VPN Replacement

Replace overburdened VPNs with Zero Trust access

Surging remote work has put strain on VPNs. Learn how Zero Trust access offers a more modern, scalable approach to securing corporate apps.

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VPNs are increasingly the target of attacks and increasingly vulnerable to painful breaches.

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Bad actors with VPN credentials have the “keys to the kingdom” to go anywhere and take anything.

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VPNs can be frustrating for administrators to configure, and clunky for users to handle.

Replace your VPN with our massive global network

Cloudflare for Teams provides Zero Trust Access to any corporate resource for any user, regardless of device or location.

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Strengthen your security posture

Adopt Zero Trust security best practices and reduce the risk of costly breaches.

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Deliver a better user experience

Deprecate your VPN usage and deliver a more seamless, low-latency access way for your users to interact with your apps.

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Level up your access strategy

Empower your admins with comprehensive visibility and granular controls to determine who should interact with your internal tools.

When Peter Hahn transitioned to working remotely, we found that our VPN was causing serious performance issues. Deploying Cloudflare Access in front of the first batch of our internal tools resulted in such a huge increase in performance, reliability and convenience for the whole team that we are gradually transitioning all tools to use Access as soon as possible. Getting started took us only a few minutes.
Francisc Rusznyak
Head of Web-Development, E-Commerce

VPN replacement use cases


Authenticate users with a consistent, SaaS-like login flow

Setting up VPN clients is tedious. Access integrates with multiple identity providers, enabling your users, whether internal employees or external partners, to authenticate seamlessly with a familiar login flow.

Overview 1

Minimize implicit trust

Cloudflare Access removes implicit trust given to network ‘insiders’ by authenticating each request based on user identity and contextual factors before granting access.

Overview 2

Intuitive policy controls

VPNs are black boxes: they lack the dynamic controls needed to manage access for remote workers, contractors, supply chain partners and more. Cloudflare Access delivers better flexibility with application-specific controls and easy-to-use rules.

POLITICO needed a way to control access to specific critical resources without the risk and overhead of connecting through a private corporate network. Cloudflare Access aligns with how and where our team works, while helping us embrace a Zero Trust security model, where every request to every app is evaluated for user identity - and no VPN is required.
Michael Irwin
Senior Director, Technology Operations and Cybersecurity

VPN Replacement Resources

Blog: Cloudflare’s own journey replacing its VPN

Cloudflare first built Access because our engineers were fed up with their VPN experience. Read about our journey to replace our own VPN.

Read the blog

Solution brief: How Cloudflare Access replaces a VPN

Learn how Access replaces VPN connections with identity-based rules.

Read the whitepaper
teams request overview

Start now

Secure access to your corporate applications without a VPN. Getting started with Access takes minutes. With Teams Free, your first 50 users are free.

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