in July 2013

31 July: in the Zimbabwe presidential elections, President Robert Mugabe of the ZANU-PF party has been re-elected with 62% of the vote, defeating Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change. Province-level figures are available.

31 July: in the Zimbabwe legislative elections, President Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF party has won a large majority in the House of Assembly, defeating the Movement for Democratic Change. Constituency-level figures are available.

28 July: In the Cambodia legislative election, the governing Cambodian People's Party of Prime Minister Hun Sen has been re-elected with a sharply reduced majority. The leader of the opposition National Rescue Party, Sam Rainsy, is disputing the results. Province-level figures are available.

28 July: In the first round of the Mali presidential election, Ibrahim Boubacar Ke�ta of the Rally for Mali leads with 39% of the vote. Figures are available.

27 July: In the Kuwait legislative election, the fifth in five years, a new legislature has been elected on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

21 July: In the Japanese House of Councillors (upper house) election, the governing Liberal Democratic Party and its allies have won a clear majority against the opposition Democratic Party and other parties. National figures are available.

21 July: in the Togo legislative election, President Faure Gnassingbe's Union for the Republic has won a majority. Prefecture-level figures and a map are available.

Elections in June 2013

26 June: In the Mongolia presidential election, the incumbent President, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj of the Democratic Party, has been re-elected with just over 50% of the vote. Figures are available.

23 June: In the Albania legislative election, the Socialist Party of Edi Rama and its allies have won a sweeping victory over the long-serving Democratic Party government of Prime Minister Sali Berisha and its allies. District-level figures are available.

14 June: In the Iran presidential election, Hassan Rohani of the Combatant Clergy Association, regarded as a moderate among the ruling Islamic clergy, has been elected with 50.7% of the vote. National figures are available.

8 June: In the Nauru legislative election, the third in three years, a new non-party legislature has been re-elected. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

Elections in May 2013

31 May: in the Bhutan legislative election, the governing Bhutan Peace and Prosperity Party has been defeatwed by the People's Democratic Party. National figures are available.

13 May: In the Philippines legislative election, supporters of President Benigno C Aquino III have won majorities in both chambers of the National Congress. Senate figures are available.

12 May: In the Bulgarian legislative election, the right-wing Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov has lost its majority, but remains the largest party in the National Assembly. Plamen Oresharski, a non-party figure, has formed a government backed by the Socialist leader Sergei Stanishev. National figures are available.

11 May: in the Pakistan legislative election, the PML(N) party of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has won a small overall majority of seats with less than a third of the vote. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

5 May: in the Malaysia legislative election, the governing National Front of Prime Minister Najib Razak been returned to office with a slightly reduced majority. The opposition coalition led by Anwar Ibrahim polled 50.9% of the vote, but was deprived of victory by gross rigging of the electoral system. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in April 2013

27 April: In the Iceland legislative election, the conservative Independence Party and its ally the Progressive Party have won a large majority, defeating the incumbent left-wing coalition of the social democratic Alliance and the Left-Green Movement. The likely new Prime Minister will be Bjarni Benediktsson. Constituency-level figures are available.

21 April: in the Paraguay presidential election, Horacio Manuel Cartes Jara of the conservative National Republican Association has been elected, ending Paraguay's brief flirtation with leftist rule. National figures are available.

14 April: In the Venezuelan presidential election, interim President Nicol�s Maduro Moros has been narrowly elected following the death of President Chavez, with 50% of the vote, defeating the liberal opposition candidate Henrique Capriles. National figures are available.

7 April: in the Montenegro presidential election, the incumbent president, Filip Vujanovic of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, has been re-elected with 51% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in March 2013

9 March: In Australia, in the Western Australia state election, the Liberal-National coalition government led by Premier Colin Barnett has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

9 March: in the Malta legislative election, the Maltese Labour Party under Dr Joseph Muscat has defeated the incumbent Nationalist Party government of Lawrence Gonzi. Constituency-level figures are available.

5 March: In the Micronesia legislative election, a new legislature has been elected on a non-partisan basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

4 March: in the Kenya presidential election, Uhuru Kenyatta, son of Kenya's first president, has won a narrow outright majority, defeating Prime Minister Raila Odinga. National figures are available.

Elections in February 2013

24 February: in the second round of the Cyprus presidential election, Nikos Anastasiades of the conservative DISI party has defeated Stavros Malas of the communist AKEL party. Figures are available.

24 February: in the Italian legislative election, the centre-left coalition led by Pier Luigi Bersani has won a majority in the Chamber of Deputies, defeating the conservative People of Liberty party of Silvio Berlusconi. The populist Five Star movement came a strong third and will hold the balance of power in the Senate. Regional-level figures for the Chamber of Deputies and national figures for the Senate are available.

22 February: In the Djibouti legislative election, President Ismail Omar Guelleh's party has won a comfortable majority in the country's first election conducted by proportional representation. Opposition parties have gained representation, but claim the count was falsified. District-level figures are available.

21 Febuary: in the Barbados legislative election, the Democratic Labour Party government of Freundel Stuart has been re-elected with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

19 February: In the Grenada legislative election, the New National Party led by Keith Mitchell has returned to office, winning all 15 seats and defaeting the National Democratic Congress of Prime Minister Tillman Thomas. Figures are available.

17 February: in the first round of the Cyprus presidential election, Nikos Anastasiades of the conservative DISI party leads Stavros Malas of the communist AKEL party. A run-off will be held on 24 February. Figures are available.

18 February: In the Armenia presidential election, President Serzh Sargsyan of the Republican Party has been re-elected with 58% of the vote, defeating Raffi Hovhannisyan of the Heritage party. Figures are available. National figures are available.

17 February: In the Ecuador presidential election, left-wing incumbent President Rafael Correa Delgado has been re-elected with 57% of the vote. National figures are available.

17 February: In the Ecuador legislative election, President Correa's PAIS party has won a majority in the National Assembly. National figures are available.

10 February: in the Monaco legislative election, the governing Union for Monaco has been heavily defeated by the opposition party, Horizon Monaco. Figures are available.

3 February: In the Liechtenstein legislative election, the governing coalition of the Progressive Citizens' Party (FBPL) and the Fatherland Union (VU) has lost seats in the Landtag to the opposition, but will form a new government under Adrian Hasler of the FBPL. District-level figures are available.

Elections in January 2013

25 January: In the second round of the Czech Republic presidential election (the first time the country has elected its president by direct election), Milos Zeman, a dissident socialist, has defeated Karel Schwarzenberg, a right-wing populist. National figures are available.

23 January: in the Jordanian legislative election, I have so far been unable to find any published figures.

22 January: In the Israel legislative election, the right-wing Likud-Beiteinu party of Binyamin Netanyahu and its allies have won exactly half the seats in the Knesset, a worse result than expected, while a range of opposition parties has won the other half. The formation of a new government will depend on negotiations among the parties. Figures are available.

11-12 January: In the Czech Republic presidential election (the first time the country has elected its president by direct election), renegade candidates from right and left have defeated candidates of both the governing ODS and the opposition CSSD. Karel Schwarzenberg, a right-wing populist, and Milos Zeman, a dissident socialist, will contest a run-off on 25 January. National figures are available.

Elections in December 2012

19 December: in the Republic of Korea presidential election, Park Geun-hye of the conservative New World Party has been elected with 51% of vote, defeating Moon Jae-in of the Democratic United Party. National figures are available.

16 December: In the Japanese legislative election, the opposition Liberal Democratic Party and its ally the Clean Government Party have returned to power after less than four years, with a crushing victory over Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda's Democratic Party. The new PM is the LDP's Shinzo Abe. The LDP-CGP coalition won two-thirds of the seats with 39% of the vote, helped by the fragmenting of the party system. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

9 December: In the Romanian legislative election, the Social Liberal Union, a coalition of centre-left parties supporting Social Democrat Prime Minister Victor Ponta, has won a sweeping victory, winning large majorities in both chambers of the legislature. County-level figures are available.

7 December: In the Ghana presidential election, interim President John Dramani Mahama of the governing National Democratic Congress has defeated Nana A D Akufo-Addo of the New Patriotic Party. Figures are available.

7 December: In the Ghana legislative election, President John Dramani Mahama's National Democratic Congress has won a small overall majority, defeating the New Patriotic Party. Constituency-level figures are available.

2 December: in the second round of the Slovenian presidential election, Borut Pahor, the candidate supported by the Slovenian Social Democratic Party, has defeated incumbent president Dr Danilo T�rk, with 67% of the vote. Figures are available.

2 December: In the Burkina Faso legislative election, the ruling Congress for Democracy and Progress has retained control of the National Assembly. Province-level figures and a map are available.

1 December: In the Kuwait legislative election, following elections in February which were annulled, supporters of the government have won all the seats on a very low turnout. Both liberal and Islamist opposition parties boycotted the elections. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in November 2012

17 November: in the first round of the Sierra Leone presidential election, President Ernest Bai Koroma of the All People's Congress has been re-elected with 58% of the vote. Figures are available.

17 November: in the Sierra Leone legislative election, President Koroma's All People's Congress has won a majority in the Parliament. Constituency-level figures are available.

11 November: In the San Marino legislative election, the coalition led by the Christian Democrats has retained a narrow majority. Figures are available.

11 November: in the first round of the Slovenian presidential election, Borut Pahor, the candidate supported by the Slovenian Social Democratic Party, leads the incumbent president Dr Danilo T�rk. A second round will be held on 2 December. Figures are available.

6 November: In the Palau presidential election, Tommy E Remengesau Jr has defeated incumbent president Johnson Toribiong in a non-partisan contest. Figures are available. Figures for the legislative election held on the same day are also available.

6 November: In the United States of America presidential election, the Democratic Party incumbent, President Barack H Obama of Illinois, has defeated the Republican Party candidate, former Governor Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, with 51.0% of the popular vote and 332 Electoral College votes. State-level figures and a map are available.

6 November: In the United States of America legislative election, the Democratic Party has increased its majority in the Senate, while the Republican Party has retained a reduced majority in the House of Representatives. Full Senate and House of Representatives figures are available.

Elections in October 2012

30 October: In the Vanuatu legislative election, Prime Minister Sato Kilman of the People's Progress Party has won enough support to form a new coalition government. Constituency-level figures are available.

28 October: in the Ukrainian legislative election, President Viktor Yanukhovych's Russian-dominated Party of the Regions has won the most seats and will have a majority with the support of the Communists and independents, against a badly divided nationalist and liberal opposition. Constituency-level figures are available. These are available nowhere else in English!

14 and 28 October: In the Lithuanian legislative election, the Social Democrats have emerged as the largest party, defeating the conservative coalition government. Social Democrat leader Algirdas Butkevicius will form a new government. National and constituency-level figures, plus a map, are available.

14 October: In the Montenegro legislative election, the governing European Montenegro party of Prime Minister Milo Dukanovic has lost its overall majority, but will retain office with the support of minor parties. Figures are available.

12-13 October: In the Czech Republic Senate election, the opposition Social Democrats have inflicted a heavy defeat on the ruling Civic Democratic Party, winning an increased majority in the Czech Senate. District-level figures are available.

7 October: In the Venezuelan presidential election, the left-wing President Hugo Chavez has been re-elected with 55% of the vote, defeating the liberal opposition candidate Henrique Capriles. Province-level figures are available.

1 October: In the Georgia legislative election, opposition leader Bidzina Ivanishvili's Georgia Dream party has defeated the United National Movement of President Mikheil Saakashvili and won a large majority in the legislature. Figures are available.

Elections in September 2012

12 September: In the Netherlands legislative election, held early because of the collapse of the previous government, both the governing liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy and the opposition Labour Party have made gains at the expense of minor parties of the extreme right and left. They two main parties will form a coalition government. The election is a victory for pro-EU parties. National figures are available.

9 September: In the Hong Kong SAR legislative election, pro-Beijing and pro-democracy parties have won approximately equal numbers of votes and seats, although the pro-democracy camp has become more fragmented among several parties. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in August 2012

31 August: In the Angola legislative election, the ruling Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola has won a large majority of votes, but has lost ground to opposition parties. Province-level figures and a map are available.

25 August: In Australia, in the Northern Territory election, the Country Liberal Party led by Terry Mills has defeated the Australian Labor Party government of Chief Minister Paul Henderson. Figures and a map are available.

Elections in July 2012

15 July: In the Republic of Congo legislative election, The Congolese Labour Party of President Denis Sassou N'Guesso has won a large majority of seats, in elections generally regarded as not free or fair. No figures are available.

7 July: In the East Timor legislative election, President Vasconcelos's CNRT has improved its position, but has not won a majority of seats. Figures are available.

7 July: In the Libyan legislative election, the first free election in the country's history, the moderate National Forces Alliance has emerged as the dominant party, defeating the islamist Justice and Construction Party. Constituency-level figures are available.

23 June to 6 July: In the Papua New Guinea legislative election, supporters of Prime Minister Peter O'Neill have won enough seats to form a government. No useable figures are available.

1 July: In the Mexican presidential election, Enrique Pena Nieto of the Institutional Revolutionary Party has been elected with 38% of the vote against both conservative and left-wing candidates. The PRI returns to power after 12 years in opposition. Figures are available.

1 July: In the Mexican legislative election, the Institutional Revolutionary Party has fallen just short of outright majorities in both the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, but will have the support of some minor parties. State-level figures for the Senate and national figures for the Chamber are available.

