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John Passant

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October 2020



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My interview Razor Sharp 18 February
Me interviewed by Sharon Firebrace on Razor Sharp on Tuesday 18 February. (0)

My interview Razor Sharp 11 February 2014
Me interviewed by Sharon Firebrace on Razor Sharp this morning. The Royal Commission, car industry and age of entitlement get a lot of the coverage. (0)

Razor Sharp 4 February 2014
Me on 4 February 2014 on Razor Sharp with Sharon Firebrace. (0)

Time for a House Un-Australian Activities Committee?
Tony Abbott thinks the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is Un-Australian. I am looking forward to his government setting up the House Un-Australian Activities Committee. (1)

Make Gina Rinehart work for her dole

Sick kids and paying upfront


Save Medicare

Demonstrate in defence of Medicare at Sydney Town Hall 1 pm Saturday 4 January (0)

Me on Razor Sharp this morning
Me interviewed by Sharon Firebrace this morning for Razor Sharp. It happens every Tuesday. (0)

I am not surprised
I think we are being unfair to this Abbott ‘no surprises’ Government. I am not surprised. (0)

Send Barnaby to Indonesia
It is a pity that Barnaby Joyce, a man of tact, diplomacy, nuance and subtlety, isn’t going to Indonesia to fix things up. I know I am disappointed that Barnaby is missing out on this great opportunity, and I am sure the Indonesians feel the same way. [Sarcasm alert.] (0)



Archive for 'Union rights'

Union organising is not a crime: Support Johnny Lomax

CFMEU building union Canberra organiser Johnny Lomax has been arrested. His crime? Negotiating and securing improvements in working conditions and wages for union members. This is a direct attack from the Abbott Government on our ability to protect our wages and our safety at work. We will be gathering outside the ACT Magistrates Court on Wednesday at 8.40 am to cheer Johnny on in solidarity as he enters to face these malicious and outrageous charges. See you there. If you are in Canberra or nearby come along to support a union which actually fights for its members and help stop this blatant attack on unions and their ability to organise.


Fight for our rights March 4

Abbott’s green army will be paid poverty wages

Can unemployed workers and others being conscripted into the green army organise and fight back against this rotten exploitation? Absolutely. Will they? Well, since they aren’t covered by industrial laws, withholding their labour won’t be illegal.
If there were a lead from the ACTU and other unions, perhaps they would take action, supported by other workers industrially and financially. If not, then the downward spiral of wages is likely to accelerate under the impact of Tony Abbott’s slave wage green army.

Samsung unionist dies

Yesterday a worker from one of Samsung’s semiconductor plants in South Korea was found dead at 5am. It appears that he was subject to months of adverse action and management cut his pay because he was in the union. It is suspected that he committed suicide due to management bullying.

O’Farrell attacks unions and wages: bring Tahrir Square to Sydney

Is there a way to beat O’Farrell’s attacks on union rights and living standards?

Yes. Bring Tahrir Square to Sydney, and in the words of Egyptian blogger and socialist Hossam el-Hamalawy then take ‘Tahrir to the factories, the universities, the workplaces.’

Stop the anti-union Tax Office

Organise, organise, organise to stop the ruling class lackeys in charge of the ATO smashing unions in the workplace.