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Parents Guide for
Arranged (2007) More at IMDbPro »

The content of this page was created directly by users and has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff.
Since the beliefs that parents want to instill in their children can vary greatly, we ask that, instead of adding your personal opinions about what is right or wrong in a film, you use this feature to help parents make informed viewing decisions by describing the facts of relevant scenes in the title for each one of the different categories: Sex and Nudity, Violence and Gore, Profanity, Alcohol/Drugs/Smoking, and Frightening/Intense Scenes.
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Sex & Nudity

No explicit sexual dialogue or nudity. At a party, a couple is seen groping a bit in the shadows. A little mildly-suggestive discussion related to touching, dating, courting, and marriage.

Violence & Gore

No physical violence. Brief dialogue included stereotypical language about Muslims "wiping out" the Jews and "pushing Israel into the ocean". An even-tempered, moderate discussion ensues, and the inappropriateness of bigotry is brought out.


2 S-words (one of which is said by a fourth-grader)

At a party, some folks are drinking, smoking and smoking what is presumably marijuana. Though several characters seem not to be bothered by this, one of the primary characters does not condone these activities and leaves.

There is one mildly intense scene when a child is excluded from a group activity because of a choice he made.

Page last updated by Crystobal, 9 months ago
Top Contributors: jimsjunk-1, Crystobal

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