Support Statewatch

We rely on your support to keep our work trustworthy, independent and free to access.

To fund our core services in 2021 we need to raise £40,000.

Like many charities, we are under severe pressure. We can continue providing and improving our free resources - but only with your help.

Become a Friend of Statewatch

You can make a one-off donation, or become a Friend of Statewatch by providing a regular donation.

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Friends provide:

  • Regular core funding that we can depend on, use to plan for the long-term and keep our work independent.

Friends benefit:

  • By receiving a newsletter twice a year, keeping you up-to-date with our work
  • With advance invitations to events and workshops on key civil liberties issues
  • By knowing they are crucial to Statewatch

We rely on your support to keep our work trustworthy, independent and free to access.

Become a major donor

For the first time in our nearly three decades, Statewatch is launching a major donor campaign. A major donor is someone who donates £3,500 or €3,900 as a one-off donation.

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A major donor will be acknowledged publicly by Statewatch. We will want to thank you and ensure that our funding sources remain transparent. If you have the means to do so, please become a major donor.

We need £40,000/€44,000 to maintain our work through 2021. With just a few donations from generous individuals, we will secure our core services for the year.

Why do we need your support?

Like all small charities, the more regular individual donors we have, the more independent we are, helping us to focus on our core work and reduce reliance on ad-hoc project and grant funding.

Your ongoing support will enable Statewatch to maintain and extend its free of charge coverage to:

  • Our regular news service
  • Our in-depth analyses, reports and publications
  • Serve over 10,000 email subscribers and our thousands of social media followers
  • Improve and extend our communications and outreach

Find out more about our work here.

"I wonder how we would be informed if Statewatch was not there..." - Philippe de Bruycker, Professor at the Université Libre de Bruxelles and coordinator of the Odysseus Academic Network

"In routinely placing complex policies and increased state powers in the public domain, Statewatch performs a function that no other organisation fulfils. One is driven to wonder what it could have accomplished, and could accomplish in the future, were it to have even a tiny percentage of the resources enjoyed by other organisations." - Gareth Peirce, lawyer


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