1 July: In the Senegal legislative election, the United in Hope party of President Macky Sall has won a majority of votes and seats. Figures are available.

Elections in June 2012

30 June: In the Iceland presidential election, President �lafur Ragnar Gr�msson has been elected to a record fifth term. Figures are available.

28 June: In the Mongolia legislative election, the opposition Democratic Party has emerged as the largest party thanks to a split in the ruling Mongol People's Party, but does not have a majority. Figures are available.

17 June: In the second round of the Egyptian presidential election, the first free presidential election in Egyptian history, Mohammed Morsi of the Freedom and Justice Party, a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, has defeated former prime minister Dr Ahmed Mohammed Shafik. Figures are available.

17 June: In the second round of the French legislative election, President Francois Hollande's Socialist Party and its allies the Greens and the Radicals have won a majority of seats, defeating the conservative UMP and its allies. National figures are available.

17 June: In the Greek legislative election, the second in two months, the parties favouring the EU bailout plan, the conservative New Democracy and the socialist PASOK, have made modest gains, but enough to gain a small majority Greece's weighted voting system. The left-wing anti-bailout SIRIZA party has emerged as the official opposition, while minor parties of left and right lost ground. National figures are available.

10 June: In the first round of the French legislative election, President Francois Hollande's Socialist Party and its allies have polled a plurality of votes and are well-placed to win a majority of seats in the second round on 17 June. National figures are available.

Elections in May 2012

26 May: In the Lesotho legislative election, the ruling Lesotho Congress for Democracy has been defeated by a new party, the Democratic Congress. Figures are available.

23 May: In the first round of the Egyptian presidential election, the first free presidential election in Egyptian history, the two leading candidates are Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood and Dr Ahmed Mohammed Shafik, who was Prime Minister under former dictator Hosni Mubarak. A run-off will be held on 16-17 June. Figures are available.

20 May: In the Dominican Republic presidential election, Danilo Medina S�nchez of the Dominican Liberation Party has been elected with 51% of the vote, defeating Rafael Hip�lito Mej�a Dom�nguez of the Dominician Revolutionary Party. Figures are available.

20 May: in the second round of the Serbian presidential election, Tomislav Nikolic of the right-wing Progressive Party has defeated incumbent President Boris Tadic of the Democratic Party. Figures are available.

10 May: In the Algerian legislative election, the ruling National Liberation Front has gained seats, falling just short of an overall majority in the National Assembly, despite polling only 17% of the vote. As always in Algeria, the majority of voters did not vote or cast invalid votes. Figures are available.

7 May: In the Bahamas legislative election, the Progressive Liberal Party led by Perry Christie has comfortably defeated the Free National Movement government of veteran PM Hubert Ingraham. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

6 May: In the Armenian legislative election, the ruling Republican Party of Armenia has been returned to office, winning an absolute majority in the National Assembly. Constituency-level figures are available.

6 May: In the second round of the French presidential election, the Socialist Party's Fran�ois Hollande has defeated conservative President Nicholas Sarkozy, polling 52% of the vote. It is the French left's first presidential election victory since 1988. Regional-level figures are available.

6 May: In the Greek legislative election, the governing coalition of the conservative New Democracy and the socialist PASOK parties which favoured the EU bailout plan has lost heavily, polling only 35% of the vote and falling two seats short of a majority even under Greece's weighted voting system. The anti-bailout forces are sharply divided between left and right. Constituency-level figures are available.

6 May: in the first round of the Serbian presidential election, centrist President Boris Tadic of the Democratic Party has a narrow lead over Tomislav Nikolic of the right-wing Progressive Party. They will contest a run-off on 30 May. Figures are available.

6 May: in the Serbian legislative election, the Choice for a Better Life coalition led by President Boris Tadic's Democratic Party has lost ground, but the right-wing opposition Let's Get Serbia Moving coalition has failed to make gains. The main winner is the Socialist Party, which has more than doubled its representation. Figures are available.

Elections in April 2012

22 April: In the first round of the French presidential election, President Nicholas Sarkozy trails the Socialist Party's Fran�ois Hollande. Both candidates polled less than 30% of the vote, making the second round on 6 May unpredictable. Regional-level figures are available.

21 April: In the second round of the East Timor presidential election, Jos� Maria Vasconcelos (Tuar Matan Ruak) of CNRT has defeated Francisco Guterres (Lu Olo) of FRETILIN, with 61% of the vote. Figures are available.

11 April: in the Republic of Korea legislative election, the conservative New World Party of President Lee Myung-bak has defied predictions and won a narrow overall majority. Constituency-level figures are available. These are not available in English anywhere else. I have also added constituency maps.

1 April: In 45 by-elections to the Burmese legislature, the opposition National League for Democracy, which boycotted the November 2010 elections, has apparently won most of the contests, and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi has won a seat in Rangoon. No figures are yet available. Read all about it.

Elections in March 2012

29 March: In the Gambia legislative election, President Yahya Jammeh's Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction has won nearly all the seats after opposition parties boycotted the election. Figures are available.

25 March: In the second round of the Senegal presidential election, Macky Sall of the Alliance of Progressive Forces has easily defeated long-ruling President Abdoulaye Wade, who was seeking a third term in defiance of the Constitution. Figures are available.

24 March: In Australia, in the Queensland state election, Campbell Newman's Liberal National Party has won a landslide victory against the Australian Labor Party government of Premier Anna Bligh. Preliminary figures are available.

18 March: In the first round of the Guinea-Bissau presidential election, caused by the death of President Malam Bacai Sanha, the ruling PAIGC candidate, Carlos Gomes J�nior, leads with 49% of the vote. A second round was to have been held on 22 April, but was prevented by a military coup. Figures are available.

17 March: In the first round of the East Timor presidential election, non-party President Jose Ramos Horta has been defeated. The two leading candidates, Francisco Guterres of FRETILIN and Tuar Matan Ruak of CNRT, will contest a run-off on 21 April. Figures are available.

11 March: In the El Salvador legislative election, the right-wing ARENA party has won a plurality of seats, ahead of President Mauricio Funes's left-wing FMLN. Department-level figures are available.

10 March: In the Slovak Republic legislative election, the Direction - Social Democrats party of Robert Fico has won an absolute majority, defeating the four-party coalition government led by Iveta Radicov�. National figures are available.

7 March: in the Belize legislative election, Prime Minister Dean Barrow's United Democratic Party has been returned with a small majority. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

4 March: In the Russian presidential election, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has been elected to a third term as President, with 63% of the vote. The elections were generally regarded as not free or fair. National figures are available.

Elections in February 2012

26 February: In the first round of the Senegal presidential election, President Abdoulaye Wade leads, but has polled only 35% of the vote against 13 other candidates. He will contest a runoff against Macky Sall of the Alliance of Progressive Forces on 25 March. Regional-level figures and maps are available.

21 February: In the Yemen presidential election, Vice-President Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi has been elected unopposed as part of a peace deal following the resignation of President Saleh. Figures are available.

12 February: In the Turkmenistan presidential election, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov has been re-elected with a reported 97% of the vote, against only token opposition. No serious opposition to his regime is permitted. No figures are available.

5 February: In the second round of the Finnish presidential election, the conservative candidate Sauli Niinist� has defeated the Greens candidate Pekka Haavisto with 62% of the vote. Figures are available.

2 February: In the Kuwait legislative election, called early, conservative and Islamist candidates have strengthened their position. No figures are yet available.

Elections in January 2012

22 January: In the first round of the Finnish presidential election, the conservative candidate Sauli Niinist� leads with 37% of the vote in a field of eight. He will face a runoff in February against the Greens candidate Pekka Haavisto. The Social Democrats of outgoing President Tarja Halonen polled only 6%. Figures are available.

15 January: In the Kazakhstan legislative election, president Nursultan Nazarbayev's "Light of the Fatherland" party and allied parties have won all the seats, in elections not regarded as free or fair. Figures are available.

14 January: in the Taiwan presidential election, Ma Ying Jeou of the conservative Nationalist Party has elected to a second term with 51% of the vote, defeating Tsai Ing Wen of the Democratic Progressive Party. Figures are available.

14 January: in the Taiwan legislative election, the conservative Nationalist Party has retained its majority in the legislature, although the opposition Democratic Progressive Party has made gains. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

13 January: In the Kiribati presidential election, President Anote Tong has been re-elected.

3 January: Following the third stage of the Egyptian legislative election, I have now uploaded a complete set of voting figures for the party-list seats. The Egyptian Election Commission has posted no voting figures for the two-member constituencies, although the winners are known. I have also updated my maps.

Elections in December 2011

29 December: In the Jamaica legislative election, the People's National Party led by Portia Simpson-Miller has returned to power after one term in opposition, defeating the Jamaica Labour Party government of Andrew Holness. Constituency-level figures are available.

17 December: In the Gabon legislative election, President Ali Bongo Ondimba's Democratic Party has won 74% of the vote and nearly all the seats after the major opposition parties boycotted the election. Province-level figures are available.

15 December: In the Cote d'Ivoire legislative election, President Alassane Ouattara's Rally of Republicans party has won just on half the seats, not a great result considering that the main opposition party boycotted the election. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

4 December: In the Croatian legislative election, a coalition led by Zoran Milanovic's Social Democrats have won an absolute majority in the legislature, defeating the conservative Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ) government of Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor. National figures are available.

4 December: In the Russian legislative election, United Russia, the party of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, has suffered a reduction in both votes and seats but has retained its majority in the State Duma. The elections were generally regarded as not free or fair. National figures are available.

4 December: In the Slovenia legislative election, the governing Social Democrats of Prime Minister Borut Pahor have been heavily defeated by a coalition led by Ljubljana mayor Zoran Jankovic. Figures are available.

Elections in November 2011

28 November: In the Democratic Republic of Congo presidential election, President Joseph Kabila has been re-elected with 49% the vote, defeating Etienne Tshisekedi. The elections were poorly managed and there was widespread rigging. Figures are available.

28 November: In the first stage of the Egyptian legislative election, the first free election in Egyptian history, two islamist parties, the Freedom and Justice Party and the Party of Light, have won a large majority of votes and seats in the first nine governorates to vote. The election will continue in stages until January. Figures are available.

25 November: in the Moroccan legislative election, the Islamist party, Justice and Development, has emerged as the largest party. Circumscription-level voting figures are available.

21 November: in the Marshall Islands legislative election, voters have elected a new legislature on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

28 August: In the Guyana legislative election, the ruling People's Progressive Party has been re-elected, but has lost its majority in the legislature and will rely on the support of a minor party. National figures are available.

28 November: In the St Lucia legislative election, the St Lucia Labour Party led by former Prime Minister Kenny Anthony has defeated the conservative United Workers Party government led by Prime Minister Stephenson King. National figures are available.

26 November: In the New Zealand legislative election, the National Party has been re-elected with an increased plurality of seats, but just short of a majority. Prime Minister John Key will be able to form a new government with the support of minor parties. Constituency-level figures are available.

24 November: In the Gambia presidential election, President Yahyah Jammeh has been re-elected with 71% of the vote. Figures are available.

20 November: in the Spanish legislative election, the People's Party led by Mariano Rajoy has won a majority in the Congress of Deputies, defeating the Socialist government after seven years in office. Circumscription-level figures are available.

8 November: In the second round of the Liberian presidential election, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of the Unity Party has been re-elected with 90% of the vote, after the opposition Congress for Democratic Change decided not to contest the second round. Figures are available.

6 November: in the second round of the Guatemala presidential election, Otto P�rez Molina of the conservative Patriotic Party has been elected with 53% of the vote, defeating Manuel Baldiz�n of the Renewed Democratic Liberty. Department-level figures are available.

6 November: In the Nicaragua presidential election, President Daniel Ortega of the Sandinist National Liberation Front has been re-elected with 62% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in October 2011

30 October: In the second round of the Bulgarian presidential election, the candidate of the governing GERB party, Rosen Plevneliev, has had a surprisingly narrow win (52%) over Ivailo Kalfin of the Socialist Party. Figures are available.

30 October: In the Kyrgyz Republic presidential election, Atambayev Almazbek of the Social Democratic Party has been elected with 63% of the vote. Figures are available.

27 October: In the Irish presidential election, the Labour candidate Michael D Higgins has been elected with 40% of the vote on the first count, defeating six other candidates. It is the first time Labour has ever won a national election in Ireland. Figures are available.

23 October: in the Argentinian presidential election, the Peronist President Cristina Fern�ndez de Kirchner has been re-elected with 53% of the vote. Figures are available.

23 October: In the first round of the Bulgarian presidential election, the candidate of the governing GERB party, Rosen Plevneliev, leads with 40% of the vote. He will face a run-off against Ivailo Kalfin of the Socialist Party on 30 October. Figures are available.

23 October: in the Swiss legislative election, the Social Democrats have strengthened their position within the four-party governing coalition, at the expense of the right-wing Swiss People's Party. Canton-level figures are available.

23 October: In the Tunisian constituent assembly election, the first free election in Tunisia's history, the Islamist Renaissance party has emerged as the largest party, with 37% of the vote. Governorate-level figures are available.

11 October: In the first round of the Liberian presidential election, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of the Unity Party leads with 43% of the vote. She will face a run-off against Winston Tubman of the Congress for Democratic Change on 8 November. Figures are available.

