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October 21, 2020
The fascination for 'working form home' will I suspect prove a more short-term phenomenon. Come a hot summer, those ill-equipped spaces in our homes will prove pretty uncomfortable.
Society - Ross Elliott - 4 comments
Has the trial judge usurped the prosecutor’s function in the pending prosecution of the former Trump Administration national security adviser?
International - Laurence Maher

Eureka Street - compassion justice courage reflection analysis discernment ...
Henry Thornton

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Australian bushfires on Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera

Ambit Gambit Last night I was interviewed by TRT – Turkey’s answer to Al Jazeera – on a panel moderated by Adnan Azwaz on the Australian fires. My fellow panellists were Professor Mark Howden and Tony Kevin. Azwaz did a good job, and his courteous approach to moderation could teach Tony Jones a thing or two, although he […]

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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Father Biden repeatedly claims to have never discussed his son's 'overseas business dealings' with him. The Biden election campaign has also denied that the meeting ever took place.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 5 comments
The Declaration has special significance. It was written at the end of the Second World War, and is imbued with the triumphal tone of victory.
Law & Liberties - Don Aitkin - 8 comments

Monday, October 19, 2020

Many are coming to the defence of the NSW Premier following her outing as a consort of the corrupt. Their arguments in her favour, all five of them, are without merit.
Law & Liberties - Paul Collits - 13 comments
In July 2017, two journalists working for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Dan Oakes and Sam Clark, wrote of a stash of incriminating documents, running into hundreds of pages.
Law & Liberties - Binoy Kampmark - 6 comments

Friday, October 16, 2020

China and the United States have virtually entered the Cold War, which was ignited by the CCP. The CCP has carried out three nuclear threat operations this year.
International - Chin Jin - 35 comments
Many psychiatrists and psychologists who have analyzed his behavior, public utterances, and tweets have unanimously concluded that Trump is a psychopath, a pathological liar, uncompassionate, narcissist, greedy, and shallow.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 45 comments

Thursday, October 15, 2020

In a way it is encouraging that the government has thrown away the book on neo-liberal orthodoxy.
Economics - Tristan Ewins - 8 comments
Biden insulted the voters' intelligence by refusing to disclose his intentions on packing the Supreme Court.
International - David Singer - 16 comments

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Currently arts degrees cost around $21,000 but thanks to Rebekha Sharkie MP and Senator Stirling Griff from the SA Centre Alliance, the total cost of an Arts degree will be around $45,000 or more.
Education - Malcolm King - 19 comments
Doubt about the veracity of biblical texts could have been ameliorated if English scholars were not so blind to German biblical research.
Religion & Spirituality - Peter Sellick - 10 comments

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Such elevated, muscularly vested officers would have the power to detain anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or anyone who had been in close contact with a positive case and who they 'reasonably believed' would fail to self-quarantine.
Law & Liberties - Binoy Kampmark - 3 comments
A big problem is that citizens have widely become tired of restrictions and want to resume normal social and working lives.
Health - Brendan O'Reilly - 8 comments

Monday, October 12, 2020

In Australia the total known cases for people under 50 is 17,980. Total deaths is 5. This leads to a case fatality rate of 0.00028.
Health - Rhys Jones - 25 comments
A range of cross-cultural data has shown that Australians are today less engaged in community life than ever before, and also more likely to adopt 'individualistic' social values.
Health - Ashley Humphrey - 3 comments

Friday, October 9, 2020

The post-CCP China will certainly endure disturbance and chaos, and will need the US-led coalition to help keep order in its transition.
International - Chin Jin - 10 comments
On September 2, US sanctions – the sort normally reserved for fully fledged terrorists and decorated drug traffickers – were imposed on the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda and her colleague Phakiso Mochochoko.
International - Binoy Kampmark - 5 comments

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Flood, drought, fires and a global pandemic are met with invisible strength but visible support.
Economics - Michael Knox - 6 comments
Pell in this context is seen as more of a hero being treated badly by the Vatican's
Religion & Spirituality - Keith Suter - 13 comments

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

What is now of real concern is that increasingly ADB-funded projects in PNG have been awarded to a small group of PRC construction companies.
International - Jeffrey Wall - 12 comments
The discussion about mining the Moon resembles that of previous conquests: the division of territory; the grabbing of resources; language of theft and plunder.
Economics - Binoy Kampmark - 8 comments

