
This is an incomplete list of our own publications plus those of many others which we found interesting enough to host. If you produce a publication that you think we might be interested in, get in touch…

Also, don’t forget to check out our own Library and Flyposter (s) section.
Act For Freedom Now has a Library section and Distro page too.

Also check out: Elephant Editions

325 issue#12 / July 2020 + ES

325 #12 features articles like : “Automation, Robotics & Labour in the 4th & 5th Industrial Revolutions”, “Covid-19 World: Epidemics in the era of Capitalism”, “The Fractures of Dominion”, “The 4th and 5th Industrial Revolutions”, “The Artificial Reproduction of the Human: The Road of Transhumanism”, “Machine Psychology: A Disappearing Act”, “Oblique Look”, “Smartphones, Ringtones, Capital”, “Cashless Societies and Crypto-Currencies: End of the Traditional Era of Banking and Finance”, “Contribution to the 1st International Meeting Against Techno-Sciences by imprisoned anarchist Dino Giagtzoglou”, “Cybernetic Society and its World”, “Against Starlink”, “Space : Part 1”, plus more…

325 #11

325 issue#11 / June 2014

325 #11 features articles like : 3 texts about Flooding, Nuclear-Energy and Urban War- “Climate change, nuclear-energy and urban war in the new century”, “Road Ahead Closed” and “Electricity grid at risk as floods increase” by ‘Anti-civilisation cell of training & analysis, – N.T.’, “2 poems by Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco (1882-1949)”, “Industrial Alienation”- the social impact of industrialisation (from Terra Selvagia), “Anarchist comrades contributions to the IX Meeting for Animal Liberation in Italy, 2013”, “Memories from the Future: The Coming Technological Singularity”, about the visions of techno-futurist Ray Kurzweil, “Information… and Slavery”, “Necrotechnologies & Synthetic Biology”, “War to the machines! by Gianluca Iacovacci”, “Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Human Behaviour”, “The Daleks are Coming!” about the advent of semi-autonomous security bots, “Empty House and Crowded Forest & Some Thoughts on FAI/IRF by Eat”, “Escape into Sanity: The Fall by V.Q”, direct action chronology and much much more…

325 #10

325 issue#10 / Nov 2012

325 #10 features articles like : “One Year After… (August 2011)”- concerning the UK riots, “On talking less”- concerning the relationship between words and actions, “War against the information-age : a future of mass social control” about the state project to harness technology as a social pacification tool, “Perspectives about the energetic collapse of the techno-industrial society”, “Bio-economy, a way out of the crisis”- from Terra Selvaggia, “Class modifications”, “Excluded and Included”- what is the difference?, “Science in the aid of control : Robotics and aerial drones”- the rise of the drones and their military connotations, “Earthquake in Emilia Romagna : drones, surveillance and social control”, “Radioactive spills and nuclear crisis”, “On Sabotage and Terrorism”- concerning the spurious definition of ‘terrorism, “Fragment: Illegality”, FAI-FRI/CCF- “Lone wolves are not alone”, plus the ubiquitous direct action chronology and much much more…

325 #9

325 issue#9 / Oct 2011

325 #9 features articles like : “For Riotous Assemblies not Reasonable Dissent”, “Letter from Anarchist/Antifascist Prisoner Thomas Blak”, “The Struggle Against the Existent Continues”, “To address moral elitism within the anarchist milieu in response to the rioters of August 6th onwards…”, “Incitement to Burn”, “Beyond the ‘Movement’ – Anarchy!”, “Against the British ‘anti-capitalist movement’: Brief notes on their ongoing failure”, “‘Rain & Fire’ by a UK sector of FAI”, “A few notes on recent repressive attacks against anarchists in Italy”, “To believe, to obey and to work”, “‘Direct Action’ by Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco”, “About the case of Silvia, Costas & Billy”, “About Solidarity”, “About the “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” case”, “P.Argyrou – Statement to the Court”, “Cells of Fire are Our Souls”, “Political Statement of P.Masouras”, “‘DO NOT SAY THAT WE ARE FEW’ by FAI”, “Mass sabotage in Berlin”, “Sketches of the last few years anti-militarist praxis in Germany”, “‘There is nothing to reform’ by Gabriel Pombo da Silva”, “Liebig 14 Evicted”, “Solidarity with Chilean Struggle”, “‘With the Rebels…’ by Rodolfo Gonzalez Pacheco”, “Tortuga Presente! Active Solidarity with Luciano!”, “News from the Social War in Sulawesi and Java – Indonesia”, and much much more…

More back issues of 325 here.