9 October: in the Cameroun presidential election, President Paul Biya, who has been in power since 1982, has been re-elected with 77% of the vote. The election was not regarded as free or fair. Figures are available.

9 October: in the Polish legislative election, the liberal Citizens' Platform party led by Prime Minister Donald Tusk has held its position as the largest party, and will form a coalition government with the People's Party. District-level figures and a map are available.

1 October: In the Seychelles legislative election, the People's Party of President James Michel has won all the seats following a boycott by the main opposition parties. National figures are available.

Elections in September 2011

20 September: In the Zambia presidential election, The Patriotic Front candidate, veteran oppositionist Michael Sata, has defeated President Rupiah Banda of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy. Preliminary figures are available.

17 September: in the Danish legislative election, the left-wing coalition led by the Social Democrat Helle Thorning-Schmidt has defeated the liberal-conservative coalition government of Lars L�kke Rasmussen. Thorning-Schmidt will become Denmark's first female prime minister. District-level figures and a map are available.

17 September: In the Latvian legislative election, called early after a "dissolution referendum," the social-democratic Harmony Centre party has won the largest number of seats, defeating Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis's Unity coalition. National figures are available.

11 September: in the first round of the Guatemala presidential election, Otto P�rez Molina of the conservative Patriotic Party leads with 36% of the vote. He will face a run-off against Manuel Baldiz�n of the Renewed Democratic Liberty on 6 November. Department-level figures and maps are available.

11 September: in the Guatemala legislative election, President-elect Otto P�rez Molina's conservative Patriotic Party has won the largest number of seats. Department-level figures and a map are available.

Elections in August 2011

27 August : In the Singapore presidential election, Tony Tan, an independent but generally seen as the candidate of the governing People's Action Party, has been narrowly elected over other independent candidates. Figures are available.

21 August: In the second round of the Cape Verde presidential election, Jorge Carlos Fonseca of the opposition Movement for Democracy has been elected with 54% of the vote, defeating Manuel Inoc�ncio Sousa of the ruling PAIGC. Figures are available.

7 August: In the first round of the Cape Verde presidential election, Jorge Carlos Fonseca of the opposition Movement for Democracy leads with 38% of the vote. A second round will be held on 21 August. Figures are available.

7 August: In the second round of the Sao Tome and Principe presidential election, the independent candidate Manuel Pinto da Costa has been elected with 53% of vote. Figures are available.

Elections in July 2011

17 July: In the first round of the Sao Tome and Principe presidential election, the independent candidate Manuel Pinto da Costa leads with 35% of the vote. A second round will be held on 7 August. Figures are available.

3 July: in the Thailand legislative election, the For Thais Party led by Yingluck Shinawatra, sister of the deposed Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, has won an overall majority. This is the fifth successive election won by Thaksin or his proxies. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in June 2011

12 June: In the Turkish legislative election, the ruling Justice and Development Party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been re-elected with a slightly reduced majority. Province-level figures and maps are available.

5 June: In the Macedonia legislative election, the conservative-nationalist coalition led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has been re-elected with an reduced majority. Figures are available.

5 June: In the second round of the Peruvian presidential election, the left-wing candidate Ollanta Humala Tasso has narrowly defeated the right-winger Keiko Fujimori. Figures are available.

5 June: In the Portuguese legislative election, the Socialist government of Prime Minister Jos� S�crates Carvalho Pinto de Sousa has been defeated by the coalition of conservative parties led by Pedro Passos Coelho. District-level figures are available.

Elections in May 2011

22 May: In the Cyprus legislative election, both the conservative Democratic Allience and the left-wing AKEL party have made gains at the expense of minor parties. Figures are available.

19 May: In the Seychelles presidential election, President James Michel of the People's Party has been re-elected with 55% of the vote. District-level figures are available.

7 May: In the Singapore legislative election, the governing People's Action Party has been re-elected with its majority somewhat reduced and its share of the vote cut to 60%: the best result ever achieved by the opposition parties. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

2 May: In the Canadian legislative election, the governing Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has won an overall majority. The left-wing New Democrats have become the official opposition, relegating the Liberals to third place. Province-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in April 2011

25 April: In the Chad presidential election, President Idriss Deby has been re-elected with 89% of the vote, after opposition parties boycotted the election. Figures are available.

17 April: In the Finnish legislative election, the right-wing populist True Finns party has made major gains, at the expense of all the other parties, with the Centre Party suffering the biggest losses. Figures are available.

16 April: In the Nigerian presidential election, President Goodluck Jonathan of the governing People's Democratic Party, who succeeded to office on the death of President Yar'adua in 2010, has been elected to a full term with 59% of the vote. National and state-level figures and maps are available.

10 April: In the first round of the Peruvian presidential election, the left-wing candidate Ollanta Humala Tasso leads the right-winger Keiko Fujimori, while moderate candidates were eliminated. The two leading candidates will contest a run-off election. Figures are available.

9 April: In the Nigerian legislative election, the governing People's Democratic Party of President Goodluck Jonathan has retained its majority in the House of Representatives and the Senate, although the opposition has made substantial gains. By all accounts the election was much better conducted and less marred by corruption than were the 2007 elections. Complete figures are not available, but I have given those which are.

8 April: In the Djibouti presidential election, President Ismail Omar Guelleh has been re-elected with 80% of the vote after opposition parties boycotted the election.

3 April: In the Andorra legislative election, the Democrats for Andorra led by Antoni Marti have defeated the incumbent Social Democrats. Parish-level figures are available.

3 April: In the Kazakhstan presidential election, president Nursultan Nazarbayev has been re-elected with 95% of the vote, in elections not regarded as free or fair. Oblast-level figures are available.

Elections in March 2011

26 March: In Australia, in the New South Wales state election, the Australian Labor Party government has been heavily defeated after 16 years in power. The new Premier is Barry O'Farrell of the Liberal Party. Figures are available.

20 March: In the second round of the Haiti presidential election, the popular singer Michel Joseph Martelly has been elected with 68% of the vote, defeating former first lady Mirlande Manigat. Preliminary figures are available.

13 March: In the Benin presidential election, President Boni Yayi has been re-elected with 53% of the vote in the first round. Figures are available.

12 March: In the second round of the Niger presidential election, Mahamadou Issoufou of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism has been elected with 58% of the vote. Figures are available.

6 March: In the Estonian legislative election, the coalition government led by Prime Minister Andrus Ansip of the Reform Party has been re-elected. District-level figures are available. I have also uploaded district-level figures from the 2007 elections.

4 March: In the Samoa legislative election, the governing Human Rights Protection Party has been returned with its majority intact. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

Elections in February 2011

25 February: In the Irish legislative election, the long-ruling Fianna Fail party has suffered the worst defeat in its history in the wake of Ireland's economic crisis. The Opposition Fine Gael and Labour parties will form a coalition government led by Fine Gael's Enda Kenny. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

18 February: In the Uganda presidential election, President Yoweri Museveni of the National Resistance Movement has been re-elected with 68% of the vote. Figures are available. No figures are yet available for the legislative elections held at the same time.

13 February: In the Chad legislative election, President Idriss Deby�s Patriotic Salvation Movement has won a large majority of seats against a fragmented opposition, although only a small majority of votes. Department-level figures are available. These figures are available nowhere else in English. This is the first time I have been able to present detailed election figures from Chad. I have also provided maps.

6 February: In the Cape Verde legislative election, the governing African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde has been re-elected with a slightly reduced majority. Figures are available.

Elections in January 2011

31 January: In the first round of the Niger presidential election, Mahamadou Issoufou of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism leads with 36% of the vote. He will face a run-off in March against Seyni Oumarou of the National Movement for Society and Development. Figures for the legislative election held on the same day are also available.

23 January: In the Central African Republic presidential election, President Fran�ois Bozize has been re-elected with 66% of the vote. Figures are available. No figures are available for the legislative elections held at the same time.

23 January: In the Portuguese presidential election, Anibal Cavaco Silva of the conservative Social Democratic Party has been re-elected with 53% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in December 2010

26 December: In the second round of the Comoros presidential election, Ikililou Dhoinine, who is supported by outgoing President Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi, has been elected with 61% of the vote. National figures are available.

19 December: In the Belarus presidential election, incumbent president Aleksandr Lukashenko has been re-elected with 80% of the vote against token opposition. No serious opposition to Lukashenko's regime is permitted. Figures are available.

13 December: In the St Vincent and the Grenadines legislative election, the governing United Labour Party has been narrowly re-elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

12 December: in the Kosovo legislative election, the first since independence, the Albanian-nationalist Democratic Party of Kosovo led by Hashim Thaci has retained its position as the largest party. Figures are available.

Elections in November 2010

28 November: In the second round of the Cote d'Ivoire presidential election, the opposition candidate, former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara, has defeated President Laurent Gbagbo, polling 54% of the vote. Gbagbo is refusing to accept the result. Figures are available.

28 November: In the first round of the Haiti presidential election, the opposition candidate Mirlande Manigat leads President Prevals's chosen successor, Jules Celestin. A runoff will be held on 16 January. Figures are available.

28 November: In the Moldova legislative election, the third in two years, the coalition led by Prime Minister Vlad Filat, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, has been re-elected with an increased majority over the Communist opposition. Figures are available.

25 November: In Australia, in the Victorian state election, the Australian Labor Party government of John Brumby has been defeated by the Liberal-National coalition led by Ted Baillieu. Figures are available.

25 November: In the Tonga legislative election, the Friendly Islands Democratic Party, which favours a fully democratic system, has won a majority of elected seats in the legislature (though not a majority of votes), but will still be outnumbered by independent members and representatives of the aristocracy. Constituency-level figures are available.

21 November: In the Burkina Faso presidential election, President Blaise Compaor� has been re-elected with 80% of the vote. Figures are available.

7 November: In the Azerbaijan legislative election, President Ilham Aliyev's New Azerbaijan Party has won a majority of seats against only token opposition. International observers have described the election as not free and fair. Constituency-level figures are available.

7 November: In the Burmese legislative election, the Union Solidarity and Development Party, which is a front for the military regime, has won two- thirds of the seats. The elections were generally regarded as fraudulent. National and state-level figures are available.

7 November: In the first round of the Comoros presidential election, Ikililou Dhoinine, who is supported by outgoing President Ahmed Abdallah Mohamed Sambi, leads the count. A second round will be held on 26 December. National figures are available.

7 November: In the second round of the Guinea presidential election, the first free election in the country's history, veteran opposition leader Alpha Cond� has narrowly defeated former prime minister Cellou Dalein Diallo. National figures are available.

2 November: In the United States of America legislative election, the Democratic Party has retained its majority in the Senate, but the Republican Party has won a majority in the House of Representatives. Full Senate and House of Representatives figures are available, plus maps.

Elections in October 2010

31 October: In the first round of the Cote d'Ivoire presidential election, the first for ten years, President Laurent Gbagbo leads the opposition candidate, former Prime Minister Alassane Ouattara, with 38% of the vote. Gbagbo and Outtara will contest a run-off election. Figures are available.

31 October: In the Tanzanian presidential election, Jakaya Kikwete of the ruling Party of the Revolution has been re-elected with 62% of the vote. Figures are available. The ruling party has also retained a comfortable majority in the National Assembly. Constituency-level figures for this election are also available.

30 October: In the second round of the Brazilian presidential election, Dilma Rousseff of the governing Workers Party has defeated the conservative candidate Jos� Serra with 55% of the vote, and will become Brazil's first woman president on 1 January. National and state-level figures are available, plus maps.

15-16 October: In the Czech Republic Senate election, the Social Democrats, recovering strongly from their defeat in the May elections, have won an absolute majority in the Czech Senate. District-level figures are available.

10 October: In the Kyrgyz Republic legislative election, the Kyrgyz nationalist party the Idealistic Democratic Political Party has won the largest number of seats. Figures are available.

3 October: In the Bosnia and Herzegovia presidential election, the three ethnic communities, Bosniaks, Croatians and Serbs, have elected members of the collective presidency. As in 2006, Social Democrats have won two of the three positions. In the legislative elections held on the same day, the Social Democrats have retained their position as the largest party. Figures are available.

3 October: In the first round of the Brazilian presidential election, Dilma Rousseff of the governing Workers Party leads the conservative candidate Jos� Serra. They will contest a run-off on 30 October. National and state-level figures are available, plus maps.

3 October: In the Brazilian legislative election, the centre-left coalition led by the Workers Party has won increased majorities in both houses of the Congress. National and state-level figures are available, plus a map.

2 October: In the Latvian legislative election, Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis's Unity coalition has won the largest number of seats, and he will probably be able to form a new government. National figures are available.

Elections in September 2010

26 September: In the Venezuela legislative election, President Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela has won a majority in the National Assembly, but has failed to win a majority of votes or the two-thirds majority of seats needed to pass "organic" laws. While Chavez has claimed victory, the result is generally seen as a setback. National, state and constituency-level figures are available.

19 September: The second round of the Guinea presidential election, due on this date, has been postponed to a date yet to be determined following allegations of vote-rigging in the first round.

19 September: In the Swedish legislative election, the governing conservative coalition of Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt has lost its parliamentary majority, but the opposition Social Democrats have also lost ground. The balance of power is now held by the extreme right Swedish Democrats. County-level figures and maps are available.

