TOTW: Anarchy & Morality

In the upswing of revolt we've seen this year, we're seeing everyday people set cop cars and precincts ablaze with great approval from onlookers. Meanwhile anarchists make the best of the spotlight to explain to the public the truth about today's anarchists. Responding to people's perception of anarchism as dangerous, distancing themselves from anarchists of the deed in an effort to make people stop blaming everything bad on anarchists. To the degree that anarchy is rehabilitated for the general public, more people will ask themselves: "What's so bad about anarchy, anyway?"

Interview w/ anarchist in Minsk + Review of repression

via ABC Belarus

Interview with anarchist in Minsk about the Belarus protests

The fight against the capitalist system and the authoritarian nation states driving the destruction of the planet must be an international one if it has any hope of succeeding. That’s why we decided to reach out to anarchists in Belarus to learn about the current wave of protests confronting the regime of Lukashenka. We did it by contacting the Anarchist Black Cross Belarus, but this interview represents the opinion of a single anarchist in Minsk and doesn’t reflects the position of any particular organisation or group.

Start of the "Bialystok" trial + hunger strike

via contra info, English translation by Anarchist News

The start of the Operation Bialystok trial: The request of the prosecutor for an immediate trial has been accepted for Fra, Nico, Flavia, Roby, Claudio y Daniele. The first hearing in the Assise court will be in Rome on December 14, at 9:30 am. We've come to learn from her lawyer, that Fra joined the prison hunger strike that began on 19/10 in solidarity with the anarchists Beppe and Davide. We're also told that the prison had blocked all the letters in which she wanted to communicate this decision along with her reflections.

No Really, What is Anarchism?

from The Bates Student via Center for a Stateless Society

Zaheer in The Legend of Korra (voiced by punk rock legend Henry Rollins) who seeks to bring down all governments, prompting the protagonist Korra at one point: “The idea of having nations and governments is as foolish as keeping the human and spirit realms separate [a reference to a previous season’s plot]. You’ve had to deal with a moronic president and a tyrannical queen. Don’t you think the world would be better off if leaders like them were eliminated?”

William C. Anderson on Anarchism

from It's Going Down

“Expose the Contradiction”: William C Anderson on Anarchism, Mutual Aid, and What Comes Next

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we spoke with William C Anderson, who alongside Zoé Samudzi, is the co-author of As Black As Resistance, published by AK Press. We discuss the major themes of the book, its reception, and its growing impact in a post-rebellion world.

The sad dilemma of "A" anarchist magazine

via El Libertario, English translation by Anarchist News

The news, in itself, is simple, though unpleasant: after forty-nine years, "A" Rivista Anarchica ceases its publications. The first Italian publication "in alphabetical order" will no longer reach its subscribers and its interlocutors, leaving a hole where every month it was possible to read a fairly exhaustive review of themes and ideas from the varied libertarian world. The story is known and tinged with legend: Fabrizio De André's favorite monthly forum (who supported it financially), the voice that denounced the "state massacre" in Piazza Fontana, promoter of the campaign for the liberation of Pietro Valpreda, always with the intimate conviction that "there are no good powers" and that, therefore, anarchy is not an extreme position, but the only truly acceptable one.

Between Electoral Politics and Civil War

from CrimethInc.

As Election Day approaches in a context of anxiety about the prospect of Donald Trump attempting to hold onto power by force or cunning, the revolutionary potential that was palpable in early June has receded almost beyond the horizon. Anarchism, abolitionism, and direct action tactics have gained traction throughout the Trump era; thanks to the fearmongering of the administration, anarchists have as much visibility as we have experienced in a century. Yet once again, we are watching the election crowd out any other subject or strategy.

Death to the State! Solidarity w/ Mónica and Francisco!

via Anarquí, translated by Anarchist News

Death to the State! Solidarity with Mónica and Francisco.

Throughout history, anarchists have always suffered persecution by the State. This is because the simple idea of a world, free and in solidarity, where the coercive power of the State is not only unnecessary, but undesirable, is in itself a threat for those who hold power. And those people who put these ideas into practice and confront State violence can take for granted that they will catch the attention of the State's repressive apparatus.

Attack in Remembrance of Sean Kealiher

via Puget Sound Anarchists

PORTLAND: Citywide Attack in Remembrance of Sean Kealiher

In the earliest hours of this morning, 161 windows were broken all across so-called Portland in memory of Sean Kealiher AKA Armeanio Lewis. Banks, luxury cars, new condos, school buildings, businesses and more were joyfully smashed in by individuals acting in a coordinated attack. We moved purposefully, acted quickly, and no one could stop us.


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