‘Anarchy – Civil or Subversive?’

Bored of the type of anarchism that seems to exist only as a boring routine of endless meetings and crap benefit gigs full of self-important tossers?

Sick of middleclass mummys boys pretending to be proles?
Fed up of being told what the ‘class struggle’ is and isn’t?

We are too and so we put together this booklet about it.

Free PDF

International Call for Solidarity with the Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

Pola Roupa, Nikos Maziotis, Kostas Gournas are imprisoned anarchist comrades in Greece who have taken responsibility, as well as of slain comrade Lambros Foundas, of membership of the Revolutionary Organisation – Revolutionary Struggle. Their actions and their articulate anarchist analysis of capitalism and their high hopes for social revolution press a question to each reader who is ready to rebel and embrace their freedom.

Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

International Call for Solidarity with the CCF : Imprisoned Members Cell + the accused of the same case! (Greece)

Publication about the Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and their 17 January International Solidarity Call for an International Revolutionary Front / Informal Anarchist Federation (Global)

Our Day Will Come – Cover

Our Day Will Come

This book speaks about what was triggered after the arrest of the fugitive ex-member of 17N, Christos Xiros, the discovery of an escape plan to escape from Korydallos prison by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Imprisoned Members Cell; the subsequent manhunt against comrade Aggeliki Spyropoulou and her detention with relatives and friends of CCF comrades, and finally, the hunger strike for over 30 days in which they put their lives at risk. It also has a prologue by CCF – Imprisoned Members Cell. Edited by Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras.

“Individuality and the anarchist group” by CCF – Urban Guerrilla Cell

‘Chaotic Variables – A Theoretical Contribution In Proposal for an Informal Anarchist Platform’ by CCF – Metropolitan Violence Cell

Fire & Gunpowder : From Indonesia to Chile – A Proposition for FAI

The Sun Still Rises by CCF : Imprisoned Members Cell (Dark Matter)

Short interview by Contra Info with ten imprisoned comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire

‘A Conversation Between Anarchists’ – A discussion about tactics, theory and practice between the imprisoned members of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and a few anarchists in Mexico

La Nueva Guerrilla Urbana Anarquista (CCF/FAI/FRI)

Mapping the Fire PDF

First release of Black International Editions: “Mapping the Fire” – International Words of Solidarity with the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF)

“This pamphlet is a meeting point of comrades from all over the world. An imaginary meeting since the walls and bars of the prisons where we are temporarily keep our bodies hostage. But our meanings remain free, escape from the cells of prison and are expressed with words continuing to provoke authority.

Words that still smell of fire and gunpowder, words which carry with them all of our hate for the system, words unrepentant and armed, words which transfer stresses and desires, words which break the isolation of prison, words full of passion for the mutiny we want to continue, words from Chile, Mexico, America, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Bulgaria, Indonesia…” CCF

+ Flaming Atlas: Words of Solidarity with the CCF (Russian language)

About Eat & Billy of the Long-live Luciano Tortuga Cell, FAI Indonesia

Free international solidarity zine for the released comrades Eat & Billy. Featuring an introduction by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire of the first phase and anarchist of praxis Theofilos Mavropoulos.

Anarchist-Insurrectionalism Primers

What Are Anarchists? by Alfredo M. Bonanno (ACN)

Some Notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism (ACN) [US format]

Escalation #1 – Texts about the Informal Anarchist Federation and the Insurrectional Project (ACN)

Insurrection Magazine

‘Insurrection’ is an anarchist magazine of the 1980′s which was edited by Jean Weir of Elephant Editions, UK. Amongst agitational news reports of rebellion and repression, the publication carried some of the first English language translations of the work of Italian anarchist insurrectionist, Alfredo M. Bonanno, and remains an example of a high-quality revolutionary anarchist publication which has a confrontational analysis coupled with lasting insight.