18 September: The Afghanistan legislative election took place on this date, but results will not be announced until October

16 September: In the Tuvalu legislative election, a new non-party legislature has been elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in August 2010

21 August: In the Australian legislative election, the governing Australian Labor Party of Prime Minister Julia Gillard has lost its majority in the House of Representatives, but the conservative coalition led by Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has failed to win a majority. Labor will form a minority government with the support of three independent members and one Greens member. National and state figures for both houses, a pendulum and maps are available.

9 August: In the Rwanda presidential election, President Paul Kagame has been re-elected with 93% of the vote, against token opposition and amid violence and intimidation of opponents. National figures are available.

4 August: In the Solomon Islands legislative election, the Solomon Islands Democratic Party has emerged as the largest party, but independents and minor parties hold the majority of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

1 August: In the Sao Tome and Principe legislative election, the opposition Independent Democratic Action party has won the largest number of seats, almost wiping out President Fradique de Menezes's Democratic Movement of the Forces for Change. National figures are available.

Elections in July 2010

23 July: In the Burundi legislative election, supporters of President Pierre Nkurunziza have won 81 of the 106 seats in the National Assembly after most opposition parties boycotted the election. No figures are available.

11 July: In the Japanese House of Councillors (upper house) election, the governing Democratic Party has lost ground to the opposition Liberal Democratic Party and its allies. National figures are available.

4 July: In the second round of the Polish presidential election, the centrist candidate Bronislaw Komorowski has defdeated the right-wing candidate Jaroslaw Kaczynski, with 53% of the vote. National figures are available.

Elections in June 2010

28 June: In the Burundi presidential election, President Pierre Nkurunziza has been re-elected unopposed afer the opposition boycotted the election. National figures are available.

27 June: In the first round of the Guinea presidential election, the first free election in the country's history, former prime minister Cellou Dalein Diallo leads with 39% of the vote. He will contest a runoff against veteran opposition leader Alpha Cond� on 1 August. National figures are available.

20 June: In the second round of the Colombian presidential election, Juan Manuel Santos Calder�n, candidate of outgoing President Uribe's Social Party of National Unity, has defeated the Green Party candidate Antanas Mockus by a wide margin. National figures are available.

19 June: In the Nauru legislative election, the second in three months, all but one member of the non-party legislature have been re-elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

13 June: In the Belgian legislative election, both the Flemish nationalists and the Socialists have made gains at the expense of the governing liberals of Prime Minister Yves Leterme. National figures are available.

12 June: In the Slovak Republic legislative election, the governing Direction party of Prime Minister Robert Fico has improved its position in the legislature. National figures are available.

9 June: In the Netherlands legislative election, the liberal People's Party for Freedom and Democracy has emerged as the largest party, and the centre-right has increased its overall majority. National figures are available.

Elections in May 2010

29 May: In the Czech Republic legislative election, both the main parties, the conservative ODS and the Social Democrats, have lost seats to new right-wing populist parties. A right-wing coalition government is the likely outcome. District-level figures are available.

25 May: In the Suriname legislative election, the Mega Combination party of former dictator and convicted drug dealer Desi Bouterse has emerged as the largest party. National figures are available.

24 May: In the Trinidad and Tobago legislative election, the ruling People's National Movement pf Prime Minister Patrick Manning has been defeated by a coalition of opposition parties led by Kamla Persad-Bissessar, who will become the country's first female Prime Minister. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

23 May: In the Ethiopian legislative election, electoral authorities say that the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front has won all but two of the 546 seats in the House of Repesentatives. The opposition claims the election were rigged, and international observers say there were serious irregularities. Official results have not yet been released.

16 May: In the Dominican Republic legislative election, the Dominican Liberation Party of President Leonel Fernandez has won majorities in both houses of the Congress. National and province-level figures are available.

10 May: In the Philippines presidential election, Benigno Aquino III of the Philippines Liberal Party has been elected with 41% of the vote, defeating former President Joseph Estrada and other candidates. National figures are available.

10 May: In the Philippines legislative election, the LAKAS-CMD party of outgoing President Gloria Arroyo has fallen just short of a majority in the House of Representatives. National, regional and constituency-level figures are available. This is the first time I've been able to present detailed figures from the Philippines.

6 May: In the British legislative election, the Labour Party of Prime Minister Gordon Brown has lost its majority, but the Conservatives led by David Cameron have failed to win a majority. The Liberal Democrats and other minor parties hold the balance of power and will determine who can form a government. Constituency-level figures are available, plus maps.

5 May: In the Mauritius legislative election, the governing coalition led by the Mauritius Labour Party under Prime Minister Navinchandra Ramgoolam has been returned to office with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

Elections in April 2010

25 April: In the Austrian presidential election, the incumbent Socialist president, Dr Heinz Fischer, has been re-elected with 79% of the vote, opposed only by minor party candidates. National figures are available.

25 April: In the second round of the Hungarian legislative election, the conservative Alliance of Young Democrats led by Victor Orban has completed its crushing victory over the Socialist Party of Prime Minister Gordon Bajnai, winning an absolute majority of seats. Constituency-level figures are available, plus maps.

24 April: In the Nauru legislative election, all members of the non-party legislature have been re-elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

11-15 April: In the Southern Sudan presidential election, the leader of the Sudan People's Liberation Movement, Salva Kiir, has been elected President with 93% of the vote. Southern Sudan will become independent in July. National figures are available.

11-15 April: In the Sudanese presidential election, President Omer Hassan Al-Bashir has been elected with 68% of the vote, according to official figures. Observers described the election as "not meeting international standards". National figures are available.

10 April: In the Sri Lankan legislative election, the left-wing United People's Freedom Alliance of President Mahinda Rajapaksa has had a very big victory over the opposition United National Party. District-level figures are available.

Elections in March 2010

20 March: In Australia, in the South Australian state election, the Labor government of Premier Mike Rann has been returned with an only slightly reduced majority, despite a large swing to the opposition Liberal party. Constituency-level figures are available.

20 March: In Australia, in the Tasmanian state election, the Labor government of Premier David Bartlett has lost its majority, but will form a minority government with the support of the Greens. Constituency-level figures are available.

14 March: In the Colombia legislative election, supporters of President Alvaro Uribe have won large majorities in both chambers of the National Congress. Department-level figures are available.

7 March: In the Iraq legislative election, the Iraqi National Movement of former Prime Minister Ayad Allawi has won a narrow plurality of seats over Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law party. Negotiations with various minor parties will determine the composition of the new government. Governorate-level figures are available.

4 March: In the Togo presidential election, President Faure Gnassingbe has been re-elected with 61% of the vote, defeating Jean-Pierre Fabre of the United Forces for Change. The opposition claims there has been electoral fraud, but observers from the European Union and the African Union say the election was conducted cleanly. Figures are available.

Elections in February 2010

18 February: In Niger, a military coup has deposed President Mamadou Tandja. In 2009 Tandja suspended Niger's constitution because he wanted a third term as President. The military junta headed by Commander Salou Djibo says it wants to turn Niger into "an example of democracy and of good governance."

7 February: In the Costa Rica presidential election, Laura Chinchilla of the governing National Liberation party has been elected, with 46% of the vote against a divided opposition. She becomes Costa Rica's first female President. Figures are available.

7 February: In the second round of the Ukrainian presidential election, Viktor Yanukhovych of the Party of the Regions has defeated Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko. Figures are available.

Elections in January 2010

26 January: In the Sri Lanka presidential election, President Mahinda Rajapakse of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party has been elected to a second term with 54% of the vote, defeating General Sarath Fonseka of the United National Party. Figures are available.

25 January: In the St Kitts and Nevis legislative election, the St Kitts Nevis Labour Party of Prime Minister Dr Denzil Douglas has been re-elected with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

17 January: In the second round of the Chilean presidential election, Sebastian Pinera of the conservative National Renovation party has defeated the Christian Democract Eduardo Frei with 51% of the vote. This is first time Chile has elected a right-wing president since 1958. Figures are available. Constituency-level figures for the Chamber of Deputies election held on the same day as the first round of the presidential election are also available.

10 January: In the second round of the Croatian presidential election, the Social Democrat candidate, Ivo Josipovic, has defeated right-wing independent candidate Milan Bandic with 60% of the vote. The mainstream conservative candidate, Andrija Hebrang, was eliminated in the first round. Figures are available.

Elections in December 2009

20 December: In the Comoros legislative election, supporters of President Ahmed Abdallah Sambi have won a comfortable majority in the National Assembly. Constituency-level figures are available.

18 December: In the Dominica legislative election, the Dominica Labour Party government of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

6 December: In the Bolivian presidential election, President Evo Morales of the Movement for Socialism has been re-elected with 63% of the vote. Figures are available. Figures are now also available for the legislative election held on the same day.

6 December: In the second round of the Romanian presidential election, President Traian Basescu of the Democratic Liberal Party has very narrowly defeated Mircea Geoana of the Social Democratic Party. Geoana has not conceded defeat. Figures are available.

Elections in November 2009

29 November: In the Equatorial Guinea presidential election, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema has been re-elected with an officially reported 95% of the vote. Equatorial Guinea is a dictatorship and no serious opposition to his candidacy was permitted. Figures are available.

29 November: In the Honduras presidential election, Porfirio Lobo Sosa of the conservative National Party has been elected with 56% of the vote. Despite calls for a boycott from deposed president Jose Manuel Zelaya, turnout was only slightly down. In legislative elections held the same day, the National Party won a majority in the National Assembly. Department-level figures are available.

29 October: In the second round of the Uruguay presidential election, the veteran left-winger Jos� Alberto Mujica Cordano has defeated the conservative Luis Alberto Lacalle de Herrera with 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

27 November: In the Namibian presidential election, President Hifikepunye Pohamba of the ruling SWAPO party has been re-elected with 75% of the vote. In legislative elections held on the same day, SWAPO has retained its large majority in the National Assembly. Figures are available.

Elections in October 2009

28 October: In the Mozambique presidential election, President Armando Guebuza of the ruling FRELIMO party has been re-elected with 75% of the vote. Province-level figures are available. In legislative elections held on the same day, FRELIMO has won an increased majority of seats.

25 October: In the Tunisian presidential election, President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has been re-elected with nearly 90% of the vote. No effective opposition to President Ben Ali's rule is allowed. Figures are available.

16 October: In the Botswana legislative election, the ruling Botswana Democratic Party of President Ian Khama has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

9 October: The legislative elections in the Czech Republic, set for this date, have been postponed until June 2010 following a court decision that the process for setting the election date was invalid. An interim government will hold office until the elections.

4 October: In the Greek legislative election, the left-wing PASOK party of George Papandreou has defeated the New Democracy government of Kostas Karamanlis. Papandreou's father and grandfather were also prime ministers of Greece. District-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in September 2009

27 September: In the German legislative election, the Christian Democrat Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has been re-elected in a stronger position. She will be able to end the "grand coalition" with the Social Democrats, who suffered heavy losses, and form a coalition with the Free Democrats. Preliminary figures are available.

27 September: In the Portuguese legislative election, the Socialist Prime Minister, Jos� S�crates Carvalho Pinto de Sousa, will be able to form a new government with the support of left-wing parties. Preliminary figures are available.

20 September: In the Macau legislative election, pro-Beijing candidates have won a majority of the directly-elected seats, although pro-democracy groups made some gains. Figures are available.

14 September: In the Norwegian legislative election, the left-centre coalition of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg has been re-elected with a slightly reduced majority, despite polling substantially fewer votes than the conservative opposition parties. District-level figures are available.

Elections in August 2009

30 August: In the Gabon presidential election, Ali Bongo Ondimba, son of the late President Omar Bongo, has been elected with 41% of the vote against a divided opposition. Figures are available.

30 August: In the Japan legislative election, the opposition Democratic Party of Japan led by Yukio Hatoyama has achieved the greatest electoral victory in modern Japanese history, winning more than two-thirds of the seats and crushing the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Prime Minister Taro Aso. National, prefectural and constituency-level figures are available.

20 August: In the Afghanistan presidential election, President Hamid Karzai has been re-elected with 54% of the vote, according to unofficial but apparently final figures. Most observers believe there was massive vote-rigging in the election. Figures are available.

Elections in July 2009

29 July: In the Moldova legislative election, which follows the annullment of the election held in April, the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova, led by Prime Minister Zinaida Greceanii, has been defeated after eight years in power. Vlad Filat, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party, is likely to become Prime Minister. Figures are available.

23 July: In the Kyrgyz Republic presidential election, President Kurmanbek Bakiev has been elected with 76% of the vote. Figures are available.

18 July: In the Mauritania presidential election, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz of the Union for the Republic has been elected with 52% of the vote. Figures are available.

8 July: In the Republic of Congo presidential election, President Denis Sassou N'Guesso has been re-elected with 78% of the vote. Figures are available.

8 July: In the Indonesia presidential election, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been re-elected with more than 60% of the vote, defeating former President Megawati Sukarnoputri and Vice-President Jusuf Kalla. Province-level figures are available.

5 July: In the Bulgaria legislative election, the right-wing Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria led by Sofia Mayor Boyko Borisov has decisively defeated the Socialist government of Sergei Stanishev. Figures are available.

5 July: In the Mexico legislative election, the opposition Institutional Revolutionary Party has made major gains, at the expense both of President Felipe Calderon's National Action Party and of the leftist Party of the Democratic Revolution. Figures are available.

