TOTW: An anarchist's day in 2020

I've been finding myself with little excitement about my day to day these past couple months (years). Get up slowly, check my phone, eat, hop on the computer, exercise, social activity, eat, kill time, sleep. Maybe this is an abnormal schedule but it seems to be quite standard at least for those around me.

Routine is a useful tool for surviving in the world, but I don't need to tell you that it can feel incredibly constricting.

Two Hundred Years of Decolonization Struggle in Hawai'i

A person is kneeling with fist raised, holding a sign that reads Aloha Aina equals Anti Fascist. Anti Fascist equals Anti racist. S.H.A.R.P. R.A.S.H.

NOTE: This article is from an upcoming issue of Rock! Paper! Scissors!, the Jesus Radicals online journal. The theme of this upcoming issue is Decolonization; this is one of about thirty articles. We are pre-releasing a few articles today in recognition of Indigenous Peoples Day.

Two Hundred Years
Puaʻena Ahn

Civil or Subversive, now on Immediatism Podcast


To coincide with the London Anarchist Bookfair 2020, Immediatism podcast offers two selections from Civil or Subversive: a Dark Matter Collection, Individualist Writings from the UK. Originally published as Anarchism: Civil or Subversive, this book is available from Ardent Press and

Arson claimed by ‘Long Live Eric King Revolutionary Cell – FAI/FRI'

Arson of Labour Offices Building in Regent Complex of Keerom, West Papua by ‘Long Live Eric King Revolutionary Cell – FAI/FRI'

We claim the burning of the labour offices building in the regent office complex of Keerom, West Papua during the riots on 1 October 2020. We are among the masses angry at Indonesian colonialism, this is just our opening attack and this is not the last. Get ready for explosion and explosion that will keep on the track! If the state and capitalism still exist, peace will never be realized. Therefore, the state and capitalism must be destroyed at once !! Let the fire light up the liberation of West Papua.

Rally in Solidarity w/ Gabriel Pombo Da Silva

"Gabriel Pombo Da Silva. A vengeance of the State. We demand his freedom."

via contra info translated by Anarchist News

[Spanish State] Rally in Solidarity with Fellow Anarchist Gabriel Pombo Da Silva (Saturday October 17)

Since July 1, comrade Gabriel Pombo Da Silva has been held in the FIES 5 regime (special groups) at the: Mansilla de las Mulas Penitentiary Center, Paraje Villahierro, 24210 Mansilla de las Mulas (León). His mail is being intervened with, so the letters, always by certified mail, must be of encouragement and moral support, without political content.

Final Trial of Tangerang and Bekasi Anarchist Prisoners

A report written by the Anti-authoritarian Federation (FedAO) of Indonesia and an update to “Anarchist Prisoners Trial in Tangerang and Bekasi in Indonesia.”

We (Indonesian Anarchist Black Cross | Without Adjectives |) are reproducing this here to signal boost this news to the international community.

Monday, September 28th 2020; report written by the Anti-authoritarian Federation (FedAO).

An anarchist & trade-unionist critique of education

An anarchist & trade-unionist critique of education

From Freedom News UK by Mohamed Khougali

This essay is an attempt to further elucidate and elaborate on a previous article written about the British Eurocentric education curriculum. In the instigating article, I write about the usurpation of history through academic revival and conserving a certain historic and narrative arc. I go on to talk about the purposeful deification of white accomplishment and what that means to the students. I suggest four chief concerns that come out of this practice of historic ‘cleansing’? “(1) whitewashing, (2) loss of history, and intellectual ignorance, (3) frozen time, consequently moulding of identity, and (4) intellectual privilege”.

Attack on Saint-Gobain

via translated by Act for freedom now!

Cavaillon, France – Attack on Saint-Gobain

Cavaillon (France): Stormy night 19/9/2020. We claim the attack on a research centre of the industrial group Saint-Gobain in Cavaillon. Saint-Gobain is a giant of French industry. Moreover, the group develops products for the defence sector and produces equipment for helicopters, fighter planes, submarines, warships, military vehicles…


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