2005 SEP (US) Summer School: Marxism and the Foundations of the Fourth International

The Socialist Equality Party (US) and the World Socialist Web Site held a summer school entitled “Marxism and the Historical Foundations of the Fourth International” from August 14 to August 20, 2005, in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

During the course of the week, participants in the school heard nine lectures on important theoretical and historical problems of the 20th century. One theme centered on the significance of post-modernism, the Frankfurt School and various forms of anti-Marxism. David North, then the national secretary of the SEP (US) and chairman of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, gave a series of lectures focusing on the theoretical foundations of Marxism, the science of perspective and the defense of objective truth in the sphere of social development.

The other lecturers spoke on a broad range of interrelated topics, including the origins of the First World War, the rise of fascism in Germany, the origins and counterrevolutionary character of Stalinism in the Soviet Union, Leon Trotsky’s theory of permanent revolution, and an examination of problems of art and culture in the Soviet Union.

Members of the Left Opposition in 1927. Sitting: Serebryakov, Radek, Trotsky, Boguslavsky, Preobrazhensky. Standing: Rakovsky, Drobnis, Beloborodov, Sosnovsky