Elections in June 2009

28 June: In the Albania legislative election, the Democratic Party of Prime Minister Sali Berisha and its allies have won 70 seats, one short of a majority, but ahead of the Socialist Party of Edi Rama and its allies, who have 66. After the election a minor party, the Socialist Movement for Integration, which won four seats, announced that it would support a Democratic Party government, thus averting a political crisis. District-level figures and maps are available.

28 June: In the Argentina legislative election, the Front for Victory of President Cristina Fern�ndez de Kirchner has lost its majority in both houses of the Argentine Congress, although it remains the largest single party. State-level figures are available.

28 June: In the Guinea-Bissau presidential election, Malam Bacai Sanha of the ruling PAIGC leads in the first round. A second round will be held on 26 July. Figures are available.

12 June: In the Iran presidential election, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has been re-elected with 62% of the vote, defeating the reformist candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi, according to official figures. The legitimacy of this result has been widely disputed inside and outside Iran. The official figures are available.

7 June: In the Lebanon legislative election, the March 14 Alliance of parties supporting Sa'ad al-Hariri and Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has been returned with its majority unchanged, defdeating an anti-Western alliance led by Hizbollah. Constituency-level figures are available.

4 June: In the European Union legislative election, the centre-right European People's Party has emerged at the largest party, gaining seats from the Party of European Socialists. Figures from all member states are available.

6 June: In the Luxembourg legislative election, the conservative Christian Social People's Party government of Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker has been re-elected with an increased majority. Figures are available.

Elections in May 2009

24 May: In the Mongolia presidential election, Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj of the opposition Democratic Party has defeated the incumbent President, Nambariin Enkhbayar of the Mongol People's Revolutionary Party. Figures are available.

19 May: In the Malawi presidential election, the incumbent president Bingu wa Mutharika has been re-elected with 66% of the vote. Figures are available. No figures are available yet for the parliamentary election held on the same day.

17 May: In the Lithuania presidential election, the independent candidate Dalia Grybauskaite has been elected in the first round with a remarkable 69% of the vote. She will be Lithuania's first female head of state. Figures are available.

16 May: In the Kuwait legislative election, four women have been elected to the National Assembly, for the first time in the country's history. Apparently liberal candidates generally have done well, but I have seen no figures giving party identities. Names and vote totals of elected candidates are available.

16 April to 13 May: In the India legislative election, the Indian National Congress led by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh won an increased number of seats, and will be able to form a new government with the support of various allies. Both the conservative BJP opposition and the parties of the Left Front suffered losses. National, state and constituency level figures are available.

9 May: In the Maldives legislative election, the first multi-party legislative election ever held in the country, the Maldives Democratic Party of President Mohamed Nasheed and the Maldivian Peoples Party have won approximately equal numbers of seats, with the balance held by independents. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

3 May: In the Panama presidential election, Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal of the conservative Democratic Change coalition has been elected with 60% of the vote. In the legislative election held on the same day, Martinelli's supporters have won a majority in the National Assembly. District-level figures are available.

Elections in April 2009

26 April: In the Ecuador presidential election, left-wing incumbent President Rafael Correa Delgado has been re-elected with 52% of the vote. Province-level figures are available.

26 April: In the Andorra legislative election, the Social Democrats led by Jaume Bartumeu Cassany have defeated the incumbent Liberals. Parish-level figures are available.

25 April: In the Iceland legislative election, the left-wing coalition of the social democratic Alliance and the Left-Green Movement, led by Johanna Sigurdardottir has defeated the incumbent conservatives. Constituency-level figures and a constituency map are available.

22 April: In the South Africa legislative election, the ruling African National Congress has won a large majority in the National Assembly, ensuring that Jacob Zuma will be elected President. The ANC has failed, however, to retain its two-thirds majority in the Assembly. Figures are available.

19 April: In the Haiti Senate election, very few voters have taken part following the barring of candidates of the Lavalas Party of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. No figures are available.

9 April: In the Algeria presidential election, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of the ruling Front for National Liberation has been elected for a third term with 90% of the vote against only token opposition. Figures are available.

9 April: In the Indonesia legislative election, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's Democrat Party and Vice-President Jusuf Kalla's Golkar party have polled about 35% of the vote between them, but but have not won a majority of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

5 April: In the second round of the Macedonia presidential election, Gjorgje Ivanov of the conservative party VMRO?DPMNE has defeated the Social Democrat Ljubomir Frckoski with 63% of the vote. Figures are available.

5 April: In the Moldova legislative election, the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova, led by Prime Minister Zinaida Greceanii, has won an increased majority in the national Parliament. Figures are available. (These elections have since been annulled. See July 2009.)

4 April: In the second round of the Slovakia presidential election, incumbent Social Democratic president Ivan Gasparovic has defeated Iveta Radicova of the Slovak Democratic and Christian Union, with 55% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in March 2009

29 March: In the Montenegro legislative election, the governing European Montenegro party of Prime Minister Milo Dukanovic has been returned with an increased majority. Figures are available.

21 March: In Australia, in the Queensland state election, the Australian Labor Party government of Premier Anna Bligh has been re-elected with a reduced majority. Bligh is the first woman to be elected premier of an Australian state. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

15 March: In the El Salvador presidential election, Mauricio Funes of the left-wing FMLN has defeated Rodrigo �vila of the ruling right-wing ARENA: the first time the left has won an election in El Salvador since the restoration of democracy in 1980.

12 March: In the Antigua and Barbuda legislative election, the governing United Progressive Party of Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer has been returned to office with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures and a map are available. I have also added constituency-level results for the 2004 election.

Elections in February 2009

10 February: In the Israel legislative election, the governing centrist Kadima party led by Tzipi Livni has won the largest number of seats in the Knesset, closely followed by the right-wing Likud party of Binyamin Netanyahu. Overall, rightist parties have a majority of seats, but the formation of a new government will depend on negotiations among the parties. Figures are available.

8 February: In the Liechtenstein legislative election, the governing coalition of the Progressive Citizens' Party (FBP) and the Fatherland Union (VU) has won all but one of the 25 seats in the Landtag, but the VU has displaced the FBP as the leading party. The new Prime Minister will be the VU's Klaus Tsch�tscher. Figures are available.

Elections in January 2009

18 January: In the El Salvador legislative election, the governing ARENA party has lost seats in the National Assembly, although the opposition Farabundo Mart� National Liberation Front has not gained a majority. Department-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in December 2008

28 December: In the second round of the Ghana presidential election, John Atta-Mills of the opposition National Democratic Congress has defeated Nana A D Akufo-Addo of the governing New Patriotic Party. Figures are available.

18 December: In the Bangladesh legislative election, the first for seven years, the Awami League of Sheikh Hasina Wazed and its allies have won an overwhelming victory, defeating the Bangladesh Nationalist Party of Khaleda Zia. National, regional and constituency-level figures are available.

14 December: In the Turkmenistan legislative election, members of the ruling Democratic Party of Turkmenistan and other supporters of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedov have won all 125 seats in the Turkmenistan Mejlis. Human Rights Watch commented: "The conditions are not in place to hold a free and fair election that would be a meaningful reflection of the will of the people." No figures are available.

7 December: In the Ghana legislative election, the opposition National Democratic Congress has gained a one-seat majority, defeating the governing New Patriotic Party. National, regional and constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in November 2008

30 November: In the Romanian legislative election, the Democratic-Liberal Party and an alliance led by the Social Democratic Party have won an almost equal number of seats, with minor parties having the balance of power. County-level figures are available.

16 November: In the Guinea-Bissau legislative election, the ruling African Independence Party of Guinea and Cape Verde has won a comfortable majority in the National People's Assembly. Figures are available.

7 November: In the New Zealand legislative election, the National party led by John Key has defeated the Labour Party government of Prime Minister Helen Clark. Constituency-level figures are available.

4 November: In the Palau presidential election, Johnson Toribiong has defeated Elias Chin in a non-partisan contest. Figures are available. Figures for the legislative elections held on the same day are also available.

4 November: In the United States of America presidential election, the Democratic Party candidate, Senator Barack H Obama of Illinois, has defeated the Republican Party candidate, Senator John S McCain of Arizona, with 52.4% of the popular vote and 365 Electoral College votes. State-level figures and a map are available.

4 November: In the United States of America legislative election, the Democratic Party has won increased majorities in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Full Senate and House of Representatives figures are available.

Elections in October 2008

30 October: In the Zambia presidential election, Rupiah Banda of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy has been elected with 40% of the vote, defeating three other candidates. Figures are available.

29 October: In the second round of the Maldives presidential election, the country's first free presidential election, President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, who has been in power for 30 years, has been defeated by Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives Democratic Party. Figures are available.

24 October: In the Czech Republic Senate election, the opposition Social Democrats and Communists have won 24 of the 27 seats up for election, weakening the coalition government of Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek. Figures and maps are available.

24 October: In the Lithuanian legislative election, held in two rounds on 12 and 24 October, the governing Social Democrats appear to have been defeated by a coalition of conservative parties. Figures are available.

18 October: In Australia, in the Australian Capital Territory legislative election, the Australian Labor Party led by Jon Stanhope has lost its majority in the Legislative Assembly and will be dependent on the Greens to form a new government. Figures are available.

15 October: In the Azerbaijan presidential election, President Ilham Aliyev has been re-elected with 88% of the vote. International observers have described the election as not free and fair. Figures are available.

14 October: In the Canadian legislative election, the governing Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has improved its position in the House of Commons, but failed to win an overall majority. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

8 October: In the first round of the Maldives presidential election, the country's first free presidential election, President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom leads with 40% of the vote over Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives Democratic Party. Figures are available.

8 October: In the Slovenian legislative election, the governing Slovenian Democratic Party of Prime Minister Janez Jansa hasd been defeated by a coalition led by the Social Democrat leader Borut Pahor. Figures are available.

Elections in September 2008

28 September: In the Austrian legislative election, the governing coalition of the Social Democrats and the People's Party has been re-elected, but has suffered heavy losses to the Freedom Party and the Alliance for the Future of Austria. Figures are available.

15 September: In the Rwanda legislative election, the ruling Rwanda Patriotic Front has won a large majority of votes and seats. Figures are available.

7 September: In the Hong Kong SAR legislative election, pro- and anti-Beijing parties have won approximately equal numbers of votes and seats. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

6 September: In Australia, in the Western Australia state election, the Liberal Party led by Colin Barnett has defeated the Australian Labor Party government of Premier Alan Carpenter, ending Labor's six-year monopoly of Australia's state and territory governments. Figures and a map are available.

5 September: In the Angola legislative election, the first for 16 years, the ruling Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola has won a large majority of votes and seats. Figures and a map are available.

2 September: In the Vanuatu legislative election, the Vanaaku Party has won the largest number of seats, but will need several coalition partners to form a government. Figures are available.

Elections in August 2008

10 August: In Australia, in the Northern Territory election, the Australian Labor Party government of Chief Minister Paul Henderson has been returned with a reduced majority. Figures are available.

Elections in July 2008

27 July: In the Cambodia legislative election, the governing Cambodian People's Party of Prime Minister Hun Sen has been re-elected with an increased majority. Figures are available.

8 July: In the Grenada legislative election, the governing New National Party of Prime Minister Keith Mitchell has been defeated by the National Democratic Congress led by Tillman Thomas. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in June 2008

29 June: In the Mongolia legislative election, the governing Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party has retained its majority in the legislature, the Great People's Khural. No figures are yet available.

28 June: In the Iceland presidential election, the incumbent president, �lafur Ragnar Gr�msson, has been re-elected unopposed.

27 June: in the second round of the Zimbabwe presidential elections, opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai has withdrawn, leaving President Robert Mugabe to be elected unopposed, but lacking any electoral legitimacy.

1 June: In the Macedonia legislative election, the conservative- nationalist coalition led by Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski has been re-elected with an increased majority. Figures are available.

Elections in May 2008

21 May: In the Georgia legislative election, the United National Movement of President Mikheil Saakashvili has retained control of the legislature with a reduced but still large majority. Figures are available.

16 May: In the Dominican Republic presidential election, the incumbent President Leonel Antonio Fern�ndez Reyna of the Dominican Liberation Party has been re-elected with 53% of the vote. Figures are available.

11 May: In the Serbia legislative election, the pro-Western and pro-reform parties, led by Boris Tadic's party For European Serbia, have won an increased majority over the anti-Western parties. Figures are available.

Elections in April 2008

26 April: In the Nauru legislative election, a new legislature has been elected on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

24 April: In the Tonga legislative election, candidates favouring a fully democratic system have again won a majority of elected seats in the legislature, but will still be outnumbered by members representing the aristocracy or appointed by the king. Figures are available.

20 April: in the Paraguay presidential election, the leftist candidate Fernando Lugo has defeated the conservative Blanca Ovelar, ending 60 years of conservative rule. Figures are available. In the legislative election on the same day parties supportive of President-elect Lugo have won majorities in both houses of the Congress.

13 and 14 April: in the Italian legislative election, the conservative People of Liberty party of Silvio Berlusconi will be able to form a government with the support of the regionalist Northern League, defeating the new centre-left Democratic Party led by Walter Veltroni. For the first time since World War II, there will be no communists in the Italian parliament. Figures are available.

10 April: in the Nepal constituent assembly election, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) has won the most seats. District and constituency-level figures are available.

9 April: in the Republic of Korea legislative election, the conservative Grand National Party of President Lee Myung-bak has won a narrow overall majority, and is likely to have the support of several minor parties. Unofficial figures are available.