Insurrection is the first publication to carry the key basic perspectives of anarchist insurrectional theory and methodology emerging at that time. Texts such as ‘Affinity Group’, ‘Why Insurrection’, ‘Beyond Workerism, Beyond Syndicalism’, ‘Informal Organisation’, ‘Beyond the Structure of Synthesis’, ‘Towards A New Projectuality’ and ‘Autonomous Base Nucleus’, all back to back with action reports informing and illuminating these theoretical ideas which have developed and spread around the world, becoming ‘dangerous’ tools in the hands of uncontrollables everywhere. Click the link to download and read the magazines in PDF format : ‘Insurrection’ PDFs online now (Elephant Editions Classics).

Featured Publications : Elephant Editions

Sante Caserio

Sabate : Guerilla Extraordinary by Antonio Tellez

Albania : Laboratory of Subversion

Angry Brigade 1967-1984 : Documents & Chronology

Anarchism and the National Liberation Struggle by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Armed Joy by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Armed Struggle in Italy / Revised 2009

At Daggers Drawn; with the existent, its defenders and its false critics

From Riot to Insurrection : Analysis for an anarchist perspective against post-industrial capitalism by Alfredo M. Bonanno

From the Centre to the Periphery by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Insurrectionalist Anarchism {Part one} by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Locked Up by Alfredo M.Bonanno + Cover

Nights of Rage + Cover

Solidarity with anarchist comrades imprisoned in Greece

The Anarchist Tension by Alfredo M. Bonanno

The Insurrectional Project by Alfredo M.Bonanno

Toward the Creative Nothing – Renzo Novatore

Why A Vanguard? by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Workers Autonomy by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Let’s Destroy Work, Let’s Destroy the Economy by Alfredo M. Bonanno

Fictional Movement or Real Movement? by Alfredo M. Bonanno + Cover

Fra Contadini by Errico Malatesta

Errico Malatesta and Revolutionary Violence by Alfredo M. Bonanno + Cover

The Russian Revolution in the Ukraine by Nestor Makhno

Assorted Radical PDFs

Return Fire Zine

Return Fire #5 – UK Green anarchist zine

Return Fire #4 – UK Green anarchist zine

Return Fire #3 + Glossary + Cover

Return Fire #2 + Cover

Return Fire #1 + Cover

Dark Nights Archive – Anarchist & Anti-Prison Newsletter

Off the Leash: Iconoclastic words from Zo d’Axa, Albert Libertad, Emile Armand, Renzo Novatore, Enzo Martucci and Erinne Vivani (Dark Matter)

‘Stefano Delle Chiaie – Portrait of a Black Terrorist’ by Stuart Christie

‘Antagonistic violence: Approaches to the armed struggle in urban environments from an anarchist perspective’ by Gustavo Rodriguez

Interview with anarchist comrade Costantino Cavalleri by Conspiracion Acrata

Until We Are All Free by Gabriel Pombo da Silva

The Story of a Bank Robbery – About Giannis Dimitrakis

August 2011 Revolt: Anarchy in the UK (Dark Matter)

Conspiracion Acrata, English edition – Feb 2010-2011 (Mexico – Insurrectionary Anarchism)

Close Supervision Centres – Torture Units in the UK (ABC Bristol)

FEIS: The Prison Within The Prison – About the Spanish Isolation Units

War on Kids – You do not have a Personality Disorder… (Flyer)

Reclaim Your Mind: An urgent message to the ‘insane’, the ‘angry’, the ‘unstable’, the ‘chaotic’, the ‘depressed’… (Dark Matter)

Black Dog – Selections from Canenero

Arming Big Brother: The EU’s Security Research Programme

Wilhelm Reich – The Mass Psychology Of Fascism

After Trikala : About the arrests of Alfredo & Christos

A Day Mournful and Overcast… by an “uncontrollable” from the Iron Column

Anarchist Black Cross Information & Resources – 2002 Edition

Icaro #1 (Insurrection in Chile, Spanish language)