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

We need to ensure our kids are not priced out of the labour market in this budget - here is one solution
Economics - Peter Fenwick - 14 comments
George Pell is seldom out of the news, even when he is simply taking a pretty uneventful plane ride. His latest flight has taken a dramatic turn.
Law & Liberties - Paul Collits - 32 comments

Monday, October 5, 2020

The tensions over the appointment of a new judge to the US Supreme Court should give us pause to consider the value of norms in our own political institutions.
Political Philosophy - Rob Gascoigne - 3 comments
At least one diocese in Australia is showing itself to have become prey to secularist progressive ideology. There may well be others.
Religion & Spirituality - Paul Collits - 8 comments

Friday, October 2, 2020

Over the past few months I have become more and more aware of, interested even, in what passes for advertising on our commercial TV channels, and on the SBS as well.
Media - Don Aitkin - 25 comments
It is time to analyse the ethical dimensions of the Prespa Agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and the Hellenic Republic and the decline of parliamentary democracy in the West in a post truth era.
International - Ordan Andreevski - 3 comments

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Annastacia Palaszczuk’s tough border policies are winning support from up to three quarters of Queenslanders but that might not be enough in itself to clinch the October 31 election.
Domestic Politics - Graham Young - 15 comments
Kosovo became the youngest country in Europe when it declared independence in 2008. Sadly though, Kosovo continues to suffer from mounting problems.
International - Alon Ben-Meir - 6 comments

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

China has been buying a lot of US crude oil lately, perhaps in a belated attempt to fulfill some of the energy import quotas agreed with Washington last year.
Economics - Irina Slav - 9 comments
The PLO's continuing refusal to negotiate with Israel on President Trump's Peace Plan sees West Bank and Gazan Arabs remaining captive to accepting these disastrous PLO decisions without any rights to vote or emigrate.
International - David Singer - 7 comments

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

He was very much one of those cricketers who made the pulse race, a figure for the advocates of a faster variant of the game. Nothing of the solid blocker in the man, though he could, if needed, linger at the crease.
Sport - Binoy Kampmark - 9 comments
As well as being profoundly irrational and damaging to our freedom and to our economy, elements of the Australian lockdowns may well be unlawful.
Law & Liberties - Augusto Zimmermann - 21 comments

Monday, September 28, 2020

A hero in Namibian history, Presgrave should be recognised and remembered by Australians too
Nation Building - Peter Curson - 2 comments
The objective is to force Facebook to alter its hate speech definition so that its own “detection algorithm” will characterize any criticism of Israel as hate speech.
Law & Liberties - Neve Gordon - 5 comments

Friday, September 25, 2020

Ever since the Romans, standing armies have been viewed with deep suspicion. They are expensive to maintain, which often leads to onerous taxation, and they have an appalling record as instruments of oppression.
Law & Liberties - David Leyonhjelm - 34 comments
If Australia's relationship with China continues to deteriorate, part of Beijing's response could be to put more effort into challenging our strategic interests in our immediate region.
International - Jeffrey Wall - 18 comments

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The most inconvenient obstacles to the Left's vision of social revolution are economic liberty, the proven institutions of traditional family, national patriotism and Christianity & objective morality.
International - David Pellowe - 19 comments
The study of art doesn't just offer boosts to academic abilities, the benefits extend to matters of healthy socialization, personal development, and even physical precision.
Education - Neve Spicer - 19 comments

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

The doyen of city planning, Jane Jacobs, was not herself a trained town planner, nor was she a university graduate.
Nation Building - Ross Elliott - 3 comments
It occurred to me at the time that a new thing had occurred, that the national interest was now the basis of all policy. What more do you need?
Religion & Spirituality - Peter Sellick - 22 comments

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

The quarantine experience upon arrival into Australia - from exiting the plane (with 34 passengers total) to the quarantine hotel is rife with gaps, omissions and a policy that is flawed.
Health - J Bond - 8 comments
The streamliner hates accountability, attacks the world of red tape and suggests that barriers be removed. Cut the tape; free the decision maker.
Economics - Binoy Kampmark - 5 comments


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