6 April: in the Montenegro presidential election, the incumbent president, Filip Vujanovic of the Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro, has been re-elected with 51% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in March 2008

29 March: in the Zimbabwe legislative elections, President Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF has lost its majority of elected members in the national legislature, to a combination of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and minor parties. Figures are available.

22 March: in the Bhutan legislative election, the country's first ever election, the Bhutan Peace and Prosperity Party has won a large majority of votes and seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

22 March: in the Taiwan presidential election, Ma Ying-jeou of the conservative Nationalist Party has defeated Hsieh Chang-ting of the Democratic Progressive Party. Figures are available.

14 March: in the Iranian legislative election, supporters of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are reported to have won a large majority. The elections are generally regarded as rigged, with no parties allowed and most anti-government candidates being barred. No figures have been published.

9 March: in the Spanish legislative election, the Socialist government of Prime Minister Jos?Luis Rodr�guez Zapatero has been returned to office with its majority intact. Circumscription-level figures are available.

8 March: in the Malaysia legislative election, the governing National Front of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi been returned to office with a sharply reduced majority, its worst result since 1969. National, state and constituency-level figures are available.

8 March: in the Malta legislative election, the Maltese Labour Party has won the election in terms of seats gained. But because the Maltese constitution stipulates that the party gaining a plurality of votes must win a majority of seats, and because the Nationalists polled about 1,500 more votes than Labour (though not a majority), extra seats will be allocated to the Nationalists to give them an artificial majority. Figures are available.

2 March: in the Russian presidential election, Dmitrii Medvedev, the candidate backed by outgoing President Vladimir Putin, has been elected with 70% of the vote. The elections were generally regarded as fraudulent. Since it is this archive's view that Russia is no longer a democracy, only a national summary is provided.

Elections in February 2008

24 February: in the second round of the Cyprus presidential election, the communist Dimitris Christofias has defeated the conservative Ioannis Kasoulidis, becoming the first communist ever to win a free national election in an EU country. Figures are available.

21 Febuary: in the Barbados legislative election, the Democratic Labour Party led by David Thompson has defeated the Barbados Labor Party government of Arthur Owen. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

19 February: in the Armenian presidential election, Prime Minister Serzh Sargsyan of the Republican Party has defeated former president Levon Ter-Petrossian. Figures are available.

18 February: in the Pakistan legislative election, the PML(Q) party of President Pervez Musharraf has been heavily defeated. The Pakistan People's Party is the largest party, and will be able to form a coalition government. National, provincial and constituency-level figures, plus constituency maps, are available.

7 February: in the Belize legislative election, the opposition United Democratic Party led by Dean Barrow has defeated the governing People's United Party led by Said Musa. Constituency-level figures are available.

3 February: in the Monaco legislative election, the governing Union for Monaco has won most of the seats. Figures are available.

3 February: in the second round of the Serbian presidential election, the incumbent president, Boris Tadic of the Democratic Party, has narrowly defeated Tomislav Nikolic of the Radical Party. Figures are available.

Elections in January 2008

15 January: in the Barbados legislative election, the opposition Democratic Labour Party of David Thompson has defeated the Barbados Labour Party government led by Owen Arthur. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

12 January: in the Republic of China (Taiwan) legislative election, the opposition Nationalist Party (KMT) has had a landslide victory over the Democratic Progressive Party of President Chen Shui-bian. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

5 January: in the Georgia presidential election, incumbent President Mikheil Saakashvili has a small overall lead with counting incomplete. Updated figures are available.

Elections in December 2007

27 December: in the Kenya presidential election, incumbent President Mwai Kibaki is claiming a narrow victory over the opposition candidate, Raila Odinga. The result is the result of massive vote-rigging and is being hotly disputed. What appear to be official figures are available.

27 December: in the Kenya legislative election, the Orange Democratic Movement of opposition leader Raila Odinga has won the largest number of seats, but not an overall majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

23 December: in the Thailand legislative election, the People's Power Party of Samak Sundaravej has won the largest number of seats but has not won a majority. Figures and maps are available.

23 December: in the Uzbekistan legislative election, President Islam Karimov has been re-elected with 90% of the vote, in elections not regarded as free or fair. National figures are available.

19 December: in the Republic of Korea presidential election, Lee Myung-bak of the conservative Grand National Party has been elected with 48% of vote, defeating Chung Dong-young of the United New Democratic Party with 26%. Province-level figures and maps are available.

2 December: in the Russian legislative election, United Russia, the party backed by President Vladimir Putin, has won a large majority of votes and seats. The elections were generally regarded as fraudulent. Since it is this archive's view that Russia is no longer a democracy, only a national summary is provided.

Elections in November 2007

24 November: in the Australian legislative election the Australian Labor Party led by Kevin Rudd has defeated the Coalition government of Prime Minister John Howard. Preliminary figures are available. My comprehensive pre-election guide remains available here.

20 November: in the Jordanian legislative election, most elected candidates as always are nominal independents and supporters of the government. District-level figures are available.

19 November: in the Marshall Islands legislative election, voters have elected a new legislature on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

17 November: in the Croatian legislative election, the Croatian Democratic Community (HDZ) of Prime Minister Ivo Sanader has been re-elected, although the opposition Social Democrats have made the biggest gains. District-level figures are available.

17 November: in the Kosovo legislative election, the Albanian-nationalist Democratic Party of Kosovo led by Hashim Thaci has won the largest number of seats. Figures are available.

13 November: in the Danish legislative election, the liberal-conservative coalition government of Anders Fogh Rasmussen has been returned with a reduced majority. District-level figures are available.

11 November: in the second round of the Slovenian presidential election, Dr Danilo T�rk, the candidate supported by the Slovenian Social Democratic Party, has been elected. Figures are available.

5 November: in the Trinidad and Tobago legislative election, the People's National Movement of Prime Minister Patrick Manning has been returned with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

4 November: in the second round of the Guatemala presidential election, Alvaro Colom Caballeros of the National Unity of Hope has defeated Otto Fernando Perez Molina of the Patriotic Party. Figures are available.

Elections in October 2007

28 October: in the Argentinian presidential election, the Peronist candidate Cristina Fern�ndez de Kirchner, wife of the outgoing president, has been elected on the first round. Figures are available. Figures are also available for the Chamber of Deputies and Senate elections held on the same day.

21 October: in the Polish legislative election, the liberal Citizens' Platform party led by Donald Tusk has defeated Jaroslaw Kaczynski's conservative government. District-level figures are available.

21 October: in the Swiss legislative election, the right-wing Swiss People's Party has strengthened its position within the four-party governing coalition. Canton-level figures are available.

14 October: in the Togo legislative election, President Faure Gnassingb?s Rally for the Togolese People has won a majority. Prefecture-level figures are available.

Elections in September 2007

30 September: in the Ecuador Constituent Assembly election, supporters of President Rafael Correa Delgado have won a large majority. Figures are available.

30 September: in the Ukrainian legislative election, supporters of President Viktor Yushchenko and former Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko have won a majority. Regional-level figures are available.

16 September: in the Greek legislative election the New Democracy government of Costas Karamanlis has been re-elected with a reduced majority. District-level figures and maps are available.

9 September: in the Guatemala legislative election, the social-democratic National Unity of Hope (UNE) has won the largest number of seats. Figures are available.

8 September: in the second round of the Sierra Leone presidential election, Ernest Bai Koroma of the All People's Congress has been elected with 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

7 September: in the Moroccan legislative election, the Independence Party of Abbas El Fassi has energed as the largest party. Circumscription-level figures are available.

3 September: in the Jamaica legislative election, the Jamaica Labour Party of Bruce Golding has defeated the incumbent People's National party government, which had been in power for 18 years. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in August 2007

18 August: In the Kazakhstan legislative election, president Nursultan Nazarbayev's "Light of the Fatherland" party has won all the seats, in elections not regarded as free or fair. Figures are available.

11 August: in the Sierra Leone legislative election, the All People's Congress has won the largest number of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in July 2007

30 June to 10 July: Counting in the Papua New Guinea legislative election is still not concluded, but I have given up waiting and have posted the constituency figures as they stand.

29 July: In the Japanese upper house legislative election, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has suffered heavy losses to the opposition Democratic Party. Prefecture-level figures are available.

22 July: In the Turkish legislative election, the ruling Justice and Development Party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been re-elected with a greatly increased vote and comfortable majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in June 2007

30 June: In the East Timor legislative election, FRETILIN and CNRT have emerged as the largest parties, but neither has won a majority of seats. Figures are available.

24 June: The Togo legislative election scheduled for this date has been postponed indefinitely.

17 June: In the second round of the French legislative election, supporters of President Nicholas Sarkozy have won a comfortable majority in the National Assembly, but the Socialist opposition has polled better than was expected after the first round. Constituency-level figures and maps are now available.

10 June: In the Belgian legislative election, the liberal-socialist government of Guy Verhofstadt has resigned after losing ground to the opposition Christian Democrats. Constituency-level figures are available.

3 June: In the Senegal legislative election, the party of President Abdoulaye Wade has won almost all the seats after the opposition parties boycotted the election. Figures are available.

Elections in May 2007

24 May: In the Irish legislative election, the Fianna Fail-led government of Prime Minister Bertie Ahern has been returned, although the Opposition Fine Gael party made the biggest gains. Constituency-level figures are available.

17 May: In the Algerian legislative election, the ruling National Liberation Front has lost its overall majority in the National Assembly but remains the largest party. As in 2002, the election was marked by very low turnout. Figures are available.

14 May: In the Philippines legislative election, parties opposed to President Gloria Arroyo have won nine out of twelve Senate seats contested. Figures are available. As usual, no figures are available for the House of Representatives elections.

12 May: In the Armenian legislative election, the ruling Republican Party of Armenia and its allies have been returned with an increased majority, in elections generally held to be fair. Figures are available.

12 May: In the Iceland legislative election, the coalition government of Prime Minister Geir Haarde has been returned with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

10 May: In the Seychelles legislative election, the ruling Seychelles People Progressive Front has been returned with an unchanged majority. Figures are available.

8 May: In the second round of the East Timor presidential election, Jose Ramos Horta, the current Prime Minister, has defeated Francisco Guterres of FRETILIN with 69% of the vote. Figures are available.

6 May: In the Burkina Faso legislative election, the ruling Congress for Democracy and Progress has retained control of the National Assembly. Figures are available.

6 May: In the second round of the French presidential election, Nicholas Sarkozy of the Union for a Popular Movement has won with 53% of the vote, defeating the Socialist Party's S�gol�ne Royal. Department-level figures and maps are now available.

4 May: In the Bahamas legislative election, the Free National Movement of Hubert Ingraham has defeated the incumbent Progressive Liberal Party government. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in April 2007

29 April: In the Mali presidential election, President Amadou Toumani Tour?has been re-elected with 71% of the vote. Figures are available.

21 April: In the Nigerian presidential election, Umaru Musa Yar'Adua of the ruling People's Democratic Party has been elected with 69% of the vote. Figures are available. Full constituency-level figures are also available for the leglsative elections held on the same day.

Elections in March 2007

25 March: In the second round of the Mauritania presidential election, Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi has been elected with 53% of the vote. Figures are available.

24 March: In Australia, in the New South Wales state election, the Australian Labor Party government of Premier Morris Iemma has been returned with a slightly reduced majority. Figures are available.

18 March: In the Finnish legislative election, the conservative National Rally party and the Greens have made gains at the expense of the Centre Party and the Social Democrats. The National Rally and the Centre Party are expected to form a new centre-right government. District-level figures and maps are available.

4 March: In the Estonian legislative election, the free market Reform Party of Prime Minister Andrus Ansip made major gains, and will form a new three-party coalition government. Figures are available.

Elections in February 2007

25 February: In the Senegal presidential election, President Abdoulaye Wade has been re-elected with 56% of the vote. Figures are available.

17 February: In the Lesotho legislative election, the Lesotho Congress for Democracy has won a majority of votes and seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

11 February: In the Turkmenistan presidential election, Acting President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov has been elected President with 89% of the vote. Only members of the ruling party were allowed to stand. OSCE observers described the election as "absolutely not free and fair." Figures are available.

Elections in January 2007

25 January: In the Gambia legislative election, President Yahya Jammeh's Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction has won a large majority. Figures are available.

21 January: In the Serbia legislative election, The four pro-Western and pro-reform parties, led by Boris Tadic's Democratic Party, have won a clear majority over the anti-Western Radicals and Socialists. Figures are available.

Elections in December 2006

11 December: In the St Lucia legislative election, The conservative United Workers Party led by Sir John Compton (who was first PM of St Lucia in 1964) has defeated the incumbent St Lucia Labour Party government. Figures are available.

3 December: In the Madagascar presidential election, President Marc Ravalomanana has been re-elected with 55% of the vote. Figures are available.

3 December: In the Venezuelan presidential election, the left-wing President Hugo Chavez Friaz has been re-elected with 62% of the vote, defeating the opposition candidate Manuel Antonio Rosales Guerrero. Figures are available.

Elections in November 2006

26 November: In the second round of the Ecuadorian presidential election, the left-wing candidate Rafael Correa has defeated the liberal candidate Alvaro Noboa, polling 56.7% of the vote. Updated figures are available. Updated figures for the 15 October legislative election are also available.

25 November: In Australia, in the Victorian state election, the Australian Labor Party government of Steve Bracks has been re-elected with a slightly reduced majority. Figures are available.