Individualists Tending toward the Wild (ITS) + Cover

Against Eco-Extremism : Mirror image of Civilisation & Religion

Black Rim #1 (Insurgent zine from Asian Pacific Rim)

Terra Incognita (Balkan insurrectionist zine)

Anti-2010 Olympics (Kanadian zine)

Anarchist Resistance & Indigenous Struggle Against the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Canada

Anti-Olympics Report 2010 (Kanada)

ACAB – {Kanadian anti-prison zine} (Guelph ABC)

Writing to Prisoners (Guide from ABC Leeds)

Tear Down The Walls! – John Bowden (Leeds ABC)

Interview with Chilean anarchist Marcelo Villaroel

While misery exists we choose rebellion: Freddy and Marcelo

Freedom for Tukidjo and the Yogyakarta 3 + Cover

A Tensao Anarquista – Alfredo Bonanno

Against Prisons by Catherine Baker

Against Domestication by Jacques Cammatte

Amor Fati #3 – Indonesian anarchist zine

Amor Fati #2

Amor Fati #1

Anarchism: from theory to practice by Daniel Guerin

Anarchism and Anarchy by Errico Malatesta

Anarchism and Violence by Errico Malatesta

Anarchist Economics: Spanish Collectives of 1936-39

An Anarchist Programme & Anarchist Propaganda by Errico Malatesta

The Vancouver 5: Armed Struggle in Canada

Basic Bakunin

Beyond Amnesty – Anti-Psychiatry zine

Practical Handbook for Border Guards (EU)

The Shape of Things to Come by Tony Bunyan (EU PoliceState)

Why do we hate the Olympics?

Deviance and Punishment in Anarchist Society

Essentialism and the Problem of Identity Politics

How to make a paintbomb, disrupt a railway, break a door

Prison Was Created For The Poor – Interview with the Mothers of Xose Tarrio & Gabriel Pombo da Silva (ABC Leeds)

Excerpts from ‘Huye, Hombre, Huye’ by Xose Tarrio (Guelph ABC)

Surveillance & Counter-Surveillance Guide

Fire and Flames! – A Militant Report on Toronto Anti-G20 Resistance

Prison Technologies – An appraisal of technologies of political control

Fire to the Powder Keg: war and social guerilla struggle in Iraq

Free Thomas Meyer-Falk!

Revolutionary Solidarity by Pierleone Porcu, Daniela Carmignani, Wolfi Landstreicher, Killing King Abacus (Quiver)

About some investigations for “terrorist association” in Germany…

Until We Are All Free by Gabriel Pombo da Silva + US version

Locked Up by Alfredo M. Bonanno (Quiver)

Toward the Destruction of Schooling by Jan D. Matthews (Quiver)

L’ Infant Terrible – The Hunt of the Child – About drastic steps to shut down the youth revolt in France

Presos em Luta – About the Mutiny of Caixias Prison, Portugal

Anarchist Communism : Basis and principles by Peter Kropotkin

About the Marini Trial (Venomous Butterfly)

On Sabotage As One Of The Fine Arts (Venomous Butterfly)

Fullness of Struggle without adjectives (Venomous Butterfly)

From Politics to Life: Ridding Anarchy of the leftist milestone by Wolfi Landstreicher (Venomous Butterfly)

Fawda – On the Struggle in Palestine (Venomous Butterfly)

Consuming Fire by Wolfi Landstreicher (Venomous Butterfly)

Caught in the Web of Deception: Anarchists and the Media (Venomous Butterfly)

Autonomous Self-Organisation and Anarchist Intervention by Wolfi Landstreicher (Venomous Butterfly)

Auto-Organizacao Autonoma e Intervencao Anarquista: Uma Tensao Na Pratica – W. Landstreicher (Portuguese)

Against the Engineering of Life (Venomous Butterfly)

Japanese language

アナキストって何? {What Are Anarchists? by Alfredo M. Bonanno, Japanese version} (ACN)

蜂起的アナキズムについてノート {Some Notes on Insurrectionary Anarchism by Killing King Abacus, Japanese version} (SE)

原始主義入門 ジョン・モア著 {Anti-Civilization Primer by John Moore, Japanese version} (ACN)