Topic | HSC | The Age


The ABC of the HSC for the class of 2020

The ABC of the HSC for the class of 2020

The HSC is as easy as ABC, it's the bit after that gets harder writes Helen Pitt.

  • by Helen Pitt


The HSC subjects with plummeting enrolments revealed

The HSC subjects with plummeting enrolments revealed

A 10-year analysis of HSC enrolment data reveals Ancient History has lost a greater number of students than any other subject over the time period.

  • by Natassia Chrysanthos
How does the International Baccalaureate compare to the HSC?

How does the International Baccalaureate compare to the HSC?

Is the HSC or IB a better choice for your child? The answer is, it depends.

  • by Natassia Chrysanthos
She entered Parliament three weeks after giving birth - now her daughter sits the HSC

She entered Parliament three weeks after giving birth - now her daughter sits the HSC

The country's longest serving Nationals politician, NSW MP Melinda Pavey, has spent her entire parliamentary career raising Emily.

  • by Natassia Chrysanthos
Secret parents' business: The alternative year 12 assembly

Secret parents' business: The alternative year 12 assembly

Welcome to the final parents' assembly for 2020.

  • by Helen Pitt
Wars, terrorist attacks, fires: HSC students have faced them all
Class of 2020

Wars, terrorist attacks, fires: HSC students have faced them all

Students who faced war, terrorism and natural disasters during their HSC say the experience taught them a valuable lesson.

  • by Jordan Baker
Choose your dance partner wisely: formals and graduations back on
Class of 2020

Choose your dance partner wisely: formals and graduations back on

New guidelines issued to NSW school principals on Friday confirm school graduations and formals will take place next term under the 4-square metre rule.

  • by Natassia Chrysanthos
'It's OK not to go': Schools prepare for an HSC like no other

'It's OK not to go': Schools prepare for an HSC like no other

When year 12 students arrive at school for the first HSC exam next month, there will be no nervous mingling beforehand.

  • by Jordan Baker
While Alex's mates were studying for the HSC, he was learning to breathe again
Class of 2020

While Alex's mates were studying for the HSC, he was learning to breathe again

When Alex Richter fell off his bike his friend called Alex’s mother and held the phone to his mouth. “Mum,” she remembers him saying. “I can’t feel my legs and I’m scared.”

  • by Jordan Baker
International Baccalaureate develops higher critical thinking skills than state programs

International Baccalaureate develops higher critical thinking skills than state programs

Cranbrook will become the latest Sydney school to offer the IB diploma next year, as new research shows it advances students' critical thinking skills.

  • by Natassia Chrysanthos
Sydney campus of UK school expects first year 12 class to top state

Sydney campus of UK school expects first year 12 class to top state

British school Westbourne College will open a Sydney campus next year, offering the International Baccalaureate Diploma and aiming to top NSW with its first cohort.

  • by Jordan Baker