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Right-wing press in Germany steps up attacks on pianist Igor Levit

The Süddeutsche Zeitung editorial board’s initial defence of its article, as well as subsequent articles in Die Welt, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and Neue Zürcher Zeitung, reveal that these leading newspapers share essentially the same line as the far right Alternative for Germany.

Ulrich Rippert

This week in history: October 26-November 1

25 years ago: US orchestrates carve-up of Bosnia in Dayton talks On October 31, 1995, talks on the future of Bosnia with the Clinton administration and the presidents of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina began at the Wright-Patterson Air Force base in Dayton, Ohio. The purpose of the negotiations was to assert American imperialist domination in the Balkans at the expense of its European competitors.

ICE uses torture to pressure African asylum seekers to agree to deportation

In a blatant violation of international law and the US constitution, ICE officials in the privately run detention center in Mississippi have been forcing asylum seekers from Cameroon to sign their own deportation forms and quickly shipping them back on secret flights.

Meenakshi Jagadeesan

Jacobin hails New Zealand Labour government’s re-election

Jacobin Magazine, a pseudo-left publication that supports the US Democratic Party, has joined in the international media chorus falsely portraying Jacinda Ardern’s anti-working class and pro-imperialist government as progressive.

Tom Peters

Continuing wage dispute at the Berlin’s Charité hospital

In their fight for higher wages and safe working conditions, the employees of Charité’s subsidiary find themselves confronted by an alliance of Berlin’s “red-red-green” coalition government and the Verdi Union.

Markus Salzmann

Chicago officials plan to reopen schools for 20,000 students

The plan to shift from online learning to a daily in-person schedule was announced as Illinois’ seven-day average COVID-19 testing positivity rate surpassed five percent for the first time since early June.

Michael Walters

UK COVID-19 deaths surge to more than 1,100 over last week

It was the premature ending of the national lockdown from June onwards, and the opening of schools, colleges and workplaces to facilitate the profitmaking of big business, that produced this disastrous situation.

Robert Stevens

Over 100 teachers launch wildcat sickout strike in Houston

The drive by Texas Democrats to reopen Houston schools coincides with the platform of the Biden-Harris campaign, which fraudulently claim that this can be done “safely” while the pandemic spirals out of control.

Chase Lawrence, Evan Blake

Record wildfires continue to expand across Colorado

Colorado erupted this week as the main hotspot for wildfires in the western United States. Firefighting resources are being stretched thin as fires continue to break out late in the season.

Anthony del Olmo

OSIRIS-REx spacecraft touches an asteroid, attempts sample collection

High drama unfolded to a worldwide audience Tuesday as the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft made a safe and seemingly successful “touch and go” sample collection from its target, asteroid 101955 Bennu. It will return a sample from the asteroid to Earth in September 2023.

Don Barrett

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

Nigerian Federal airport workers stage one-day warning strike under conditions of mass unemployment, poverty and inequality in Africa’s largest country—which has fueled mass protests against state violence.

Nigerian government clamps down on protests

The deployment of Nigeria’s army followed its announcement last week that it was ready to maintain law and order and deal decisively with “subversive elements and troublemakers.”

Jean Shaoul

Houston schools reopen as COVID-19 surges in Texas

The push to reopen the largest district in the state, and seventh-largest in the country, takes place as the coronavirus pandemic is raging in Texas, which has over 881,000 confirmed cases and 17,646 deaths, the second highest numbers in the country.

Emma Arceneaux

Australia joins “Quad” military exercises directed against China

None of the latest announcements explicitly named China as the target, but they flowed from a meeting of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between the US, India, Japan and Australia on October 6, where US Secretary of State Pompeo denounced Beijing.

Mike Head

On the brink: A photographic examination of social cleansing in London

“My aim is to focus on existing council properties that have been neglected due to the lack of maintenance. It’s imperative to showcase the decay of these buildings as it’s been a deliberate strategy to run them down.”—photographic artist Sarah Douglas

Paul Mitchell
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