Monthly Archives: August 2007

From the sublime to the ridiculous

Hmm, maybe that should be just from the ridiculous to the ridiculous… First ridiculous legal snippet: An American millionaire has left US$14.8M on trust for her white Maltese terrier, Trouble. But two of her grandchildren get nothing. The other two get $5M each (still less than the dog…) as long as they tend their father’s […]

It’s just wrong

A tall, broad-shouldered man strides onto the stage. He physically dominates the chamber orchestra behind him, partly through size, and partly through charisma. Some way over six feet, with dark hair and glasses, he clears his throat – a deep, baritone growl – and then begins to sing. Like a girl. The experts say that […]

When children kill

The question of when one can be held to be responsible as an adult is a vexed on in the law. In medieval times, one reached adulthood upon attaining the age of 7. There was no concept of the teenager until recent times. What happens when children kill? There was a tragic case in the […]

Limits on executive power

I venture into questions of migration law and executive power somewhat tentatively. They are far from my “comfort zone”. But I couldn’t help having a curious look at the case of Haneef v Minister for Immigration [2007] FCA 1273. The primary question in this decision is the interpretation of s 501(6)(b) of the Migration Act […]

Legalising abortion

The Victorian government has decided that it is going to decriminalise abortion in this state, and clarify the legal position. I’m glad. I think it’s best to be totally clear about the exact situations in which abortion will be legal or illegal. Much better than leaving things in a legal and moral vacuum. I do […]

Kevin Rudd and the strip club

The mainstream media really gives me the pip sometimes. The recent reaction to the revelation that Kevin Rudd visited a strip club four years ago is one of those things which irritates me. If Rudd had misued his position of power in some way, perhaps there would be some reason for the incident to be […]

More on choosing judges

Women are represented in the law as judges, barristers, solicitors, attorneys-general, law makers and court administrators. They identify an issue quickly, focus on it and persuade rather than dictate. Mostly, women who work in the law are goal oriented. They readily identify their litigation goal, their judgment goal. Women provide perspective. They search out the […]

Jonathan Mills is a pretentious git, but The Bacchae is great

When Australian Jonathan Mills was appointed Director of the Edinburgh International Festival, arguably the world’s most high-powered arts job, not a few locals were shocked and a wee bit pissed off. Watching his excruciating ‘interview’ (billed as ‘conversations with artists’, supposedly designed to illuminate The Bacchae, or rather, the National Theatre of Scotland‘s innovative production) […]

Rat finks, be careful when you send flowers to your mistress

Thanks to my lovely Mum for pointing me to the crazy case of Leroy Greer, who is suing for giving his wife information about the long-stemmed roses which he had sent to his mistress months earlier. Greer alleges that he ordered the roses for his mistress via the online florist, and that they agreed […]

Facebook Freddi

I’ve recently become addicted to Facebook. It’s great. I’ve managed to get in touch with friends with whom I hadn’t spoken for almost 20 years, and to stay in better contact with others. Another friend of mine is less keen. “I’m really worried about the privacy issues”, she told me. Initially I wasn’t so concerned, […]