22 November: In the Netherlands legislative election, the conservative Christian Democrats of Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende have retained their position as the largest party, but will face difficult negotiations to form a majority coalition government. Figures are available.

7 November: In the United States legislative election, the opposition Democratic Party has gained control of both houses of the Congress from the Republican Party of President George W. Bush. Final figures for the Senate and House, plus updated maps of House districts, are now available.

5 November: In the Nicaragua presidential election, former President Daniel Ortega of the Sandinist National Liberation Front has returned to office after polling 38% of the vote in a five-candidate race. Figures are available.

Elections in October 2006

29 October: In the second round of the Brazilian presidential election, incumbent President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has been re-elected with 60% of the vote. Figures are available.

29 October: In the second round of the Bulgarian presidential election, the incumbent Socialist candidate Georgy Parvanov has been re-elected with 76% of the vote. Figures are available.

29 October: In the second round of the Democratic Republic of Congo presidential election, President Joseph Kabila has been re-elected with 58% the vote, defeating Vice-President Jean Pierre Bemba with 42%. Figures are available.

7 October: In the Latvian legislative election, the governing coalition of Prime Minister Aigars Kalvitis has returned to office. Figures are available.

1 October: In the Austrian legislative election, the incumbent Austrian People's Party government of Chancellor Wolfgang Sch�ssel his lost its majority, but the opposition Social Democrats led by Alfred Gusenbauer also lack a majority. A "grand coalition" between the two parties is a possible outcome. State-level figures are available.

1 October: In the Bosnia and Herzegovia presidential election, the three ethnic communities, Bosniaks, Croatians and Serbs, have elected members of the collective presidency. Social Democrats have won two of the three positions. Figures are available.

1 October: In the Brazilian legislative election, parties opposed to President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva have won a majority of seats in the Senate and improved their position in the Chamber of Deputies. State-level figures are available.

Elections in September 2006

28 September: In the Zambian presidential election, President Levy P Mwanawasa of the Movement for Multi-party Democracy has been re-elected with 43% of the vote over Michael C Sata of the Patriotic Front and Hakainde Hichilema of the United Democratic Alliance. Figures are available.

24 September: In the Gambia presidential election, President Yahyah Jammeh has been re-elected with 67% of the vote. Figures are available.

23 September: In the Yemen presidential election, President Ali 'Abdullah Salih has been re-elected with 77% of the vote. Figures are available.

17 September: In the Swedish legislative election, the centre-right coalition led by Fredrik Reinfeldt of the Moderate Party has won a majority over the Social Democrats. District-level figures and maps are available.

10 September: In the Montenegro legislative election, the country's first since becoming independent, the Coalition for European Montenegro of Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic has won a majority. Figures are available.

9 September: In Australia, in the Queensland state election, the Australian Labor Party government of Peter Beattie has been re-elected with a slightly reduced majority. Preliminary constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in August 2006

28 August: In the Guyana legislative election, the ruling People's Progressive Party has been re-elected with an increased majority and 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

3 August: In the Tuvalu legislative election, a new legislature has been elected on a non-party basis. Figures are available.

Elections in July 2006

30 July: In the Democratic Republic of Congo presidential election, the first free election in the country since 1960, President Joseph Kabila has polled 44.8% of the vote, while his nearest rival, Vice-President Jean Pierre Bemba, has polled 20%. A run off will be held in October. Figures are available. Figures are also available for the legislative election held on the same day.

30 July: In the Sao Tome and Principe presidential election, President Fradique De Menzes of the Independent Democratic Action party has been re-elected with 60% of the vote. Figures are available.

28 July: In the Seychelles presidential election, President James Michel of the Progressive Front of the Seychelles People has been re-elected with 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

5 July: In the Macedonia legislative election, the conservative nationalist VMRO-DPMNE coalition of Nikola Gruevski has defeated the incumbent Social Democratic government. District-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in June 2006

2 July: In the Mexican presidential election, the conservative Felipe de Jesus Calderon Hinojosa of the National Action Party has narrowly defeated the leftist Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador of the Party of the Democratic Revolution. Final figures are available. Figures for the Senate and Chamber of Deputies elections held on the same day are also available.

17 June: In the Slovakia legislative election, the centre-left Direction party of Robert Fico has emerged as the largest party. Figures are available.

5 June: In the second round of the Peruvian presidential election, former President Alan Garc�a P�rez has defeated Ollanta Humala Tasso with 54% of the vote. Figures are available. District-level figures for the legislative elections held on the same day are also available.

4 June: In the San Marino legislative election, the Christian Democrats have won the largest number of seats. Figures are available.

2 and 3 June: In the Czech Republic legislative election, the conservative Civic Democratic Union and its allies have won exactly half the seats, while the ruling Social Democrats and the Communists have retained the other half, creating a deadlock. Figures are available.

Elections in May 2006

28 May: In the Colombia presidential election, Conservative President Alvaro Uribe has been elected to a second term with 62% of the vote. Figures are available.

21 May: In the Cyprus legislative election, supporters of President Tassos Papadopoulos have won a majority in the legislature. Figures are available.

16 May: In the second round of the Comoros presidential election, Ahmed Abdallah Sambi has been elected with 58% of the vote. Figures are available.

16 May: In the Dominican Republic legislative election, the Party of Dominican Liberation of President Leonel Fern�ndez Reyna has won majorities in both chambers. Figures are available.

6 May: In the Fiji Islands legislative election, the governing Fiji United Party, which represents ethnic Fijians, has been returned with a narrow majority over the Fiji Labor Party, which is dominated by ethnic Indians. Figures are available.

6 May: In the Singapore legislative election, the governing People's Action Party has been re-elected with its majority intact but some decline in its level of support. Figures are available.

3 May: In the Chad presidential election, President Idriss Deby has been re-elected with 64% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in April 2006

23 April: In the second round of the Hungarian legislative election, the governing Hungarian Socialist Party and its allies have defeated the opposition Alliance of Free Democrats. Figures are available.

9 April: In the Italian legislative election, the centre-left Olive Tree coalition has won a very narrow victory over the incumbent rightist House of Freedom coaliion of Silvio Berlusconi. Figures and maps are available.

5 April: In the Solomon Islands legislative election, the Prime Minister, Sir Allen Kemakeza, has resigned following the loss of many seats. Figures are available.

2 April: Following the Thailand legislative election, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has resigned, despite the fact that his Thais Love Thais party won 61% of valid votes and an overwhelming majority of seats, following a boycott by the opposition parties. Preliminary figures are available.

Elections in March 2006

31 March: In the Samoa legislative election, the governing Human Rights Protection Party has won an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

28 March: In the Israel legislative election, Acting Prime Minister's Ehud Olmert's Kadima Party has won enough seats to be able to form a centre-left coalition government with Labour and other parties. Figures are available.

26 March: In the Ukraine legislative election, supporters of opposition leaders Viktor Yanukovitch and Julia Timoshenko have made major gains, mainly at the expense of the Communists but also at the expense of supporters of President Viktor Yushchenko. Figures are available.

26 March: In the S�o Tom?and Pr�ncipe legislative election, the Democratic Movement of the Forces for Change has won a majority of seats. Figures are available.

19 March: In the Belarus presidential election, President Aleksandr Lukashenko has been re-elected with an officially reported 87% of the vote. Figures are available.

19 March: In the second round of the Benin presidential election, independent candidate Boni Yayi has been elected with 74% of the vote. Figures are available.

12 March: In the South Australian and Tasmanian state elections, Australian Labor Party governments have been easily re-elected. Preliminary figures are available.

12 March: In the Colombia legislative election, supporters of President �lvaro Uribe have retained control of both houses of the Congress. Figures are available.

12 March: In the El Salvador legislative election, the conservative ARENA party and its allies have retained control of the Legislative Assembly. Figures are available.

Elections in February 2006

23 February: In the Uganda presidential election, President Yoweri Museveni of the National Resistance Movement has been re-elected with 59% of the vote. Figures are available.

12 February: In the Cape Verde presidential election, President Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires of the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde has been re-elected with 51% of the vote. Figures are available.

6 February: In the Haiti presidential election, Rene Preval of the radical Lespwa (Hope) coalition has been declared the winner with 51% of the vote. Final figures are available. Figures are also available for the Senate election held on the same day.

5 February: In the Costa Rica presidential election, Oscar Arias Sanchez of the National Liberation party holds a narrow lead over Otton Solis Fallas of the Citizen Action party. Figures are available. Figures from the legislative elections held on the same day are also available.

Elections in January 2006

29 January: In the second round of the Finnish presidential election, incumbent Social Democratic President Tarja Halonen has defeated Sauli Niinisto of the National Rally with 51% of the vote. Figures are available.

25 January: In the Palestinian Territories legislative election, the Islamist party Change and Reform (Hamas) has defeated the incumbent Fatah Movement government. Figures are available.

23 January: In the Canadian legislative election, the Conservative Party led by Stephen Harper will form a minority government following the defeat of Paul Martin's Liberal government. Figures are available.

22 January: In the Cape Verde legislative election, the governing African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde has been re-elected with an increased majority. Figures are available.

22 January: In the Portuguese presidential election, Anibal Cavaco Silva of the conservative Social Democratic Party has defeated former President Mario Soares. Figures are available.

18 January: In the second round of the Chilean presidential election, Michelle Bachelet of the centre-left Democratic Coalition has defeated Sebasti�n Pi�era of the conservative National Renewal. Figures are available.

Elections in December 2005

18 December: In the Bolivian presidential election, Evo Morales of the left-wing Movement for Socialism has been elected with 54% of the votes. Figures are available.

18 December: In the Bolivian legislative election, the left-wing Movement for Socialism has won the largest number of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

15 December: In the Iraqi legislative election, the Shia-led Unified Iraqi Coalition has fallen just short of winning a majority of seats. Governorate-level figures are available.

14 December: In the Tanzanian presidential election, Jakaya Kikwete of the ruling Revolutionary State Party has been elected with 80% of the vote. Figures are available. The ruling party has also won almost all the seats in the National Assembly.

11 December: In the Chilean legislative election, the ruling Democratic Concertation of centre-left parties has retained control of both houses of the Congress. District-level figures are available.

7 December: In the St Vincent and the Grenadines legislative election, the governing United Labour Party has been comfortably re-elected. Constituency-level figures are available.

4 December: In the Kazakhstan presidential election, president Nursultan Nazarbayev has been re-elected with 91% of the vote, in elections not regarded as free or fair. Figures are available.

4 December: In the Venezuelan legislative election, parties supporting President Hugo Chavez have won all the seats as a result of an opposition boycott. District-level figures are available.

Elections in November 2005

27 November: In the Gabon presidential election, El Hadj Omar Bongo Ondimba has been re-elected with 79% of the vote. Figures are available.

27 November: In the Honduras presidential election, Jose Manuel Zelaya Rosales of the Liberal Party of Honduras has been elected with just under 50% of the vote. Figures are available.

26 November: In the Zimbabwe Senate election, the ruling ZANU-PF has won most of the seats, since the election was boycotted by the opposition. Constituency-level figures are available.

17 November: In the Sri Lanka presidential election, Mahinda Rajapaksa of the left-wing United Peoples Freedom Alliance has been elected with 50% of the vote. Figures are available.

13 November: In the Burkina Faso presidential election, president Blaise Compaore has been re-elected with 80% of the vote. Figures are available.

9 November: In the second round of the Liberian presidential election, Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf of the Unity Party has been elected with 59% of the vote. She is the first woman to be elected president of an African country. Figures are available. Constituency-level figures are also available for the legislative election held on the same day.

Elections in October 2005

23 October: In the Argentine legislative election, the Peronist Front for Victory has won the most seats in both chambers of the Congress. Figures are available.

23 October: In the second round of the Polish presidential election, Lech Kaczynski of the nationalist Law and Justice party has defeated Donald Tusk of the Citizens' Platform with 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in September 2005

25 September: In the Macau legislative election, no party has won more then two seats. Figures are available.

25 September: In the Polish legislative election, the nationalist Law and Justice party and the conservative Citizens' Platform have emerged as the largest parties, heavily defeating the governing Democratic Left Alliance. District-level figures are available.

18 September: In the Afghanistan legislative election, the country has held its first ever democratic legislative election. Province-level figures are available.

18 September: In the German legislative election, The ruling coalition of SPD and Greens have lost their majority in the Bundestag, but the the centre-right coalition of the CDU-CSU and FPD is also short of a majority. The Left has the balance of power. The CDU-CSU and SPD will form a "grand coalition" government. Constituency-level figures are available.

17 September: In the New Zealand legislative election, the governing Labour Party of Prime Minister Helen Clark has been returned with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

12 September: In the Norwegian legislative election, the Labour Party led by Jens Stoltenberg and its allies have defeated the incumbent conservative government. District-level figures are available.

11 September: In the Japanese legislative election, the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party under Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has been returned with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

7 September: In the Egyptian presidential election, the first contested presidential election in Egyptian history, President Hosni Mubarak has been re-elected with 88% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in July 2005

29 July: In the Burundi presidential election, the National Council for the Defence of Democracy has won a majority of seats. Figures are available.

24 July: In the Guinea-Bissau presidential election, Joao Bernardo Vieira has been elected president with 52% of the vote. Figures are available.

3 July: In the Mauritius legislative election, the liberal Social Alliance has defeated the left-wing Militant Socialist Movement. Constituency-level figures are available.

