Joseph Kishore for U.S. President and Norissa Santa Cruz for Vice President!

Joseph Kishore and Norissa Santa Cruz, Socialist Equality Party candidates for US president and vice president.

Joseph Kishore and Norissa Santa Cruz, Socialist Equality Party candidates for US president and vice president.

We’re building a revolutionary, socialist leadership in the international working class, to put an end to inequality, war and dictatorship.

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Campaign statements

Trump’s Operation Dictatorship: What the debate exposed

By Joseph Kishore and David North

The White House is the center of a fascistic conspiracy to overturn the Constitution and establish a presidential dictatorship.

Trump’s coup d’état election

By Joseph Kishore and David North

Trump has publicly declared that he will not transfer power peacefully if he loses the November 3 election.

Trump on coronavirus pandemic: “Virtually nobody” affected

By Joseph Kishore

The indifference expressed by Trump to death on a mass scale expresses not only his personal outlook but the social policy of the ruling class.

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We need your financial support to build a socialist leadership in the working class.

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