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Australian health union leader pleads guilty to corruption

While they were imposing poverty-level wages and dire conditions on the workers they falsely claim to represent, several Health Services Union were looting the organisation’s treasury for their own purposes.

Cheryl Crisp

Tesla: The cognizable, knowable scientist and visionary

Written and directed by Michael Almereyda, Tesla is a drama about the life of Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), a remarkable figure. Ethan Hawke plays Tesla.

Joanne Laurier

Pandemic fuels class struggle across Africa

The working class is manifesting its discontent with the situation in a resurgent wave of political radicalisation that had briefly abated after the onset of the pandemic.

Jean Shaoul

UK at “perilous moment” with NHS unable to cope

Treatment and care for the victims of the government’s herd immunity strategy is under threat, with the NHS facing a “triple whammy” of staff burnout, a massive backlog of treatment built-up during the pandemic, and a huge surge of COVID-19.

Rory Woods

Trump’s “herd immunity” policy and right-wing terror

On Tuesday, Newsweek reported that two Trump administration officials said the White House supports the Great Barrington Declaration, a statement advocating for the mass infection of the population with COVID-19 through a policy of “herd immunity.”

Andre Damon

US Postal Service workers, privatization, and the defense of democratic rights

With the far-advanced campaign to privatize the US Postal Service (USPS), unsafe work conditions during the pandemic, and Trump railing against the “fraudulent” mail-in balloting serviced by USPS, postal workers confront a crucial battle defend the basic social and democratic rights of the entire working class.

Shuvu Batta, Kayla Costa

Civil war elections in Bolivia

Áñez is using her state position to outlaw the MAS opposition and mobilize fascistic forces among the military against the working masses.

Tomas Castanheira

Workers Struggles: The Americas

Workers set up road blocks across Costa Rica over government talks with the IMF while at least two university students in Haiti have died during protests over lack of job openings for graduates.

As pandemic surges worldwide, governments resist new lockdowns, step up back-to-work drive

The world is seeing a resurgence of the pandemic as daily cases of COVID-19 reach record highs. Governments internationally are rejecting future lockdowns and instead are continuing the homicidal policy of “herd immunity,” which sacrifices potentially millions of lives to protect the profits and wealth of the ruling elites.

Benjamin Mateus

350,000 US education jobs slashed in September

The mass layoffs come four months after an unprecedented 1.4 million education layoffs as a result of the pandemic, and are the tip of the iceberg with no federal aid on the horizon.

Renae Cassimeda

This week in history: October 12-18

25 years ago: Million Man March in Washington, DCOn October 16, 1995, hundreds of thousands of people turned out on the National Mall in Washington, DC for the Million Man March, called by Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam.

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