3 July: In the Albanian legislative election, the conservative Democratic Party of Albania of Prime Minister Sali Berisha has defeated the Socialist Party of Albania. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in June 2005

25 June: In the Bulgarian legislative election, the Coalition for Bulgaria, led by the Socialist Party, has defeated the incumbent National Movement for Simeon II. District-level figures are available.

24 June: In the second round of the Iranian presidential election, the radical candidate Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has defeated the establishment candidate Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani with 63% of the vote. Figures are available.

19 June: In the Lebanese legislative election, parties supporting the anti-Syrian reformist Sa?ad Hariri have won a clear majority of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in May 2005

25 May: In the Suriname legislative election, the governing New Front for Democracy has lost its parliamentary majority. District-level figures are available.

22 May: In the Mongolian presidential election, Nambariin Enkhbayar of the Mongol People's Revolutionary Party has been elected with 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

15 May: In the Ethiopian legislative election, the governing coalition, the Ethiopian People?s Revolutionary Democratic Front, has won a majority, but the opposition Coalition for Unity and Democracy has for the first time won a significant number of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

8 May: In the Central African Republic presidential election, the military ruler Fran�ois Bozize has been elected president with 64% of the vote. Figures are available. No figures are available for the legislative elections held at the same time.

5 May: In the British legislative election, the Labour government of Prime Minister Tony Blair has been re-elected with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

5 May: In the Dominican legislative election, the Dominica Labour Party government of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

Elections in April 2005

24 April: In the Andorra legislative election, the conservative Liberal Party of Andorra has retained its majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

24 April: In the Togolese presidential election, President Faure Gnassingbe has been re-elected wih 60% of the vote. Figures are available.

8 April: In the Djibouti presidential election, President Ismail Omar Guelleh has been re-elected unopposed after opposition parties boycotted the election.

Elections in March 2005

31 March: In the Zimbabwe legislative election, the ZANU-PF party of President Robert Mugabe has increased its majority. Constituency-level figures are available.

17 March: In the Tonga legislative election, the Human Rights and Democracy Movement In Tonga has won a majority of the elected seats in the legislature. Constituency-level figures are available.

13 March: In the Kyrgyz Republic legislative election, the counting of votes has been terminated by the violent overthrow of the government. Some figures are available.

13 March: In the Liechtenstein legislative election, the governing coalition of the Progressive Citizens' Party and the Fatherland Union have won most of the seats. Figures are available.

8 March: In the Micronesia legislative election, partial figures are available.

6 March: In the Moldova legislative election, the Communist Party of the Republic of Moldova has been returned to power with a reduced majority. Figures are available.

Elections in February 2005

20 February: In the Portuguese legislative election, the Socialist Party led by Jose Socrates has defeated the incumbent conservative government of Pedro Santana Lopes. District-level figures are available.

8 February: In the Danish legislative election, the Liberal Party of Denmark led by Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen has won the largest number of seats and will be able to form a government. District-level figures are available.

6 February: In the Thai legislative election, the Thais Love Thais party of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been returned with a greatly increased majority. Figures are available.

Elections in January 2005

31 January: In the Iraqi legislative election, the first free election ever held in the country, the Shia-led United Iraqi Alliance has won a narrow majority of seats. Governorate-level figures are available.

22 January: In the Maldives legislative election, supporters of President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom have won the largest number of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

16 January: In the second round of the Croatian presidential election, President Stipe Mesic has been re-elected with 66% of the vote. Figures are available.

9 January: In the Palestinian Territories presidential election, Mahmoud Abbas of the Fatah party has been elected with 67% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in December 2004

26 December: In the re-run of the second round of the Ukrainian presidential election, the reformist Viktor Yushchenko has defeated the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukhovych with 54% of the vote. Figures are available.

12 December: In the second round of the Romanian presidential election, Traian Basescu of the Justice and Truth Alliance has defeated Adrian Nastase of the Social Democratic Party. Figures are available.

7 December: In the Ghana presidential election, President John Agyekum Kufuor of the New Patriotic Party has been re-elected with 52% of the vote. In legislative elections held on the same day, the NPP has won a comfortable majority of seats. Figures are available.

4 December: In the second round of the Niger presidential election, Mamadou Tandja of the National Movement for Society and Development has defeated Mahamadou Issoufou of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism, with 65% of the vote. Figures are available.

2 December: In the Mozambique presidential election, Armando Guebuza of the long-ruling FRELIMO party has been elected with 65% of the vote. Province-level figures are available. In legislative elections held on the same day, FRELIMO has won an increased majority of seats.

Elections in November 2004

28 November: In the first round of the Romanian presidential election, Adrian Nastase of the Social Democratic Party leads Traian Basescu of the Justice and Truth Alliance. They will contest a second round on 12 December. Figures are available.

28 November: In the Romanian legislative election, the Social Democratic Party and its allies have won the largest number of seats in the Chamber of Deputies, but not a majority. Circumscription-level figures are available.

21 November: In the second round of the Ukrainian presidential election, the the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukhovych leads the reformist Viktor Yushchenko with 51.5% of the vote. Yushchenko has refused to accept the result. Figures are available.

16 November: In the first round of the Niger presidential election, Mamadou Tandja of the National Movement for Society and Development leads Mahamadou Issoufou of the Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism. Figures are available. Figures for the legislative election held on the same day are also available.

2 November: In the United States of America presidential election, Republican President George W Bush has defeated the Democratic candidate, Senator John F Kerry of Massachusetts, with 50.7% of the popular vote and 286 Electoral College votes. State-level figures and a map are available.

2 November: In the United States of America legislative election, the Republican Party has retained control of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Full Senate and House of Representatives figures and maps are available.

Elections in October 2004

31 October: In the Uruguay presidential election, President Tabar� V�zquez Rosas has been re-elected with 52% of the vote. Figures are available.

21 November: In the first round of the Ukrainian presidential election, the the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukhovych and the reformist Viktor Yushchenko have almost equal vote totals, and will contest a runoff on 21 November. Figures are available.

30 October: In the Botswana legislative election, the ruling Botswana Democratic Party has been re-elected with an increased majority. Constituency-level igures are available.

25 October: In the St Kitts and Nevis legislative election, the St Kitts Nevis Labour Party of Prime Minister Dr Denzil Douglas has been re-elected with a reduced majority. Constituency-level figures and a map are available.

24 October: In the Lithuanian legislative election, held in two rounds on 10 and 24 October, the Labour Party and the Working for Lithuania Party have won the largest numbers of seats. Constituency-level figures are available.

24 October: In the Tunisian presidential election, President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali has been re-elected with 94% of the vote. No effective opposition to President Ben Ali's rule is allowed. Figures are available.

24 October: In the Tunisian legislative election, President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's Constitutional Democratic Rally has won a large majority of votes and seats. No effective opposition to President Ben Ali's rule is allowed. Governorate-level figures are available.

23 October: in the Kosovo legislative election, the moderate nationalist Kosovo Democratic League has won the largest number of seats. Figures are available.

23 October: In the Nauru legislative election, a new legislature has been elected on a non-party basis. Constituency-level figures are available.

18 October: In the Belarus legislative election, so-called independents who are actually supporters of President Aleksandr Lukashenko have won nearly all the seats. No figures are available, only a list of members elected.

11 October: in the Cameroun presidential election, President Paul Biya, who has been in power since 1982, has been re-elected with 75% of the vote. The election was not regarded as free or fair. Figures are available.

3 October: In the Slovenia legislative election, the Slovenian Democratic Party has won the largest number of seats, gaining seats from the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia. Figures are available.

Elections in September 2004

24 September: In the second round of the Indonesia presidential election, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of the Democrat Party has defeated President Megawati Sukarnoputri, polling 60% of the vote. Figures are available.

Elections in July 2004

11 July: In the Japanese Upper House election, the long-ruling Liberal Democratic Party has maintained its position. Constituency-level figures are available.

24 September: In the first round of the Indonesia presidential election, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of the Democrat Party leads President Megawati Sukarnoputri. They will contest a second round in September. Figures are available.

5 July: In the Vanuatu legislative election, the Vanaaku Party has won the largest number of seats, but will need several coalition partners to form a government. Figures are available.

Elections in June 2004

28 June: In the Canadian legislative election, the Liberal Party government of Paul Martin has lost its majority, and will need the support of minor parties to retain government. Constituency-level figures are available.

27 June: In the second round of the Lithuania presidential election, the non-party candidate Valdas Adamkus has defeated the New Democratic Party candidate, Kazimira Prunskiene, with 52% of the vote. Figures are available.

27 June: in the second round of the Serbian presidential election, Boris Tadic of the Democratic Party has defeated Tomislav Nikolic of the Radical Party. Figures are available.

13 June: In the first round of the Lithuania presidential election, the non-party candidate Valdas Adamkus leads with 31% of the vote, ahead of the New Democratic Party candidate, Kazimira Prunskiene. They will contest a second round on 27 June. Figures are available.

13 June: In the Luxembourg legislative election, the conservative Christian Social People's Party government of Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker has been re-elected with an increased majority. Figures are available.

13 June: in the first round of the Serbian presidential election, Tomislav Nikolic of the Radical Party, with 30% of the vote, leads Boris Tadic of the Democratic Party. A run-off will be held on 27 June. Figures are available.

Elections in May 2004

20 May: In the Malawi presidential election, the incumbent president Bingu wa Mutharika has been re-elected with 35% of the vote over a divided opposition. Figures are available.

16 May: In the Dominican Republic presidential election, Leonel Fern�ndez Reyna of the Dominican Liberation Party has defeated President Hip�lito Mej�a Dom�nguez. Figures are available.

5 May: In the Philippines presidential election, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of the LAKAS Party has been elected to a term in her own right with 40% of the vote, defeating Fernando Poe and other candidates. National figures are available. Full results are also available for the Senate and House of Representatives elections held on the same day.

2 May: In the Panama presidential election, Mart�n Torrijos of the Democratic Revolutionary Party has been elected with 47% of the vote. National figures are available.

Elections in April 2004

28 April: In the second round of the Macedonia presidential election, Branko Crvenkovski of the Social Democratic Union has defeated Sashko Kedev of the right-wing VMRO. Figures are available.

25 April: In the Austrian presidential election, the Socialist candidate, Dr Heinz Fischer, has defeated the conservative Dr Benita Ferrero-Waldner with 52% of the vote. Figures are available.

20 April to 10 May: In the India legislative election, the conservative BJP government of Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee has been defeated by the Indian National Congress, which will be able to form a new government with the support of various allies. National, state and constituency level figures are available.

17 April: In the second round of the Slovakia presidential election, Social Democratic Ivan Gasparovic has defeated the right-wing President Vladimir Meciar, with 59% of the vote. Figures are available.

14 April: In the first round of the Macedonia presidential election, Branko Crvenkovski of the Social Democratic Union leads with 42% of the vote, ahead of Sashko Kedev of the right-wing VMRO. Figures are available.

8 April: In the Algeria presidential election, Abdelaziz Bouteflika of the ruling Front for National Liberation has been elected for a second term with 85% of the vote against only token opposition. Figures are available.

4 April: In the first round of the Slovakia presidential election, the right-wing President Vladimir Meciar leads with 32% of the vote, ahead of the Social Democratic Ivan Gasparovic. Figures are available.

2 April: In the Sri Lankan legislative election, the left-wing United People's Freedom Alliance of Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa has defeated the opposition United National Party, but does not have an absolute majority. District-level figures are available.

Elections in March 2004

28 March: in the Georgia legislative election, President Saakashvili's National Movement - Democrats has won a large majority of votes and seats. Figures are available.

28 March: In the Guinea-Bissau legislative election, the African Independence Party of Guinea and Cape Verde has won the largest number of seats in the National People's Assembly, but not a majority. Figures are available.

23 March: In the Antigua and Barbuda legislative election, the United Progressive Party of Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer has defeated Lester Bird's Antigua Labour Party, ending the Bird family's long dominance of Antigua politics. Constituency-level figures are available.

21 March: In the El Salvador presidential election, Tony Saca of the right-wing ARENA pas defeated Schafik Handal of the left-wing FMLN. Figures are available.

21 March: in the Malaysia legislative election, the governing National Front of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi been returned to office with an increased majority. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

20 March: in the Taiwan presidential election, President of Chen Shui-Bian of the Democratic Progressive Party has been very narrowly re-elected, defeating Dr Lien Chan of the conservative Nationalist Party. Figures are available.

20 March: in the Taiwan legislative election, the Democratic Progressive Party has slightly improved its position over the conservative Nationalist Party, but will not have a majority in the Legislative Council. Constituency-level figures are available.

14 March: In the Russian presidential election, President Vladimir Putin has been elected to a second term with 71% of the vote. The elections were generally regarded as not free or fair. National figures are available.

14 March: in the Spanish legislative election, the Socialist government of Jose Luis Zapatero has been re-elected with an increased majority, defeating the People's Party led by Mariano Rajoy. Circumscription-level figures are available.

7 March: In the Greek legislative election, the conservative New Democracy party led by Kostas Karamanlis has defeated the socialist PASOK, led by George Papandreou. Constituency-level figures and maps are available.

Elections in January 2004

4 January: in the Georgia presidential election, Mikhail Saakashvili has been elected president with 96% of the vote against only token opposition. Figures are available.

For elections before 2004, see the alphabetical index at top left.