community kitchen alley cat poster

mark your calendars & come out to a food-themed alley cat bike race saturday april 11th!!! food skillz, not speed, required. registration for the race begins at 2pm at Duncan Plaza in the CBD (bring 10 bux for registration donation), race starts at 3. checkpoints will have food-themed challenges and you can earn extra points by scavenging edible items along the way & couriering them to the finish line for our veggie & crawfish boil AFTER PARTY at Handsome Willy’s with DJ Dieout, party starts around 5-6pm or so. did i mention there will be PRIZES?? …like coffee beans from Hey! Cafe, cassette tapes from Domino Sound, a tattoo from Sailor’s Cross, swag from NOBS, Tribe Bikes & State Bikes, gift certificates from Maypop Herb Shop, St. Coffee, Shake Sugary, Lost Love Lounge, Gerkin’s Bike Shop, Juan’s Flying Burrito, Theo’s Pizza, Half Moon Grill, and more.

this event will help community kitchen raise money to build two food-carrying bicycle trailers that will enable us to do everything we do by bicycle! …like pickup food donations from produce distros & grocery stores, and transport cooked food & supplies to our servings. that’s not all…the cargo trailers will also magically turn into food-serving tables that we can use when we serve food to the masses! check out these technical sketches from our commie kitsch fabrication engineer:


oh, and a HUGE thanks to ben passmore for the sick flyer & NOLA Alleycat for the endless support. that’s what you get for losing the 2nd place prizes, drew!

big picnic outside of city hall! this is what community kitchen does every tuesday at 3pm rain or shine. its free and its for all to enjoy.

big picnic outside of city hall! this is what community kitchen does every tuesday at 3pm rain or shine. its free and its for all to enjoy.

every week we serve beans and rice and whatever else is donated to us that day! sometimes we have to get creative.

every week we serve beans and rice and whatever else is donated to us that day! sometimes we have to get creative.

our van broke down so now we stuff ourselves and all the food and plates and tables into a car...not the best option! we need $$$ to fix our van!

our van broke down so now we stuff ourselves and all the food and plates and tables into a car…not the best option! we need $$$ to fix our van!

trystereo new orleansFRI 15th NOV @ 7PM
Trystereo’s 2nd Birthday Benefit Show at the Big Top featuring local bands: Mea Culpa, Low Brows, Precious Metals, and dance tunes spun by DJ Lady Li.
PLUS interstitial performances by local weirdo(s)
PLUS dinner catered by Community Kitchen
PLUS Free HIV-testing by NO/AIDS TF
PLUS Tabling by local artists and community groups

Come for part of the show or all of the bonanza! Sliding scale, no one turned away.

photo by sasha matthews:

photo by sasha matthews:

newspaper article: In response to Zimmerman verdict, Marigny protesters echo words of civil rights leaders
(terrible title–there were folks from all over new orleans, baton rouge, and southern louisiana in attendance)

last night’s benefit dinner was a great success! thank you to all the unbelievably dedicated volunteer who cooked, served, & scrubbed dishes. we pulled it off and the rain stayed away!

if you are free today & want to help clean, come by! also holler at us if you want to be involved in future events. kitchen at commiekitsch dot org. xoxo!



after a SIX MONTH hiatus… the next commie kitsch benefit dinner will be July 11th. keep posted for a flyer on your nearest refrigerator….


flyers go out & rsvp will commence on january 17.
stay tuned…

hello n.o.c.k.
aka commie kitsch.

the months keep rollin’ by and we continue to grow and be so super awesome. december 13th was the first ever community kitchen speakeasy supper party secret cafe pop down restaurant: the commie kitsch. and it was a complete spectacular success! we surpassed breaking even and can now buy some more supplies and continue to support ourselves in 2013.

below are the notes from our december 17th debrief of commie kitsch and some future plans for the next one… Continue Reading »

Monday, October 29, 2012
7:00pm until 10:00pm
with Mea Culpa, Lechuguillas (ATX) and Curved Dog!
@ Nowe Miasto, 223 jane place near canal & broad

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  • WHO?

    community kitchen is a volunteer-run food share in New Orleans that brings together folks who love to grow, gather, cook, and serve food in order to reduce food waste and hunger while supporting those most marginalized by capitalism and the industrial food system.
    read more about us...

    you can reach us via email:
    kitchen at commiekitsch dot org
    or fone: 504.383.3349

    + solidarity catering request form


    current nola food-shares:

    * TUE :: community kitchen:
    hot food serving 3-4pm @ duncan plaza between city hall & the main branch public library.

    * WED :: hot food share, serving 2pm @ the mission in central city.

    * there should be more...
    you could start one!


    because there's too much food being thrown away, & because the right to be free from hunger is a fundamental human right.
    read Via Campesina‘s seven principles of food sovereignty...

    Family Farm Defenders: The Food Sovereignty Struggle within the Global Justice Movement

    "Solidarity is not a matter of altruism. Solidarity comes from the inability to tolerate the affront to our own integrity of passive or active collaboration in the oppression of others, and from the deep recognition of our most expansive self-interest. From the recognition that, like it or not, our liberation is bound up with that of every other being on the planet, and that politically, spiritually, in our heart of hearts we know anything else is unaffordable."
    - Aurora Levins Morales