Thelma Mutete

Hello World – Hevo Nyika

Contributor: Thelma Mutete

Unokwanisa kuverenga rondedzero iyi muChiShona So I chose a career in Web Development!! To be honest it’s kind of funny when I think about it and quite surreal to be here talking about my story. It has been a journey and I would like to share my story with you. I have been lucky in …

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Tijana Andrejic

How To Become A Freelancer – A Few Things I Learned Before I Gave Up

Contributor: Tijana Andrejic

Članak je takođe dostupan na sprskom jeziku. Everyone’s story is unique. Our life journeys differ in so many aspects and these experiences shape us into who we are now. Therefore, things that we, as individuals, learn along the way can’t always apply to someone else’s life goals, potentials, aspirations, and struggles. But, sometimes, knowing about …

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Imran Sayed

Consistency Gets You Where You’re Going

Contributor: Imran Sayed

The Tech Industry has given many gifts in my life. It has been an exciting journey so far. So today I decide to pen down my story as a self-taught Software Engineer and share it with the world. The story of my journey to WordPress really begins about two years ago. At the time, I …

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Tammie Lister

Discovering Your Place

Contributor: Tammie Lister

I remember watching a dog I used to have jump without a thought into a river from the edge. I’ve never been someone to do that. I am cautious by nature, considered and ponderous. I plan, ponder, observe, I was always the child that watched and learnt through seeing. My introduction into the WordPress community …

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Joe Simpson Jr.

Second Chances: How A Trip Back Into The WordPress Community Saved My Life

Contributor: Joe Simpson Jr.

Often, we refuse change and don’t get a second opportunity to make things right. But for me, June 17, 2017, changed my life forever. A life-threatening heart event forced me to start over and in the short time since WordPress helped me rediscover myself and to do the things I truly love. At 10 am …

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How Contributing To WordPress Empowers Me

Contributor: Siobhan Cunningham

One of my favorite WordPress memories is standing in line to register at WordCamp London 2018. Upon saying my first name, no one looked surprised or asked me to say that again, please? Where I live, in the Netherlands, Siobhan is definitely not a common name. Also, the pronunciation is quite different from the spelling. …

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Yordan Soares

Beyond Software: Meeting the WordPress Community

Contributor: Yordan Soares

Este ensayo también está disponible en español. The first time I used WordPress I had no idea what was going on behind the software… or beyond it. I knew there was someone making it all work, but I couldn’t even remotely imagine all the people who were making WordPress not just a tool for developing …

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